We Need A Communist Military


So much for free speech, and the 1st amendment:


Yet another example of the persecution of communists.

If a military cadet proclaims Alt Right beliefs the current hegemony considers him someone who follows a profound (if misguided) philosophy,

But if a military cadet proclaims Communist beliefs he's dishonorably discharged and considered naive.

Zig Forums we cannot abandon Spenser Rapone! U.S. military servicemen should not only be entitled to express support for communism… They should express support for communism.

Let the great communist meme war of 2018 begin in support for our comrades in the military who are being censored and oppressed. Never forget Spenser Rapone!

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He was a noob for broadcasting his power level on social media for all to see

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You're probably going to get banned by BO.

you cant reform the military anymore than you can reform the united states. people who think otherwise had might as well be socdems because they dont understand dialectics. reform is impossible because the process of quantitative changing transforms into qualitative (revolutionary) change.

that said im glad this guy is out of the military and encouraged others to leave/not join. the mental patients who think this is all some sort of convoluted CIA plan to get socialists to support the troops can fuck off.

The kicker here is a bunch of cunts will start saying "hurr durr no free speech when in dah military." But hasn't there been plenty of instances of neo-nazis in the military? And how often are people discharged over it? Probably not a lot.

I don't think you can reform the military, but I do think you can undermine it and spread dissent in the ranks.

If you don't think the American state can be overcome by revolution by militias and other outside forces, it only makes sense to try to seed the state with sleeper agents in an attempt to subvert it from within. And what really defines the state, what makes the state a state, is its military and police.

Please don't ban me, BO, I'm just making a point.

Not at all. It could be interpreted as a CIA plan to defame communism as naive and self destructive.

Either way, even Lenin had some support in the military heirarchy. It can only help to have a presence there, and building support requires work. Too many leftists just expect people to support them instead of cultivating comradery and trust. Loving support is earned with action, and a good counter example of someone not going out and earning loving support is Marie Antoinette.

Nope. Developing ☭TANKIE☭sin the military is great praxis. Just ask Lenin and the Bolsheviks.

I hope not. This is actually a great opportunity. If we develop a network of sympathizers in the military then a Marxist-Lenin revolution becomes much more viable. More capabilities in a bloody revolution, more chance of a bloodless revolution and less enemies during the revolution.

Neo Nazis have more support in the military. We should seek to undermine that by developing a network of sympathizers in the military ranks.

What's the point of being in the US military if you are a communist?

Just so you know, you explicitly sign your right to free speech (among others) away when you join the military.
Kid should have kept it on the down low or waited until he was out before broadcasting his politics to the whole world.

More than a few of them get tossed out, some of them do jail time.
The military might have slightly more tolerance for the far right, but it still has its reputation with the public to think of.

To do what all are enemies are doing, get experience, get converts and have them train people in military tactics.

Have most of you read anything about the russian revolution ? A lot of the military and navy joined the communists. Hell there's multiple examples of the navies or some parts of them joining the communist side.

I think you have the right to say "i am a conservative" but not to say i support the x party
(This is how thinks work here but i dont know about America the same goes with all public workers)

Wasn't he discharged for violating rules regarding uniform and especially rules regarding where and when you can signal political opinion?

Having a political opinion is ok, proclaiming it is not.
Also, he might have run afoul of certain regulations and rules regarding swearing loyalty to a foreign enemy or espousing rebellion/overthrowing the government/constitution.

As an officer, he was specifically forbidden from doing either, the rules governing officers and NCOs are a lot more stringent than the ones governing enlisted personnel.

they were gonna give him a slap on the wrist but cucko rubio basically forced them to kick him by turning it into a national scandal

Communists and communist sympathisers within the military have proven vital and highly usefull in every revolution.

The real question is, will we allow trannies into the gommie army?


Well, I have been saying for a while leftist need to reach out to the military more.

I shudder to think how many of them there actually is. I mean 1 little commie pops up and it makes the news but there's virtually no mainstream mention of atomwaffen. I don't like those odds very much.

