From surfing this board, I get the impression that most posters have little experience with the working class and they are mostly theorizing what they go through on a daily basis.
Is this correct?
From surfing this board, I get the impression that most posters have little experience with the working class and they are mostly theorizing what they go through on a daily basis.
Is this correct?
yes I grew up poor and I am working class.
most people de facto are working class, unless you own means of production
even wealthier proles are working class
heck off, unless you were genuinely mistaken instead of making a bait thread
I'm sure it depends on what you mean by "working class".
I've understood working class as being low class-lower middle class, maybe middle class sometimes
Even engineers who turn thousands of $ yearly are counted as working class
No, fuck off.
t. factory worker.
That's a weird term then, because even CEOs work, but they obviously are nothing like the low-class
CEOs usually are also large shareholders (thus bourgois), but regardless whether they own shares and how much, at the very least they are a proxy of the bourgeoisie.
unless, that is to say, they are CEOs for non-profits, then they may be just cool dudes, or maybe not, whatever
My parents are both proletarians, UK this is not enough for working class but still. Both grew up in working class conditions: grandad worked in a car factory and grandpa was a teacher in rural Scotland. My parents are actuslly kinda a model for 'social mobility': which is why its great they fucking hate the tories,
Worked in cherry orchard, and a warehouse. Now get to go to uni and do what I want
Do you know what working class means?
It's when you work at a 19th century factory
I've been thinking about making a thread like this but maybe in a less brain-dead way. I really am curious how many people on this board are actually suffering through soul-crushing wage labor or if it's mostly a cycling of fresh students every year.
For instance theorizing "we have to make the contradictions of capitalism worse so that commie masturbation fantasy can happen" doesn't seems like something someone currently being exploited would say.
Nope. Take your platitudes somewhere else
My guess is that it's a bit of both. I am "of" the working class but I'm currently a university student.
you're right
I'm white collar worker, but that's still working class. Entire family were/are all factory and construction workers, with the odd lumpen thrown in. So, no, not correct.
I am currently going to uni and will be an engineer in ~4 years. I am kinda scared I will become a class cuck. What is the best way to stay grounded in marxism and on the side of the working class when you work for a neoliberal tech firm?
I don't receive income from capital and neither do my parents.
Currently a student but also a dockworker. I've almost been killed/crippled several times at the job and some of the shifts I've pulled have been hard as fuck, so you can go right back to Zig Forums with your lame "leftists don't know work" delusions, OP
In terms of my relation to capital yes, I am living the NEET lyfe though.
My farher is now a pety bouj but worked as an intern for years and still works a lot
my mother a white collar prole at a bank
I study while having a part time job at an ice cream shop
We all know that stalinist
My dad isn't even a manager at his job, but makes enough (such is life of a boomer)
I can't move out despite being employed. I'm 32 and stuck with no life and no hope. I was once a gifted student with potential. That potential would have been realized in a system that actually rewards effort and ability instead of the crapshoot capitalism is.
I'm from a working class family in the UK, have worked various shitty jobs but I've been NEET for a little while now so I guess I'd be classified as Lumpen.
I'm technically from a rich family but with 8 came the divorce and for me the poor life. Now I'm a neet but spending as much time as I mentally can in organizing instead of doing wageslavery (not the best lifestyle tho)
My father is a technician employee, my mother is an independent baby-sitter but she earns half of my father, and I'm unemployed.
I'm working as a nursing assistant, and while the conditions and the pay aren't great it's nice knowing that I'm at least meeting human needs.
I grew up in a single parent household with a mother who destroyed her body putting me through school by doing back breaking labor for UPS.
I went to college to become a teacher then half way through my degree path my state changed the rules for teachers where it was no longer a good choice for me, so i dropped out and now i work full time in a cabinet shop and next year im planning on getting my contractors license.
my dad was a carpenter and my mother was a waitress.
im washing dishes to save up to go to school for codemonkeying.
i'm lumpen, which explains why i want to watch everything burn, and am more blood thirsty that your average person
My moms a nurse and my dad is a teacher.
Unless by working class you mean "working in the coal mines and having rickets", then no.
