Leftpol recent predilection for technofascism vis a vis Eugenics

So Ive just found an active thread on our sister board Leftpol about the benefits and likelihood of Eugenics. This is the third thread on such a topic for the last few montths

Leftpoltards are agreeing with Poltards and larps that Eugenics is great, but Eugenics is against every principle the left holds dear. And yet, looking at the replies, I cant seem to refute their arguments that Eugenics is coming, and will probably upend the very social fabric of society and our humanist belief systems, that marxism is based on. This future would also undoubtedly lead us to techno fascism, where inequality will be ingrained in our DNA. Can someone please convince me that Eugenics is not in our future?

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I support genetic engineering through technology not through mass culling or selective breeding.
Basically not Zig Forums

Read a book. Humanism is idealistic garbage, an ideology that is ironically alien to the realities of the human experience.
Gene therapy is only eugenics in a technical sense. If anything, ethnonationalists loathe it because it takes away their special snowflake card. The ethical issues are intrinsic to class struggle, and can be resolved through it. In a communist society, there is no reason it would not be available to everyone.

The two visions of the future that spook me the most are Gattaca and The Expanse: I will fight to stop them OP.

inequality is already ingrained into our DNA you blue pilled cuck

Couldn't agree more.

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I bet even that fat sack of shit is smarter than you jamal. Probably has a non existent criminal record too. How does that make you feel?

Arent nazis like gangbangers in like all countries they live
Poltards are just NEETs tho
Leftpol has worst staliNEETs than here ,most of them are young LARPers tho less sectarian..

Disappointing really.
There's also a fundamental difference between using technology to engineer individuals and trying to to "preserve" the "master race" through selective breeding.

Transhumanism is different because it seeks to overcome human biology entirely.

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I don't know about you but I've never seen a computer last more than 10 years or so.

Selecting your best possible genes to be passed forward, gene editing, and bioengineering are all unironically good.

It would honestly piss Zig Forums off because they want to achieve master race status through endless sex with their aryan wife who will remain forever barefoot pregnant and chained to the stove while this allows us to just select the best genes without the need for their state assigned girlfriend fantasy to become reality.

Nothing would provide me with more satisfaction than to look at the face of a Zig Forumstard once they realize the ubermench was achieved primarily BECAUSE we side stepped their antiquated bullshit ideology and its spooky hang ups.


Zig Forums is completely unable to handle cognitive dissonance in any other way than denial and "muh jüdische media". They're not gonna realize shit

Eugenics is pseudoscience.
All the more legitimate issues are already taken care of with genetic counseling

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Why so angry? I'm agreeing with you, aren't I?

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So I guess some poltards arent all brain dead sheep

Like BNW! :o

Zig Forums is for pseudo leftists. It's why they were purged.

This. Eugenics will never happen.

What's the issue with eugenic embryonic selection?
Even if you ignore fashy things like intelligence, surely we must all want to improve human health by conquering heart disease, cancer, etc?
Free (incentivized?) embryonic screening and implantation is the least dystopian way of achieving this.

You guys are like moralizing religious conservative boomers who are spooked by science.

We already do voluntary eugenics - selective abortions are eradicating Downs syndrome as we speak. And once we get the tech to do designer babies, I would rather it be covered by universal healthcare ASAP, than something reserved for the elites. The problem with eugenics are not the aims per se, it's the atrocities committed to achieve them. There is nothing noble in letting people be born with predictable hereditary conditions, and at the point where you can easily screen for it, it becomes a barbarity to even allow it.

Also women being instructed not to drink or do drugs when they're pregnant.

Do all techno fascists believe that a world like gatacca is ideal?

Precisely speaking, these are not eugenic imo. Downs is a genetic abnormality, but not one that is passed down. People with Down Syndrome have parents that are 'normal'.
Fetal alcohol syndrome is environmental, not genetic.

This should be the left's only concern about eugenics. If the technology is hoarded by the rich, an enormous chasm in every conceivable metric will open between the bourgeois and proletariat.
However I don't think this will happen. Some state (likely somewhere in East Asia, or in the Nordics) will offer this technology for free. The elites in the rest of the industrialized world will be forced to follow suit, or risk their nation becoming economically noncompetitive compared to whichever jurisdiction starts subsidizing it.

