Why is Nazbolism so widely rejected by other leftists?
What happened to the "Left unity" that is always discussed?
Why are Nazbols not welcome to leftypol?
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Unironic NazBols are not leftist
Aren't nazbols just Zig Forumsyps who realized Capitalism is cancer but still cling to their gay ass white identity nationalism
They still want to kill Jews & minorities, now they just want to kill rich people too.
They were at some point, right?
throwing some general information in here
If I am an unironic nazbol what am I then?
I believe in :
Well, I was a ☭TANKIE☭ before, then I just started browsing Zig Forums a lot and realized that I want to protect my country, traditions and culture while liberating all people from evil capitalist regimes and western imperialism.
I dont really fit much into Zig Forums since those guys are racists.
I dont want to kill Jews and minorities.
I just want to keep them out of my country.
Kinda avoiding the question whether you're a leftist or not, but I'd like to point out that if global socialism is achieved there will definitely be less and less mass migration, so why would you even strive for "ethnostates" as a separate goal if something that comes close will arise naturally from socialism?
Do you really want every single person in the country to be of the same ethnicity? If so why?
but why? So you aren't racist, but you want all non whites out of your country? Even those born and raised there? I will never understand ethnic nationalism.
because they're retarded
I only know like 2 unironic NazBols/Strasserists. It's a dead meme, but a few of them are basically just recovering Zig Forumsyps who had the faint feeling an economic system that puts cut throat self-interest above collectivist agendas like nationalism ain't exactly good for their white power cause.
literally where do you even meet these people outside of the internet?
You are not nazbol you retard
Nobody wants to destroy nations or cultures her(except usa)
Why ????
If they live here for years why??
Ah sorry you are retarded
I consider myself a leftist. Surely more left than right. I would say Nazbolism is just the opposite of centrism.
Well, I want socialism in one country in all countries that work together for a better tomorrow and preserve their cultures, if that makes any sense.
I dont think a one world government socialism solution is good as it would be less productive than nationalist socialism.
One we have colonized the universe and created separate socialist cultures on different plantes, we can have globalism for all I care.
But I want as many cultures to prevail.
Having different races in a nation causes unnecesary division among them (look at the US or the UK).
You might say this is a result of capitalism, but I believe this is the result of cultural difference.
Explain please
Yes, and if we have multiculturalism all nations will end up divided like the USA.
Because I want to preserve biodiversity, culture and tradition. The more mixed a nation is, the more the original culture fades away.
Jews are also a different ethnicity, they are the same to me as any other different ethnicity. I dont want different ethnicities in my country.
They already have their own ethnostate.
okay, well you're wrong.
How am I wrong?
Different ethnicities have different culture, languages, religions, philosophies. These things in my opinion make up for a lot of why multiculturalism doesnt work. And it shouldn't work.
Multiculturalism seeks to destroy diversity, that is why I am against it.
Most migrants integrate quickly
I live in a Pakistani ghetto and no second generation immigrants are Muslims
And under socialism they will be no ghettos that fanaticize the poor
Public school gives them the national identity with propaganda so i don’t understand?
Also jews live in your country for more than your family so…
I mean "socialism in one country" is more of a pragmatical strategy, embraced by the USSR due to the failure of other socialist revolutions. It doesn't have anything to do with ethnic purity goals.
Why? Also what do you mean by "nationalist", no one's denying socialism should always be adapted to the circumstances of a specific time AND place. Which is the reason why most of the "isms" such as stalinism, titoism, ⛏️rotskyism etc. are basically irrelevant to current struggles and are only useful for larping.
If a person of a different ethnicity has lived in your country for years there's no reason why they wouldn't share your culture. There are as many examples of well-integrated immigrants as there are failures in this respect. It doesn't have to do with some spookery about the "biologically" different nature of the immigrants, but with the fact that they end up in their own ghettoes isolated from the rest of society, which ought to be avoided.
"Left Unity" is just a ploy to kill anarchists
Yes that is why violent crimes in the UK, France and Germany are at an all time high.
These are caused by cultural differences.
That is a great shame, they are ridding the world of cultural diversity.
Yes, but there would also be abolishment of religion as you have stated before, with which I dont agree.
I believe everyone should stick to their own religion in their own country.
Yes it doesnt, but by stimulating national pride and creating friendly competition we would make people more productive towards society as a whole. (like the Cold war but without nukes)
Yes but why take chances when we can prevent unnecessary violence and deaths by just separating the people?
I partly disagree with you, the ghettos are surely a larger part of the cause, but biological differences create unnecessary conflicts amongs people.
Anyone is allowed to post, of course, but the distaste for Nazbols is because other leftists consider private property to be a logical extension of social authoritarianism.
I think you need to study dialectical materialism to understand why those things aren't compatible with leftism
Because they're a non-threatening meme ideology like ancapism.
So am I just a Nationalist then?
Pretty much.
Holy fuck I just realised that's literally 1984
maybe I misunderstand your hot take but are you claiming the cold war was a great historical force in the building of socialism?
Meant for
No, the cold war was a great force to make people progress and create in order to show how great their country is compared to the other one.
I am thinking less hostile proxy war, more friendly competition
Space race, the Fischer-Spassky games, industrial growth are few of the upsides of the Cold war.
already happened before the Cold War and would've continued to happen either way
Maybe it would actually have been good if this didn't happen until the USSR was even more developed so that resources could be spent on more meaningful things
imagine unironically bringing this up as an argument for ethnonationalism
What exactly is the difference between nazbol and Asserism?
Is it simply that the former is nationalistic while the later is explicitly anti-Semitic?
Do they differ in any real sense in matters of policy?
Yes, but the Cold war sparked the economy and people were more productive.
