People of light psyop?

Zig Forums is up to their usual shitty tricks. They are calling white people "people of light" just like dark people are "people of color" - how are we going to counter this?

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Who cares

but light is literally colour?

they argue that the definition excludes white people (which according to wikipedia, it does) so they want their own worshipful term - hence "people of light"

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they also have drumpf memes where the white devil has a bunch of white children around him

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Who cares? It's vacuous social media burger race-aping. We have no stake in it.

haha troll the libs epic style

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I wonder if they know that there's a certain inherent danger to doing this.

At least let's go with bad play of words :
"people of light" vs "people of colon"
"people of light" vs "people of the cave"
(too lazy to make funny drawings along with these)

Sounds harmful to SJWs who unironically think referring to black people and asians as colored people (people of color) is a good thing. Let Zig Forums do this. We're not worse off from it, but liberals will feel it.

what's the danger? you mean like an ethnic conflict?

i would lose my shit if Zig Forums used this to refer to blacks


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But white people were the cave dwellers. That's how they got so light. Like vampires.


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I don't get these. What do colons and caves have anything to do with race? Everyone has colons, and caves are comfy. Pic related.

What's wrong with cave-dwelling? Any race can do it.

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I don't see the problem here?

I'm just joking. Nothing wrong with being light skinned either. Mexicans start off relatively light skinned but end up darker than a paper bag and yet you don't hear about all of them dieing from Melanoma. Mind over matter.

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we are people of the snow, SWEETIES

Eskimoes are snow people but they aren't light skinned. Face it. You're Nosferatu cave people.

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lighter than you, Jajimbwe

This is starting to smell like liberalism.

Europeans are the people of the shadows, we are light because we live in the shadow of the clouds. and because a long term highly agricultural diet of primarily grains, which lacks vitamin D, added extra selective pressure towards light skin, hence why east Asians (who eat rice) are also light skinned.

I wish.

Nake mole rats? Better evolutionary comparison?

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Hiding from The Sun and eating shit food. Sounds like the right recipe.

That's actually cool as fuck, Eden does mean enclosure.

I mean danger from a propaganda perspective. This is their, what, 5th psy-op this year? People are starting to know shit like this when they see it. With every act of propaganda, the collective emotional "entropy" of society increases. Even if they cover their tracks with a "it's a leftist pretending to be us!" defense, you pull that card too often and you're now in the position liberals are when they call everyone else a Nazi.

Better alternative than staying in the sun so much that you need to develop anti-cancer skin and continuing to bash each other head in over berries and deer.
You racist piece of shit.

it's not a psyop

people of the color brow. like to distinguish themselves from us, we are merely reciprocating

Then why do adverts work? This 'collective emotional entropy' sounds like pseudo-intellectual nonsense you pulled out of your ass.

Well shit

well snow….

Whatever makes you feel better.

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What's wrong with African-American's humor? They're funny, black twitter is the best!

It is american. It is unintelligent, chauvinistic, racist, sexist, problematic, classist and unfunny.

What did you mean by that?

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Like clockwork.
All americans are unintelligent. Its because of the lead you put in your water and the braindamage you get from not vaccinating.

This American hate meme needs to die, it's actually really racist nowadays. Next you'll say that we're getting even dumber as demographics change like some aut-rite fuckboy.

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America is a white supremacist nation and has been since muh colonialism, fuck head

You just a aut-rite trolling. Right?

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No, america is a cancer upon this very planet. It is the hegemon of the capitalist system, the fascilitator of exploitation, the global enforcer of capital, the oppressor of peoples and the destroyer of cultures.

Like all americans, the only thing you can do is flap your fatflaps and scream "muh race".

You're getting more and more retarded as a nation because of a continuing destruction of your own education, your own diet, healthcare, etc

Americans are getting dumber. I hope you have a civil war so that the world can be freed of your people and your reactionairy consumerist culture.

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how do you think blacks got to america in the first place?

Also, no, race is not real. Whiteness and blackness was litterally invented by americans to justify slavery within a system that preached for equality of all men.

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Why is China getting smarter then? They have it even worse with diet and pollution.

Jimbob and Cetus running through the jungle with nets. I donno man, I just know that we are here and we just had a Black POTUS. Having control over America is our right and we can use it to save Africa.

I'm gonna have a hell of a time explaining to my people, that they ain't Black.

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Yo, that ain't funny that shit is racist af.

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Sorry mate I only speak english not america, come back when you learn to speak the lingua franca.

This is how every american I have met is.

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What the fuck is wrong with being mixed?
I can't tell the difference between white communists and white nazis. Its true, racism is in white genes.

fuck off you stupid cunt

Appearantly you think being whites makes you inherently evil according to what you just posted.

Im just here to piss off americans.

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Whites just have to take anti-racism pills, they all sick in the head from day one.

are you for real nigger?

Americans need to take the anti-racism pill. It is the only western country I know off that puts their """""Race""""" on their passport. All americans, no exception, are racist pieces of shit who can only think in terms of race, and project their retarded, stupid, backwards culture upon the whole world, thinking that their stupid idiotic nation is normal.

Your post is a clear example, an american whining about MUH WHITE POPLE

I unironically hope america gets nuked. This way we can all undo the biggest mistake humanity has ever made, and we can start over.

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Ye, we do it for other crazy white folk and racism is the biggest mental problem.

That ain't how it works else everyone would be racist. RACISM IS SYSTEMATIC.

Agreed. Next time the slaves get the Arab treatment:

See, another clear example of how racist americans are. They even deny being racist, and claim that certain races cant be racist.

Thinking more about not letting all the reactionaries from europe sail over and colonise such a resource rich area. Thinking more about a global colonisation effort by the best and brightest.

Darling, the best and the brightest was a white man from Europe, Mr. Nikola Tesla

How are you going to determine that? With Autism Level tests or something?

It's how many melonins

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I ain't no bitch tho

This is literally the most harmless thing I've seen Zig Forums try in recent memory.

He's literally Jewish you anti-Semite fuck.

It sounds stupid. They are the only ones that will ever use this. Just ignore it and it will go away. It's obviously going to fail.

I wish that white people would start calling themselves Peach or Pink or something. People of Light could just be lighter skinned people,wonder if they would try to integrate lighter hispanics ,mixed race people, and even asians. You know at one point Asians were considered to be white skinned and 'yellow' only happened over time anyway.