What *will* happen, is that a genetic chasm will open between the post-industrial world, and the developing world, which will not have the necessary healthcare infrastructure to provide and subsidize this service to their proletarians.

Nature and biology are the most cruel, unforgiving, unemotional Eugenecists known to man; but the two have done great things in giving us beautiful, intelligent, creative people. some of the ideas being forced down our throats won't work because they're unnatural; and Eugenics is only good for righting the path temporarily


here op, have some great examples of how great eugenics work on animals. what's not to like? i mean look at how optimized these creatures are! beautiful, strong, superior überanimals with carefully selected genetics by self-appointed elite omniscient human selectors. these creatures are perfectly adapted to their environment thus ultimately fit in darwin's sense, aren't they? and they are sooooo USEFUL for capitalism, unlike e.g. stupid, inferior, not domesticated wolves who are inferior, because they defend themselves and might bite when threatened. or inferior wild boars who rip your veins out if you threaten their offspring. inferior wild boars also generate less profit because they offer less flesh for humans to eat than superior genetically engineered piggy breeds!
see, eugenics are so PROGRESSIVE! that's why us educated Zig Forums libshits like eugenics so much! because it's science! BAZINGA! fun fact Zig Forums doesn't know: hitler was actually PROGRESSIVE, because he was into eugenics! also humanism is not a leftist ideology! can't wait for optimized humanoids for all sorts of tasks they can do for us educated bourgeois libshits!

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nice strawman, chucklefuck

töte dich du saudummer trottel


if you oppose redistributive eugenics you only enable the genetic monopoly the bourgeoisie already have over the proletarian masses

take a hike, kike

go practice eugenics and remove yourself, you dumb fuck. you are full of shit, actually not even worth a reply.


You raise a good point about the often grotesque results of animal domestication, but recall those traits are exactly what was being optimized for.
In humans we won't be optimizing for the grotesque.

i'm native german and according to our ahnentafel not modified since centuries. how is the average Zig Forumstard bred again? 25% anglo, 25% jew, 25% noble cherokee and 25% broadly asian or something like that iirc?

too bad you either didn't get it or you are deliberately ignoring it

Human nature is a spook but denying that we're objectively shit at being a social species and in need of some fine tuning is ideology in purest form.
Further, either we continue to increase our own intelligence or we become obsolete in the face of AI. (not exactly the worst option, really, but for posterity alone it would be nice to stay meat bags for a while longer.)

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unironically good post

The Marxist-Leninist party of Cyrpus has been running a decades-long eugenics program that completely wipe out endemic thalassemia on the island. Eugenics isn't coming it's already been practiced, for decades.

Spooked garbage. The pictures you posted and the animals they depict are a sample that illustrates human power and agency. Man willed these animals to be so, and made them so. How they stack up against wolves or boars is irrelevant - nature is not a more benevolent than man, and it cares not a hoot if the creatures it spawn live only to suffer. Behold - perfectly natural.

And we are currently on the cusp of having vastly more power over what mankind itself will be, thanks to advances in genetic sciences and whatnot. File it away under "science bazinga" if that makes you sleep at night, but that will not make the question before us go away: how do we grasp that power, to what end do we wield it? Currently we are on track towards a shaping of humanity that is not self-transparent, and that is the problem. Not that we have the power - to the contrary. The more power we wield the more we are emancipated from that original tyrant, "nature".

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Dugin is right about two things: america and technology.

Quick reply but would like to point out that it will be 'we' that hold that power is obfuscating and ideological logic. A bunch of techies and some ai will hold that power and most of humanity will not understand shit about it.

Well yeah obviously hence the self-transparent part - it has to be in the hands of mankind collectively, ideally.

I mean right now (under capitalism) active eugenics and mods will just allow capitalism to penetrate individuals even deeper by further exposing them to self-commodification (like following body-trends or mind-trends or character-trends that make you popular and succesful). Say what you will about what is 'natural', at least it's a final buffer before utter commodification of everything human.

(I hope this makes some sense)

But doesn't that implicitly give a collective (mankind) potential power over other people's bodies and minds? I'm not against it on principle but I sorta dislike the 'destroy all barriers and we'll see what happens' attitude that you see a lot with progressives. Gotta be careful, is what I mean

A few things. Firstly, if left to its own devices, our current trajectory is indeed for the commodification of everything that is human - every gene sequences becomes proprietary etc. Along with that is the risk of certain beneficial genes for some (the future elite getting to be 300 years old, say) and inferior ones for all the rest. Or, even worse and in keeping with what the spooked person I replied to noted with regards to animals, that the elite would find a way to engineer everyone else into docility, as they are of course the ones setting the tone for what is beneficial. Or even worse, that we are so in thrall to capital that even the nominal elite shapes itself to conform to its dictates.

