Anti-immigration leftists will defend this.
Inb4 immigrants aren't working class
Inb4 there are differences between proles and some are more deserving than others
Inb4 immigrant children are scabs
Anti-immigration leftists will defend this.
Inb4 immigrants aren't working class
Inb4 there are differences between proles and some are more deserving than others
Inb4 immigrant children are scabs
muh chillunz
You can question open borders while acknowledging that the burger treatment of illegal immigrants is inhumane.
This shit makes me so fucking unironically angry. It's like the slaughter of the Innocents. America deserves to fucking burn to the ground and every American deserves to burn to death. This country is filth and its sins are immeasurable.
isn't that image from a protest and not what the US government is actually doing, though?
take a chill pill pablo Fernando Gutierrez
not only do the open borders hurt the working class
but the nature of scarcity economics demands strict and disciplined management of all resources till communism solves this
and for this to happen, not only do you need imperialism and capitalism to accumulates capital, you also need the most highly skilled and highly educated technical experts who can develop the means of production
if this means 3/4s of 9/10s of the planet starving to death, so be it
its communism or barbarism, feeding that kid today would just create 10 or 20 more of the same crying kids down the line tomorrow
genuine question and I don't mean to sound rude
are you retarded?
I seriously cannot wait until the nukes start to fly and the first world is reduced to an irradiated wasteland. It will be hilarious to see "people" like you amass at the borders of those places you once derided as "third world" only to be turned away and die painfully. Filth. That is what you are. Pure filth. Fucking end yourself before history does. It will be a lot less painful for you.
I told you guys the nazbol memes were gonna hurt in the long run
we should have listened to you
but they were too good
and how do you plan to develop means of production? out of mud? dialectics clearly demands this, marx explained it to you that first world will develop the mop in the first world because of this
exerting yourself to help these helpless cases is extremely irresponsible and harmful to the revolution because of historical conditions of pre-communism scarce economies
if you want to stop the revolution every time a kid cries, you should be shot along with the liberals
communism & revolution > all the damn kids crying, literally all of the children crying at the same time to death
Yes. Let's assume a socialist state.
It varies.
Of course! If they would be as deserving as the others, their motherland would be a socialist state too. Considering it isn't, their acceptance would only degrade socialism in their host country.
Morality is a spook. There is only the interest of the working class. If cannibalism would be essential for its survival, cooking them for dinner would go too.
Blame the parents, it's not the kids fault dad and mom decided to jump the border
As for a capitalist state, it's Capitalists' call what to do with immigration in accordance to their interests. Immigration destroys labour movement and organised labour, but it also undermines capitalism beckoning its' collapse in various ways, so it's their call.
Correct. This photo is from a pro-immigration rally in Dallas. It's akin to a "die in" where protesters lay down and act dead and that kind of thing.
I'm of two minds about this. On the one hand, I've seen inside an immigration holding cell in El Paso and it wasn't a happy sight. Teenagers looking glum and sitting inside a dirty room lit under fluorescent lighting a few hallways away from this panopticon-like control center where this group of people sat around monitoring cameras of the major border crossings in the city. I was doing journalistic work which is why I got access. It was dystopian and depressing. At the same time, there is no country in the world that just tolerates open borders and there are real concerns with human trafficking, wildlife trafficking, drug trafficking, and so on that liberals kinda dance around.
why do I have the suspicion you don't understand socialist theory at all, much less marx and engels
this is bait, isn't it
i do reckon we're bein taken on a ruse cruise christanon
Clearly life in the US is sufficiently good for them to risk their kids being locked in cages without them on the off chance they got caught.
Except that's probably what will happen anyway - not as an ironic punishment for being opposed to immigration, but simply because Third Worlders don't care as much about spooks like "human rights" as Westerners do.
At best we'll all end up rotting in a refugee camp close to the border and regularly abused by the military guards and whatever organised crime group governs the camp. Again, not as part of an ironic punishment, but simply because that's how life works in those countries.
