Alt Right to Lefty Pipeline

Any former Alt Righters here who turned hard left? It doesn't seem to happen often but if you are ope, how did you make the transition?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'd imagine that alt-righters turning to the left would have something to do with why they went to the alt right in the first place.
in stupid terms, they only went to the righ tin the first place because 'fuck sjws', or a bit more exactly because they're contrarians and it was clear how liberals(who they, like everyone else, imagined to be the definition of "the left") were stooges for the establishment, making the alt-right seem attractively transgressive and countercultural by comparison.
some get too drunk on ideology to ever return, some can still turn to actual leftism if they're exposed to the ideas and realize/are made aware they don thave to come in a package with idpol etc.
I never went to the alt-right but I did watch sargon videos and think "crazy radical extreme leftists" were the problem, so I'm assuming thats a fundementally similar phenomenon as someone who goes to the alt right, just a different expression of it.
would you agree OP?

forgot my image. very very important image.

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Yeah that seems to sum it up pretty well. That attitude of "Fuck these SJews I'm gonna go join the Alt Right!" seems fairly common in those circles. Sadly I think someone that takes that extreme of a turn in their philosophy from just seeing a few ideologues show their ass won't likely have the self awareness to turn back.

ffs put a fucking spoiler on that shit, fucking disgusting, this is worse than outright scat porn, goddammit

Its not nearly that minor or trivial. SJW insanity was not 'just a few idealogues', it was a few idealogues who were accepted and enabled by people who felt like they were on the same team, and the idiocy expressed by the most egreigous examples of them was extremely prevelant throughought the rest of that movement as well- both because of said extreme cases being enabled and accepted by the others and so spreading their ideas, and more commonly just because of the inherent problems with liberal identitarian ideology making themselves vividly clear when nuance and respectability are stripped away and its just people who for some reason or another feel that this is the team for them rightously picking up the basic idea and propoganda.
Or, to put it a little less obtusely, the few extremely retarded idealogues were a symptom of the broader movement being retarded in general, because its based off faulty premises and broken, limiting ideas.

Im not trying to sound smart by talking like this im just bad at expressing ideas clearly.

another thing: your reaction to people rejecting your ideology for one superficial reason or another-
"they must be idiots. my ideology is obviously more correct, anyone who really looked at its ideas could see so, they must be fucking morons to reject it because of [superficial associations or perception here]"-
is wrong, stupid, and useless. most people understand politics in terms of tribalism, memes, and aesthetic associations. If they develop actual beliefs, they probably still went through a path of memes and associations that led them to actually useful ideas and real beliefs. assuming they must be stupid or obtuse because you already see how good these ideas are so obviously anone smart would too is naiive and will never do anything to lead anyone to the correct conclusions or break down the assumptions and memes preventing them from coming to them on their own.

Not sure if I'm the sort of person you wanted a response from, but you can have it anyway.

I'm still trying to make sense of my political beliefs. If I spent more time reading and thinking about it, I suppose I might have figured things out by now. As it stands, I would say that I am still far right socially, but economically I totally reject capitalism, and lean towards the anarchist "school" of leftist thought. I am particularly interested in seeing the government in my country localised, and power decentralised. I think that centralisation of power in the hands of the few is directly responsible for the moral decay of society. I often hear leftists say that idpol needs to be rejected and that dialectical materialism is the truth. In a sense, I agree, but I draw different conclusions. They are (I would think) imagining a global communist society of free association, where hierarchy and class have been abolished and individuals of all ethnicities/faiths/etc are liberated and can live together as equals. On the other hand, I imagine a society where the decentralisation of power allows people to have more influence over their local communities, and exert social pressure to control the behaviour of their neighbours (who would of course be free to leave), much like, say, homeowner's associations. I guess that's a sort of mild national-anarchism?

Sorry for rambling. To answer your actual question, it just became increasingly obvious to me that economics is just as important, if not more so, than social policy. I honestly believe every single person on Zig Forums (except perhaps the "dont tread on me" types) is capable of becoming a leftist. Just not a liberal leftist.

Why do I feel an impulse to slap Carl's ass?

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into the trash

Nope I went straight from SocDem->Marxist
then again, I didn't really believe that the market was good for anything, was sympathic to the Soviet Union, and thought stalin was a good man, so I guess I've always been some form of socialist, and just started to read some theory.