Brainlet detected
It isnt an argument for ethnonationalism, it is an argument for National communism.
The Fischer-Spassky games were an amazing spectacle. Sure, Fischer might have been (and most likely was) a madman, but that doesnt take away from the genius games that have been played in order to boost national pride in both nations.
culture is not static thing
Dude there are still many muslims in many countreis so…
But tbh the biggest threat to cultures is americanism with the value of consumerism and muh centrist sceptic or muh evil commies
I want to stic to my country to but you can not force everyone to.
If someone really likes your nations culture why should he be stoped from living with you or a important minority
Also you sound really spooked
And religion is a personal yet important thing
No, dont believe in "nationalist"
they build statues to hide gehttos , you can understand that socialist truly want the good of theres and all countries
did it though? Show me some sources for the claim that nationalist feelings and the will to outperform the US are what made people in the USSR productive
as long as your economy is not very strong and well-developed I don't see why space exploration would need to be an utmost priority.
Games are cool and all but it's fucking stupid to base your political system on something like this. International competitions could still be held (and there could still be "national pride") without adding explicitly nationalist elements to the political structure.
It's all aesthetics really. I guess their mysticism is rooted in different traditions as well.
It's been pretty static here for the last 2000 years.
I would say Nazbol is far more left wing. Asserism is pretty anti-semitic, Nazbolism isnt.
In Russia, there are even jews in the Party.
Since there isnt a Nazbol party in my country I just vote marxist-leninists.
I think Asserites would vote for a far more right wing party instead, since they are only left wing in economics, while Nazbols are more left wing on societal issues.
Yes I can, watch me.
Because they dont belong here, they belong to their own people who are the same as they are. If they like the culture, they can come for a vacation.
Personally I find Stirners idea of "anything that compromises my uniqueness is a spook".
If everything that is a spook was abolished, people would be much less unique.
Yes it is, that is why we need to preserve it for other generations to come.
Well, I do want that, but I put my country first.
Nazbol is a lot less racist in general( anyone has that black mazbol kid) and is a meme everywere outside russia
On the other hand most asserist are crazy people that are to deep at the poltard rabbit hole to escape
They are characterized by a love of actual leftist(mostly revolutinaries).
But cause they have a lot of fash friends they bring Asser all the time .
Also they call any rival leftist a trot(cause they dont read theory except Ebola)
I meant the fake right wing bootlickers not real ones
Religion should not be force.
Its important to rescerse your spirit and find your meaning in life.
Tbh your anti-immigration stance is weird but under communism immigration will not be that big of a "problem"
But i cant see how a few individiluals that want to live in your country will destroy any cultures
Well, it was what made everyone more productive, that is what competition is all about. Ofcourse I cant provide sources, given that such study was not made at the time, but both sides were parttaking in propaganda and national pride to bolster the morale of workers.
But the Soviet economy was the second largest at the time and the space race was against the US which was first. Seems developed enough to me. It helped both of the nations to achieve great things.
Yes they would still be held and there still would be national pride, but without nationalism, the spirit, the soul of said nations would no longer exist. You can look at the UK for example, their culture is slowly being destroyed for the sake of fake diversity.
Propaganda can happen easily under any goverment .
Also space would be the new fronter of the peoples union of earth
Well, if they integrate, their culture will lose people.
If they dont integrate they will create a separate culture which will eventually (because it always does) lead to trouble, violence, discrimination and so on and so forth.
Yes, it can, but it would always push it's own ideology. Since I believe in the nation and it's values, I dont want people to hate the nation.
And since I believe in diversity, I dont want multiculturalism.
Yes, that is the idea. Many different planetary communes with different cultures.
No thanks, that is exactly what I am against.
I mean after world communism when people will emigrate only cause they want to live some place different.
So migrants will be a lot less
If the wholw world turns red states will still exist just there will be one united diplomatic entity for aliens to communicate
I can agree with that, as long as states remain sovereign.
Forgot to mention that he's also studied anthropology extensively so he has authority to speak on the matter-
first generation migrants are LESS militant then their children.
Western media has a lot to do with it.
t. American Paki
This. You would be surprised how many Islamic terrorists in the US are native whites that converted to Islam after hearing propaganda.
Nationalism is contradictory to the end goal of a stateless society.
lol 69
have you ever met a nazbol? they can be as racist and antisemitic as any nazi
nigga why. this opposes the "equality" aspect. nice doublethink.
don't kid yourself
It's almost like western society is completely devoid of meaning and insanely oppressive or something. Who would have thought that soulless capitalism and murderous imperialism would be unable to compete with old time religion?
Why is the "alt right" not welcome
What does cuckpol mean by this? Have any of you even been to the other side and seen how indistinguishable you are from most of them?
Get out
its funny to me because trump is a nitro powered zionist. such a huge contradiction. i would love to believe in a hero too, but i dont think lying to myself will help ease my mind.
the fact that the alt-right drank the trump koolaid as hard as they did is laughable
suicide bombing is actually haram
fuck assad, he's an evil fake opposition french implanted freemason
real socialism will not starve the people. communism will with as much efficiency as capitalism
Because being against race mixing is apparently more important than being socialist and anticolonialist
Notice how this board has nazi and capitalist flags, but not nazbol ones.
Being economically far left but socially far right must be the most demonized political stance in modern history. Nazis wanted to murder us, capitalists wanted to murder us, communists want to murder us.
Marxism was founded as an economic ideology, not a social one. That's how it should be. A marxist should be able to have any social ideology that he wants.
i could've swarn they used have the nazbol symbol on this board. not that i would use it or anything just wondering
marx was also a faggot kike who almost never worked a day in his life. christ hating atheist jew haha, stop posting with da nazi symbol tag plz