Turkish Election

So i Assume Zig Forums favors the SocDem / Kemalist gang (CHP) over Erdogan (AFP) ?


Or do you think Turkey should go full NazKem gang and elect VP?


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nah bro: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Labour_Party_(Turkey)

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they're good enough for the ICMLPO, idc what their opinion on Kurdistan is at the moment anyway

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TKP are revolutionary abstentionists and thus do not compete.
Tbh as long as Erdogan loses, it is good for us: first it will v likely lead to withdrawal from Syria (since the army was always opposed to it, it was a project launched by Erdogan for personal ilamigist aims) and it will also likely trigger a conflict between the NeoOttomanist islamists and the Grey Wolf Turanists. Turkey unironically could descend into civil war by 2020, and they have a large revolutionary socialist base.

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Thanks, liberals, your pluralism fetish is such a boon to human dignity.


Leftypol favors Assad in his fight against Turkey.

Im Kurdish/Turkish so I'm putting my support in HDP. Demirtaş is ultimate daddy.

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being a kurd is imperialist, you're not allowed to do that on Zig Forums anymore.

Being Pro-Sepratism in Syria is wrong because the Kurdish NatLib movement is being used by capitalist powers to carve up a Nation
Being Pro-Kurdish independence in Turkey is fine because their actively working against NATO and the US

I have no personal views on Syrian Kurds but I am very pro PKK and Peoples' United Revolutionary Movement.

Oh no, the bourg are going to carve up a nation that they created in the first place by drawing imaginary lines on a map regardless of what the people wanted

Perincek gang

So does Vatan Partisi and Perinçek

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Horrifically shit take the two compliment eachother.

Out of interest, do İnce or Akşener want to end thr occupation in Northern Syria?


Why's that take shitty fam?

Is this bizarro Zig Forums or something

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ML parties as they actually exist (and not phil greaves style schizos completely separated from ML party politics) support the PKK and you'll see both on Zig Forums. I have no idea what's up with that dumbass wobbly though, maybe stockholm syndrome got to him after BO banned him for the 3rd time for supporting Rójava?

gas the k*rds, gas the commies


Ethiopia civil war was weird but none of the sides were puppets, just corrupt african oligarchs…

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t. Derg imperialist

No i support Somalian and Eritrean resistance against soviet imperialist and there derg stooges

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Are you retarded?

You realize Eritrean identity is based entirely around their 40 years of Italian rule? and that for literally their entire history before and after they were a part of Ethiopia?

I know the royals were fucked up but jesus read a fucking book Eritrean identity is borne entirely out of colonialism

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Its sarcasm you dude

This is like taking the Indonesian side against the East Timorese because they were made Catholic by Portuguese colonization

my b then

Idk much bout Indonesian history (though i know the genocide in East Timor was fucked up) but East Timor was a Portuguese colony for nearly 300 years - big difference from 40..also there was an Ethiopian identity predating colonialism, with modern day Eritrea as one of its core provinces- was there an Indonesian

The majority of Eritreans at the time of independence only knew an Ethiopian identity, despite the Derg's terror bombing (and as if Eritreans were the only ones who suffered at the hands of the Derg)

The Eritrean "freedom fighters" were nothing but reactionary ethnonationalists seeking a quick route to power - and the "identity" they created is taking pride in the 40 years of European rule

as for Somalia there are Ethiopian leftists who advocate for a sort of federation - like two states one system. Wouldn't even have to be called Ethiopia anymore, could be the East African Federation

Good way to exert sovereignty over shared water/oil resources in the face of Saudi/Emirati/Turkish encroachment

The virgin samefaceronpa vs the Chad Zero Escape

Sory i want actual character and i dont know….ANIMATION in my games.

Words>>>animation goy
Samefaceronpa's creator must have the same disease Ace had,

Nice try weaboo nerd

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I have game pics to
The whole weaboo thing is that i have only wached 1or2 chineese cartoons while i the other user likes boring vns

This is why Kurdistan will never exist. Kurds in Turkey see themselves as Turkish.

While the Eritreans were reactionaries. It isn’t fair to compare them to European colonialist ethno-nationalists. There ranks were entirely indigenous aAfrica. All Europeans left Africa (excluding SA) in the 50s.



that's even worse

That is true of so many fucking nations, that doesnt invalidate it tbh.

My top list to be nuked would be:

VATAN>Everyone else

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Read Perinçek.

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so I am I. I don't see the big deal

I play videogames ,but anyone who calls himself "game" is a retard


gross, anyway the most mainstream party would be the HDP coalition but for you snowflakes, there's about a baker's dozen of miscellaneous ML and anarchist groups NOT including Serok Apo

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CIA leave

Feels Bad Man

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seem erdogan is over 50%
also the members of the french communist party sent to observe the elections were arrested and then released
the PCF accused the Turkish government of wanting "to stifle all voices denouncing the massive fraud at work."

Okay, gonna reply to you user but this is for everyone: in short, shit's fucked.
There are two agencies in Turkey, AA (think bbc but has institutional powers in reporting) and YSK (actual independent government agency that handles elections). So the former is saying that 100% of the ballot boxes have been OPENED, but the latter is saying only 65% of the votes have been counted. Still, of the opened votes, Erdogan has won. HOWEVER loads of votes haven't been counted yet. Oh also Erdogan's party lost its majority in the GNA, and the HDP (socdem-demsoc kurdish autonomists) got in, fucking the gov. Oh also also, Erdogan has declared victory, even though he could still actually fail to get through. IN short, the result is not known, we just think we do.

Turkey fights kurdish imperialism in Syria so i support Erdogan.

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