Hellu guys, i've been away for a couple of months. Is this board M-L only now...

Hellu guys, i've been away for a couple of months. Is this board M-L only now? Lenin hat poster still posts Deng/Xi apologism? Are mods still paranoid easy trigger assholes?
Does sprudo poster still post here?

If this board is not at least majority M-L and the answer to all the other questions is yes I'll fuck off back immediately.
Sorry to shit up the catalogue.

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It is mostly M-L at this point. There are like two leftcom posters remaining. The ancoms all went to Zig Forums. Rosa wobbly is still here I think. Succdem is gone. I haven't seen afroplasm. There does seem to be a new anfem in town though lol. That one brainlet namefag with a very non-memorable name that looks like onion or something is still here I think. There is this one veganposter who keeps taking over threads which is hilarious.

I haven't seen any Lenin hat spergouts recently, although I never paid much attention to neoliberalposters.

Most of the red flag posters seem to still be around. They are pretty cool.

The mods seem to have chilled out a bit. They still ban obvious liberals and Zig Forumsacks though.

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No, though MLs are the biggest "faction".
Bls, we were like three or four Lenin hats, and only one was a dengist. He still posts though, yes.
Not like they were, but eh. We've attempted to hire Jim Profit to purge them, but no succes.
He ban evades, so yes. But it's obviously impossible to completely avoid nazi shitposters on 8ch.
Well, see ya.

not even remotely, but a good bunch of sectarian self important anarkiddies fucked off on their own board to praise Trumps air strikes on syria and the US army for spreading "true socialism".
this has never been an issue. i got banned a few times and unbanned right away because the reasons were complete garbage and obviously handed out by some butthurt anarkiddies. generelly there is no real issue of unfair bans, faggots just gotta stop shilling for NATO and strawman shitposts calling everyone "Putinpuppets" like they're fucking Clintonites posting under black flag

anyway, fuck off


Which faction is bigger than ML?

i dunno… but how do you count?

You start with 0 and then you keep adding 1.

No one believes that. Nice strawman you're building there, asshole.

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Fun thing is that I remember you more than anyone else you autistic German bastard. Came here just for you

Please stay

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This is one of the last thing I saved before going away.
Sage for double post

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God damnit now I legit feel bad. Fuck you.

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y-you don't believe me, anarkiddy-kun? but i wanted to impress you and made it up just for you to fall for me. :'(

Es freut mich, einen von euch Lappen zum gehen gebracht zu haben. Nun bleib aber auch weg. Tschüss.

I only take over threads because I'm good at making brainlets scream, user, eat your fucking veggies.

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I do eat my veggies nigger. For dinner I had a salad with carrots, cucumbers, green onions and sugar snap peas. The greens, onions, and peas I grew myself. I also had steamed broccoli, and do you know what was in the broccoli?


How does that make you feel. vegancuck?

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Sad for your body, that you've put estrogen, cholesterol, etc into.
It does intrigue me, why exactly do carnists feel such a desperate need to try and offend vegans?
Like, you're a shitty person for eating meat but I'm not quoting my dinner in redtext at you.
It's just an odd behavior. Do vegans make you feel insecure, user?

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This board is slower, but better without insidious trot/anarkiddie influence.
They are seriously so fucking dumb it's unreal.

I don't have a problem with vegans. My problem is with liberals like you who take bourgeois notions of rights as acceptable axioms for an ethical system. Eat all the tasteless bean-paste you want, but keep you lockeposting off of my board.

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I remember there used to be a nazbol flag but it got removed now, there is also a bunch of new word filters.

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feels batman

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some fat basement dweller lmao

No, there's still a few anarchists, one or two trots and some Marxists that don't seem to be ML. The big difference though is that all non-ML posters seem chill with ML's, and there's usually no one arguing "Marxism-Leninism is actually fascism". For example, in discussions about Cuba, ancom posters will actually participate in a discussion about how they could deal with their problems instead of simply going "lol state capitalism who cares".



Attached: JimProfit.jpg (480x360, 14.45K)

CodeMonkeyHere ? whatAreYouTestingHere:DoesCodeTagsWork

t. basement dweller

Ancoms still exists on this board. You're looking at one.

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He must be a child rapist

ML is the biggest fraction there are also Anarkiddies and Leftcoms wich is good, I think, I appreciate it otherwise it would be boring

Y-yes :(

forgot flag oof


Ackshually Animal Lib =/= Animal Rights tbh

Moral fag get the fuck off
of my pure, vegan board.

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Yes, but veganposter is for animal rights. I was referencing a different conversation we had in a different thread.

And how the fuck do you suppose that?

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Oswald wasn't a communist.