Hey, honest question. Are antifa just violent, SJW-style ancoms? Also, what is the opinion here about antifa groups?

Hey, honest question. Are antifa just violent, SJW-style ancoms? Also, what is the opinion here about antifa groups?

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There is nothing wrong in disturbing fash rallies and picking fights with cops

Depends on the country
In greece they are mostly anarchist
Some are radlibs others not
Anarchist are not that united( like all leftist) but they cooperate against nazis
Antifa is not for me, they are glorified gang wars with less violence( i say just kill them if you fear them so much ,beating them means nothing)
Also sometimes some of them call anything fash ,even shitty conservative parties


Only useful to an extent. Beyond street confrontation, theyre useless.

Not FBI. Also, why do they rely on the help of police and lawful authorities despite being anti-police and anti-authoritarian?

it's mostly edgy liberals, but there are some serious ancoms. If it's opposing reactionaries then they're alright but it's when they make asses of themselves by being disorganised in the face of their opponents that things get cringeworthy.

Antifa pretty much use the fact that they fought fascists in the 30s as bragging rights. They shouldn't. They lost. They lost in Germany, they lost in Spain and they are losing in the US. In my experience they show up to protests, hide their faces like cowards, pick fights with white nationalists, and 9 times out of 10, they lose.

That being said I 100% support them in getting the LinkedIn info of ICE employees. I think that's a valuable thing that could actually have some use in the future.

Antifa's shit tier tactics make me want to say, yes. There's probably a few left-of-red-liberal types, but they're probably in the minority.

What do they hope to do by doxxing ICE employees?

because it fucks with their income. companies don't want the bad PR of having these people in their ranks, and so often get rid of them.

So companies are pro-antifa?

Put faces and accountability on the people who are separating kids from their parents.

I'm sorry but if you are directly committing human rights abuses on behalf of the system you deserve to be harassed. ICE employees and drone operators are fair game in my book, and I'm not even as radical as most people here. I don't like dogpiling people for sharing conservative or racist views on facebook or any of that shit, but if you are actually acting out on your fascism, yeah you deserve everything and anything that is coming to you.

Think of it is guerilla warfare. These people count upon the fact that they can lock people in cages, shoot people and abuse people and go home to their towns as if nothing happened. They shouldn't be able to do that. they should be sleeping with one eye open their entire lives if they are involved in this stuff.

some might have sympathies, but it's all about PR. what company leader wants to have the issue of people pointing fingers and sayign "they employ literal nazis!"

I doubt the employer, being ICE itself, thinks their employment for ICE is problematic.

it's not universal, but that's the idea behind what the dox list is trying to do. that and make the people on it hot under the collar.

i wish they'd fit the strawman less and actually looked intimidating without the masks but that's just me being petty. Regardless, there's nothing wrong with disrupting any form of reactionary activity

They hurt our cause. Lefties arent supposed to be violent. Normies know this & so go the other way

unironically fuck off liberal

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Yeah yeah, I get the idea, but it's logically inconsistent. If you out current ICE employees, their employer is ICE, which one assumes will not fire people for being part of itself. Is it with an eye towards future employers? I assume it's not about ex ICE employees, as that would be rather self defeating.


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when antifa protests organize completely on corporations/politics instead of constantly pissing off citizens and making a fucking mess everywhere, i'll associate.
how much of antifa is just liberals who want to throw shit anyways?

all ancoms are social democrats, middle class welfare leeches who want free college gibsmedats

So if the problem is that they separate families when they illegally cross the border, is the solution to put the whole family in the same holding cell, kick the families out of the country intact without due process, or to simply allow them into the country unchecked? I understand the asylum argument, but the US wouldn't be the first country they could seek asylum in.

Why do antifa hide their faces then?

Are you sure it's not because companies would hate to lose the cheap labor that undocumented immigrants provide?

Black bloc tactic. In the modern era, it helps prevent doxxing if nobody can see your full face.


because there FBI dummy

In america maybe
But tbh right now there have to be like 1 fbi agents here
If you are an amerimutt it comes with the job

OP, is totally not the feds guys! Let's continue this productive exchange of opinions, fellow leftist.
Also remember to report to your local authorities any of these antifa thugs you happen to come across, they're the REAL fascists shutting down peaceful assemblies of people (most of the time just regular conservatives) exercising their 1st amendment rights! They gives a bad name and they should just be purged from the left imo.

Talking about antifa makes you a fed? I wouldn't want to be in your head

They're useful idiots who shut down speech and organizations capitalists disapprove of.

Capitalists love fascists though.

Unless you're a retarded boomer calling antifa "fascists", this post makes no sense.

Whenceforth did this terrible cold take come from?

I didn't say that. I said they're useful idiots for capitalists. In their minds they probably have some anti-capitalist reasoning to enforce corporate-approved political views on the streets.

You know it's possible to agree on a view without 2 things being the same or 2 people being like eachother. Capitalists and regular people, even ANTIFA, would probably agree killing random people is bad, that doesn't make ANTIFA agreeing with a capitalist that killing random people is bad 'apart of their corporate agenda', you sound like a fucking centrist right now.

you know damn well exactly what he's talking about, don't pretend otherwise.
supporting imperialism in the name of social liberalism and faggotry? saying we need more bosses as long as they're women? two things on the bucket list of both antifa and capitalism

If you support mass immigration and beat up groups who stand with most of society in opposing it, you're a useful idiot for capitalism. Pretty much everything antifa opposes are the same things will get you fired by the HR department.

