can we get a /commiecat/ thread going?
post any that you have, originals or edits.
the more lewd the better though(SPOILER LEWDS!)
Can we get a /commiecat/ thread going?
Other urls found in this thread:
why didn't you show this to me before I came?
why is she wearing a mario hat
not a fan of that art style, too sharp and edged
who did this and why is it a thing
Only Tomoko Post in good threads, k thanks.
i take my waifu wherever i want to, she makes me happy with her presence
do not disrespect my waifu again you little bitch
She´s my waifu too you ☭TANKIE☭ piece of shit!
Ya'll mind if I Bean Post in shit threads?
What is that shit?
You're doing God's work, user.
That is shit, and you should feel bad for posting it.
It's a repository for high-quality commiecat pics, what else would it be?
fugging degenerates
There are no good artists drawing Alunya anymore.
Rachie, why have you done this to us? where is the porn of this Alunya?
SFW boards are cancer
That's pretty shit tbh.
Using porn to advertise your posts is bad, if you can't find an appropriate image at least don't use pornography to catch people's attention…………
That wasn't my post. I'm pointing out that SFW boards are plebbit-tier.
Nigger what? It's barely even lewd. Maybe this one is closer to "pornography," but OP's pic is fucking mild.
Eat shit, newfag
That's even more shit than
Thanks for proving my point, you colossal cock-gargling faggot.
this is labour voucher!!!!!!!
but spoilers pls
Degenerates, all of you.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Sounds like a pretty shitty society to live in.
All I want is a commiecat that will whimper and squeal in that special way as she is repeatedly violated, squirm and writhe in that special way as she is painfully blinded, deafened, and muzzled, and beg for mercy in that special way as tears run down from the sockets where her eyes used to be.
Is that really so bad?
Yes,comrade no problem
Follow me in the back here…….
How will the Left ever recover??
Just show me the deliciously rapeable commiecats and no one gets hurt.
except for commiecat of course, but really who gives a shit about her?
i have more
too many tbh
Nah, just killing her would be too quick. It would be far more enjoyable to just watch her suffer. Maybe give her a false hope of escape just to smash it later. Then mentally break her and drive her insane to the point where she enjoys her punishment.
I was thinking of her more along the lines of "cock sleeve," but hey, whatever floats your boat m8…
Just imagine the kind of head commiecat could give!
From Tumblr. Why am I not surprised?
ok i need to post the weird ones
Tumblr is full of weird shit
are you that amerimutt owner of commiecat
Got any of commiecat-looking women being tortured? I'd love to see that.
Honestly, what's so bad about torturing commiecat, or alundra or whatever retarded name you have for her? You're normalfag as fuck.
It's also where you belong.
Sure as leftists are androgynous blobs of parental disappointment, I am the BO of /commiecat/.
Go away faggot
The art style is shit. She is shit.
like that
1)You are a "androgynous blobs of parental disappointment'" so…
2)The BO is right wing
And I said commiecat looking women, not some random bint.
Is English not your first language or something?
She is a trap
Yes, like most people but i dont think i said something wrong…..
Your BO may be a trap completely unpassable tranny, but commiecat is 100% female.
You didn't really say anything comprehensible at all, to be honest.
Not only you are an ameretard you are a poltard
>>>Zig Forums
You're still not making any sense, Yurop. Maybe try getting back to important shit like posting pics of commiecat being violated.
A drawing in lingerie faggot
hypocritical twat
Well it's a shit drawing in lingerie.
They are shit.
There are so many things wrong with that sentence that I cannot list them all. Instead I will just say it's the most retarded sentence I've seen today.
It's a preliminary sketch. Don't worry, I'll be sure to post the final version when he's done drawing and coloring it.
Based on what exactly? I'd like to see you do better in a hand drawing m8.
subjective claim by you
It's degenerate and fucked up
Your opinion is noted but is of no importance.
So you're saying that the lingerie pic is shit, yet this one is not? The head looks 2 times too big, the eyes are like a fucking eyylien's and the body is like a shiny version of incognito's stuff
The fact that she isn't being railed from behind while crying.
So? That's a subjective claim by you. Torture and rape are wholesome, enjoyable activities. Why, I can think of nothing more fun than having a nice little commiecat torture session. A few detached fingers and toes here, some facial lacerations there, a bit of tongue removal mixed in to spice things up. Pulling teeth, ripping ears, going in dry over and over and over again till she's nothing but a sobbing, bloody mess – why, it's the stuff that dreams are made of!
You seem a bit bent out of shape about me calling the shitty lingerie picture shitty.
that's because the body is petite; nice and small for easy crushing!
All the better for seeing all the magical things happening to her body before her eyes are removed!
No. torture and rape are immoral according to almost all social philosophies, from Kant to Aristotle. your sick descriptions indicate one of two possibilities:
A) You are a troll and a mediocre but fairly convincing one
B) You are a genuine sicko
Either way I will not argue any further on the subject of morality, it would be a waste of time.
If I was genuinely 'bent out of shape' by this pettiness I'd write an entire analytical post describing in objective artistic terms why I was right, this is Zig Forums however and I only cared enough to quarrel with you lightly, something I won't continue for the reasons stated above.
Ignoring the rest of the sentence; no, no that's called disproportionate. have you never seen a petite girl in your life?
regardless see
Well there's your problem. You're wasting your time fussing around with a bunch of philosophies. I don't give a shit about muh philosophy, I just want to see a commiecat scream and writhe in pain for my amusement.
Aww, why you gotta be all up tight like that?
…so you are bent out of shape then?
Were you the one who made that shitty drawing?
Where do you see an analytical post, I wrote 2-3 sentences, that's barely a summary.
So you're a sociopath
No, I WAS, arguing for the sake of argument.
U wot m8?
You mean you ARE arguing.
You call that analytics, and those posts barely touched upon the lingerie drawing. Read carefully.
I am no longer arguing about the picture itself therefore WAS is the correct phrase
sociopath: A person… who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.
Getting off to rape and torture is being a sociopath. It's not an insult, its a description.
And? You still seem pretty bent out of shape to write that much.
Yes you are; you mentioned it twice in that post alone.
And? What about wanting to rape and torture a commiecat implies that?
You must hang out on twitter alot, because this isn't a lot of writing at all
I'm discussing the argument we're having over the picture more than the picture itself.
Rape and torture is near-universally considered immoral, ignoring this immorality is sociopathic, by enjoying this behavior, emulated or not, you are being sociopathic.
Is that simple enough for you?
Ah, but you are still mentioning the picture.
…by normalfaggots who don't know how to enjoy themselves.
You're twisting words
No, by normal human beings that aren't degenerates
Therefore you are a sociopath. I swear this is like that patrick wallet meme.
Anyway, quit yapping and just post the 'finished' version of this
About what?
So normalfaggots?
Maybe you weren't paying attention. I did not make that. It was made by a drawfag on /b/ today. You'll have to wait for him to finish it.