Le Rational Skeptic To Far Left

Being someone who within the last year went from a fucking Sargon fan to commie scum, I've noticed a lot of people make the same transition recently. So why have so many 'centrists' left that ideology? and is it worth appealing to that demographic now?

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are there really unironic liberalist outside of youtube?

Jesus Christ, why is Carlgon such a disingenuous fuck nut

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People are contrarians, Carl has become increasingly obviously right-wing in his views and Trump is in power in the United States.

Apparently, they managed to have a meetup a few months ago. There's a video of Carl talking about how surprised he was about some 1488 showing up

*some 1488 guys showing up

The public is realizing people who stand in the middle of the road get run over.

Speaking for myself I found myself more and more put off by him and his goons disingenuous nature which left me more open to alternatives. I'd say his reaction to Charlottesville was what really made me lose all respect for him. Around the time he debated Muke I started looking more into Marxism and discovered Brendon Cooney's kaptalism 101 series and I'd say that's when I really switched sides. Also around that time I was sick of Zig Forums so I started browsing here more often and I was surprised that you all aren't total retards so I guess there was social factor to it as well.

It was quite similar for me actually, though I stated looking at more leftist ideas after his (and others') debate(s) with Contrapoints. I've seen a few other people say that debates with leftists hosted by people from the right made them turn to the left so interaction with the right is probably a positive?


There is a huge opportunity right now for the left to reclaim what it means to be a "YouTube skeptic".
Bear with me and watch this if you will.
So why don't some of us show how it's done?
I have another question. How are far left ideas incompatible with basic "skeptic" ideas? They really aren't. Plenty of far leftists have advocated things like freedom of speech, including Rosa Luxemburg. The left in the US used to be at the forefront of the free speech movement during the Cold War.

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you might have a point.
The left technically exists because people were skeptical of capitalism.


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Something I forgot to add.
How do you all think this point relates to whether we should support certain Antifa collectives?

I used to be on their side too. It's embarassing to admit, but I only discovered socialism because a girl I fell in love with was a socialist. I started reading Marx and Lenin and saw the way Capitalism has destroyed the working class. If it weren't for her, I'd probably be browsing Zig Forums right now shitposting about Muslims and SJW's.

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kys social imperalist

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What did he mean by this?

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He can say whatever he wants, no matter how false because his fanboys are incapable of individual thought. These people have created a cult of personality where they're immune to criticism or questioning.

what the fuck did I just read lmao

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Contrapoints makes TERRIBLE arguments though. I will admit that Marx was right about a lot of things, but I still think most of what I've learned on Zig Forums is irrefutable. I think most of you are just young and idealistic, I can see how I could've got swept up in communism though. I've always tried seeing both sides of things and Marxism did seem really appealing, but I don't think his ideas could come to fruition without a homogenous peoples and a more nationalistic view of their homeland.

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I listened to him for a while after Gamergate exploded. The way he stood up against liberal hypocrisy appealed to me. What threw me off first was him identifying "feminists" as the problem, as if feminism had nothing legitimate left to offer. Then you had all these sleazy right-wing pundits he hung out with, like Milo Yiannopoulos, who was obviously using him to sell his shitty agenda. Nevertheless these things never felt as anything more than slight disagreements. Not sure what made me grow out of it. Either he started more blatantly misrepresenting the left or I just got more educated. I assume that there's only so much to say about muh SJWs. After a while you gotta start going after bigger targets. So you get Karltural Marx involved and make Tumblrites whining about video games into a grand anti-western conspiracy.

do they make you guys in factories or something?

Not everything, hence why I said I agree with a lot of what Marx said. Learn to follow the basic gist of an argument.

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Only because of you racist retards getting paranoid. If we solved that we'd be in pretty good shape.

