Hi Zig Forums, how would drugs be handled in a communist society? I'm not talking about alcohol and marijuana, I'm talking about heroin or meth. How would you control their use, if at all? I think Stalin would have probably just killed you but that sounds too authoritarian to me.
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Therapy, and not that twelve step shit either, actual psychoanalysis and continued support throughout your life, recovery from that shit never actually stops
So like One Flew Over the Cuckoo's nest?
Drugs are a symptom of societal decay, not the cause, and the use of state violence to persecute their use has only exacerbated the issue.
Not really, lobotomies aren't ethical or an effective treatment
Bruh opium in particular has been used for millennia
I didn't say it's a cause. I'm asking you how their use is managed under communism. I assume in a post-scarcity world people will be free to pursue whatever they desire, but maybe it's just my moralism that compels me to forbid hard drug use (although I am not sure what "forbid" even means in this context).
All drugs should be legal. People should have the right to use any drug for whatever medical or recreational purpose they want.
Fuck it just Legalize it
Most of the negative affects of Addiction are a result of the Social Stigma surrounding it anyway
And has been a source of political control for those same millennia.
Authoritarian drug laws are reactionary and idealist. Communists want to build a society in which people do not resort to them to escape the suffering of destitution, which makes their criminalization pointless.
Why in the fucking earth a state would want a country full of stupid unproductive yonkies. Drugs are a tool of the burgeiosie to keep calm and stupid the masses, like religion and entertainments. Do you think that class conscience would come out of sniffing shit? They need a fuckin book up their asses, no more burgeois mind controlling shit. I would grab a fucking copy of the manifesto and smash drug users head if that would do the same impact as reading but it is doesn't do the trick so stop supporting capitalist liberal ideas of drug legalization you fuckin liberals. Why the fuck there is no papa Stalin to teach guys about true communism.
t. has never lived with a heroin addict
Abolition of Capitalism would deal with the Opium crisis
Because if a High level of Automation is achieved and people are left with nothing to do but enjoy leisure all day then why not let them enjoy themselves?
He is right, though, addiction also has a neurological aspect. Capitalism's role is driving people to these substances to begin with. People who use drugs for fun are more likely to use soft drugs.
Well then the issue is solved anyway ehh?
Well, if we're talking about a utopia where the proletariat doesn't need to work, then I don't see a problem neither (but I think that a world where nobody thinks or works and lives drugged is a horrible dystopia). But that's not going to happen any soon comrade, we need de proletariat whit keen and sharp brains and ready-to-work muscles for the revolution.
What creates heroin addicts? Shitty social conditions.
Like I said, Opium has been used for millennia. Do you mean to say that social conditions have never been good since we were cavemen?
Addendum: Countless kings/emperors/dictators have all been massive drug addicts. They are not exploited by anyone, how do you explain their drug addiction?
Capitalism or not, the effect of a heroin addiction remains the same. Reduces people into one-dimensional caricatures of themselves. It's honestly pretty fucking frustrating that people would push for this shit to be normalised; addicts need help, not further encouragement.
Well, yeah… kind of. Life was extremely more boring before the Industrial Age, and mental stimulation is so common in the Information Age that people's attention spans are becoming dangerously short.
Most drugs deemed actually dangerous should be outright illegal but decriminalized for personal possession tbh
Under Cyberpunk Cybernetic Socalism we should for sure have things that are legitimately beneficial or theruptic available
Alcohol and tobacco/cigarettes will be fairly rare and heavily controlled. Their sale and distribution will be limited and only permitted on certain holidays. Every other drug (especially psychedelics) will be completely legal. I am a bit concerned about opioids though.
Harm reduction. Simple semi-solution. Best thing I know of to do, really, which has any evidence backing its success at all.
Heroin should stay banned. It is not a drug in the sense that it gets you high, it doesnt alter perception, it is pure endorphines, it just makes you feel better about everything and you very very very very quickly build up a tolerance against it, making you feel more depressed in a normal state than before you started using it, creating a dependence on it on the most basic level. You don't feel finicky or panicky, you dont feel an urge, you feel no way to live if you do not use it, you can feel no joy, you can only feel misery.
Producing or importing drugs should be illegal, however using drugs shouldn't be illegal.
Daily reminder that you can't be a real communist without taking LSD.
Why should the people or state have any say over anything an individual does that has no direct effect on those around them? The indirect effects are things that would be mitigated in a leftist society through healthcare and social programs, and the direct effects only affect the user which is entirely their own choice.