Implying they wouldn't do this even if we were open borders.
At the end of the day it's manufactured outrage for liberals that want to believe that Trump really, sincerely, actually is Hitler 2.0.
Where's the outrage by these journalists and libs at the starving children in Yemen? Or the children blown to pieces by drones in the Middle East and written off as "collateral damage'"? Funny that they're not spazzing out on Twitter and at press conferences over those.
Yes just like those amazon warehouse workers love peeing in bottles and wearing diapers to meet productivity goals, they are doing this 100% voluntarily
Pro-immigration leftists will defend this form of child endangerment.
Bitch who are you quoting
Terrible and sad!
I wonder. You may not be a boomer but you are sure are acting like one. Pic mildly related.
It was all fine and good but then whitey showed up and everything was ruined…
To get closer to the people who made their land a living nightmare of course, like how all those Syrian refugees were fleeing to ISIS territory.
G C E Am (just strum as fast as you can)
Do you like the socially-aware punk rock song I just wrote?
Forgot to add the bridge at:
E (pm)
Am (pm)
Fucked up innit. It doesn't really have much of a point beyond inflicting pain on the families already present in the US to discourage new immigrants, and encourage self-deportation.
At the point where harming children becomes a policy tool…
These are strawmen. We ought to take full military control over the migration stream from start to finish, so that the natural evolution happens in a controlled and safe manner. Immigration is good. I'd like to see a lot more of it, but controlling our borders is a necessary part of that.
It's of course preferable to address the problems at their core. Improve the living conditions of people in the backwards countries. The west ought to take radical steps to make this a reality. This can go hand in hand with stabilizing the migration stream.
Now that is quite the shame.
All that holding children in what amounts to detention camps is going to accomplish is thousands of kids whose earliest memories are going to be how America traumatised and mistreated them.
As we have seen from Americas many failed expeditions overseas, this inevitably results in people that are going to grow up hating America and may very well seek to harm it via terrorist actions once they are adults.
The far better way to handle this would have been to send the children to specially build state education facilities where they could be raised by the sate until adulthood.
At the very least then you could turn them into loyal and productive citizens that way.
But of-course America yet again takes the option that harms itself in the present and will continue to harm it for generations to come.
America has already fallen upon its own sword, it is currently just clinging to its rapidly fading life while sliding down the blade.
If you're anti immigration you're a piece of shit and not a leftist.
8/8 b8
This. America doesn't learn. They already did this with the Japanese, but this time the stakes are much higher, since they are alienating a huge and growing segment of the population.
That just seems like a recipe for mentors raping children, it'll be Catholicism all over again.
Why? What is good about people having to move out of their homeland, away from their towns and their family, to a place they do not understand?
99.999% of the immigration that exists is economic in nature, and there is nothing good about that. Hardly any people statistically ever move to a country out of appreciation of that country or for love.
Waar heeft de pastoor je aangeraakt?
I'm hungry and need to eat to survive. None of us are saints. Time for some delicious roast infant!
Sounds better with Em to Am rather than E to Am tbh
Damn, turns out Karl Marx wasn't a leftist.
Yeah, why can't they just sit back while their country is colonized.
dunno what they expected
America is the only thing endangering those children.
Nah, it's their parents. Unless you think Americans should just do nothing while their country becomes Mexico.
They shouldn't do nothing. They should off themselves to make the process easier.
America is reason Mexico and every other country in Latin America is filled with violence and poverty. Americans need to just go away.
Nah, it's genetics.
Well, at least you understand allowing non-white hordes to just walk into their nation would have the same effect as national suicide. I always thought the left generally didn't understand that.
If you defend this shit because Marx once wrote something about immigration being bad, you're a literal fucking retard
Even if Americans didn't support those coups, the situation would be the same. This is 100% down to genetics. Allowing their population to inebriate themselves wouldn't help, nor would opening the border to the brown hordes.
Dats raycis!
