
Anyone else here from Yugoslavia? Are you Titoists or have you become interested in other ideologies as well? where are you from, and what is it like in your ex-yu colony?

I am from Serbia and was curious if there are any other Yugoslavs here.

Attached: srbijanac.png (1229x610, 382.92K)

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Colony is a really weird way to put it

it isn't a weird way to put it at all, we are all colonies either of German, French or American capital. That was the purpose of dividing Yugoslavia. We have no industry of our own.

Heyy I'm going next year to study to Serbia, any recommendation?

My next door neighbor is from Yugoslavia. I'm not sure of his political views other than him hating Republicans and traveling to Europe for healthcare because taking a plane to Europe is apparently more cost effective for him.

Actually that makes sense, i read it wrong and thought you were implying that they were colonies under Yugoslavia

what are you studying?
what do you mean by recommendations? you mean advice?

go somewhere else

For you
For our foreign friends

And as for me, never have been a titoist, as much good he did for Yugoslavia, it must have been obvious to him that it would have fallen apart after his death. Though I give it to him that he did have to struggle with the clusterfuck left by our retarded royal family pre ww2

zdravo druze, ti si iz partije rada znaci? moram da priznam nisam cuo mnogo pozitivne stvari o njima, cuo sam da su maoisti i cini mi se dosta toga sto rade da je prazni akcionizam. Jel ste organizovali neke strajkove ili proteste? nisam bio u nekoj ozbiljnoj prici jedno godinu dana, evo sedim citam teoriju, krenuo sam na kapital. Bio sam u SKOJ ranije doduse i tu sam naucio dosta prakticnih stvari, iako sam vrlo kritican SKOJa postao.

da, kakav je bio antifa kamp prosle godine?

yugoslav best country in universe yugoslavia strong tito god tito jesus tito come from heaven to invent socialism hahahaha stinky dumb yankee imperialist pig dog fuck scum i shit on your family hahaha i pee on your soldiers graves hahaha david bowie alive in yugoslavia making patriotic yugo music unlike hoxha who make crappy spaghetti western and sucks at socialism dumb shqiptar atheist YUGO people are blessed by jesus tito

Engineering,and yeah any kind of advice will be cool, like anything you would recommend to someone going to study one year in your country

Why, are you Serbian?

why are you studying in serbia? our education is dying out gere except for IT. I have no real advice to give you, it is a peaceful country.

I want to study one yaer abroad, and as working class family, I need a big scholarship to be able to go somewhere , they have given me one were I receieve 650 euros monthly in Serbia, wich I've been told is enough to live decently (do you confirm this?)
So it was basically going to Serbia or nowhere (don't take this bad I'm actually really happy with going there), also I know people that have been there last year and said it was really good.

Not from Yugo, but my Grandma claims to have Yugo/Czech ancestry (she'll go as far as to say she's related to Tito himself, although I'm sceptical of that). Regardless, I love the idea of Yugoslavia and what it stood for in the Cold War (peace, neutrality, brotherhood and equality between it's peoples). Tito was a great man who liberated his people from invaders and brought unity and love to his nation.

650 euros is enough to live decently, a minimum wage is 250 euros.
Serbs are good people and very relaxed, I think you will have no problems. Good spots to visit are Kalemegdan fortress and the temple of St.Sava. Avoid buying food from the city center, it is both expensive and tastes shit compared to the food you get once you step out a kilomiter out of the center. This of course doesn't apply to grocery stores.
don't expect that many people to know english, especially don't expect anyone over 24-25 to know english.

this is too simplistic a view. While Tito was indeed a liberator, socialist and Yugoslav it was also disastrous that he didn't align with the eastern bloc after the Hruschev thaw, because sitting on two chairs is what inadvertently caused the dismantling of Yugoslavia. The neutrality could only work in a cold war, because there was no polarized world. The moment that was gone everything Yugoslavia was built on since '56 was null and void, and the NATO bloc wasn't going to do any favors anymore because they didn't need an anti-soviet bloc in the balkans anymore.

