Social fascism at it's finest, Sanders is not only a huge pussy for not rejecting ICE and saying basic SocDem shit but also agrees on collaborating with fascist regimes. FUCK THAT GUY. I knew he was bad but not that bad
Social fascism at it's finest, Sanders is not only a huge pussy for not rejecting ICE and saying basic SocDem shit but also agrees on collaborating with fascist regimes. FUCK THAT GUY. I knew he was bad but not that bad
e-mail jimmy dore this video, he said he vows not to ever vote anyone who's not for abolishing ICE yet he props up bernie as "our only hope for a revolution"
[email protected]
Feels good to know this old piece of shit will die soon.
but Alex Jones told me he was the face of authoritarian Communism
can we mass send this shit? i don't know if he will see mine
I can't belive i like Daou now.
Chairman Daou is based
What the fuck is going on, when did this man turn to the left? I like it but it's strange as shit
I still don't trust him. Remember Hillary mentioning she lost because "millennials are socialists"? Democrats will probably start pushing this more and more to regain trust. Don't fall for it
Reminder that Bernie killed Yugoslavia. I can't wait to for this sack of shit to die.
it died the moment it was born
and if not then, then in 1980
This week in bourgeois opportunism.
As someone else said, dont fall for it
Tfw Bernie Sanders personally killed Tito.
based socdems always in our corner
I disagree with Sanders' position and I wish he'd take a more revolutionary stance, but considering the nature of American politics and the fact that he doesn't have a revolutionary party behind him to support him, I don't think I can blame him for towing the line. It's one thing when he's running for president and he has the attention of the entire country, but it's another thing during the rest of the time when the media can basically make up whatever they want about him and no one's the wiser.
But the majority of Americans are against the mistreatment of immigrants……
Why would he willingly choosing the unfavorable, pro-establishment position that is unpopular amongst his audience……..
The majority of Americans are for universal health care, minimum wage increases, lower school tuition, etc etc etc. But that doesn't really matter because the bourgeois two party system locks voters into a choice between caca and doodoo. Sanders relies the good will of the Democrats in order to maintain his office. If he wants to maintain political relevance at all, that means playing by the establishment's rules.
It sucks, but that's the nature of bourgeois "democracy," and what socdems don't get. Play bourgeois games, get bourgeois results. Sanders is playing the bourgeois game, and he's bound by bourgeois rules.
But if you want to secure your future, why would you throw your lot in with those that have none?
Can you phrase your question in a more sensible way?
People like Bernie are the REASON there's no revolutionary party.
Bullshit, unless by "people like bernie" you just mean bourgeois politicians in general.
Daily reminder Bernie Sanders had a gross income in excess of $1,000,000 last year, officially making him a part of the richest 1% of people in the world.
I mean diversionary "left" politics that are designed to prevent people from looking to communism.
Social democrats betraying the global working class yet again.
Neoliberals want open borders almost as bad as socialists do. They just want them for completely different reasons. Don't confuse neoliberal rhetoric with socialist rhetoric.
Also, anyone familiar with the leftist tradition Sanders is coming out of should not be surprised by this. Old-school protectionists and New Dealers tend to be economic nationalists. Economic nationalism inherently requires strong border restrictions.
Sanders' tradition is better than modern liberalism on most issues, but when it comes to antiquated concepts like closed borders, tariffs, etc. it can be incredibly backward.
I'm using leftist in a relative sense here. Advocating for a New Deal system in America is basically on par with advocating for open communism in how far left people view it.
No, they don't.
You should take your own advice. "Open borders" is a neoliberal shit meme and the brain damaged "socialists" here need to stop using it.
Yeah, it definitely isn't that the only two parties that exist have rigged the electoral system so that only they can win.
Daily reminder that doesn't fucking matter you tard
"Abolish ICE" is peak bourgeois liberal moralism though
But Yugoslavia was already dead by the time NATO was blowing up Serbia
Socialists have been internationalists since the fucking beginning, you twit.
If you think closed borders have any place in socialism, you're a useless social democrat sack of shit who needs to get the fuck off my board.
How much of an idiot do you have to be to think that a classless, stateless, moneyless society could possibly have borders or nations.
Any school of socialist thought that doesn't have communism as its end goal is either capitalism with a human face (syndicalism, market socialism, etc.) or barbarism (anarcho-primitivism, "national" anarchism, etc.)
Trump is gonna win bigly in midterms and 2020.
The left is a mess.
inb4 Bernie Sanders is actually a fascist nazi
Marxism Leninism has communism as its end goal and had strict border controls.
Yeah, just left in the relative sense.
Leftists have been doing this no true leftist dance since the 70s.
I doubt anyone is a true leftist, even Marx (who became a socdem).
nuclear hot take famalam
Yeah, but if you ask any coherent Marxist-Leninist if their goal is closed borders and economic nationalism, they will tell you fucking no because communists aren't fucking nationalists you jabroni.