I followed the gist retard
You care about some bullshit about "homogenous peoples"
look, just admit you dislike darkies already and get it over with

Okay, how should we solve it then in your eyes? How about just letting whites establish their own ethnostate? We would be away from you and then you could implement your utopian vision and that would solve the problem quite easily. Why is that not a good idea?

Then don't quote me without context and write a counterargument. And I like some darkies, but I generally prefer my own people. I think Europeans have a right to have their homeland in which they're the protected majority.

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"all these problems in the world would magically go away if all these people shared my skin color"

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There you go again making another unsupported leap. Every race should have the right to exist and have a home of their own. It doesn't matter who is superior or inferior, we're just different. Without getting hypothetical about the problems that would remain, if a large population of whites wanted to start their own ethnostate, why wouldn't that be a good thing for your agenda? Wouldn't you want people that think that way out of you country?

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What do you think about the balkans and the constant shitfest that is going on?

Do I get a vote on this as a white person or something? Because I happen to not want my nonwhite friends deported or whatever else the plan is just because we're a bit different.

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Sure. How about you go build that ethnostate of yours in northern Siberia?

I'm not saying to deport anyone. Is it really that hard to just argue against what I'm saying? Why the constant leaps in logic? I never said anything about deportations. I'm talking about a voluntary segregation, which I think could happen given how racial tensions have been lately. If you want to stay in diverse areas, then stay. It's about freedom of association.

What it all comes down is this: if a large amount of whites wanted to establish their own homogenous society, would you allow them the liberty to do so? Or would you use violent force to prevent us from doing that?

If that's what it takes to preserve the European race, then so be it.

And what do you think of the millions of deaths that occurred in nearly every country that tried implementing communism? I can ask those questions too.

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don't act like I don't know where this line of thought goes you weasel
Your argument is "we're all different guys, if we all were separate it'd be better, don't bully us white nationalists!", but this is just crypto-nutsac bullshit. Nobody here is stupid enough to actually think you're just a poor oppressed guy who desperately wants a homeland.
I don't particularly think you and your online buddies are "a large population of whites"
Assuming we all live in our LARP fantasy lands and all we want actually happens, why the fuck would people leave you in peace and let you organize counter-revolution?

This doesn't actually happen you mental defective, it's generally been fucking genocide and violent relocation

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Yup, that's what it all comes down to right there. And that is why a war at this point is inevitable once this hits critical mass. Go ahead, keep downplaying the gravity of the situation, we shall see in the coming years who prevails. Commie scum.

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True freedom of association either way is not really possible without abolishing the capitalist mode of production.

The west is doomed either way. Your entire way of life is dying, as are the boomers (the primary source of popular support for imperialism.) You are dead, you just don't know it. Repent before you are tortured for all eternity.

I don't even understand how these people plan to structure their European white super state. Just deciding who gets Alsace Lorraine in a group of French and German nationalists will cause the fucking thing to balkanize.

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Depending on where you do it I wouldn't particularly care. Go do it already, Trump is in charge in the US, go move out to Montana or whatever. Or in Europe, go start a community in some the abandoned Italian towns that are on sale for a pittance. If Varg can do it so can you, stop with the whining already.

I'm fairly certain all these types are Americans who don't understand that not all nationalists who are white just "get along" on virtue of being white. Ironic, really, as they think that just because everyone's white they'll… get along.

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I'd fuck 1

Is the one on the far left Kristy Winters?

