Cop bodycam shows officers shooting dog & hitting 9yo girl

Police bodycam footage showing a Wichita officer firing at a family dog and injuring a 9-year-old girl with bullet fragments has been released. The child can be heard screaming as she is hit.

The incident happened in December 2017, when police responded to a 911 call made by Danielle Maples after her husband threatened suicide.

Police officer Dexter Betts entered the home where the couple’s four children were sitting in the living room along with the family dog. The bodycam footage shows Betts in the living room where he says, “we got a dog inside here, too,” before a dog appears on screen moving and barking.

Betts then fired at the bull terrier. One of the two bullets ricocheted off the floor and fragments hit the 9 year-old girl, sitting just behind the pet, above her eye.

“Ow! Ow! Ow, you hurt my eye! Ow! Ow!” the girl can be heard screaming. Betts tells the children to get out and can be heard telling someone over the police radio that the “dog inside attacked us.”

Maples and her husband were in the front yard when the shooting took place. The family has pushed for the video’s release for months.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The absolute state of burger police.

You're the biggest cuck in the world if you defend cops.

MY ancestors died on factory floors and in the streets because of these cunts and their parasite masters, fought with blood and sweat against poverty that their supposed ethnic/national "allies" forced on them, meanwhile retards on Zig Forums are convinced that the rapist thugs of capital are the champions of the working class. Tiki torch IT autists that never did an ounce of manual labor in their lives, glorifying the greed and corruption that has ground up and disabled every nationality that's ever made the mistake of coming to this cursed fucking continent.

If you don't want a government of the working class, with the working class making its laws and enforcing them, you're a fucking coward and a traitor. End of story..

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daily reminder to


ACAB? Who's gonna come over and kill your family dog when you need it the most huh, you fucking pinkos?

worst part is, I know there's some class cuck who will defend this.

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Oh I was browsing Zig Forums for laughs and they're defending it

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Post the most disgusting police webm you have, I want to make a video with BLUE LIVES MATTER flashing over it

Nice try Zig Forums. Hijacking anti cop threads to promote racism is smart but you exposed yourself.
Sage and report.

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Jesus Christ…

Attached: porky police force corporate pig dog showzen.webm (1280x720, 788.36K)

what the fuck are you talking about

Don't bump the thread you fucking idiot.

I can't webm, but here's one

The cop was black, this whole thread is Zig Forums being secretly racist while hijacking anti cop threads. Report and sage.


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Ignore him.
He's a retard redditor

For easily falling for Zig Forums bait I'm saddened to say that you are now officially banned from Spurdogang, turn in your flag and your gun immediately.


There isn't a single Zig Forums post in this entire thread.

why should we not make a cop bashing thread? We do it every time something like this happens. I don't fucking care if the cop was black, this sort of shit deserves to be called out. In fact, I don't think anybody ITT would've known he was black if you didn't mention it. I don't fucking know where you came from, but it's time for you to go back.

Op is.

Alright fine the thread can stay up but only if and only if you don't criticize black cops, they may be coons sure, but it's clear Zig Forums is trying to ride on them as a subversion tactic, even if both of you are too fucking retarded to see that.

You're bad at this.

I'm still gonna need that flag and that gun from you.

What the fuck are you talking about? Who cares if the cop was black? Fucking racist.

This tbh. Americans who defend cops give up the one good thing that used to be popular in our country (decades ago) which was hating cops.

t. FBI

t. FBI

Okay I know cops are bad and kill innocent people but why doesn't the Left have equal animosity for criminals. You know the kind that terrorize poor proles and have been caught over and over again colluding with police. Not to mention their high crime keeps said proles economically segregated and drains the little energy they have for developing class consciousness.
I just never see, " criminals are bad" threads.

Oink oink little piggy

Hating cops is still a common notion, it grew out of favor in right-wing politics after neoconservatism took over.

I don't care about most "criminals", tbh.

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Because not all crime is equal, this is liberal humanist feely-feel garbage. The random actions of lumpens may be repugnant, but not nearly as dangerous as systematic violence by the state apparatus of the ruling class.
Organized crime only thrives because of this state enforcement anyway. They are lumpenbourgeoisie, they profit off of the illegality of things like narcotics and gambling.

Everyone knows criminals are bad, victimizing them and failing to understand the materialist conditions which gives birth to them in the first place is pointless……….
There is a reason why they can thrive in the first place in a capitalist system and will under worker ownership naturally be unable to sustain themselves………..

ngl, this is pretty disturbing. Police truly became militarized and truculent after forced racial integration.

All cops should be hanged, tbh.

So its okay for cops to be the gestapo as long as they're black? Either go back to r/socialism or off yourself.

Seriously, though, gestapo never did this except to open enemies of the nation; what we see in OP is just typical dysfunction of a multi-racial society.

But the enemies of the nation were Gestapo

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The jewish nation perhaps, for the reason explained in that earlier post.

Jesus christ pol is so incredibly retarded

please kill yourself

The nation of the German jews was Germany. 100.000 jews fought for Germany in WW1.

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Wow feel so bad for that cop he's going to be scarred for life

shitpost no ban

Who cares

reported for sympathizing with police brutality

Black cops are just as bad. There are no good cops in America or the west in general.

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Man pitbulls are cute as fuck. Really sucks that they are murderous little pieces of shit unless you can afford to get them from a reputable breeder and get them trained up.

Don't buy into the scary memes. It's not that pitbulls are murderous, it's that they are good fighters and are thus often trained to be murderous. It doesn't take any more training to raise a family friendly pitbull than it does a poodle.