No one in Yugoslavia is really a commie anymore
Macedonia Serbia Croatia Slovenia all have bare bones SucDem parties
And Bosnia and Kosovo are split between Islamic-Nationalism and Serb-Nationalism
Don't know what the fuck is going on in Montenegro

FYROMese speaking btw

I know. It would have been so awesome if Yugoslavia joined the Eastern Bloc. I just find Tito's neutrality helps to justify Socialism to normies.

I thought Makedonija has potential? There were very large protests a few years ago if I remember, but they broke apart because they were basically a wide front with no party. I also hear that the situation in Macedonia is getting worse and worse, especially since the siptars have taken up half of it, proclaiming autonomy.

Yes there is no real powerful communist party in ex-yu but at the same time it is about a 50/50 split between pro yugoslavs and anti-yugoslavs, but the youth are all either liberals or nationalists, yet I see a resurgence of socialism in them too.

I am starting up a party in Serbia but also I got people starting up our Bosnian wing in 2 years, we will be the same party operating in multiple countries. If you are interested, contact me on discord: KoreaLives#4685 we can talk about it more.

I am from Northwest Bosnia but I live in Serbia now.

Serb here. Can you tell me more about the party you're starting up? The ones currently out there are pretty shit as far as I could determine.

What about the Communist party of Serbia, is it not any good?


Or the New Communist Party of Yugoslavia

The CP(S) is not a communist party. It's a government-funded club for pensioners. The less said about it the better.
As for the NCPY, they are way too larpy to get any traction ever. They've had about 50 members for the last 20 years. The founder of the party was a pretty based guy, but he died some years ago. It's CPGB-ML levels of LARP, way too cringy for me (and I've got a GDR flag hanging in my flat, so yeah).

Zdravo, ja sam bio u NKPJ dugo vreme a dosta sam radio sa KPS iako nisam bio u njoj. NKPJ je bolji od ostalih postojecih partija posto ti zapravo daju teoriju da citas ali u isto vreme su mnogo disfunkcionalni koliko u samoj organizaciji toliko u akcijama. Sto je mnogo tuzno, praksa im je dobra u smislu da postave drukcije ciljeve za sebe mogli bi da pokrenu stvari, ali sve je prazni akcionizam. Sva retorika im je zastarela i otudjuje ljude od sebe sto je mnogo lose, bas su tvrdokorni ML u losem smislu. KPS su ti socijalne-demokrate sa jugo nostalgijom, ne idu nigde, a jos Joska Broz je stoka, do te mere da su ga prosle godine zamalo izbacili iz partije. Oce oni i na protest i na strajk ponekad ali to je to.

Ako oces da pricamo vise o organizaciji sto stvaram, kontaktiraj me ili na diskord KoreaLives#4685 ili na email [email protected], ne bi bas na Zig Forums da pricam o tome. Bas nam trebaju clanovi tako da bi vrlo rado da me kontaktiras.

Imao sam malo prilike da vidim sta Skojevci rade pre xy godina (maltene nista), i stvarno mi je bilo smehotresno. Koriste vokabular Kominterne iz tridesetih u svim svojim objavama i obavestenjima na internetu sto je just lol. Kao sto kazes, otudjuje ljude svojim besmislom. Jeste lepo sto pokusavaju da edukuju svoje kadrove, ali ako studentarijsko-trockisticki org poput Marks21 ima jedno 10 puta bolju praksu, znaci da tu nesto gadno skripi.

KPS je prilepak SPS-a, svako ko je deo te organizacije je Vulin-tier 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧socijalista🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧.

Kontaktiracu te kad se vratim s posla danas, zainteresovan sam definitivno.

Check this out


I seriously doubt Yugoslavism will ever succeed again.
It happened in a turbulent era, and after what happened in the 1990s I can't see any peaceable reunification

From Kosovo here,hey there doing well?
All the elderly and even my own says times where alot better back in Yugoslavia with Tito.
Same as everywhere else
Work,sleep get tortured….what a life.

Tortured in what way?

Do you think Kosovo will remain part of Serbia or will it eventually fully splt?

are you a Kosovar or an Albanian? I heard the situation in Kosovo was awful as far as wages and politics go.