Race is a spook, humans are individuals- your whole ideology is built around ignoring the desires of the individual and treating "races" as if they were some sort of hivemind. If I (or anyone else) decided to have children with someone of a different "race", who the hell are you to say otherwise? In such a scenario the child would be just as much mine as if their other parent was someone of the same "race" as myself, the notion that I would somehow be "genociding" myself by doing so is completely absurd.
How the hell would you even keep people in your little "ethnostate" from wanting to fuck people outside their race? Even your little white nationalist movement has the most extreme case of yellow fever I've ever seen, and will perform all sorts of mental gymnastics to justify it. The only way to "preserve your race" or whatever spooky bullshit is to impose arbitrary restrictions on the freedoms of individuals who belong to that "race", which demonstrates the fact that you don't give a shit about "white people" or what they want at all, you only care about some idealistic concept of "whiteness" rather than actual people, and would happily build a mountain of white corpses to preserve it just as your ideological predecessors did.
This sort of shit strikes me as the true fun within society- not gays or interracial couples or whatever else happens to trigger you, but this sort of mass dehumanization which reduces people to nothing but collections of empty symbols and totems, even the people you claim to favor. You're very similar to the "SJW" types you so despise in this way.

There are already a bunch of gated communities and such that are comprised mostly or entirely of "white" people yet they tend to be some of the most racist, paranoid people around, who have conditioned themselves to believe that everyone else is out to get them. When people tend to hold such views its only a matter of time until they "pre-emptively" "defend" themselves from the perceived threats, or in the case of such communities as they exist now, pressure the state to do it for them.
Additionally there's the fact that far-right ideology openly celebrates and advocates for acts of war and violence, which kind of ruins any notion that these creepy little ethnostates of yours would be in any way "peaceful".

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Why do ammerimutts believe in such shit
There is no such thing as the "European race"
Do you honestly believe in some fairytale that if people have the same skin colour they will suddenly all get along

The funny thing is that the only way it is possible if they go Commie and wipe out all National Identity

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I didn't know anyone else actually appreciated the original.

Unironicly ,if 9/11 was not an inside job, i dont care about the victims….
i am not saying terrorism is good

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Damn I remember watching her on stream, she put up one hell of a fight, but ultimately any dude is gonna overpower her.

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Whites are not a community or an interconnected "people". Just because you're spooked by dark skinned people doesn't mean that light skinned people are all brothers now.

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Always funny.

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Not trying to shill but do you honestly think 'Merica would allow that? There are heated discussions about the legality of not baking cakes for gay weddings let alone a hypothetical situation where you wouldn't sell houses to black people.


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Imagine being this much of a burger

Who keeps repeating this meme? I am the most cynical person I know.

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I thought he was correct in dismantling Sarkeesian and the SJW nonsense, but I've lost pretty much all respect for him due to his constant Trump and alt right apologetics. He is completely unable to recognize the similarities between them and the SJWs he is obsessed with.

This type of garbage is why I don't fuck with him anymore

So, next week another school shooting. Make sure you kill lots of white kids, like the other guys.


I've gotten less annoyed with Sarkeesian over the years, and am now at a place where I'd say she's basically right about everything she says.
That's just the problem. She doesn't say anything substantial. Instead she points out the most obvious "problematic" shit in video game culture, without giving the viewer any perspective on how these problems should be handled.
This pleases her liberal viewers, who absolutely revel in this sort of empty righteousness. They only see a brave independent women telling the sexists what's up, and they don't need anything beyond that. Liberals are generally like that. Big ideals coupled with a hypocritical lack of action.
But gamers immediately see the practical side of her complaints. Why is she calling out these trivialities? What project is she trying to sell? Maybe she wants you to stop enjoying these games. Maybe she thinks you're evil for enjoying them. Maybe she wants to put an end to gaming as we know it. Maybe she's trying to overtake the industry for her own nefarious ends. And meanwhile no one is asking the gamers' opinion about it. It's all happening from the outside.
You can see why gamers would feel threatened by that, even though Anita doesn't have to say anything even slightly controversial. When you feel angry at Sarkeesian, you aren't mad about what she's saying, you're mad about what she isn't saying. I'd say it's a brilliant trick, but I don't believe anyone could have predicted this outcome. She'd have to be more self-aware than I imagine her being.

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It's worth a shot, so all the rest of us might be rid of them for a while. The Amish manage well enough, and so did those weird Mormon sects, before they got broken up because of the rampant pedophilia. If they want to create an intentional community without first having to ethnically cleanse an area, they could likely get away with it, especially if they have sympathizers in the state government.