I get the impressoin that most posters have little experience with people in general, and are mostly theorizing about how people interact in a society
Fuck off class cuck.
I know that living on my parents back it's some kind of parasiting, I hate it but at the same time I tried to repel the time when I will have to become a worker myself because I know it will be worse than now even if I hate myself for doing that to my parents.
But at least I don't live a luxury life like the bourgeois who exploit my father.
I work in a recycling plant and sleep in a homeless hostel.
M8, do yourself a favor and dispense with that bourgeois propaganda.
What country is like that nibba
At least tend a garden for your parents. Do house upkeep. You don't have to sell your labor but you do have an obligation to labor for those who labor for you.
At least kill yourself to spare everyone else your idiotic blather.
Get off the internet your parents pay for, turn off the computer your parents bought you, go out of the house your parents pay for, go into the yard your parents pay for, and start a garden for them. Do something nice for the people who labored for decades to support you. Look at you. Sitting alone in your room, foaming at the mouth and talking shit to a bunch of strangers who don't give a fuck about you or what dumpsterfire of a thought you're able to cobble together in your sheltered brain. At least do your laundry. Maybe make a nice dinner for your parents tonight to show them how much you appreciate their labor
My grandfather was petit-bourg (owned a small printing company), my parents worked for him, and after moving out I'm bottom of the barrel dirt poor, and have been for 4 years.
You're a waste of human life and the world would immediately improve if you were no longer in it.
Ireland. I'm using the wifi in McDonalds. I don't have to go back to the hostel until 10PM.
Kinda in the same situation. Great Grandparents were Texas oil barons who found oil on their farmland. Grandmother got most of the inheritance, went crazy and threw a bunch of lavish parties and bought properties all over the south. Got married and re-married a bunch times so she had to deal with a bunch of divorce claims. Then she gave a bunch of money to my dad and their 5 siblings and they lived well. There was even a local article in the news paper when she died. Apparently she was in debt to a lot of powerful lawyers.
There is talk of more inheritance but she was in so much debt there might not be anything left.
I lived a nice middle class life though so I'm not poor. Although, I work in a fucking kitchen even after I graduated college. So I guess in a sense I am working class, I got no means of production like my ol grandmama.
We got a saying in our family
"It takes three generations to deplete a fortune"
I get the feeling your definition of "working class" is "dirty muscular white guy in overalls".
I go to school from 9 to 4.30 and on tuedays to 5. then help around the house, i'm 16.
Very poor from a young age up until around 14. I'm talking living on 23k a year poor with my single mother.
23k a year is not that bad.
As I must sell my labor power in order to survive, yes I am from the working class. But if you want to play prolier-than-thou, I make $12/hr as a laboratory technician.
are you huffing fumes? that's awful to try to live off while raising a son in burgerland
Sorry, I did not undertand it was your mother who earns 23k a year. How old are you?
I am not but I was in the same situation (only with more kids and less money) until I got a steel fabrication job at 18 (and now I'm back in that situation only with no kids no mother or no job at 19)
I'm still a student. Mother is east-europe unmployed immigree, father (they're divorced) is an "artist", he gains something like 2000 euros/month.
When i lived with the former life used to be /fullprole/ (and shitty) and contraddictions of capitalism were very self-evident but i was not very grounded on theory at the time, now that i live with the latter i have at least toilet paper but i still have a radiant future of unemployment/precary working and i'm beginning to consider more all the mental health and alienation issues of capitalism.
There are only two classes, user. The working class and the owning class.
I think what you mean to ask is how many have low educational attainment.
Third world working class, middle class to be more specific.
I'm a machinist.
The job of CEO in and of itself is a wage labor job, cultural perceptions be damned. Whether they are working class in practice depends on how the CEO gets their wealth (and therefore where their true economic interest lies), something which is usually related to the size of the business they head. Corporate CEOs usually get most of their wealth from company stock and are often major shareholders. CEOs in smaller businesses very often make their wealth from a wage.
Lmao this is not that poor. Just low-class.