If we have in place:
a) proper education so people understand the risks
b) proper addiction support so people can reach out and start recovery
c) proper and safe distribution networks to prevent a black market and to ensure that drugs are done safely
d) a prosperous society so people don't feel the need to turn to drugs
then the actual damage caused by drugs would be so minimal that there would be no point in legislating drugs at all.
All the war on drugs has done is turned Mexico into a country run by gangs and cartels, incarcerated hundreds of thousands of people for near to no reason, and cost the US tax payers billions of dollars. And for what? So that moral puritans can enforce their will of "drugs are bad mkay?" onto the entire world.
"The Maoist revolutionaries called on the addicts themselves to step forward, kick their habit and join the struggle for a new society. The Maoist revolutionaries organized the people in the communities to struggle with their addicted brothers and sisters: to persuade them and educate them. Ex-addicts and their families joined big marches and rallies. Drugs were burned at neighborhood celebrations. Kids were organized in their schools. The NEW POWER meant that the newspapers and radio were mobilized to support the revolutionary campaign.
It was hard to kick the habit, and many addicts resisted at first. But the masses knew if an addict was still copping drugs. Children argued with parents. Wives argued with husbands. Everyone asked the addicts to get with the new society.
At the same time, the revolutionaries organized the people to bust up the business networks that sold drug poison to the people. This meant that supplies were disappearing – it was getting harder and harder for addicts to stay high."
i'm otherwise no maoist but thats exactly how shit should go down. if you have any idea, know any heroin or meth addicts, you will see this is the way to go.
Reading stuff like this makes it obvious why Mao was loved so much.
for the lazy fucks, also citing the juicy parts:
"Mao's revolutionary government also said small-time drug dealers would not be treated as Enemies of the People – IF these small-time operators helped end the drug trade. The revolutionary government offered small-time dealers a one-time-only deal: Mao's government bought out all ``the product'' that small dealers and growers had. In exchange, these small-time operators had to get out of the drug business for good. Some small-time drug dealers resisted this deal – they were called out by the people and arrested. Some were put under constant neighborhood surveillance, others went to prison to be re-educated.
This revolutionary policy treated all poor people as brothers and sisters. Poor addicts and dealers got ``A WAY OUT'' of the drug trade. They were given jobs and were encouraged to join the struggle for a new society.
A different approach was taken toward the big-time drug traffickers who got rich off the suffering of the people. They were classified "Enemies of the People." These big-time criminals were put on trial in front of thousands of people. People whose lives were ruined by drugs testified against them. These big-time oppressors got COLD HARD JUSTICE: life in prison or public execution. There weren't many such executions – only five or ten in the largest cities. "
pic related
This is oppression. Proof that the left has absolutely nothing to offer besides more social coercion.
yea continue living in your bubble. if you wanne get redpilled get to know some junkies, see what that shit does to them
This, I had a coworker who dealt cocaine on the side and had a heroin addiction, it makes you steal from your mother, if Prince couldn't handle it, no one can
Reminder that the cocaine trade is literally a CIA op to generate funds under the table so they can continue to fuck the world up
Fuck off. You know what's oppressive? A heroin addiction.
the reason people take drugs is because they are missing something in their life. This is the result of material circumstances. Drugs, in this way, are a means of coping with prosaic or cruel reality. In a post-capitalist, idyllic society, there would be no DEMAND for drugs. There might be a vestige of drug use e.g. "synthenol" in TNG
Ban the shit. The drug trade could be suppressed to a tiny fraction of its current output if anyone really wanted to do it, but the Drug War was always just a pretext to attack poor people. After that, it would be a lot easier to treat the existing addicts, or at least make it so hard to obtain heroin that they have no choice but to quit.
Whether that would be a good use of time and effort is a different question, but I don't see any good reason for devoting large tracts of farmland to growing opium or coca for mass consumption.
99% of the time there is no single response and everybody has their opinion on the subject just like today.
You need to legalize and make state control and tax it just like alcohol. Then use tax money to treat the addicts. This is the only solution.
Most of the drug problems are caused by drugs being illegal. Of course there will be addicts even after legalization, but huge crime problems caused by the prohibition will go away. Legalization is worth it even only to get rid of Los Zetas.
This would mean such stalinism it would be like dropping a nuke on a mosquito.
Also in these discussions we should take into account different types of drugs. Like heroin probably cannot be treated exactly the same way as cannabis.