But the toothpaste doesn't go back in the tube. The knowledge on how to achieve all of this is accumulating, and will continue to do so. My call is to take it in hand collectively, with all the problems that creates wrt individual freedom, the possibility of making rather large mistakes, and the like, because the alternative is that these forces run through our society unchecked, driven by private interests, capital, etc. And unless it happens at the level of all mankind, I am skeptical of unilaterally renouncing it.

All of this is science fiction still, of course. We haven't CRISPRed our way into Khan-like super soldiers quite yet.

Pick one.

More seriously though… eugenics is ideology, and it only makes sense as a belief system about who should rule over whom. Conscious, artificial selection can and does happen with eugenics as an ideology, as would genetic modification and bioengineering. Eugenicists themselves ironically are so spooked about muh pyoor humanity that they would actually retard performance improvements in the gene pool by banning or restricting genetic enhancements in order to preserve the Master Race or ruling class of that society. If anything eugenicists would want to aggravate genetically heritable disease so that they can better control their human livestock. The last thing they want is their livestock/prey to potentially out-think them.

Bioengineering and genetic engineering could be very useful, but the institutions of science are spooked by eugenics ideology and other such nonsense so the technology will be deliberately restricted from public access. The eugenics agenda then is just an excuse for totalitarian control over others' lives and a means to mold the mindset of the people towards accepting the ruling class. We have eugenicist leaders running everything today and that has been the ruling order for the past century, if they were serious about improving muh gene pool they would have enforced breeding licenses and forcibly sterilized most of the population 2-3 decades ago, or as soon as it was technologically feasible to exert that level of totalitarian control over their subjects. It's not really about actually improving the gene pool, it's just a rehash of old conservative arguments to justify their rule.

Corrected typo.

Eugenics ideology has a long history of co-opting the acheivements of actual scientists and people and claiming that their movement, their ideology, is why the world is improving, when all they have done is sit on their asses and their hoards of wealth (being drawn from the aristocracy and pathetic social climbers). It is not eugenics for someone to care about their offspring, to not want them to suffer heritable illness. It is eugenics to believe in some spooked bullshit like "genetic heritage is the purpose of life", and that ideology is clearly bullshit.

Unfortunately I believe the eugenicists have won and the future is going to be a nightmare that I want no part in. If there is to be hope, it will have to be over a pile of many, many severed heads and probably 2-3 centuries of unrelenting terror to put down the eugenicist beast.

We are going to have a Eugenics war, whether we like it or not, and only then will we learn the hard lesson that you shouldnt tamper with genes. I fear by then, itll be too late.

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Fuck off. There is nothing wrong with eugenics as long as it is voluntary and conducted under a dictatorship of the proletariat.

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We are having a eugenics war. The ideology never stopped since the start of the 20th century, and has put forward an elaborate media strategy to shove its ideas into the mind of every single person (at least, every single First World white person). They've basically succeeded to the point where no one can even conceive a meaningful resistance to eugenics.

For what it's worth I don't think there's anything special about the human genome or anything that would make genetic engineering or selective breeding necessarily bad. My critique with eugenics is that the ideology can't function without the assumption of a hated underclass that is to be controlled. Negative eugenics is the only kind of eugenics that really matters, even "positive eugenics" only functions on the assumption that the lower orders are to be lorded over and controlled for their menacing habit of… being smelly and dumb, or something. Eugenicists are the biggest fucking cowards imaginable, and it's no surprise with the proliferation of eugenics that the mainstream pissant is such a pathetic figure they need to tell others how they're supposed to feel and cry and moan any time some despised minority rises up and has the power to tell them to fuck up. It's disgusting and it's the strongest proof you can find that eugenics is a retarded ideology.

Good post. Yeah, the problem with tech is the problem of competition: if you don't grab and come up with advantages, some other asshole will. Although I doubt eugenics as a technology can ever make us compete with ai tbh. Doesn't matter if we're gonna be superhumans or not, we'll still be outclassed.