Probably a shitty rental and cheap groceries
my mother was a systems analyst, got chased out of her job and blacklisted, spent the last couple decades of her life in blue collar precarious work just barely staying afloat. i've done nothing other than precarious work with my life, mostly retail with a stint at a warehouse.
it's sort of weird because i own property (my home), but i don't buy into the standard petty booj ideology that was fed through the school system that we're all supposed to aspire to. i would still bitch about property taxes and being forced off my property under the current system. fortunately gentrification hasn't hit here yet so tax bills are super low (cheaper than renting, primary reason why i and everyone around me is holding on to their houses).
so i have experience with both low class people who have to rent, and petty booj / educated workers, and have insight into both and just how desperate people are to not become submerged proles, because that's basically what happened to my family (like many others that are barely holding on).
i work a shit job so fuck
By 2040 medical doctors in the United States will have been proletarianized. Screenshot this.
The sooner the better tbh
The "HAHAHAHA EVERYONE IS A PROLE" is just absolute vulgar butchering of good theory. The class system is an exploiter/exploited relationship. If you are "working", and getting paid fuckloads, where is that money coming from? Not from your work, from the wrok of those you supervise. Its absolutely textbook surplus extraction but anons will still extort Capitalist Apoligism to you.
Yeah, I agree. I really hate the people who are so disconnected that they "reinvent Marxism" and then Anons are genuinely amazed at their completely asspulled navelgazing.
You have to work user. Its a part of life. Just because you are being exploited doesnt mean you should be a dependent. Geez, bigger picture man. The longer you wait the harder its going to be. How can you even be a Communist if you dont work? No one is going to kick you off Zig Forums or anything, but dont you, at least deep down, feel like you are avoiding the reality of your situation?
How would we know? Its not like we have a census, yknow.
True story: One of my doctors actually has a portrait of Eugene Debs hanging on the wall of his office. I remarked on it, saying "Eugene Debs!", to which he corrected me with "Eugene V. Debs."
I wonder if he's a fan.
I have done
* landscaping/groundskeeping
* dockhand
* janitor
* metal recycler
* masonry
* home repair
* currently doing it support for a large organization.
you would know if you did more than autistically identify the subject of a portrait
I grew up in a trailer park, on a Marijuana farm and from home to home. Mom and dad were separated mostly. Dad worked in a shop fabricating metal parts, mom worked various jobs and then went to school and became a nurse. I guess lower middle class.
I get the impression you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. I've only ever had shit lower paying jobs, and when I haven't had those I've been living on the fucking dole. Also "working class" when used in the main stream liberal sense is fucking retarded. Proletarian is the more accurate term when discussing actually existing class structure, and it encompasses around 85-90% of society.
if you currently or will have to sell your capacity to work to a capitalist as a commodity in return for a wage, you're working class
Well I'm not gonna ask him while I'm getting my parts looked at. And especially not in earshot of his Gen-X receptionists.
A comrade can dream, though.
my parents are social climbers (working class ==> petit bouj) and I grew up petit bouj, it's not a good life for you, me and both my sisters have depression and anhedonia. Mom has said before she feels like a failure as a mother, she's right in a way, moral rot and misanthropy is what it takes to be a petit landlord, even moreso with a small business. Only socialism can lead humanity away from small business/landlord/American suburban fascism.
Homeless people all have second hand smartphones which they can charge in either a restaurant, a library or some other place.
jesus christ you're a faggot
I really hate this rich vs poor view that some people talk about. There is no split in the population of the havers and have not; you can find someone who sits between two people in terms of capital. We should be against the system, not people.
inb4 I'm called a champagne socialist; dad was on a disability pension and my mum has worked retail her entire life
Hatred of the rich is the socialist version of hating white men. Its the vulgar easy propoganda that sticks in peoples heads easier.
Unlike hating wyatte maen, it directs hatred at people who have actual real power by definition, not questionably real social power by proxy, and it ties into the actual more nuanced theory in how the richest of the rich are the booj, which makes explanations of how its not about them personally but the system that makes such a class possible thats the problem. Again contrasted with socjus because I just can't help myself, where the good parts of the theory produced by the scholarship seem completely, radically disconnected from the vulgar meme version that characterizes the movement.