Try analyzing reality instead of buying into liberal word games like a retard. What liberals want isn't "open borders," they want the free flow of capital, and the free flow of labor. The borders are only "open" if you can afford to pay the exit and entry fee.
The US has "open borders" between its states. Theoretically, you can move across the country as easily as across the street. There aren't armed guards between California and Oregon lined up to probe your asshole on your way from Fresno to Portland. You don't have to pay a bunch of fees and shit or be naturalized as a citizen of Maine after moving there from Arizona. No one checks your ID when you drive across state lines to buy fireworks.
If the borders were open then you could leave these countries just as easily as that. All these hoops set up to prevent it, like visas, customs, and so on, wouldn't be there. They're put in place specifically for the reasons of controlling capital and labor, because of the alchemy involved in the global Capitalist economy, where you can draw an imaginary line between two workers and pay one a quarter of the other for the same work. Borders are and always have been a tool of the ownership classes to deprive the working classes of liberty and livelihood, and that's exactly what's happening today.
The reason all these "immigrants" are being brought into the west is because of pea brains like you that think they're somehow separate from the "domestic" working class. Because they're "foreign" or "illegal" or whatever buzzword is used to trick lackwits like you, porky is justified in paying them less, which serves to keep their profits up, fools like you complacent with your "fuck you, got mine" bullshit, and erode living standards across the board as more and more capital is drained from the economy and concentrated at the top. Because you're drunk on liberal bullshit you don't know what's going on and you parrot reactionary bullshit because blaming the browns is easier than actually having to wrap your little peanut around the functions of capitalism.
Dipshit, immigrants to the west are a major source of capital infusion into the third world. It's made even more significant by the fact that unlike WTO or World Bank scams, that money isn't coming with strings and interest attached.
Are you seriously fucking retarded? You might be able to make the "brain drain" case, but technology magnifies physical labor to such an extent as to make whatever "labor drain" you've made up in your defective brain irrelevant. Couple that with advances in information technology and not only are more people than ever granted access to information and the education that they need, but that fewer experts are able to accomplish even more, without even needing to be in the same country.
That's not how socialist development works you fucking moron. It's not contingent on how many laborers are in a given place, but the social conditions effecting it. And chances are, if they're in a place characterized as "third world," they know exactly how badly capitalism is fucking them.
This isn't the 1930s you blithering dimwit. Not only has technology has magnified human labor to the extent that there will never not be a saturated labor market, not the least because capitalism requires a saturated labor market to function, and it will actively work to create it, but capital is no longer tied to a national geographic location. The entire world is the labor market now, you fucking dumb asshole. You have nurses in Calcutta reviewing lab results taken in your local hospital, IT workers in Thailand providing tech support to customers in Saskatoon, design firms in Prague creating ad campaigns for companies in Buenos Aries. It doesn't matter if they're here or there, you massive fucking dipshit, because the international nature of capital has rendered nationality obsolete.'' It's what necessitates the international, borderless character of Socialism.
Have you seriously never picked up a fucking book before? Or read a newspaper? Looked out your fucking window? In the first half of the 20th century, the American labor movement was at the top of its game. It was organized, militant, and had some of the best compensated labor in the world. What happened? The capitalists moved all their industry to places that weren't organized. You stupid fucking class cuck, you aren't arguing to protect the workers with your crypto racist bullshit, you're arguing to protect the noose around its neck.
The only way forward is the elimination of borders and the spooks that porky has ingrained into brainlets like you to trick you into maintaining them for them. "Foreign" and "native" labor are false dichotomies, and your empty rhetoric is nothing but reactionary horse shit.
Attached: muh income gains.png (558x423, 82K)