Where can I find the ICE LinkedIn database

For research purposes only of course.

Why the fuck is this being scrubbed from the internet? it's publicly available info.

I love how the same people who have no problem doxxing some neckbeard for making anti-feminist comments, or getting someone fired from their job for not serving a black woman after their fucking bakery closed will pussy the fuck out when it comes to fighting ACTUAL fascists who are doing ACTUAL fascist things. Makes me fucking sick.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-05-30 at 11.03.11 PM.png (633x397, 45.62K)

Other urls found in this thread:


U wot m8

here ya go faggots web.archive.org/web/20180619210150/https://antiboredom.github.io/ice-linkedin/

crap they already took that one down I guess

because it could be dangerous for the workers

If there is one thing they are good at in the USA it's protecting the safety and rights of workers.

Fucking porky libs piss me off.

I'm against doxxing in most cases. Someone says something mean on the internet? tough shit, but the ONE FUCKING TIME it's actually justified, because it's against people who are committing violence on behalf of the state who are pretty much immune to any other type of justice, the SJWs pussy out. They can go fuck themselves. Fuck big tech, fuck the blogosphere and fuck the so called left.

Law enforcement =/= the proletariat. There have been a multitude of supreme court cases basically saying they can shoot anyone they want, abuse anyone they want and are immune from being sued if the "internal investigation" conveniently finds that they did no wrongdoing. They are the ONE group of people other than the bourgeoisie that I'm OK with siccing an internet hate mob upon.

What workers?

I didn't say they were proletariat I said scrubbing their linkedin from the internet is protecting them

ice agents

anarchists are so fucking stupid

I already reported all those links to the FBI.

Actually, I wouldn't mind having ICE deport anarchists.

Attached: 1529553834948.jpg (201x216, 19.77K)

But ….but they were antifa larpers not BASED ml rebelion larpers

Is this the one OP?

Open borders is boug policy. The leftist position is not to bring laborers here from other countries so they can be exploited here as second class citizens, but to build them up where they are, so they can be protected workers in their own home countries.

Workers are workers regardless of where they were born, and in any case, Third world revolutions always end up sabotaged by Imperialists: Look at the history of Latin America and it's endless foreign-sponsored coups against leftists leaders and popular revolts.

Oh? Where'd you read that?

And as it is, this idea is very dangerous in the US because it does not have a leftist basis. It's called "neoconservatism", and it's still likely the dominant ideology of the internal federal government.
The naivete of open borders does not mean we do not have a stake in the immigration dilemma.

what are you trying to say

That his rejection of criticism of how the US government treats illegals is a straw man.

Attached: 097b5450-c570-4fa1-88c9-bc41f60b1747.png (1349x10000, 1.53M)

Link baleeted.


Thanks for not being a censorcuck. And here's the magnet for anyone more interested: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:ee643c0e94c210eac21c58f74608fda07db8f1aa&dn=ice-linkedin+-+all+ICE+employees+on+LinkedIn&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.leechers-paradise.org%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fzer0day.ch%3A1337&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.demonii.com%3A1337&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.coppersurfer.tk%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fexodus.desync.com%3A6969 .

(Zig Forums doesn't accept .torrent files)


go ahead. it tracks the accounts. have fun leaving a trail.



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Detaining and deporting immigrants who are already here is an act of state violence in service of the bourgeois, and should be treated as such. ICE agents are class traitors; plain and simple.

…and now so are you!

hAcKinG CoMpuTeRS? Like what Russia did to our election?!

Attached: smoke1.jpg (500x344, 16.96K)

this lmao

Attached: happy-2-186x300.jpg (350x200, 10.25K)

Attached: ok kid.jpg (431x450, 68.11K)

ice.wikileaks.org/ (best layout)
These aren't full doxes. Just name, location, photo. I might start looking for some /baph/ style doxes if there is interest.

Attached: adeliesHi_68x80.jpg (2000x1400, 789.26K)

Lawrence K Orton
Deputy Director (retired) U.S.I.C.E., Atlanta Field Office.

1895 Big Haynes Ct, Grayson, GA 30017
Landline (770) 513-3484


Douglas Paul Ruszcyk
Current: Federal Law Enforcement Department Homeland Security (ICE)
Previous: U.S Army. Armored Division 4th INF 3rd Battalion Charlie Company M16-A1 Marksman Grenade M72A2 Armored Fort Knox KY United States Capitol Police Department Training Academy

748 Lemington St Greensburg PA 15601-3406

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

impressive work user

now we just need cages fit for a big pig, at least a day they should spend like those children to feel something I swear

Who are these people and what do they have to do with ICE? why are they being doxxed?

Fuck off, ICE.

Many thanx