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Tfw Mao lead a revolution against imperialism
Michael Jackson
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Grayson Turner
Hatred of imperialism is undialectical. Obviously capitalist imperialism is bad. But socialist imperialism is the most effective means of bringing socialism to the global south and delivering out black and brown brothers from the hands of Amerikan influence.
Tyler Robinson
Can you imagine being OP and pretending you live in a world with no US or Evropa so your dumb views make sense
Jackson Wood
Jeremiah Bailey
>>tfw China is now the most imperialistic state in the world
It's not. But it is an imperialistic state.
Brandon Cook
Jaxon Jones
Okay fine it's not as bad as the US
Evan Watson
They are reaching western living standards extremely fast and can soon transform into socialism if the party is strong enough.
Robert Cook
>transform into socialism if the party is strong enough.
Benjamin Cruz
David James
Chinese corporations are investing in African infrastructure. There are concerns about how Chinese officials behave on the job and such, but it isn't an imperialist relationship.
Imperialist Nations wouldn't cancel 30 Million and 90 Million USD Debt. Or give a part of their Industries to the Nations they Imperialize
The goal is to pull it out from US hegemony and to weaken the US. This is CHinese foreign policy. This is also why they support Duterte.
Those a 100 Billionaires out of a 3000 member strong paliament. wich get checked uopon strictly get and lectured in Marxism. They went through a hard tedious phase before they could get a CPCh member. Discipline for CPCh members is stricter than law.
Party members above deputy chief of a country must declare they're
and if they're spouses or children live overseas
public officials cannot be shareholders in ulisted companies. Their Children cannot do business in fields where the officials play a regulary role.
Extravagant lifestyles or moral violations can also incur disciplinary penalties
Ian Robinson
China, accounting for its' power, is extremely unimperialistic.
What is the last imperialistic act China did? (It obviously claims South China Sea, however, territorial expansion is not imperialism)
Charles Diaz
Justin Ortiz
Fuck you US apologist piece of shit. It's always the anarchist filth that moan about foreign countries being "imperialist".
Ian Morris
They invest in Africa in order to exploit extremely cheap labour, lack of environmental regulations, lower taxes, etc. Just like any other imperialist state. Listen to .
Yes it is. Your reasoning for saying it's not is the exact same shit liberals say to deny the existance of western imperialism. "B-but they're actually helping those poor africans by exploiting them so its not imperialism!".
I made this pic for you btw.
John Ross
Noah Green
Taking a break from doxxing and harrassing people, Zig Forums?
Christopher Adams
It was a joke Naziposter please respect me
Levi Green
Fuck off. A state lead by a communist party and undergoing dictatorship of the proletariat cannot be imperialist.
Joshua Bell
China is not a DotP but nice try.
Benjamin Ross
It's worse.
Cummunists from ChiNa are exploiting black Africans so deeply I wonder if Antifa aren't the most racist people on the planet.
Nathaniel Garcia
His family is rich, therefore he has money. "No assets were traced to Mr Xi himself, his wife Peng Liyuan, or their daughter. There is also no indication that Mr Xi helped to advance his relatives' business, or of any wrongdoing by Mr Xi or his family, Bloomberg said." (
With that being the case, the argument becomes a moralistic one of "having a lot of money is bad," even though if Xi practiced asceticism I doubt his politics would be much different.
But again, there's something different at work.
100 Billionaires in a legislative body of 3000 seats with some even reserved for non communist parties doesnt sound very troubling. They have also priests in them wich doesnt make China a theocracy
Ayden Foster
you're so hilariously delusional.
btw, is Ismail aware you're copying and pasting his posts all over Zig Forums?
Hudson Stewart
He makes good arguments and those arent under copyright so I dont see why I shouldn't use them
Lincoln Miller
How is it worse?
What does ChiNa have to do with Antea-fa?
Nathan Edwards
aw noooooooo leave the little guy alone!!!!!