They actually are scabs though, or at least their parents are. Trump isn't doing anything wrong in putting them into camps to be sent back. It's better than the alternative, which is banning them from all government buildings (including schools and hospitals like California tried to do in 1994 via Prop 187).
Most of the "innocent families" aren't looking for asylum, they're looking for work. Which is why nobody got serious about immigration until Trump took office, because orthodox Republican policy is to tolerate illegal immigration because it drops the cost of labor. This is explicitly the policy followed by both Presidents Nixon and Reagan, both of whom are Californians serving Californian farmers who bankrolled their campaigns. Pic extremely related, farmers know they hire illegals and actively encourage it.
Likewise the problem doesn't just stop at the border, Mexico itself has a major migration problem because their ruling party is also open to total borders because they can just ban illegal central american immigrants from schools and hospitals, creating a permanent underclass that can itself be freely exploited while also pushing down wages for regular workers.
People have a right to liberty, but they don't have a right to scab (at least not until the Janus decision comes down). Remember that it is these illegal immigrants that were deliberately imported to destroy and mitigate the power of the United Farm Workers. They're anti-revolutionary, even if the people taking them back are also anti-revolutionary Zig Forumstards.
Does someone other than porky own the media? B/c they're uniformly talking about how evil it is to enforce borders.
Sorry, bro; it's true.
Shut the hell up you racist fuck
straight up, in 40s years from now kids will learn about this in history classes and ask you how you could of let this happen
All these Christians should be on the side of America like the rest of these social reactionaries. Just look at the reasoning as to why America is doing this:
Not really. There are only two paths here. In 40 years white people will be a minority in America, and most people functionally illiterate, so they won't likely remember this, as a society. Or white people will wake up and reclaim America, in which case this will either be forgotten or be seen as a good thing (which it is).
fuck off
Well, it probably is "racist," but is it bullshit? Are white Americans not becoming a minority? Aren't they been demographically replaced by races that have exclusively created functionally illiterate societies?
Every media outlet in America is treating ICE with kids gloves.
Name a single major news publication or journalist with mainstream popularity calling for open borders. The closest you'll get are people like Chris Hayes who criticize ICE but still believe in borders nonetheless.
They believe in "borders" and most or all left wing parties in the western world believe in "borders" too, but then they'll say any enforcement of borders or any restriction to the current insane immigration and asylum policies are racist or against human rights or whatever; so, in practice, they support open borders, even though few would actually put it in those terms.
American protestants are satanic. Do not ever compare christcoms to them again.
That just means they're criticizing ICE (which is undisputedly a racist organization violating human rights) not a call for an end to all borders. If you don't like that then blame the government for being so overtly cruel and racist with their deportation policy.
So in other words no mainstream journalist actually supports open borders so your going to pretend they all secretly do to justify your paranoia. got it.
Yea, all this deeply triggering and problematic shit is why I'll never be pro-immigration.
If you hate our countries so much then don't come here.
The problem is "racism" is a pretty expansive concept so I don't really know what you mean. Isn't the very existence of America "racist"? Either because it's a country started by white men conquering land that de facto belonged to non-whites, generally with the explicit intent of building a white country, or simply because it remains majority white for now? If such a country is the target of undesirable and large scale immigration by non-whites, is there anything that could be done to counter that that wouldn't be "racist"?
If you don't hate America you cannot call yourself a leftist.
Listen up you stupid Chapo retards, I know you have a hard on from the last ep but this really isn’t the hill you want to die on. The Chapo guys went on and on about how people are too naive and don’t understand that the objective is to defeat the right wing, then turn around and whine about an issue that Americans are united on. Get a fucking grip you morons. We will never win power by crying over illegal immigrants, the DNC has proved that and I am certain that they will prove it again in 2020 simply because the reality is that the vast majority of illegals are an economic drain on the working man and (ironically) a boon for the small business owners that the Chapo liberals endlessly bitch about. The American left is doomed because your idols are half-literate liberals that have never worked a day in their lives. Those that live in genuine poverty do not even have time to think about this shit. Do you really think that your average wageslave will draw parallels between this and the Holocaust- and if you do it for them, that they would even care? Blow me. Looks like now that the Russia thing has died down, liberals have found their new soon to have failed attack vector on reactionaries. If you are actually interested in seeing this immigration policy changed, then focus on what really matters, not this and tranny bathrooms. Some times I think the D SA is a psyop what with their unending debate over the f-word and the r-word over the recruitment of potential voters in swing states.