The lady who ran the day care center I attended as a child had pit bulls, they were around large groups of noisy, rambunctious children more or less constantly, and there was never any problem.
They were friendly, protective, and gentle with the kids.

You are retarded. Ive had a pitbull before. Dude never hurt anything or anyone, and I treated that dog like shit when it was a puppy. I was about 9 too, yet I still have my face and fingers.
Sage for offtopic

Who gives a shit. This reminds of /r/anarchism sunreddits that filled a thread with like 300 replies every time some college quarterback raped someone

eh, I've read too many news articles about "Family dog bites off toddlers face, never hurt a fly". I've known a few friendly pitbulls but they still scare the fuck out of me. I'll stick to my cats.

he was fired and charged with a felony
there is a line, and shooting a taxpayer's 9 year old daughter is beyond that line

Mate I aint dealing with a dog that looks like its been on roids 24/7 with alligator jaws, Id rather get a dog that is both friendly and unable to beat me in wrestling

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You can't actually train a cat. Dogs have no use to humans at all.

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bathtubs are the devil's pools

Pitbulls can put down the same pound per square inch of pressure as fucking bolt cutters and have a killer prey instinct. They danger and were bred to be tool on a ranch, not some ornament that some fuck up failson can use to intimidate their neighbors.

If you slip in the bathroom the chances that you will fall on a very hard surface increases dramatically, consequently increasing the chances for severe physical trauma or even death.

Lock down this niggers coordinates. Dexter Betts

Attached: dexbetts.jpg (810x441, 43.59K)

Pitbulls were bred to kill and corral bulls. Umm I don't see what your problem is in seeing their danger. Maybe you're just an insecure broke dick poop smearer that needs to have something to convince himself he has some kind of agency by intimating others…is that it pookie pie?

Showers viciously kill thousands of people a year, and unlike animals feel no remorse for their wanton slaughter. Not everyone has a dog, and not every dog a pitbull, but you know what everyone does have, sometimes multiples of, right in their own home? Bathrooms.

The danger is real. Why are you trying to downplay the severity of the bathroom fatality crisis? Are you some kind of shill for United Toiletries?

Off you go then

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Dey shuldve trayned theyre dog bettur

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Makes my blood boil watching cops walk around in houses like they own the shit.

t. assblasted pitbull owner who refuses to leash his killer menace

Are you implying that animals like pitbulls can feel remorse?

I see that 4pol has live viewing threads of live pd. Fucking little bootlicking fascists faggots.

You're a fucking idiot.

And spurdo is too as usual.

Raw test data:

Now go kill yourselves for buying into media hysteria.

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got em

Stop humoring them on that pit bull shit, every sizeable dog is capable severe harm towards humans, it all boils down to training. Just call then faggots and mobe on. Its already pretty pathetic to be intimidated by the aesthetics of a fucking dog.

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P-p-p-pit bulls aren't dangerous, they can take take down bulls and easily kill a man with their powerful specifically bred jaws, all dogs can do that! That's why pit bulls are interchangeable with golden reavers!

Hunting prey is an instinct, lol and yes you can breed it. Stay mad you backwards hick, you ain't fooling anyone with your penis extender.

I-if I p-pretend to studder I invalidate all d-data.

Proof? Uh oh.

t. Someone that’s so alienated from how their food is produced they’d don’t know where pit bulls came from and too autistic to realize it’s in their name,

That's more strawmanning than I can be bothered to respond to. Fucking look at the test data you god damn imbecile.

G-g-g-guys, just because a pit bull can’t leap up and bite you in the near in one go, doesn’t mean he wil. I’m not endangering anyone with my asshole behavior.
You remind me of that mouth breather I pull a knife on their pit bull. The look on his face you think I slapped his mama. Barely had control of his dog, you let any pit bull around my child you’re going to find a bullet between its eyes. Yeah all dogs are dangerous but you’d have to be an autist to see pit bulls are weaponized dogs.

Oh you're insane. Carry on then.


t. dumb suburbanite that wants his toys AND WANTS THEM NOW!

What do knives and jets have to do with this?

So you’re saying pit bulls DON’T put down enough psi to tear someone’s throat out? Haha if you think a fucking Golden retreaver can do that you’re more of a softie than I though.

No, you're insane for thinking that you stabbing a dog is any sort of argument for anything.

Where did I say this? In fact I said that pitbulls are great fighters.

It’s his stupid false equivalency, he sites statistics out of context. Yeah guns kill less people than cheeseburgers do too, but I’m sure as fuck not going to let kids play with them (guns).

Where did I cite statistics out of context? Only post in this thread I made without my hat is the one you just replied to.


No I wasn't. The data shows they are more aggressive though.
No, again, you're insane for stabbing a strangers dog and thinking that is an argument for anything.
What danger?

*yawn* now you’re going to pretend like you weren’t trying to equivocate recognizing the danger of pit bulls to being being hysterical.
I’m sure that works like gangbusters in the 11th grade.

Uhm no. That is exactly what I'm trying to do. Holy shit you're bad at this famalam.

Heh this alt right tier arguements, the old I just happened to be armed outside a mosque bullshit
Oh nothing, do you mind if I point my 38 at your dog, uh excuse me it’s just a gun

Oookay I think I'll just leave you alone now.

I know I was being facisious, okay I was clumsy on that one. But your still a laughablely autistic cunt that genuinely believes know one knows you’re menacing them with a pit bull.
You gotta be petite bourgeois to be that’s outta touch.