
How would borders be dealt with in a socialist society? This question applies both to immigrants and emigrants.

I was arguing with someone online about the migrant situation currently going on in the US with the Trump administration separating families like what Obama did. The person I was talking with said that migrants are to blame for putting their lives in danger for illegally crossing the border, and they should just simply not break the law or whatever. So how would you all approach this, as borders simply won't disappear overnight?

Also, personally, I know it's important to consider and prevent brain drain, but I don't think we ought to repeat the Berlin Wall, even though it wasn't nearly as bad as most people make it out to be.

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The solution to the brain drain problem is to treat professionals extremely well at first. Also increase their numbers so that any emigration might seriously disrupt nearby capitalist powers.

It depends by what you mean by future socialist society. Do you mean world wide socialism or socialism in one country a la Marxism-Leninism?


international socalism? Borders will eventually just fade away as they're mostly a means of dividing the international proletariat and justifying things like protectionist trade policy and the like (which I can't see happening between two socalist countries in the first place)

socalism in one country is where things get complicated imo. We definitely will need very strong border control as we don't want subversive foreign agents being able to kill the revolution from the inside without a fight, and the problem of brain drain which we should counter first by just not treating the very skilled/specialized laborers like shit and relying on a strong border control as a secondary means of preventing the bourgeoisie subversion tactics

In a socialist world borders should fade away as the productive forces and living standards of all countries are equalized. (But not before that)

Under worldwide socialism borders would be irrelevant. Mass migration wouldn't or immigration is general wouldn't exist, with the exception of natural disasters and climate migration (which is dubious).

Borders in a socialism in one country scenario are a bit trickier. Firstly, there would probably be a mass exodus of reactionaries and reactionary minded liberals, who would immediately go to a friendly country, set up and government-in-exile and attempt to subvert the revolution. Measures would have to be taken to stop counter revolutionaries from entering the country. The system would look similar to what the Warsaw pact countries did.

Well, if history is anything to go by…

Attached: berlin-wall.jpg (2048x1536, 294.18K)

How was the immigration policy in East-Bloc countries?

Why are you posing this as a hypothetical? Just go look at how socialist countries manage their borders.

Love me my daily dose of idealism.

In world wide socialism, they're would have to be some from of migration control
for example Imagine moving to france without knowing french.



I said a socialist state isn't a hypothetical, and to look to socialist states for your answer. Your reply suggested that the only the socialist states to look to inspiration from were the USSR and now defunct socialist states. I'm pointing out there are current socialist societies you can look to. You don't need a history book. Just go look at current socialist socieites and you can answer your own question about how a socialist state "would" (in your own words, would) handle borders.

My point was that it's possible to theorize about models for immigration that are potentially different from/better than actually existing socialist states. Whether those states are defunct or current doesn't matter, the point remains the same. Your reply suggested that because there already exist (and have existed) socialist immigration policies, it's not necessary to think about how future socialist societies here comes the trigger word "would" handle this.
I'm not OP btw.

39% of France speaks English you fucking dummy, and that's aside from it not fucking mattering

Not the guy you replied but most french who can speak english properly are living in Paris. Provincial France is not really english friendly.


self defense is the most fundamental axiom of existing
if you cant defend yourself, you cant build whatever political funhouse you wanna build
no borders, no nations, no regimes, no anything

people who paid nothing into the system do not deserve anything out of the system, welfare+open borders is exploitative to the working class
if you had battalions or gunships or snipers at the border crossings none of these law breaking criminals would even be a problem
no im perfectly fine with LEGAL immigration that doesnt bring in heroin but brings useful needed economically viable skills

No, you're just a shitty racist cunt dressing up your brain damaged ideology with the pretense of giving a shit about the working class.


unless they are without a doubt coming for your toothbrush and your ugly daughter's rotten snatch you may have a point. This is not an invading army and even if there are criminals among them, its because they will find America won't provide them the life they thought they were getting into.

sounds pretty good to me

It sounds good until you see this rolling up on your tribe

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We want worldwide communism, not ancapistan tribes figthing each others.