A Christian is still a Christian, Satanists are on the right track though, the Satanic Bible is basically babies first "The Ego and it's Own"
yes but it's a racism that liberals have grown to accept. And it's besides the point.
you say target as if there was a large-scale conspiracy to move these people into America when in reality everything that's happening is a natural consequence of capitalism and US foreign policy.
This is literally baboon meme image.
Sometimes I wonder why I even come here anymore. I can't tell if this stupidity is ironic, or this board really has gone full Reddit-tier in terms of user base.
Gee who would of guessed, idpolers signal boosting a photo completely out of context on twitter for socjus brownie points.
the photo doesn't matter considering they are still children being put in cages
It's all so tiring.
Knowing racism is a relatively new concept, I'd say it's a racism they've just started to condemn.
I don't think it is. If similar groups of Americans were to organize this kind of immigration into Japan, I think we'd all understand there'd be nothing immoral or "racist" when Japan adamantly protected its borders and kicked the last American family out. The condemnation of white countries for protecting their borders is entirely rooted on the idea it's evil (or "racist") for white people to have any conception of themselves as such and to desire demographically stable countries where they can have cohesive communities.
Immigrants are scabs you faggot.
Immigration is hurting Mexico by draining it of labor pools thus hindering Industrialization and the development of productive forces.
In 40 years textbooks will state that only rapists and racists crossed the border and BASED NUMBER 45 sent them back where they jointed a communist death squad after PRI stole the election. This chapter will precede the chapter about the Mexico becoming a US territory and being de-spanishified like we did to the Philippines and Puerto Rico which will be #52 and #51 respectively. Duerte will also be President by this point and anyone disagreeing with him will be cast as a racist.
(I'm at least half serious, with Mexico likely being socialist in the near future it's likely all future socialists will be compared to rapists and racists who will be targeted for deplatforming while someone like Cruz or Rubio is President and uses race as a shield against criticism)
This is true of Africa and other 3rd world countries but obviously not Mexico, or their authorities would be collaborating with US immigration instead of the migrants. If I understand correctly, they send cheap uneducated labor and a not insignificant part of their economy is from money illegals send back, so it's pretty much win-win for them (and for the American left, and for porkies that put crying children on the news when immigration laws are enforced; only American workers lose).
The Mexican Goverment right now (PRI) are extremly corrupt and compleatly controled by American Corrperatiosna nd Cartels Both benifit from Migration in diffrent ways)
There econmy would be much bigger if those people stayed in Mexico and worked there. Leading some of themto become rich enough to be part of the national bourgieous and start industrializing Mexico.
t MAGAtard
So your saying as a White American Commie who can’t learn Spanish if my life was on the line I’m fucked?
yes especially when socialism is going to happen down south in one way or another (AMLO creating it or PRI stealing the election and a civil war happening) before it happens here
Also as an extension of this idea: to have full solidarity with the workers of mexico, gutemala, honduras etc workers can't be allowed to scab and float around different offices and take labor from each other. Every country has a right to it's own domestic industries (productive forces) that local native-born rulers can control. Illegal immigration works directly against this.
damn it sucks that porkie isnt going to be able to hold the threat of deportation over them and get them to work for 1/3 of minimum wage instead
they are being put in secure facilities to protect them from sex slavery. Illegals come without any legal documentation. How are we to know if these "families" are really related and not just a horrific child sex slavery ring