Zig Forums BTFO by ContraPoints

Telling newfriends to read the complete works of over 50 dead authors is the far-left version of "It's not my job to educate you", and it needs to change.

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Read narcissistic trannies on twitter



Got it.

But that's literally educating them. Go to a university, at least 50% of it is just professors telling you to read a book. If you read Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao, you will get a world-class education far better than most.

I didn't know people still qualified their opinions of unrelated subjects with "I have a phd", is this the 50s?

we are all very interested in what this exceptional individual has to say

Not only are socialist theorists who actually lived in 20th century ML states valid, they're not even the go-to theorists now. Marx, Engels, Kropotkin, Lenin, Mao etc. are not "Eastern Bloc gibberish".

Contra's liberalism is showing again.

Not to be a killjoy, but wasn't that quote from a dialogue between two characters?
Framing this as something she actually said as her own opinion is deeply dishonest.
And even then, there is some merit to the point, in that if you are in a political debate with someone just saying "read this book" is not particularly convincing.
Try harder, faggot

Their video on jordan peterson was barely watchable (thought it was kinda decent). I dont enjoy their snarky liberalist tendencies or their humor. "Lol look im trans listen to how trans I am, see, im trans and attracted to men isnt that controversial" is not what I want to see when I watch a video on politics, nor is "let me describe my fantasies about being being sexually dominated" very befitting of a political video. But hey, if your target audience is exclusively trans-activist leftists, then go ahead. I am not part of that audience, I dont want to sit though 10 bad self-deprecating (why would you make jokes about yourself?) trans jokes just to watch your actual content.

But hey, maybe thats just me.

Not interested in the opinions of an alcoholic who uses lighting effects to hide their jaundice, thanks.

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ContraPoints is a light political entertainment. There is no substance to her work, it's just something for people to look at for visuals' sake, as most things of youtube, instead of watching some series on TV, and go back to their lives.

Almost noone is affected by it anyway. In fact, all people who watch any of it maintain their convictions at all times.

People can be persuaded en masse when the message touches their material life (I.e. Bernie Sanders explaining medical reform to a person that deals with insurance/seeking treatment), or when it is deeply personalized only.

Thus, Contrapoints it too much up his ass. He does not convince anyone of anything, but simply does a late night comedy.

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this, but it applies to all of poltiical youtube whether your a "classical liberal", reactionary or a leftist. Read primary sources, you dinguses.

I'll pretend to listen as she's a cutie patootie

I had faith in her but she's just another left-liberal. Pure aesthetic, i don't give a shit if she has a PhD in god knows what if she can't be arsed to do anything but make stupid ass tweets and youtube videos about reform and other social democrat garbage

Well what do you propose? If your answer is "revolution" with no steps in between like the anarcho-syndicalist antifa catgirl in the video, going DemSoc is the next best thing.

Going demsoc isn't a bad idea in the West. But it doesn't matter in itself. What is important is being involved in Labour Rights and organisation, no matter how you call it at all.

No i don't propose outright revolution right now, i propose politicizationof the workers first of all, mostly by unionizing, or making a chavez style demsoc people's party. Contrapoints is Bernie Sanders tier

She doesn't have a PhD, she dropped out after finishing her masters.

Contrapoints isn't trans. Contrapoints is a huge permadrunk narcissist who thinks 99% of humanity are eyesores and transition is going to turn him into a beautiful 20 year old girl. That's why all the old videos have gone, they'd reveal he was just as full of shit as ADF.

t. brainlet who cannot into derrida

not gonna lie contra points is pretty funny, it's a shame the jews convinced him to cut his dick off

The Peterson daddy jokes were just funny. Can't something just be fun ? Does it really have to reduced to "let me describe my fantasies about being sexually dominated".
