NatSoc here. I really hate the left but it seems like some of you goys are okay. Thought there were no commie left who combat LGBT faqs. I hope we can bear down our enemy together.
NatSoc here. I really hate the left but it seems like some of you goys are okay...
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Go fuck yourself.
nice spooks nerd
Bloody NutSac scum.
Take your (you) and fuck off
Yeah, the big problem in America is moralism. In my country, noone really cares what unrelated opinions a person has. I once has a Not Socialist partner at a job without a problem.
And the guys above are dumb.
So, don't you want to try to convert a person to your side?
How are you going to convert a person to your side without establishing sympathy?
He is like "Hmmm, I think you and your ideas may not be so bad…" and you are like "listen, just fuck off, dont you dare stop being a Nazi"
Soviet approach to homosexuality is the best and most sensible.
Natsoc idea of purging is irrational like most that they do.
LGBT is a classic Neoliberal/Capitalist manufactured identity that makes people miserable, more exploited and ultimately self-destructs society.
so this…is the power…of right wing…gas lighting…
this is so sad can we hit redditors
And the problem that LGBT faqs are causing is… what exactly?
Offending suburbanite white kids who are a little to interested in traps and really insecure about it.
That's a symptom of Alienation. It wouldn't exist in a true socialist society (see North Korea for example).
Don't you hate gays? And are also a suburbanite white kid?
Why would I hate gays exactly? I don't get it.
Your book of spooks and desert folklore tells you to hate gays, also literally every Christian I've met hates gays.
lol no. homophobia and transphobia are retarded and divide the working class, you fascist faggot. Most lgpt people are poor and working class, like the rest of us. When the revolution comes a regiment of transwomen will string you up from a lamppost
Ever heard of Sparta?
Did it have LGBT and pride parades?
hi Zig Forums
It had pederasty, openly gay relationships and literal homosexual deities.
LGBT identity has been commodified by capitalism but the essential trait of gayness, transness, etc predate it by literal millennia.
Yes, and there is a huge difference, kind of like with Marxist and Third wave feminism.
Just because we don't care for Ess Jay Dubyas doesn't mean we hate LGBT people or want anything to do with your "white sharia" bullshit.
The hilarious thing about you guys is how blatantly homoerotic fascism is with its overblown worship of male power figures. Even a turboreactionary like Varg mocked you guys and said the only thing "alternative" about the alt-right is the sexuality of many of its members, while he praised the left for actually giving a shit about white people (in the sense that we care about all working class people) and not just some vague concept of "whiteness" like you clowns do
Case and point
SocNat here, being LGB is perfectly acceptable but T isn't and needs to be combatted with therapy. Anyone who turns Sexuality into Idpol needs to be gulaged as well.
Also Faux Socialists need to be gulaged, liberal and "National" "Socialist" alike.
Hot take liberal.
Not big on the gays but I think they should still be able to get married and chop their Ds off if they want. I feel like there're few scenarios where a gay is a bigger threat to me and others than a neet soc.
I still think people changing their genitals is fucking weird but I'm not going to hate them for it
reminder that sage goes in all fields
Most of the right wing nazi posters are so closed minded that they no amount of discussion over the internet is going to help them. been on this board for 2 years and the main problem this board has now is alot of pol lurk and posts on this board and try to shift the board opinion to right wing positions that are not leftist.
The fact that Juche gang memes, nazbol memes, anti gun control arguments, anti immigrant arguments, support for revisionist imperialist china and support for authoritarian dictators because they are anti US posts are all rarely challenged in the threads shows the board last year moved to the right.
the pol conversion/recruiment was a mistake
what are you talking about?
Juche isn't leftist
gun control in the us is leftist
nazbol memes are stupid and contradictory to leftism
chinese imperialism isn't leftist
anti immigrant rhetoric isn't leftist
Im saying that almost 2 years ago (during the elections in us) alot of the ppl on this board were talking about abandoning certain issues to appeal to the pol types to increase board numbers. Over that time i noticed that the board went from having alot of open discussion between anarchists, ⛏️rotskytes, stiners, (althought they were annoying),tankies, lefcoms, syndacalists and others. Now the board is mostly ☭TANKIE☭s and a unread nazis and unread former pol posters that dont know anything about leftists beyond class struggle.
In short im saying you cant meme class consciousness into existence.
I'm new here so I don't know what this board was like a year ago, but the open-mindedness and non-sectarianism here is exactly the kind of vibe I keep coming back here, for.
not talking about the obvious thrash, but when there are contradictions, they need to be challenged, even when it is uncomfortable. that's what science/dialectics is all about.
the common goal should be collectivizing the means of production, everything else should be open for discussion, imo.
