So this is how it ends huh. Not with a bang but just silence. What could have been the largest community for leftist thought was undone because of what? Differing ideologies? Is this the only real lesson that ☭TANKIE☭s have for us, that they will lead us to ruination every time?
Thank You Moderation
8ch in general is dying.
Also no way we could ever dethrone the big three.
Actually this place was the 3rd largest board for a pretty long time
I remember when it was 2nd.
I've been here since late 2014 and I remember Zig Forums being leaps ahead every other board, followed by /v/ and being like that for like ever.
Granted, I've never been interested in that shit enough to notice.
Honestly, if BO has at least some basic human decency left, (s)he should just abdicate and let someone who isn't mentally deranged take over. At least (s)he would go down in history with a noble final act.
seeing those numbers actually makes me feel ill.
why did it have to be this way? god dammit.
gulag yourselves.
this is like poor people voting for the right
Good riddance this place will be better without them
That has been the trend but starting in 2016? (someone correct me) the board was steadily climbing in numbers regularly overtaking /b/ and /tv/ who were pulling around 1K , board peaked at 16-1700 for a while then held steady at over 1K as the 3rd largest board and since the split has just been steadily hovering around 6-700, but I've seen higher and lower.
daily reminder that criticizing right-wingers literally equals "USAphilia" on here
and what the fuck are you doing? I have more respect for some Kurds fighting Daesh than some dick head shitting on their accomplishments from the safety of the first world. Fuck you.
the strategy of derailing with sexpol troll posts has been working too well, you just know it's coming from pol and people keep taking the bait.
this place used to be hopping with fairly good activity, uneven in quality but still good. used to be more regulars too, now it's dropped off and every third poll seems to be a derail thread that gets baited. i don't know what happened exactly, i guess people got exasperated.
Might have something to do with BO banning people for supporting R0java along with adding the 100 char (originally 200 iirc) requirement and adding a bunch of wordfilters that served no purpose but to piss off half the board while the ☭TANKIE☭s act smug about it. I know the BO insists that people are making a big deal out of nothing but I doubt they'd feel the same way if the situation was reversed and the BO was a leftcom who filtered "tankie" to "red f@scist"
low effort. why exactly is this board and indeed site a popularity contest to you. this is for discussion of leftist ideology and topics, not jacking each other off like a reddit sub because we have the most upvotes.
Absolute retard we got here
I guess if you're a lifestyleist you actually don't want the status quo to change since that would require actual dedication. In that aspect I can see why one would want this board to die down to a few hundred people bickering over pointless minutia
i've seen angry people make shit up, but jesus christ this has to be some kind of record.
100% a LARPer from discord
go yell at the pigeons, they may actually give a shit.
all of the baboons went bye bye
The Syrian government's coalition and profuse American backing of groups like the Kurds
We seriously need a real life ISIS with communist characteristics to kill the current moderation team.
Imagine actually BEING someone who unironically belives this
Yeah, this.
Even after the downage, it was the split that solidly killed our numbers - kicked off with one of the Zig Forums mods actually sabotaging the board and a bunch of bans of differing ideologies.
I miss leftcom gang
half of leftcoms turned into ML and the other half got bullied and left for Zig Forums
Lol, Communist scum blown the fuck out
PKK lost almost all of its Support post 1991 and thus shifted to a pro-US stance complete with the "Democratic Freedom fighters" line
I genuinely feel sad because of that. How come a place which is absolutely pure shit that is Zig Forums gets more posters than Zig Forums or other decet political board. Zig Forums is for literal retards, subhuman trash.
Jew cries in pain as he strikes you.
At least you still managed to attack ☭TANKIE☭s and someone read it, its a win!.
Same. Well, at least their effortposting/knowledge
>>>Zig Forums
It's not bad in itself, considering that imageboard format is bad for any IRL politics and not at all for healthy and well-adjusted people. You can be a leftist no problem, but being a /polack/ anywhere but in obscure internet place bears a high price to pay.
So, be an activist, create the board based on correct, dialectical and moral basis and BTFO everyone on the free market of ideas!
only brainlets blame BO for everything