What does Zig Forums think about race realism? Is it true? Does it matter if true or not?
IMO it's probably true to some extent, but it doesn't excuse the exploitative economic system we currently live under.
What does Zig Forums think about race realism? Is it true? Does it matter if true or not?
IMO it's probably true to some extent, but it doesn't excuse the exploitative economic system we currently live under.
im not an ancom it's a picture i found on here
Honestly, there could be something to it… sort of.
The whole issue is muddled because 'race' is not legitimate taxonomic division. But that doesn't preclude the existence of socially significant variation in genotypes frequency between human populations.
We will know one war or another in 5-10 years once there have been numerous Genome Wide Association Studies on different populations.
you mean racism?
I doubt it heavily based on personal experience
no, it doesn't
fuck off
'race realism' is for brainlets
These people are obsessed with states, fuck states, states are not instantly good if they have white people in it. Race exists if you want it to. No, you can’t stop white people from becoming a minority. They’ll just have to pray we don’t commit Haiti II on their racist cracker asses.
No and no. It's mostly academic bullshittery, but even if it wasn't (to any extent that is actually possible), the idea that tabula rasa is an inherent part of far left politics is a patent falsehood. A less capable person is no less entitled to human dignity.
These are brainlet takes
Race realism (racism) is an ideology created by losers to feel better about them selves.
It is of the upmost importance that you and those who think like you are legislated against!
That's why people describe to it, but it has origins in bourgeois ideology. Specifically, dysgenic theory that effectively contradicts Darwinian evolution.
Subscribe. Jesus I'm retarded.
Pretty sure you can oppose reactionary ideology without "dude kill whitey lmao".
honestly, why oppose right wingers setting up their fucking turnip farm in the middle of nowhere? let them set up their ethno state, all 500 of them from all over the world who'd actually commit, and spend the rest of their lives in obscurity regretting it and.. farming turnips?
about race realism itself, yeah its true, how could it not be true, different geography selects different mutations which is why africans always win those sprinting things, they had to run away from lions for a long time and euros win at inventing literally every single invention ever, they needed more tools and shelters and clothing during ice age europe
but the reason its irrelevant is you have a trillion more factors and focusing on just one like that out of proportion will screw up the whole thing
not even to mention genetic engineering
Not whitey, but crackers. There’s a difference between a human with white skin and a cracker.
Absolutely. But absolutely everything that is meant by NutSacs when they use the term on imageboards is false, down to the fundamentals of it.
Adaptive explanations for intelligence don't make much sense because I Q measures general intelligence. Theoretically, all human environments select for higher g factor.
Even athleticism lacks any evidence for a link in genetics and race, and yes, people have looked.
That's just an inverse No True Scotsman argument.
eh, i dont give a shit but if it works everywhere from animals to agriculture why would it magically stop at the neck? why would euros invent all the inventions? why would blacks win all the running stuff? why would twin studies and adoption studies demonstrate to us that even if you radically change environmental factors, the results still correlate with genetics much more strongly?
anyway as i said, it is all a minor thing in the grand scheme of things and i honestly dont give a shit, especially with tech such as genetic engineering making it utterly obsolete
but its just intellectual dishonesty pretending everyone particle accelerator research institutions are staffed with subsaharan africans or idk, especially when it is such a western european thing that no one else gives a shit, racial equality doesnt have that scientific universalism like when trigonometry works the same way in china like it does in india and antarctica and so on, same with 'science' on racial equality, it is a westerner sacred cow everyone else freely pokes holes in
races arent equal but not only it doesnt matter, everyone but westerners moved on and dont even care anymore
don't think so, i think it has to do with primitive tribalism mixed with being a loser.
We're all tribal, its instinctive we evolved that way but like many other primitive instincts we override this because we don't need it.
Who ordains arbitration ?
Cut the disingenuous memery. Not all skepticism of racial ideology is liberal political correctness, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
Racial ideology is much more prevalent outside of the Western world, though. Korea is a key example.
The most passive-aggressive OP.
