When will the CPGB-ML lead the British working class to revolution? They're based as fuck and well respected by foreign communist parties like the WPK
When will the CPGB-ML lead the British working class to revolution...
LARPing idiots that alienate the working class with soviet fetishism instead of being practical.
political aesthetic aside, why would the respect of a contingent party be enough to win your support? Long and short is that the CPGB-ML isn't gonna do jack except beat off to things with red stars and the appearance of martial order, any substantive critique of their programme aside.
Why lie
im British and ML, but the party is more of a larping group than a political organisation
This, over the last 2 decades we have had leftist groups that have:
Organised hte largest protest in history against the Iraq war and successfully organised an org that beat the EDL (SWP, ⛏️rotskyite)
Took the remnants of the old Communist Party and brought them into an intellectual unit that is also responsible for the largest leftwing paper in the UK: the Morning Star. (CPb)
A militant trade union that has not only given both the blairite and Cameronite governments a massive pain in the dick, but made the cause of workers' ownership forefront in everyone's mind for transport and had as its leader a 21st working class hero, bob Crow (RMT)
An organisation that has united desperate political parties into an internal party political grouping that has unparalleled influence and has ensured that the most leftwing leader of a major political party in history continues his work (Momentum).
Alas no, you wank off a load of Stalin-LARPers who I am 99% sure are actually a honeypot because OMG LOOK HOW EPIC THEY ARE!!!
out of interest user, what org are you in? CPb? Some rano one? A labour entryist?
I live in a pretty rural northern town, there aren't really any parties to join unfortunately. The CPGB seem pretty cool, but my knowledge is pretty lacking.
Better hope they speak arabic because you're going to be fighting Islamic Law more than British Law in the next decade.
CPGB-ML is great and all ( even though they have serious problems regarding agitation and propaganda) but in their current state they wont get workers to join the party and lead them to revolution because
1) The proletariat is not class concious
2) They're way too small
3) Workers wont come to them because all they do is walk around with pictures of Stalin and dont really tackle topics of relevanz rn,
Also please remember that Militant! a ⛏️rotskyist entity in the labour party got the ball rolling on the poll tax riots that forced thatcher out of office.
let's see
utterly hopeless.
when corbyn exposes himself as a cuck
you're not.
syriza-democrats-labour-… spd?
you'll never stop sucking cuckdem dick
just kill yourself, your shit is too retarded to be seriously considered by anyone who genuinly does want to get rid of capitalism
even anarkiddies are more respectable, and i really don't see much more in them than red wall paint
The problem with CPGB is that it spends more time venomously lashing out against other leftists and ranting and insulting rather attacking capitalists and educating the proletariat. You can purge the blairites/corbynites/trots whatever when you've 10,000 members not 1000. The have the stalinist mentality, but forget they aren't Stalin, Hohxha or Kim Jong Un, they have less members than a tennis stadium.
How much is MI5 paying you user?
I said last two decades because CPGb ML has only been around since 2004, but all the orgs I have compared it to have actually done shit to advance the dialectic while they just appear on the 1st of May with an autistic banner and do fuckall else.
Dont bully the neet
They have far fewer than even that. They'd probably struggle to get upwards of 200.
Even the 'big' left wing groups like SPEW or the SWP have maybe 1,000-2,000 members.
Reminder that before Comrade Delta, SWP had like 10k plus members. This is why not having rapists is important people.
Eh, I'd doubt those numbers.
The SWP has always had a tendency to proclaim that anyone who's signed up (knowingly or not) is a member, which means that technically party cadres don't have to even pay dues or turn up to branch meetings. I mean, I think I might still be counted as a member, despite resigning from my district branch and cancelling my subs back in 2011. Certainly they haven't stopped the emails.
Given they still claim to support the Leninist model of party organisation, it's doubtful if they had more than 4,000-6,000 actual members at their peak.
Not British of not ML?
>Stalin-stache defends useless larp group
smart and woke leadership, really cool youtube channel.
main problem is their lack of aggression towards recruitment and their aging leadership, they are certainly the most capable party in terms of theory and historical analysis
In the U.K. Icepicks are unironically the good guys
In a completely unironic twist stalinstach tier LARPs are the fuckers that split every other week and fuck parties
All MLs =/= Stalin
This. Their only supporters are college kiddies and a few old people who were hoping that the soviets would win the cold war.