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Wow a team of researchers saved the "European race" for you.
I figure it would be easier to make all of their genes besides their skin tones to be white but I guess maybe imprisoning tens of millions is easier.
You would think these huwhite men with their superior intellect would be able to come up with this conclusion.
All you need to do is just create a DNA bank of the pure "European race" or whatever, what a novel idea for a grift.

Are they going to be allowed to use violence to keep it homogeneously white?
If not, what's stopping it from becoming diverse?

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Then you're actually very stupid. There isn't a single thing on Zig Forums that is honest or not made specifically to manipulate its readers with half-truths, lies of omission, and outright falsehoods.

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Holy fuck, I never thought of it like that

These people need potholer54. In fact his channel should be spammed every time a climate change denial thread is on Zig Forums.

Also, why is does that "get the rope" picture appear so much? The layout of that is fucking awful.


How can these people be this retarded? There is no going back once you're that deep into the rabbit hole.
Zig Forums is a helleva drug

I can guarantee you this will bite you in the arse later when you read Marx.

You see that you believe that is just part of the marketing. People were mostly rolling their eyes and making fun of that shit, like with "media critique" from Christian fundies before. A good thing for you if you want yourself to follow that strategy for patreon bux is that a lot of humor depends on context. You can take any hyperbolic or ironic comment shared among a group ("kill all white men tbh" said by a white guy, "I quickscope u in real life you fag" etc.) show that to your braindead fans on YT in a two-minute hate clip, and bam, profit.

Your ideology is fundamentally retarded because it is founded in false beliefs about how other people think and feel, which results from your inability to understand that your opinions are not facts. The notion that races are like giant families that care about each other is a delusion.
Nationalism is not realist, it is the ultimate anti-reality utopianism.

T. 17 year old Zig Forumsyp who's probably never worked a real job

How are you gonna try to act tough while posting a gif of a Manlet punching a short girl?

Too long pls summarise in 5 Sargons thx

I'm sorry, can someone please give me a quick rundown of John Locke's work? I'll be checking my PMs for the next couple days in case anyone wants to help.

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are Zig Forumsyps all under the age of 16 or are they really this fucking stupid?

it's a mix of both

YOU are the one that needs to grow up. You do not have a good grasp of leftist theory.

I think we spotted the idealistic teenager.

We solve it by shooting every single racist asshole like you in the back of the head.

You should judge a system by its results, not by its intentions.

Racist views is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Ethnic tensions wouldn't be much a problem if it weren't for ethno-nationalists creating ethnic tensions to begin with. Is there actually any rational reason for why a darkie and a whitey (or different flavours of whitey such as Serbs and Croats) can't co-exist happily together? Because I can't think of any.

I propose that in a future socialist society, we simply deport all ethno-nationalists of every ethnicity to a battleground territory, where they'll be free to live out their Nazi masturbation fantasy if that's what they really want. Then the rest of us who aren't tribalistic animals can go about our lives creating the next stage of human civilization.

If you recognise Muslim migrants as ethno-centric, you might have a point. Imperialism is still imperialism, even if it's Islamic in origin.

I wouldn't conflate immigration with imperialism. But yeah, all kinds of ethno-nationalism is corrosive to social harmony and endangers any future socialist society. Doesn't matter which ethnic groups it stems from.

I wouldn't in abstract, but, in the current epoch, migration is being utilised in a very imperialistic manner.

How so?

Wahhabists and other assorted fanatics envision migration as a means of invading Europe with millions of their own in order to displace native population and cultures, with the ultimate aim of instituting the house of Islam. This is no longer right wing fear mongering; many prominent clerics openly preach along these lines. It's naive to say these individuals represent only a fraction because the statistics demonstrate otherwise. Add to this the fact that pig capitalists are allied in this, in that they're exploiting mass migration, via the refugee narrative, simply to bring in cheap labour and recipients of state welfare (don't forget, capitalism actually relies on a portion of the population remaining tied to welfare).