I fully support imperialism but otherwise agree.

Are you trying to imply ANTIFA is a hivemind? C'mon fam that's Zig Forums-tier. Everyone is different and everyone has their own opinions.

Populist nonsense, but thank you for reminding me about how communizmz killed 60 bajillion people - LOOK! Mainstream liberals which is practically everyone, agrees with it so it MUST be true!

Fucking end yourself 1st world boot licker.

does the argument that Iran should be overthrown because women and gays are treated badly ring a bell?
which is why I find supporting an all-encompassing and inclusive leftist orgs asinine. it just drags in imperialist socdems and other assortments of red liberals

It's not nonsense. You're on the side of corporations and against the working class. At least own it.
I have no idea what the rest of your reply even means.

But I'd never call them fascists; they're obviously marxists. For all their failings, fascists were trying to save us from this trash.
Also, how is ICE imperialistic?

I can't tell weather you drank the nazbol kool-aid or the Democrat™ neocon kool-aid. mind clarifying your political position?

Sounds like something a Zig Forumsyp would say after going on about his brave autists going on protests uncovered and crying later after they get doxxed
doesn't look like that after they close down their rallies and stop showing up in places

as much as annarkiddies are fun to make fun of here, what they do is in no way bad
and sure some of the antifa are redlibs that don't go beyond idpol but crashing fash rallies and picking fights with cops is nothing bad
stop being american bootlickers

Again, everyone is different and has their own opinions.

Bullshit, even if a few are shitlery supporters, something has to be done about the nazifags attacking random people. Unless maybe you're a sit and do nothing type. Sorry didn't realize I was talking to a leftcom, you can go back to reading Bordiga now. If nazifags roll up to my town in a bus and pour out starting to attack the blacks, jews, and "race traitors" you bet your armchair I'll go out there with a knife & gun. And it's not going to be 'le support hillery 2020 xDDDDD' and I won't be wearing a rainbow flag wrapped around my neck.

I meant antifa are marxist (this shouldn't be controversial); not ICE. I'm just standard far right but more explicitly opposed to capitalism.

They don't attack random people. If antifa strictly acted to defend other brainwashed traitors of their societies, then I'd actually be more sympathetic. They attack any movement for nationalism or for organic/traditional social structures, in fact they often attack even classical liberals, although that's hilarious.

Wasn't there literally just a busload of nazifags that attacked people like a few months ago?
Y'know when nazifags are out on the street kicking the shit out of people, now is not the time to break out The Ego and Its Own, it's time for direct action.
Dogwhistles for fascism. Fuck your make believe traditional society based on pseudohistory.

If you live in an imperialist country like the US then so-called "traditionalism" is fascist. Classical liberalism was and still is extremely reactionary so I don't see why they shouldn't be disrupted as well.

Antifa are niggers.

Of the glow in the dark kind? Bc they're actually pretty white.

Antifa has changed a lot in the past few years.

Seems like pre 2014 they were just really focused on genuine anti-facism but since gaining more media attention in America and being portrayed as 'SJWs' they've attracted more of those people.

Individual terrorism is contraproductive to our cause. They have good intentions, but it causes in the end more harm to our movement, than it benefits.

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They really do treat the extreme metal community like shit and need to stop trying to deplatform black metal shows because that doesn't help anyone, besides that they are kind of a mixed bag.

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How is it not terrorism?

fucking kys my lad

"Punch a Nazi" is terrorism, assuming we mean the standard definition of terrorism, meaning "non-state violence for political purposes".

No one uses that definition; terrorism is exclusively confined to allah akbars, sorry bud try playing again next time.

Nah it's justice. I'm not going to say terrorism is justice (sorry FBI.) However, states like America that murder millions of people for profit have absolutely no right to whine about a couple thousand people dying in a terrorist attack nor do they have any sort of moral high ground to decry similiar tactics elsewhere.

Is this the leftybro version of "ok sweetie" ?

It could be both terrorism and justice; they're not mutually exclusive.

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To clarify what I've meant: We will achieve nothing with random violence. Under certain circumstances violence is necessary, but usually it alienates workers from the left. Look at groups like the RAF. Killing and smashing without any plan helps only the enemy. The same is with Antifa. Burning down trashcans and cars doesn't change the system. It only gives the state more arguments, to extend repressive laws.

it's an empty threat made by angry democrats
if we're going by this definition then you should be reporting every le pinochet helicopters post you see


They're going to do that whether or not they meet resistance. So if they're going to do it anyway, why not fight back now?

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Liberals larping as communists.

The idea of an SJW is a meme. Total meme. When you analyze the use thereof, it becomes abundantly clear that it is a meaningless snarl word assigned to anyone who is remotely to the left of Ronald Reagan. It is absurd. People called Sanders, a centrist, an SJW. What does that tell you about SJWs? Furthermore, quite a lot of people think that Anita Sarkessian is an SJW despite the fact that what she said was pretty rudimentary and not really that radical. The SJW term really applies to no one. Fuck the premise of your stupid thread.

This. Insofar as “SJWs” exist at all, they’re a tiny and insignificant group of Tumblr teenagers most of whom will probably grow out of it. I don’t understand how Zig Forums has fallen for this retarded right-wing meme.

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t. weird twitter goon

I think the ideological side of weird twitter is generally nazbol types who dislike sjw's