It is disturbing.
But understandable, because the military can't openly admit there's a problem without it impacting recrutement and it's reputation with the public, both of which it needs.
They could afford to kick one commie to the curb precisely because he was a commie, they have to keep the far right/nazi problem under wraps in order to prevent the public demanding tougher oversight from congress and or a huge public outcry which would be embarrassing to not only the military, but the government as a whole, and more specifically the White House, as the president is constitutionally the head of the military.

which bathrooms do they use?

The media is complicit in this because as much as they want to bring down the current administration, they can't trumpet this without raising a lot of questions about previous administrations.
There was a far right/nazi/anti-government problem with the military decades before Trump took office, and nobody wants to shine a spotlight on that particular can of worms.


Honestly, it's just an opportunity (maybe). Considering how the far right will throw a violent protest over e-celebs such as free literally who in Britain, it is apparently a very effective manner of rallying support. Wondering if it's anything more than a method of spreading a message and development of support networks overlooks that it's just a useful spectacle (no different than the free literally who movements or a concert for a political cause. These kind of movements are effective, but not especially intellectually edifying. Generally I avoid them, but filling the military with ☭TANKIE☭s
And I believe Lenin was likeminded in this assessment.

what quantitative transformation are you talking about vis the military? and for the US?

Under the UCMJ, enlisted and commissioned soldiers retain their first amendment rights, with limited exceptions. You obviously cannot use your rank to try to impress political or religious views upon a subordinate, you cannot be a member of an organization that advocates the violent overthrow of the US government, and you cannot engage in any public political speech while in uniform. What damned Rapone was not that he was a communist, but that he advocated communism publicly while in uniform.

The military is already communist because of the GI Bill. All active duty personnel get free food, lodging and healthcare and all honorably discharged personnel get free food, lodging, healthcare, educations and reduced rate mortgages. However the upper half (the admiralty, air force, special forces and commanders) all pledge loyalty to preserving the civilian government which is explicitly capitalist. The lower half is expected to shut up and take care of their own before they do others, so there is no solidarity.

It's notable that the "communism will win" hat boy was a muhreen because he's part of the lower half that would even consider communism AND attempt to pull off a stunt like that.

Go home George Meany.

I thought he was enlisted as an army ranger before he went to west point

This only happened because he did it at a graduation ceremony and he was stupid enough to post it to fagbook. If he had waited 2-3 years to do it nobody would have cared. Also the US military officially allows satanists (eg Atomwaffen) within their ranks but they can't do things like spit on niggers or break things. As communism is not a religion, we don't get the same protections guaranteed by the First Amendment. Which is why the most successful instances of communism in America are all crazy religious people doing it through the pulpit.


Unisex bathroom. The battlefield does not have the luxery of oddly sexist seperated bathrooms.

Soldiers, especially officers, don't get to exercise freedom of speech while in uniform……..
Also what was the point of this dumb stunt anyway? If you want to be provocateur or saboteur of US imperialism then join and throw a wrench in logistics or something, don't just wear che shirt and think that you're cool now………..

That does not make it communist, people need to stop using this example, at least not amongst other socialists.

In the army you dig a hole and shit in it, never encountered a gendered toilet ever…….

This is the sort of shit that really pisses me off. Zig Forums in general basically never does raids, because unlike our faux-Teutonic neighbors most of us follow ideologies that don't center around empty zeitgeist and saying the word "nigger" over and over again. On the rare instance where there have been raids / happenings (the Bat'ko backlash, the destruction of PewTube) they're usually confined to the internet, because there are far more effective forms of real-life organization out there than holding signs with memes on them and yelling at passersby. Go back to Zig Forums where you belong, and take a fucking shower, because those grease stains make you look even lower on the HSV cylinder than you already are.

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when I was in the navy some cunt got raped in the bathroom (actual penetrative rape that broke a few of her ribs, her legs and led to an abortion) so the bathrooms were made female-only except for the five minutes at the top of every hour. This went on for about three months until the person who did it was found and taken to jail.

