Elon's Latest: Utopian Anarchkiddy

Party's off fellas:
If you must know, I am a utopian anarchist of the kind best described by Iain Banks

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Wrong pic

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Grimes must be giving this dude loads of LSD and shrooms. Is she a deep state agent?

Grimes is a sleeper agent of SCOT CYBER SOC SQUAD.

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what a fucking idiot


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I, wow…

What a fucking brainlet. Don't get me wrong, Asimov is a titan of the genre and Adams is hilarious (and very leftist) but I sure as hell don't get my core beliefs from them.

And people want this man to be president

someone send him this since he likes scifi so much

for real this would be hilarious and worth a shot

take note kids, this is what happens if you don't read theory

Let's take a moment to compare the most powerful and influential men of capitalism and communism.
The most powerful men under communism were revolutionaries who led their countries through great hardship and whose thoughts and actions still influence us long after their deaths.
Who do you have with capitalism? This guy.

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good time to plug this

Might write him an email linking Banks, Assimov & Adams to Cockshott and Cybernetics, might aswell try.


Sihanouk a literal king and became a communist: I think a porky who worships technology can be won over to cybernetics.

He was also a king, not a capitalist

cybersoc gang
Operation turn Muskrat into a commie is a GO

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Are you delusional?


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but… they're the same pic

Holy shit this guy is literally just an average above-average stem student who got lucky.

Hmm, let's see what Iain M. Banks thought about the power of the free market and brave job creators like Elon…

Who cares. Fucking MKUltra the bitch I don't care.

God I hate Elon. It feels like even the reddit techie nerds are even turning on him, just like they turned on Rick and Morty. Tesla is worth twice as much as FORD. Keep hiding that SEC investigation.

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Utopian Anarchist flag when?


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what a boring read

What did he mean by this?

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Means that he never matured past 14…….
If he actually read Adam Smith and doesn't just blindly idolize him because of his status as the "father of capitalism" he wouldn't be against his workers unionizing……….

yeah looks to be fiction

There is so much wrong with this.
Why didn't you just read it in German then idiot?
"It is not, however, difficult to foresee which of the two parties (masters and workmen) must, upon all ordinary occasions, have the advantage in the dispute, and force the other into a compliance with their terms. The masters, being fewer in number, can combine much more easily; and the law, besides, authorizes, or at least does not prohibit their combinations, while it prohibits those of the workmen. We have no acts of parliament against combining to lower the price of work; but many against combining to raise it. In all such disputes the masters can hold out much longer. A landlord, a farmer, a master manufacturer, a merchant, though they did not employ a single workman, could generally live a year or two upon the stocks which they have already acquired. Many workmen could not subsist a week, few could subsist a month, and scarce any a year without employment. In the long run the workman may be as necessary to his master as his master is to him; but the necessity is not so immediate" -Wealth of Nations
What does this even mean? How is that ironic?
Capital naturally accumulates among fewer and fewer hands. It is an inevitability in capitalism.
Capitalists do not compete to serve, they compete to get more money. This is in the VERY FIRST part of the Wealth of Nations, come on now. This guy hasn't read shit.

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elon thinks that capitalism will magic the solution to inequality through technology. he also seemingly thinks that marx never had anything to say about automation and that Marx's problem with capitalism was that poor people can't afford nice things

Well he read it when he was 14, I doubt he understood shit.

When liberals read Capital they tend to focus on the more salacious parts like Marx's descriptions of working conditions and ignore basically all of the philosophy/economics. Personally I find Capital to be fairly dry and autistic. I would be a lot more surprised if Elon had read shit from pic related.

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Doesn't this just mean he's an ancap who thinks every anarchist was also an ancap?
Why are people so excited?

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I actually think Asimov was only a decent short story author.
His novels are unreadable to me, especially The Foundation series.

Either he's a boasting liar (no way!) or an idiot or both.

They are quite readable, just not very exciting.

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I'm really confused tbh

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>Wells : I am very much obliged to you, Mr. Stalin, for agreeing to see me. I was in the United States recently. I had a long conversation with President Roosevelt and tried to ascertain what his leading ideas were. Now I have come to ask you what you are doing to change the world. . .

>Stalin : Not so very much.

>Stalin : Important public men like yourself are not "common men". Of course, history alone can show how important this or that public man has been; at all events, you do not look at the world as a "common man."

>Wells : I am not pretending humility.
whole thing is crazy

it took you this long to realize?

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halfchan /lit/ is p. hilarious on this one

dat right wing salt, haha

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Stalin was one wry motherfucker, I can see why he would rub so many people the wrong way.

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Elon Musk is constantly grasping for straws. He has no idea what he is talking about and his fans can't help him now.

Imagine someone reading Capital and thinking to himself, "Wow, this Marx guy really seems to like this capitalism."

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if i were a serial killer my signature move would be putting rich people into torture chambers with the only thing they can use to escape being a pair of bootstraps to escape through a narrow opening in the ceiling.
all they'd see of me is this image on a cardboard TV with a speaker in the back where i explain the rules.
towards the end of my career i'd just slightly manipulate the torture escape game so one of them has a better chance of getting out. maybe by strangling a second prisoner with their bootstrap.
with that one being able to get out and tell the story of their survival and making it "to the top" i can argue my defense in court that i wasn't really putting them into any danger and all they had to do was pull themself up by the bootstraps.

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Are you a productive enough dude to be a TRUE socialist?

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I seek the greatest good for all, so I'm obviously a true socialist

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how is this nigga real

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Well I guess that explains why none of it sunk in, the ability to read all the big words as part of a sentence does not necessarily equate to comprehension. A basic mistake so many "smart" teenagers fall for.

This is why I love Stalin as a ancom.

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The absolute STATE of Americans

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This is the problem with encouraging people to "read Capital," if they don't read other important works on dialectical and historical materialism first, and they have shit reading comprehension anyway, they'll get nothing out of it other than smugness.

Is this true? What word does Marx use for "capitalism" then?


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Yeah fat chance.

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Stalin was right on the money about the British bourgeoisie being among the cleverest: nearly a hundred fucking years after this was written and we still have a monarchy.


Well imagine my shock


Yeah that's what I found too, /lit/ full of shit as usual.

To be fair, reading long ass essays about dialectical materialism just make you more confused, and the best place to start is, funnily enough, by playing Fallout New Vegas.

I think that works on concrete topics and issues are better for illustrating diamat. State and Revolution is what really helped me understand what role dialectics played in history.

Stop being so corrupt first.

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*suitcase full of books hollowed out with emeralds inside

Very good. Heart warming even. Now you know what to do.

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Them's some fancy bootstraps…

should be the title of this piece


No wonder nerd boys love him.

Is he really 'the most influential'?

those boots are made for lickin
and that's just what you'll do


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Actually he's South African i.e. comes from wealth to begin with so not even that lucky.

Is this why Zig Forumsyps love him?

I sense meme potential

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a kpop group doxed him

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If he's rebotnik, are we all sonic?

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look at their twitter, is this a ML kpop group or just a massive koreaboo ML?

It can't be an ML kpop group. Communism is illegal in south korea.

Anyone ordered him a bunch of pizzas yet?

Even better might be to buy musk some controlled substances on the dark web.

ebin :DD

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this thread is proof we are in the worst timeline

it's not the actual group's twitter

full posada level of cringe

BTW, Elon Musk's workers helped save the thai kids stuck in that cave.

praise cyber jesus

How? Musk and his minions offered up some hairbrained schemes like an inflatable hyperbaric chamber that ran the length of the cavern or putting the kids into a kevlar bag which obviously weren't used. The dive team got them out.