part of me wants Republicans to completely take control of America, destroy all social programs, privatize e v e r y t h i n g just so the world can see what an abysmal failure it would be. What's the best example of right wingers just completely destroying an economy? Margaret Thatcher's conservative UK?
Part of me wants Republicans to completely take control of America, destroy all social programs...
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Well, Trump is the most progressive choice, because he wants to reign in interventionism and go full pragmatic instead of upholding the World Order.
Even if he stabilizes America (which he can, because in order to do so, American capitalism needs to consume other countries' markets) he would still collapse neoliberalism with no survivors.
honestly, would improve things over the current system of making half of the economy public and giving those public contracts and funds away to wealthy bankers, both are bad, current system is a catastrophe, what you suggest would be a slight improvement it would get at least one layer of corruption out of people's lives
Privatizing everything would not be better. It would be worse. And there's a real-life example of this which is Von Ormy, Texas.
Basically this group of ideologues led by a local libertarian lawyer converted Van Ormy into a "liberty city" which cut taxes to near-zero and tried to attract business to compensate (which would then put money into the city via sales taxes) but oil prices declined – the town was not
far from a large shale oil field – and the whole thing collapsed as no businesses wanted to invest. The town went bankrupt, stray dogs roamed the streets, the police and fire departments closed, and the people in this formerly alright town turned on each other – and a former mayor who was once a true believer said: "This is one of the worst things I’ve ever done. I’m going as far away from Von Ormy as I can.”
Literally Bioshock-tier lmao
damn thank you for this, I had never even heard of it. Will be nice to bring up next time I get in an argument with my libertarian coworker.
i am starting to severely doubt economy has anything to do with centralization or privatization
look at centralization: you have both utter success and pinnacle of industrialization and also hellish hellscapes of hell, starvation, slavery
now look at privatization: you can also have a flowering economy of small business owners and private professionals where everyone is a petit burgeroni and also cop tyranny of starvation, slavery etc
it simply has to do with competence, if central authority is competent AND physical resources are there, economy can boom
for privatized again if it has physical resources AND people are competent, you will have thousands of people competing to give you a competent service at the lowest price possible til basically everyone found a niche for himself and is happy
so it has to be something else i just didnt figure out what
LOL you actually think Republicans and democrats aren't on the same team? C'mon user, wake up.
is that what I said? Stop trying to appear woke. Of course everyone on this board knows they're on the same team. Democrats are just slightly less shit than their conservative counterparts.
I mean, Reagan and Bush both ended with massive recessions.
Anyway, accelerationism is dumb.
Accelerationism wouldn't work in the US. American economic consensus is Austrian/Chicago school recreational-nuke autism, so they fetishize their own suffering. Temporarily embarrassed millionaires and so on.
They have the same general interest and goals, but they have political differences:
Conservatives (Neocons and Neolibs), Rightwing reformers (Trump or Libertarians), Leftwing reformers (Bernie) in a nutshell, and they are definitely not the same.
I mean kansas would be the most obvious example.
Free market fundamentalism is a dying ideal on the right. Most of the alt right for example are 70s social democrats on economic issues. Some are even all out state capitalists.
They aren't though. In true fascist fashion they occasionally talk as though they are but in the end they will always side with capital.
These people are very rare in the aut-right. Most of them are Dunning-Krueger lumpens that literally want zero taxes and economic regulation.
the alt right is characterised by one thing most of all - pathological lying, even to themselves
so that "70s social democratic" shit will go to the trash the moment they come in power
they will lick boots, and they will do it with gusto
Most of them don't know and/ or care about economics. They unironically think Socialism is when the gov. does stuff.
at least there were no baboons
One more argument for full cybercommunism without mediators