Incorrect. You just can't advocate the violent overthrow of the government. If you want to build socialism through the existing constitutional order they can't touch you but of course some superior officers might give you a hard time. The communist control act of 1954 is probably unconstitutional, but it has yet to be struck down by the courts simply because it was never enforced even once and thus never challenged.

I agree with everything you've written, but the 56% meme is still horribly racist garbage. There are plenty of other ways to criticize the USA without stooping to "haha ur not white" and demonizing mixed race people.

Wtf is your unit a bunch of kindergarteners or something? Does your unit have bladder problems?

Even in the field, the US army frequently has chemical toilets now.

Very much THIS. I wish the public cared. If they did and large numbers of nazis and kkk in the military were exposed the US military could collapse. Possibly even the nation itself.

I just like it because it pisses off the people who really care about muh race, anyone who doesn't have a deep emotional connection with their amount of melanin can keep some ironic distance

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That's the thing, though.
The public do care.They don't want any stinking nazis in the army any more than they want dirty commies,(the implications of which are a whole other argument) the point I was making is the media won't give it much coverage because they're riding the government gravy train too.
Their position in the social strata is cemented by government protection, they're not going to jeopardise that just to embarrass Trump.

Could I get a source on this? Garden variety anti-communists during the cold war are a given, but I'd like more proof if you think fascists have such a massive presence in the armed forces.

BO has brain worms lol

Look up Larry Thorne and Timothy McVeigh if you want a couple examples off the top of my head.
If you want a more authoritative, or official source, I'm not aware of one, as I doubt the government tracks that kind of thing, and if they do, I doubt they'd release it to the public.

The thing we should be working on is helping our community, not attempting to shoot others. Spread good praxis instead of hatred.

The bourgeoisie makes it its business to promote trusts, drive women and children into the factories, subject them to corruption and suffering, condemn them to extreme poverty. We do not “demand” such development, we do not “support” it. We fight it. But how do we fight? We explain that trusts and the employment of women in industry are progressive. We do not want a return to the handicraft system, pre-monopoly capitalism, domestic drudgery for women. Forward through the trusts, etc., and beyond them to socialism!

>With the necessary changes that arguments is applicable also to the present militarization of the population. Today the imperialist bourgeoisie militarizes the youth as well as the adults; tomorrow, it may begin militarizing the women. Our attitude should be: All the better! Full speed ahead! For the faster we move, the nearer shall we be to the armed uprising against capitalism. How can Social-Democrats give way to fear of the militarization of the youth, etc., if they have not forgotten the example of the Paris Commune?…

>The whole of social life is now being militarized. Imperialism is a fierce struggle of the Great Powers for the division and redivision of the world. It is therefore bound to lead to further militarization in all countries, even in neutral and small ones. How will proletarian women oppose this? Only by cursing all war and everything military, only be demanding disarmament? The women of an oppressed and really revolutionary class will never accept that shameful role. They will say to their sons: “You will soon be grown up. You will be given a gun. Take it and learn the military art properly. The proletarians need this knowledge not to shoot your brothers, the workers of other countries, as is being done in the present war, and as the traitors to socialism are telling you to do. They need it to fight the bourgeoisie of their own country, to put an end to exploitation, poverty and war, and not by pious wishes, but by defeating and disarming the bourgeoisie.”

Lenin, The Military Program of the Proletarian Revolution,

> On the other hand it certainly cannot remain indifferent to the question of whether or not universal conscription is fully implemented. The more workers who are trained in the use of weapons the better. Universal conscription is the necessary and natural corollary of universal suffrage; it puts the voters in the position of being able to enforce their decisions gun in hand against any attempt at a coup d'état.

Engels, The Prussian Military Question and the German Workers' Party

A connection between the workers' movement and the rank-and-file soldier is essential for a revolution, and shouldn't be dismissed out of hand. This anti-veteran sentiment from the "Left" is nothing more than the petty-bourgeois intellectual's contempt for discipline.

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