Almost same as this guy, I went from SocDem -> AnSyn -> Marxist



I threw up in my mouth a little at this post

I don't know. Maybe you're right, but reading through the board I get the feeling that a substantial part of them are sociopaths who rightly belong in gulag for the protection of the rest of society. Too many brainlets who dehumanize and unironically advocate killing people that don't share their skin colour.

I guess most of them are just normal people who've swallowed a few blue pills too many, but some of them are legit fucked in the head

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that's typical,
so why didn't you jump to marxism.

It's fake.

It happened to me, and I've seen it happen for quite a few others.
I used to be a liberal, realized SJWs not only didn't care about, but were openly hostile to working people, and went Zig Forums.
Then I realized that Zig Forums used bullshit sources, defended Trump no matter what he did, defended corporations for doing the worst shit imaginable as long as they didn't put a rainbow filter over their logo, got tired of that shit and went Commie.
Maybe in 3 years I'll be an Anarchist or something.

It's only fake if we believe it's fake.

It's real in my mind

Liberal->ancap->red socdem->ml

Was a race realist libertarian for a coupla years thanks to Zig Forums. Only started backpedaling once I realized my shit made no sense and kept me from making friends who weren't retarded. Found /r/socialism during my search for alternatives and became a leftist, then a post-left degenerate after actually reading theory.

For me I always thought I was on the left, however, ironically my understanding of what socialism was was flawed, and I was more into Corporatism actually, which is one of the foundation stones of Fascist ideology.

When I was a teenager I was into Stalin and the Soviet Union, but as I said I had a very flawed understanding of them, when I learned more I moved into Social Democracy for a while, and back to real socialism when I realized that doesn't go anywhere.

i went through a center right libertarian phase and posted on/pol/ for a few months

and then I started watching and reading leftist videos and books and it started to make sense to me and I realized I had been wrong the whole time. I think the people really deep into the alt-right are just too far gone

Oh god I’m having flashbacks of my Zig Forums days now- when my understanding of the world was so infantile I actually thought police were good and black people put themselves in poverty

I know that feeling brother. I run into edgy remnants of my pol days constantly,

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Doesn't sound too bad for me. How would you delimit communities? I think dividing them by productive sectors would make the most sense.

Now I'm a read, anti-racist, anti-imperalist, anti most idpol Leninist. Also turns out i was bisexual and unironically used to think ill stop Trap fucking when day of the rope came because i totally wont be included in it. Probably why those Fascist aesthetics got into my head. That and self hatred/repression.

If someone has that comic of someone falling down a slide turning into the "altright" i think it might match me pretty well. But i can't be sure.


I was one the Zig Forums converts during the first strimes on Syria. That happening is what split old-Zig Forums from nu-Zig Forums. I was really disenfranchised after being called a shill or jew endlessly for criticizing Trump. Never went full 1488 muh joos tho, I always felt I was more center-right nativist libertarian type who got interested into reading Marxian economics


I'm still alt-right but I'm open to marxist ideas for entertainment, and I think that some of their criticisms of capitalism are valid.

I'm more interested in Italian Fascism/Christian Theocracy though. I don't really like the psychology and aesthetic of leftism

I don't think this is true. Ultimately, it just comes down to racism and sexism. At the end of the day, you can debate with a Zig Forumslack all you want, when you whittle it down to the nub, they just say "muh jews" or "muh niggers" and it ends there. They're just zombies and the only appropriate solution for them is gas vans.

please stop playing into the cards of horseshoe theorists

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Stalin did actually use gas vans. A lot of countries did. I've been arguing with Zig Forumslacks for years now, but now they're seriously starting to rub me the wrong way. Just talking to one for two seconds and seeing the blatant stupidity of the them drives me up the wall. They live in a fantasy world. Especially now some of them have gone back the good old "fascism is third way" bullshit and now are pretending to be anti-capitalist despite the fact fascism is explicitly CORPORATIST. I was reading a WW2 thread (obviously it was full of shit) and these idiots lierally believe Hitler invading Poland and Ukraine to protect it from "judo-bolshevik finance". There is no arguing with these idiots, they're too stupid.

Also, the gas wasn't zyklon B, the van just pumped carbon monoxide into the part the victim was sat in. They wouldn't have even known they were dead. Pretty humane really.