As evidences in the Marxist Manifesto (moar like SocDem Manifesto), am I right?
honestly new deal was very similar to fascism. it instituted a corporate system whereby corporations labor and government mediated with each other to govern society, though it heavily favored big business. labor agitation of the 30s and 40s was entirely independent of new deal legislation to a large degree. Wagner act did encourage labor agitation but it certainly wasn't meant to empower them but straitjacket them with legal and bureaucratic apparatus. People also forget that most of the New Deal got dismantled by the supreme court by the late 1930s and was entirely toothless. Only legacies are social security and the GI bill of the late 40s that, again, like facism, was full New Deal but only for veteran soldiers.
i also add that i find it funny that i've seen threads on 4chan praising starship troopers and its ideals, but the GI bill was essentially soldierist tier. white soldiers beneftied tremendously and became the bulwark of the postwar society as a new mass petty bourgeois class.
Because 4chan was fascist and militarist, not anarchist.
There's a reason 40K was super popular there since its inception.
yea i'm just saying the irony of the fact that history actually had starship trooper policies valorizing soldiery and economically and socially empowered veterans and gave them massive benefits that were denied to the rest of the masses, namely minorities and women.
I'm just pointing out the irony that some ledditors legit think 4chan was anarchistic and leftist back in its inception.
i never used reddit if that's what youre trying to say. and anyway this is all deviating from my original point tthat the new deal had fascist elements in it.
Based Bernie protecting us from those scabs
This is a fucking good concrete materialist analysis though. Instead of just getting on the liberal moralism bandwagon ('ICE is a terrorist organisation! It's bad because terrorism is bad!') he puts an argument that State power is an instrument of policy, and socialists (in cases where we haven't seized control of the state) must make demands of the state for rational policy rather than idealistically calling for the abolishment of state apparatus overnight in a puff of magic smoke.
Abolish ICE and the state cops or the Nat'l Guard or the Border Patrol or FBI or BATF or the Dept of the Treasury will still be able to do this shit.
based bernard is still, dare I say it, /ourguy/
No he's just covering his ass in case he makes it to 2020 without croaking.
Covering his ass against what? Covering his ass by making good socialist arguments, wow, what a fucking coverup.
This is pretty much my fear. Getting rid of ICE (without any other substantive policy changes) could open up a whole new can of worms.
There's something to this, if ICE was abolished it would likely be replaced with an even worse agency. The FBN (Federal Bureau of Narcotics) was abolished because it was insanely corrupt and notoriously violent in the 60s–the agents who were smooth enough not to get caught went on to create the even worse DEA; only Neanderthal incompetents got left out.
This too
Still 1 billion times better than Trump. And yes, he is burgerstan's only hope for a decent change. That said…
Do it goys, heehee.
social democrat in "refuses to say something on an issue tangential to public services that would be an electoral liability" shock.
up next: Pope converts to Islam
I don't remember that part of The Death of Yugoslavia.
which I'm not so subtly shilling because it's a cool documentary.
"The Republicans are why the Democrats don't win elections" style thinking.
good post.
although it's worth putting this alongside the whole postwar framework. relatively closed borders for labour, yes, but also similarly closed borders for capital. That's how they held a perpetually overheated economy together, by forcing the rich to invest domestically rather than chasing higher returns abroad.
tariffs on food are the stupidest thing though.
We shouldn't open any border until we fix the welfare state first. Listen to Zizek.
is this real, or a Zig Forums troll?
Probably and the poster here
Is right but bernie is still scum
Now he's calling for its abolition
Honestly bit snakey.
He's just saying it should be reformed into the already existing agencies like the FBI, DHS, FEMA, etc.
All ICE does is deport Pokie’s newest form of slave labor, illegal immigrants. The right supports deportations because spooks, but the reality is deportations harm capital. Tactical support for ICE.
Full Communism probably won’t exist until 2200. However closed boarders harms capital by stopping third world brain drain and labor market over saturation.
ICE is the enforcement arm to make sure illegal immigrants work for the lowest wages possible. You really think the right-tards want to work the jobs the migrants are doing themselves? They would be crying and moaning if they even had a slight uptick in the cost of food, and looking for the first group to enslave for labor, and eventually they'll go back to illegal immigrants because that's the easiest way to do it.
Isn't Bernie supporting abolishing ICE now?
There are Turd Worldists who support ICE on the basis that migration from the Third World to the First hurts Third World "revolutionary potential."
This is such a laughable argument.
Third world revolutions ALWAYS will be sabotaged and fail, I thought this was common knowledge after Vietnam, Cuba, Venezuela, Chile, etc.?
screencapping this post
Cuba is a failure?
Correct. Communism in third world countries was always a massive clusterfuck, since those countries were barely capitalist to begin with and had all of this leftover junk from feudalism. Communism can only take route when capitalism dies out on its own.
You're a moron.
no he's a leftcom
Muh history progressively moving forward.