Explain this.
what about groups like SF which are more secretive about their numbers.
hwey guaise 100% /ourguaie/ is definitely a sowicalist, labour is a revolutiraryh party, and engwland doesn't benefit of of imperalaism
Corbynites Momentum and Icepicks have done much more to normalize socialism in the UK then all your 100 member LARping / Cults combined
Prove me wrong?
you didn't bring a argument either.
you also seem to think that corbyn and the trots won't cuck out once shit gets serious.
forgot flag aswell
Oh i know they will settle for SocDem
But its Normalizing Socialism in the minds of Citizens and tearing down the red scare propaganda
All these ML groups do is act as something Tories can point at to make proles minds shut down to socialist ideas
now who takes Labour's place once the trots and Fabians surrender to the bourgeois
By then hopefully a actual socialist Movement has taken off in the UK
see proved my point, these parties are anticipating that major shit won't happen to them until labour is unable to fulfill it's promises.
Just like how the KKE is growing in Greece.
fuck forgot flag again
okay it made sense when you where making you dumbass bantz threads but now you have crossed the line with your retarded memeing.
What is BANTZ motherfucker?
a shorting of the word banter
Yeah. Gotta admit it's pretty mind-blowing any British person would even consider voting left after multiculturalism and Rotherham.
Should Britain be a united socialist Republic or divided into England Wales Scotland
poster you replied to here
they prioritize Stalin banners and soviet aesthetics over actually organizing with workers or organizing workers themselves. While it is completely OK to teach cadres that Stalin was on the line as far as politics go and has solid theoretical writings carrying this out in the open is a completely different matter, it is just moronic. Who the fuck are you going to convince with this? You aren't in Russia where it could work, or even one of the other ex-SR's, you are in fucking Britain, Stalin literally means nothing there.
Willing to be a tenner you are a yank who read about this shit on brietbart and have no idea about the actual causes & background behind the entire case (Hint, look up South Yorkshire police and their history).
Wales is not economically viable, and once the oil goes Scotland won't be fiscally viable.
So the news and articles about South Asians organizing to rape white girls, and the only official who raised this issue got sent to diversity training, it's all false?
South Yorkshire police are renowned for three things: neglect of the working class, corruption and coverups. They are fucking shit at their job because they would rather corner off places and do fuck all about it. These are the same cunts that killed 96 at Hillsborough, assaulted massive amounts of workers at Orgreave and more. This all started in the 1980s remember, LITERALLY THE SAME PEOPLE in charge at South Yorkshire police. The "Diversity training"
wasn't because of "muh SJWs" but because the officer touched on something far fucking bigger and was shut up. Honestly the entire fucking region needs to be taken to task, there is likely so much more deeper shit going on.
So instead of "muh moslems", look at the context, look at the history and what else has gone on there. You know nowt, yank.
The context is the left imported hundreds of thousands of non-whites the working class never asked for and then created anti-racist policies that hindered police work when south asians predictably stated raping white girls. As I said, what insane maniac would vote for more of this?
Who else would even create diversity training?
Corporations you fucking brainlet, because morons like you say retarded shit that create hostile work environments that get them sued. They have to train you little hamsterbrains to keep your mouths shut to keep
the aut-right is just mad that it isn't whites raping small girls
Daily reminder that racism, misogyny and pedophilia are the NatPop trinity.
Did you not read the investigation? The police consciously chose not to do anything multiple times, they just didn't care. They complained that they didn't want to be called racist as a post-hoc excuse for not doing their jobs.
I hate to break it to you, but the Rotherham incident wasn't a failing of leftism. It was a failing of British society. Even in the US, where liberals literally cannot shut up about identity politics and hurt feelings, this kind of incident is utterly baffling.
It's not even society, this is South Yorkshire police: same wanks as Hillsborough. Tbh one of the first things a Corbyn gov should do is round them up and put them all through investigation.
I don't mean the culture of the UK, only that their law enforcement has always been incompetent.
Well I would say less incompetent and more actively corrupt & have an active refusal to protect working class people.
Questions for britanons here: have you seen any good proposals to overhaul policing in britain? Know of anything Jez has suggested?
So corporations picked the leftist ideals of anti-racism, multiculturalism, and other bullshit the working class never wanted, so that the non-whites the left imported (against the wishes of the working class) could feel better at work. Interesting.
I see. It's really sad the left imported non-white rapists into previously white towns, creating crimes the anti-working class police could ignore. It's almost like the british left is just another institution fucking the working class.
lol my last post got deleted; apparently the solution to the left importing rapists to working class neighborhoods is to not talk about this or blame the police