'You know, it probably doesn't matter, but I thought I'd make a thread about it anyways.'
we had this debate a million time here already and i remember asking BO to make a sticker about it so we don't have to write the same things over and over to stormtards. but he didn't.
no, its completely subjective.
no. an Asian, black or what ever cand do exactly what you're doing.
not all blacks are fast runners, not all whites are smart/creative, not all Asians are short….
Saying that X "race" is limited to Y characteristic goes against Darwinism/evolution and is unscientific to say the least.
this opinion is usually held by people of mediocre intelligence unable to see the world in its nuances and complexity.
they need to see the world in binary, good vs bad, us vs them, black vs white.
a dumbed down world view because they're unable to see it any other way.
korea is more fucking western than most of the geographically western world
when i said western, i also thought of.. australia, israel etc
i just think it looks bad and is intellectually dishonest and ruins any pretense at credibility when people pretend same mutations survive alpine and tropical environment
it is pure western liberal political correctness that no one else gives a shit about
reality correlates with it faaaaaaaaaaaaar far more than 'all equal' liberal bullshit
i mean where the fuck do you even start with all races being equal? sure as fuck not in history, or biology, or genetics, or anything, there exist not a single reason for races to be equal
this is race creationism, religious dogma, suppressing the facts and shaming heretics
why would the exact fucking same mutations equally propagate in ice age alpine climate and tropical climate???
and even during, say, running competitions these pro athletes are going up against other guys where it comes down to fractions of a second, so usain bolt or whoever is 0.3 seconds faster than the white french guy.
This is close to devolving into an argument over what "western" means.
That is not the fucking point of the criticism. Of course adaptations like skin melanin and lactose tolerance exist, but how general intelligence is defined makes an adaptive theory illogical and contradictory to the idea of evolutionary fitness.
wonder how come the brightest of our (liberal) academia cant figure this race as anything more than an optical illusion yet the people in prisons seem to figure it out in fraction of a second
idk what to say, you are full of shit my dude, high grade liberal politically correct shit for brain
god of equality created all races equally mmkay all featherless bypeds are exactly the same and it is known that vast geographical differences over thousands of years that mattered because evolutionary pressure wasnt neutralized by social/welfare security nets wasnt around simply didnt happen!
ok lets use your picture as an example, they're all black, why arent they all running at the same speed/pace
how is it ok to split it on a racial basis (black is faster than white) but we cant just see it as based on each individual? Are the other men in that picture not "as black" as the one in the lead?
It makes no fucking sense smoothbrain.
I dont mind it but it seems to me that most people that are a proponent of it have deep rooted distaste for "X"race which causes them to argue it from a position of motivated reasoning,
People aren't created equally, but not all means of differentiation are equally meaningful. You literally do not understand how cognitive psychiatry works and are making assumptions about it based on fee-fees, while having the nerve to call others PC untruth tellers.
friendo, the smooth brain is you
you don't know what you don't know
Zig Forums concern troll confirmed
ok, lets start from the basics
solar radiation, aka sunlight, causes R A N D O M mutations which is why individuals are roughly the same (2 eyes, 5 fingers per hand etc) but they slightly vary because of the slight damages to dna
exposing a genome (few basic cells that develop into all other cells) to a massive radiation causes irreversible fucked up shit tho, but sunlight is mild enough not to cause turbocancer 4000
ok now these accumulate over time, and again every copy is slightly different
different copies work better in different environments, some copies are better than others in certain environments, so geography selects them stronger (aka natural selection)
there, people also call this process evolution
now its your turn to tell me about your equality god who created all races equally
ill take evolution over (race) creationism any day
literally not even worth changing an ip address, getting banned over race creationism, leftists are a fucking joke and identical to liberals on almost all issues
So you admit you came here to proselytize about your I Q religion? We have heard it a trillion times, your entire argument is an appeal to your own biases, so you accuse others of doing the same to poison the well.
>b-but it feels likely
And contradicts the generally accepted definition of intelligence.
but perhaps not equally. I don't think you understand selection.
Fuck off, Zig Forums.
Yes it's true, no it doesn't matter.
go away ⛏️rotsky
no fuck you and your dead grandparents