Favorite Left/Marxist Publications/Magazines/etc

What are some of your favorite leftist magazines, newspapers, journals, all around publications, etc?

I really enjoy Monthly Review, International Socialist Review, and Left Voice.

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Jacobin has some great stuff for sure, but they also seem quite obnoxiously in the dem-soc/soc-dem Democrat Cops of America camp fairly often tbh


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WSWS has some great coverage, but they’re also extremely sectarian and both anti-union and anti-feminist which is reaaaally sketchy - it’s warded me off my initial enthusiasm for them

none tbh, there are probably some good newspapers not in English, but I can't read them. all the English-language papers inevitably have some kind of major problem in their theory and stances. you're usually better-off just listening to the speeches and interviews of major resistance leaders.

I haven’t been here in a while, did they really ban all flags to do with ⛏️rotskyism/the fourth international - and sensor Leon’s name? Jesus I knew this board was getting seized by some ☭TANKIE☭ mods but I didn’t realize it was anywhere near this bad.

Look at the flag you're responding to. Jacobin is imperialist garbage, I don't think they've published a single good article in years.

They are the least-retarded Trots, but still creepy Trots with a massive victim complex.

Least bad Trots? Highly disagree- they’re some of the worst there are. The best of the Trots have some of the greatest theory and engagement with problems around - such as the black nationalist question and the Palestine-Israel situation, etc

Monthly Review is pretty great with being one of the only Marxist outlets to seriously grapple with and promote Ecological issues and Ecosocialism for a while now - even if their economic theory is lacking quite a bit at times

Stalinists are paper tigers

Just fuck off dude. What the fuck are you doing for the left?


Well, yeah, they're Trots. I think it's worth putting up with their autism since their news quality is phenomenal.

I wouldn't call it imperialist, but Jacobin made the classic mistake of catering to liberals, so they got subsumed into edgy liberalism.

WSWS would be easily the most professional socialist news website out there if not for the occasional
article. I just ignore those.

There is also the small Weekly Worker (Brits), who don't even manage to have a new issue every week. They have a bit too much lefty sectlet gossip, but I always read the stuff by Mike Macnair, Yassamine Mather, and Moshé Machover. The other authors are a bit hit and miss. Here's the most recent one by Mike Macnair: weeklyworker.co.uk/worker/1208/race-and-class/

Jacobin is a coalition of anti-communist liberal kids and anti-communist socdem kids.

Liberals are imperialist, Jacobin is imperialist. They shill for Al Qaeda and regime change.


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Generally, the articles are about accusations of rape rather than rape having occurred. One shouldn't conflate the two.

Personally, my favorite Marxist outlets are the Washington Post, the CPUSA newspaper, and CNN.

WSWS defends Roman Polanski though.

For shame.

good taste, user

I'm partial to spectre rouge myself.



You can't beat WSWS

t. woody allen

Too bad this site is run by ultra sectarian trots. They are narrow minded and toxic toward any person with a slightly different opinion.
I think it is funny, that they try to establish a coalition againt internet censorship, while they are throwing shit on every existing leftist organisation.

Counterpunch is usually alright.

Some publications I follow or have heard good things about. Most explicitly socialist publications are pretty shit as far as I know.

New Left Review
Le Monde Diplomatique
Foreign Affairs
London/NY/Paris Review of Books
The Nation
The Baffler
Monthly Review
Financial Times

Philosophical Salon for Zizek articles

Anyone know some good pocasts to follow? No fucking chapo or other succdem shit please

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Your Kickstarter Sucks is funny and an insightful examination of the absurdities of late capitalism.
Episode 1 is pretty creative and does some good media criticism, though its style is not for everyone.
The Nostalgia Trap has good interviews with left wing intellectuals, historians, micro celebrities and such.
Honestly most podcasts are mediocre.

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Monthly Review

Stalin was just an extension of Lenin.


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