Sounds like you have a global regime then

Depends on what you call by regime, it would be a world federation of different federations of communes.

So you do have borders and tribes then?

If you define a "border" as literally any administrative division line even without meaningful implications, then yes
If you define "tribe" as literally any administrative grouping of people even without meaningful implications, then yes

There would be no political borders, only geographic (sea, mountains, etc.) and cultural borders such as languages

Like I say there would be still people with different cultures but they would have no reason to act like Mad Max tribes of course.

Why have an administrative division line if it has no meaning or implication? Isn't communism, at it's root, democracy? If one federation votes completely differently on one issue than another, those borders are no longer arbitrary or meaningless. Or if one federation votes to remove its association from the global federation over disagreements. How does this not set up a world where you have different factions occupying different areas with different laws?

What in human history makes you believe this is true?

Communism never happen in history, that's the whole point.

…that is the point. Communism has never happened in human history, but not for lack of trying. Communists spent 100 years trying to implement itself globally and failed. That's my whole point. It's not for lack of trying.

I did not know the USA went marxist and tried to implement communism or even socialism, probably because they were busy fucking up every socialist revolution or socialist states on Earth.

Exactly my point again. The USSR tried to implement global communism and got btfo by the USA. It doesn't matter if your car looks the shiniest, or if it's more ecologically friendly and more efficiently engineered - if it doesn't go faster than the other car, it loses. If modern communism cannot compete with modern capitalism on all fronts, there's no point in entertaining the details of these idealistic hypothetical futures.

So why are you talking about Mad Max tribes anyway? Why are you even on a leftist board?

Probably because I fell for the global anarchogommunism meme in my youth and am trying to save other young people years of embarassment and cognitive dissonance.

By what? Saying that capitalism is hegemonic? Everybody here already know that.
You're just another national-conservative who's bitter about "progressive" neoliberalism being the main capitalist ideology nowadays.
Even if you think you're helping nobody here want your help, now please go back to Zig Forums.

I don't personally think some societies are currently compatible. If you place people from a muslim country into a non-muslim country, it could have a negative impact on both parties. Religion in general poisons everything.
I don't think the world in its current state is ready for open boarders.

Not just that it's hegemonic, that it's unconquerable. There is no military force that can match the capitalist forces. There is no route to victory. Even attempts to infiltrate and slowly change things from within results in succdemism and compromise to the point you end up with a more nightmarish version of society than what you had. It's not about capitalism being good or bad, it's not about communism being good or bad or desirable, etc. It's about being honest with oneself and basing your politics in the real world, rather than an imagined world you wish existed.
Pol is actually worse than leftypol in this regard. Obsessed with a racial war that will never happen, death squads that will never materialize, and ever manner of idealistic daydreaming. NutSacs got btfo worse than communists, and accordingly, seem to be even more delusional.

It's unconquerable today, you don't know the future I think.

So what's your ideology exactly? Do you just go to political imageboards to warn people that, according to you, even talking about "radical" politics is useless?

I'm here to tell you we're both locked in the capitalist prison, ans we're all doing life. I'm just pointing out the hard truth that we're all suck here for life, and to sit around and daydream and fantasize about our escape plan and how we're going to free everyone from the prison and how we'll organize afterwards is an effete fantasy that, while desirable, is unachievable and, thus, will eat away at those who hold on to hope for its implementation. You're here forever. We all are. It's not worth anyone's time forming an opinion about what type of prison we'd rather be in and it's not worth your time arguing about what color walls we'd have in our own prison. Talk about it if you want, just know you'd be a lot happier if you accept the reality and deal with the world as it is.

Like I said you don't know the future, slave societies are gone, feodalism is gone, capitalism is not eternal maybe it won't happen in our lifetime maybe it will take centuries, maybe it will not be communism, it can be anything, but mode of production aren't eternal. If you think humanity will live forever in capitalism until the sun explodes you're the one daydreaming.

We shoyld close our borders like iarael.

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