You did the exact opposite in your green text.

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Wahhabists are scum and should be culled, and countries like Saudi Arabia should of course be barred from financing the building of mosques.

Which statistics and what do they demonstrate? Because if you think mass immigration is some sort of Wahhabist plot and not due to structural causes like the opening of migration routes following the fall of Lybia combined with chaos in the Middle East (partly due to ACTUAL imperialism) then you sound kind of like a right-wing nut to me. If there's one common trait I've found among right-wing nuts, it's the complete disregard for structural factors when trying to explain different phenomena, instead attributing everything to some sort of conspiracy. It's not capitalism - it's the Jews. It's not economic migration - it's the Wahhabis.


You lost me. How does capitalism rely on welfare recipients? In the sense that the welfare state has to contain social unrest caused by capitalism's inevitable unemployment? If so, what would they have to gain from bringing in ADDITIONAL welfare recipients?

You're from Zig Forums and you're trolling me, aren't you?

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STATE Capitalism itself relies on a great mass of disaffected and alienated individuals relying upon it as bread giver. Labour, in this case, becomes largely arbitrary because the amount given over is infinitesimal; the State no longer needs the labour of these particular individuals to retain overall control. What matters is that these individuals are kept stagnant and needy. It's about power. Tied into this is the fact that capital can't effectively be accrued unless a certain subsection of the population exists below the poverty line. This system obviously won't last (because eventually the number of recipients will exert too great a strain) but state capitalism isn't designed to last. It's built to maximise the accumulation of hard power by the few in the form of precious resources, private security, social connections, property etc. etc. Currency is a red herring. What they proceed to do with that hard power once the current system fails is anyone's guess.
Those two factors aren't mutually exclusive.

Be honest, you do it on purpose.
Most of you people were never properly weaned off of Zig Forums so you can't help but finding these kind of topics attractive even though on a surface level you've sort of realized they're idpol crap. This is why you keep fucking responding to Zig Forumsyps when they try to derail threads with this crap, because it's still familiar comfort zone shit to you.
Either way good job for helping them broadcast their shit yet again you fucking morons.

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No. Only Marx's statement was intentional there; the other two were summations of the results.

Times change. At any rate, all cultures, most especially those found in Africa, believed firmly in the overriding notion of conquest at that point in time. Why should Europeans be demonised now simply because their ancestors were more successful at it than most? This is to say nothing of the explicitly imperialist Arab slave trade (which was far more brutal, brought far less infrastructure, and is still a problem today). You seem to want to be anti-European for the sake of it. You talk of imperialism as if Europe were somehow its only perpetrator and never its victim. This is absurd and smacks of idpol.

you can't really ignore those retarded arguments though, considering how the lines of thinking in those arguments are airing themselves in the popular culture and consciousness

Idk, they broadcast their shit on Zig Forums all the time. Leaving it unchallenged on Zig Forums might be proper (as in not taking the bait), but it could also send the wrong message to lurkers.

Why do they need migrant welfare recipients to do any of that? Also, if that is the function of the welfare state, why didn't it appear sooner?

No, but you're daft if you think Wahhabis could motivate these kinds of numbers based on ideology alone (including Christian, non-Wahhabi and non-religious migrants to boot).

I'm sure SOME cunts migrate northwards because a kooky wahhabi preacher told them to, but this factor seems to be massively overstated by right-wingers for some mysterious reason

In 20 fucking 11 Europe conspired to bring Libya to heel, that same year it funded Takfiri and Al-Qaeda movements in Syria to exterminate Syria's religious minorities because they weren't as politically convenient as Al Nusra's technocratic comprador sunni state or whatever. This isn't even considering Europe's internal imperialism where Germany is bleeding southern Europe white.