I found out about
To put it short, at first sight the site confuses rightist and leftist viewers, anyone who wishes to read on will discover it is a radical leftist site, or so the owner claims. By extension, Hitler was really a leftist, Aryanism uses ambiguous sources and a peculiar interpretation to back up this statement. It's up to the observer whatever he wishes to believe or not.

Anyhow they are a dedicated incredible few in numbers, not nearly enough to be barely noticeable.

This is what got me off the Zig Forums ride few years ago.

nothing wrong with applying punishments adjusted to the convicts own believes
if they're someone who promotes "race war" and lynching people, gassing them and torturing them, then that's exactly what they should get
now that doesn't mean they should just be asked if they've changed their mind and would let people just off the hook and be set free, obviously not, it's something that'll be judged by their adhered ideologies praxis
i think this is the most fun approach on this
can you imagine when they're being lined up to bite curb stone and get their skull cracked in with some boots coming down on them?
one after another so they have some time to reflect on this messed up shit they fantasize about when they have to clean the remains up of their precurser they just watched getting their treatment before taking their place.
if they have any violent outbursts again and cry about killing people, that'd be something they know is coming for them if they fuck it up.
showing mercy to such complete inhumane scum is a big mistake. they take it for weakness, like the animals they are. reserve your decency for actual people and maybe innocent (farm) animals.

you could also make it a little history lesson for those who committed lesser political crimes that don't warrant a death penalty yet.

free helicopter rides are a funny meme, no?
what you do is round them up, get their leader on the heli ride have the followers wait for him to come back down on the airfield landing strip. they can do some re-educative labour by cleaning up the splattered remains afterwards.
you keep doing that for the rest of their sentence length. when they're back in the barracks the walls will be decorated with funny meme posters about helicopter rides. if they act up in the camp, they can get a free one. maybe they learn to fly and make it out of camp, their last chance to do so.
just for additional memeing give them a pair of bootstraps to hold on to on the helicopters sledge
if they pull themself up maybe they win a price.

I hate /r/socialism. It's an actual SJW circlejerk of nonsense.

Sounds good enough. Is there a problem, yank?

Zig Forums more or less drove me out in early 2016 with constant vitriol and abuse. I had never truly fitted in there but I basically got on OK with the racists and mental cases until the presidential election got properly underway - I guess at that point they thought the stakes had become too high to tolerate anyone who dissented even a tiny bit. I had been coming to Zig Forums for about a year at that point out of curiosity (just because it was on the same site) and when I was forced by Zig Forums's attitude to realise just how worthless the alt-right is, I started taking leftism seriously and was eventually converted. Socialism just offers a much more cogent explanation for why the world is so fucked up, so I think once you've made that huge step of rejecting liberalism and started to seek alternatives, you're bound to end up a leftist unless you allow Zig Forums to suck you in along the way. Unfortunately many people do exactly that.

Incidentally, I've noticed that Zig Forumstards on halfchan are now frequently raising Zig Forums as a bogeyman, which is great for encouraging this sort of transition.

Nope, other way around in fact. As I've become more educated by reading more, I realized the perils of communism.

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This is pretty much the same road I went down except for the bisexual part.


That site is really strange. They are pro Hitler, pro N.S., anti semitic but are militantly pro immigrant and anti racist. To the point where they supported the antifascist BAMN against nazis like Heimbach.

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Reminds me of this one far-right French group who’s name I can’t remember. There very pro-immigration because immigrents in France are more likely to be anti-semtic than native French people. They also advocate all non-Jewish races and nationalities put aside there differences and work together to genocide all Jews. There literal national-globalists,

I'm as right wing as ever, so long as the left is poisoned by immorality embraced as progress and identity politics as more important than economic issues I can never go back. What keeps me as a more moderate right wing type though is the jew hate on the far right, it's so over the top extreme that you literally can't have conversations about any topic without incessant attributions of bad things to jews or alternatively being called a kike shill. Not saying jews are incapable of hostile acts but ffs sometimes it's not them, it's the biggest issue with Zig Forums types.
These guys are civic-Nazbols. Basically they have no problem with immigrants as long as they see them selves as German first, immigrant second, and as long as they bring the anti-semitism from there host countries to Germany. Could you imagine. Immigrant Civic-Nazbols who want to Nuke Israel in Germany fighting with anti-Germans who want to deport all immigrants away from Germany to make sure Germany never turns anti-semtic again. This would be the weirdest thing ever in political history.

Zizek would have a field day.

