ITT we indulge ourselves by complaining about the little things that irritate us about value form, and being a wageslave.
I Hate Money
buy some swishers or something you mong
Oh no, I couldn't support an industry that kills people for a living. The horror.
I have a job where I am completely not needed, and I see how not needed I am , but for some regulation reason or something I have to be there. It's a real waste, but I gotta have the job. I see other stupid shit like that looking for a new job, like being a bathroom attendant. You literally just sit there as people shit in the stall next to you and make sure there is enough soap for people to wash the crap particles off their hands. That's the whole job. And you do that for hours and hours at a time. It makes you want to jump out a window thinking about it.
Credit card?
god I hope we get to higher stage communism soon
Read Capital.
Don't be so humourless, it was not meant as an attack on communism, just a greentext with an absurd twist. The point of the joke is exactly that the person acts in an illogical way.
I'm pretty sure he was just referencing the whole 20 yards of linen equals 1 coat thing.
It's full of references to Capital and to Marx (cigar!), it should have been very obvious.
at least I can shitpost Stirner while still hiding my power level
A modern labor voucher would be like a credit card and linked to your real name, but without the option to make easy transfers from one person's account to that of another, only used to get stuff from stores and vending (if that is even the right word) machines.
(The biggest loophole would be services, that is officially obtaining a service and the consumption points going from the official receiver of the service to the person who officially does that, but in reality does some other activity, e.g. Mr Handyman giving you a handy. Reminder that Cockshottism is anti-sexwork. So if the prostitute gets caught, people logged in the system as recipients of his service might get a visit and some awkward questions. Likewise with hard drugs. If customers that blow the whistle get off scot-free and maybe even get a big reward on top and everybody knows that and knows that transactions are logged, the risks of getting caught running a black-market scheme will explode before growing much.)
I think under a labour voucher system you would pay a cooperation entity, which then pays the workers according to how many hours they worked. This way the cooperation can also purchase tools neccecary for providing their services (fuel, building, etc) which are in excess of the labour time spend on the service itself. The financial records of a cooperation would also be public so it can be checked that nothing fishy is going on. Works for single-person cooperatives as well.
(Of course the question is if we even want to do serviced this way, since the point of the labour voucher system is to manage productive labour and what used to be commodities, and reduce work to nothing eventually. That service system could encourage people to charge for things that they would otherwise do for free.
4chan before late 2015 was a nice place. I miss those times.
Shush, I though was pretty funny.
You have issues living with people. Learn to /out and become a hermit. No need to continually deal with life's difficulties. Just accept it and learn to leave.
Hermatage is one pathway to enlightenment. Continuous work to survive allows us to develop out survival skills to the upmost, allowing us to reset our priorities and discern truth from fiction in a very practical fashion. When forced with survival, humans become extraordinary beings.
Yeah priorities turn from "Establishing communism" to "finding a maggot ridden corpse to scavenge".
Only until you develop skills to hunt and trap. Reliance on others is good when young. After maturity men needs a challenge to feel alive. What nourishes us should be honored not relegated to ridicule and disgust.
If only there was a way to convert money into use-values that could be held indefinitely. I've come to the realization that there are no luxury commodities worth buying and I have more than enough money to buy necessary commodities. Now I am forced to invest my money into stocks and shit to preserve the exchange value for the future. I'd much prefer if I could somehow directly secure all necessary commodities I need for the next decade instead of handing my money over to finance capital to play with. Capitalism is such a brilliant system of coercion.
Seems to me that fighting for communism is a challenge for men, not playing scout in the woods.
What the fuck is this? Fighting for communism? Who's paying you to spout such bullshit crapfest? America has a streak of libertarianism a mile wide. We are men yearning for freedom. Not children crying for our commie mommy.
Soros, obviously.
t. a "man" desperately trying to convince himself