

Attached: hitler-socialism.jpg (1024x535, 67.69K)

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quote wrongly attributed, and it's bullshit anyways
nazis privatized shit
fuck off nerd


They founded state owned companies or supported them. VW is just a thing because Hitler picked one of the many little shitty garage projects and supported it.

While """Socialists""" like you want to take successful companies, disown them and control them by a few people of the "state" who have no fucking clue, the Nazis, the only real socialists, founded them and made them successful.

oh my gosh I didn't know they let retarded people use computers now

Attached: 1479322083762.png (641x720, 371.62K)

Oh look its that image of a Asser quote attributed to hitler.
Fuck off.
sage in all fields

Attached: DHBuxMmU0AE1ODX.jpg (476x498, 68.32K)

There's nothing to discuss.

Attached: c9a3e47942ae92862bb3fa03aa06f7abca32f40b9ba45e58f48ee973819897e9-leftypol.jpg (3256x2808, 2.54M)

Nice Asser quote

Well they had a government and it did stuff so I guess that settles it. They were socialists.

Love how OP didn't respond to this. Anyway, if you guys want to keep replying, please sage.

VW was an organized theft. People paid into it with their savings in the idea that they would later get a car as the factories were built, but in stead of setting up the consumer industry they had promised, every pfenning was funneled into the big private arms concerns to prepare for a war of conquest.



And my favorite part

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To be fair this is really due to the war and not a fault of the German Labour Front itself, although all your other points are completely correct, the German Labour Front was a class collaborationist scam to blunt any form of workers' power or organization.

This is damning. This greentext should be posted more often.

Wouldn't Stalinism be counted as a form of fascism under that definition?

Attached: tito the commie.jpg (261x193, 6.87K)

fuck I meant Asser

wait shit