There ideology is pretty weird. They think that class conflict is just Jews trying to divide non-Jews to control them. Which is pretty standard for Nazis, but here is where there ideology get’s weird. They think that race is the new class and that nationalism and race realism is Jews trying to divide non-Jews and divide them.

It is hilarious that whites think that jews are the white people of the world and they are the ones who are the oppressed slaves. Irony.

I was an anti-sjw libertarian for a year but never went full alt right. After trump got into office and showed that actually was a mong the whole time I quickly became disillusioned and didn’t give a fuck about politics for a while. I drifted back toward being a liberal again and almost became an SJW but I discovered Noam Chomsky and Zizek not long after and became a proper leftist. I’m not gonna call myself a Marxist because I haven’t even finished Capital yet (on Ch. 10 atm) and I have yet to read the bread book so idk about anarchism either. But I’m definitely a revolutionary socialist.

I never understood treating politics as fashion, though. That just seems weird to me.

a)we're talking specifically about ones who turn left later
facinating insights

I started out as a "classical liberal" and was on that whole "ANTI-SJW" shit. I rode through gamergate on halfchan and drank the "skeptic/edgy anti-sjw" koolaid. I became basically the embodiment of a gamerbro with libertarian politics. Not quite alt-right but still a useful idiot to them. I was always uncomfortable with the (at this point) unironic racism and other forms of idpol that side of the aisle pushes, most likely because I'm not exactly white nor did I grow up a sheltered life surrounded by people that look like me. This fact is probably most important in my political development.

Years pass and this election season comes by, I discovered Destiny Debates, and realized all my libertarian ideas were based on shaky facts/logic at best.

I started actually reading books/articles from credible/academic sources; looking seriously into philosophy and leftist theory. At this point I would consider myself a leftist to some degree but I'm not exactly sure what form I would adhere to. Market Socialism looks pretty good to me at the moment, but as I read more theory it would probably become more clear what I feel is best.

I feel that shit so much now, it's surreal to think that is what I used to be. I really fucking hate gamergate in retrospect now, it really fucking poisoned the well and took so many young and alienated people for a ride.

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Who needs to buy gas to kill people when you can just drive to the next group of dissidents, wasted money in my opinion.

what the fuck even is that image?

People like you should be blacklisted.
And if I were like you, I should be blacklisted too.

I'd wager quite a bit of people who wandered in here were like you

I don't really think pirateflagposter here should be the arbiter of what is and isn't blacklisted

Why do you say that?

checks out.

It's more likely than you think

A lot of alt righters don't like unbridled capitalism. They larp being Nazis because they don't know shit about turd position socialism. If they ever get remotely educated they'll convert.

The more ancap leading ones sometimes realize capitalism is in itself what causes the primary contradiction and will either become geo libertarians (anprims) or accelerationsts.

Some just centrist conservatives who always leaned to the left but were alienated for not thanking the trans bus driver go on to become Christian socialists or third worldists.

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if your gaining anyone from the alt-right, i'd imagine it's not for reasons you would appreciate

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Yeah the left is pure and special and only for super duper smart people who just get it the moment they learn to read bcuz der so smurrrttt *masturbates to bookshelf*
Being prone to question and pose onself against normalcy and authority(in this case, perceived social authority) is a good quality you should expect in potential leftists. These people are starting as teenagers, its completely normal and expected that theyd be operating on images and memetic associations.
Others of them go where it feels like the wind is blowing(ie, what their social circles start shifting towards), which is also normal. Not something only done by very unusually dumb people, just normal social behavior.
You need to get over your petulant childish anger that the image of the left has gone down the toilet and people(liberals aren't people) aren't coming to it as much. Getting pissy and venting that everyone who doesnt come join you is a dummy doesnt help them actually join you or see why you're right and they should even as in this case you are.

t. Dickie Spencer

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Probably posted this a shit ton of times, but fuck it, worth a vent.

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Wtf I love communism now.
Former alt-right reporting in.

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I think that tweet was sarcastic

Alt right here

The left is soulless and gay. They just drone on about economics endlessly (not different from neo-cons) and regurgitate the same materialist theories over and over

This board is like a broken record.

it's just boring and uninspiring. Materialism should be a means for a larger goal. Religious or otherwise.

I would think there would be a lot of discussion about classical philosophy on the left. Nope. Nothing. Not one discussion, ever.