I'd like to add, some more human decency would be nice around here, like solidarity with people who are worse off is maybe a thing that I wouldn't mind if it would be enforced by the mods.
juche is ethonationalism and closer to fascism and monarchism than communism.
gun control in the us is leftists. Having guns all around the country just allows our enemies to arm themselves enforce class hierarchy in the US. The class dynamics in the US are different than any other place in the world. This doesn't make me a liberal, it just plain fact. Stop being a child.
This book will help explain what im talking about (if you choose to read it).
review from isr
"Her book begins in colonial America—where surplus poor people were sent by the British Empire to form what Richard Hakluyt envisioned as “one giant workhouse.” In the colonies, aristocrats extended the empire’s system of class hierarchy with the introduction of chattel slavery. From the beginning, Isenberg argues, a permanent underclass of whites was essential to the new ruling class, as laws required one white servant for every six slaves purchased. This white servant class was fostered as a “racial and class barrier between the slaves and landed elites.” Bacon’s Rebellion in 1676, however, exposed the real problems the colonial rulers had maintaining that barrier."
You aren't gonna find that here. The support of authoritarian states because they are "anti us imperialism" overrides any sense of human decency.
sometimes it seems to be about what's the lesser of two evils, but maybe one can count that as pragmatism, i don't have a big issue with that.
what I have an issue with, is the hate towards israel, like as if nobody here has an idea what historical materialism is about, and beside that, taking sides in conflicts that aren't at all about class war….
Israel is a throw back to ethnostates. It must be destroyed for the dialectic to progress.
One of the only surviving far-left countries today is Jucheist.
Hot take liberal.
Are your enemies MLs, NazBols, Jucheists, Anarchists, and Communists in general? Because those are people who have always relied on weapons to bring about a revolution.
What the fuck does this have to do with gun control? Other than the fact that you don't want the average revolutionary to be armed, i mean.
What the fuck does slavery have to do with gun control? Aside from the fact that most gun control advocates don't want minorities around guns, i mean.
israel has made advances in society that are worth protecting from theocratic barbarians that are hamas and islamic djihad, that's what i brought up dialectic materialism for, read it or read it again if you think you already read it.
(at the same time, yes I of cause see that israel did and does things far off what one would count as human decency, but its a conflict that will never end without getting rid of radical islam and islamic antisemitism)
uhhhh what
can you show me how
juche is weird as fuck but I don't think it's fascist or even monarchist
these words have meanings
are you stupid? even with gun control the ruling class would still be armed
you ain't bright boy are ya
what the fuck does that have to with anything?
we hate israel because it's the proxy of an imperialist power
Zionism is barbarism. Israel is far worse than Hamas (which is not a bad organization by the way) in just about every way. I would place them roughly on the same moral level as ISIS.
you are in favor of religious police patroling streets and beaches, yes? kys
should've said that IF yes, kys, didn't want to be rude
You're either lying about being here since two years or lying about the state of the board. Because even during peak anarchist and Leftcom times gun control was literally never advocated for here, and your liberal take completed disregards the fact that whenever gun control was put into place in the USA, it disarmed marginalized groups first.
Yeah he starts the thread by saying "I hate the left" but we're the ones not "establishing sympathy".
Getting tired of this meme, nazbols please fuck off and kill yourself.
Nonsense, people who advocate for gun control are typically liberals.
So when was the LGBT identities created?
shhht user Ancient Greece didn't exist, it's all just a lie by the Neoliberals because they want to make their manufactured identity look believable. In fact everyone before capitalism was straight. Burn all books, it's only propaganda.
So we are back to conflating acts with identities? Can you point to any evidence where anyone in ancient Greece identified as LGBT?
they didn't "identify" as straight either, as I recall
Exactly, sex was an act not an identity. The whole idea that you have to make an identity around what you find attractive is a modern idea, while the act of "gay" sex has existed as through all of history.
>>literally every Christian I've met hates gays
Need to hang around better Christians. The bible also talks about sex outside of marriage being wrong, probably more than it even talks about gay people. .Reasonable Christians realize that it's stupid to specifically target gay people over and over and over when there are bigger fish to fry. You're making atheists look retarded, hush.
I thought the formation of gay identity was because expressing homosexuality is no longer taboo? Usually identity is based upon others' acknowledgement ,and it's hard to have something as an identity when other people will make your life hell for it. It's just not a good argument to make that gay identity has only just recently arisen . My reply is just 'DUHHHH' .