There's never any message about the spiritual aspect of life in leftism, or anything metaphysical. Not even Peterson-tier self improvement discussion. Just a bunch of soulless sadsacks sitting around waiting for the revolution to come

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Some posters here do have experience with the larger western philosophical cannon and can actually converse about it.
Unfortunately, most of the smart posters have left or been purged in the last 18 months. Zig Forums of 2018 is brainlet compared to Zig Forums of 2016.

fucking hippie

WTF when did this happen?

Nonsense, we concern ourselves with the task of liberation of mankind. Conversely, you reactionaries seek only to oppress. Richard Spencer is gay as fuck and a neocon.

She went to Russia to interview some people. More of it is coming out later.
Check her youtube channel. She spends all the millennial neet gibs on travel.


Underrated. Your poster too might be attractive to the some in the alt right though.

How so much alt-right slang makes it into leftypol? Sometimes I think the whole board is formed by former alt-righters.

I hate newfags so much.

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You sir you are genius. Halfchan range banned my whole fucking country.

In what way is "gibs" not alt right slang you drooling fuckface

Too much, unfortunately.
And this is the future Zig Forums chose for listening to all the idiots that wanted to stay planted right next to a fucking sewage plant.

I can confirm that I am secretly aut right.

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This is honestly a peculiar and interesting angle to approach far left politics. Good on you user.
And if you'll ever feel the need to find some comrades, you can always become a ☭TANKIE☭, they're not called communists by accident.

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oh yeah I forgot the word filters. Armored fighting vehicles enthusiasts are not called #FF0000 fascists by accident.

I almost went down the same route. Fortunately I found this place before Zig Forums. I thank our catgirl for that.

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You're pretty irrational if you will choose to walk towards an insane path just because it was the first one you found. I mean, it's not like you've been living under cave for your entire life, right?

go back to reddit, and stay planted next to a faggot plant


It would be wonderful if you had a brain between your ears instead of a bucket of shit.

Are you saying he was living under a cave?

I would say that I have drifted consistently leftward for quite some years now. That said I am still fundamentally partisan to the alt-right.

Yeah we get it, it's boring. Regardless if the economic theory even works or not (it doesn't), there will still be all sorts of problems after economics are solved.

The left never goes there though. Just more boring platitudes about "the worker" and "the proletariat" discussing how to fix one material problem for them.

Honestly, if leftism started discussing issues aside from materialism, they could probably manage to bring people over from the right. People care more about materialist issues y'know. It's not like the west's working class is eating dirt cakes and trying to survive, they have an entire existential world they live inside of

Nobody cares about him except neo-libs

What small point you do have is buried under a load of smug garbage. People are not ephemeral spiritual entities, we are bound up in physical bodies that have to eat, shit, sleep, be protected from the elements (and from other people often times), that get sick, diseased and old. What other troubles there might be out there for us to deal with are second order, and considering them is only ever possible to the degree that our bodies are sustained. Furthermore, any uncertainty concerning any of the above points will cause much more psychological dread and anguish than existential questions ever could.

People in the "west", though better off than most, currently face declining material conditions. It tends to be hidden in all the hype about smartphones and other shiny trinkets, but it is harder today than it was to secure a reliable and predictable access to food, shelter, healthcare, and assorted sundries. Life expectancy is stalling or declining, housing and health care become harder to afford. And most importantly, access to the lot of it is becoming ever more precarious as the labour market has become more fluid. The material conditions that we have to live with are unstable and unpredictable for anyone who cannot rely on a capital automatically generating an income.

Spiritual troubles are much overhyped, and I wager that peoples anxiety over present and future material conditions animates them much more. And that is beside the fact that the aut right offers nothing except hollow (and often insincere) platitudes to take fill the void left by moribund religious and other metaphysical traditions.

Not to say that there aren't people who formulate deep critiques of modernity and liberalism and what have you, but to call them aut right is an insult to them, and giving too much credit to the aut right.

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no, they are against racism,. so they can't be for free association as it implies free disassociation as well. The rest of your post is also dumb, it doesn't mean anything

Please post more pictures of Elliot Rodgers, it only makes alienated men that have been rekt by 3rd wave feminism only more endeared to communists lol.
You ML's and Anarchists deserve each other.
Here's some help.

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alt-right guy here lurking. Was being a poor white guy in a black neighborhood.
The abuse and abuse I saw toward others lead me to them. Hate generates hate!

*enters Cenk Yogurt*