Western Civ thread

'Croesus,' replied Solon, 'I know God is envious of human prosperity and likes to trouble us; and you question me about the lot of man. Listen then: as the years lengthen out, there is much both to see and to suffer which one would wish otherwise. Take seventy years as the span of a man's life: those seventy years contain 25,200 days, without counting intercalary months. Add a month every other year, to make the seasons come around with proper regularity, and you will have thirty-five additional months, which will make 1050 additional days. Thus the total days of your seventy years is 26,250, and not a single one of them is like the next in what it brings. You can see from that, Croesus, that man is entirely a character of chance. You seem to be very rich, and you rule a numerous people; but the question you asked me I will not answer, until I know that you have died happily. Great wealth can make a man no happier than moderate means, unless he has the luck to continue in prosperity until the end. Many very rich men have been unfortunate, and many with a modest competence have had good luck. The former are better off than the latter in two respects only, whereas the poor but lucky man has the advantage in many ways; for though the rich have the means to satisfy their appetites and to bear calamities, and the poor have not, the poor, if they are lucky, are more likely to keep clear of trouble, and will have besides the blessings of a sound body, health, freedom from trouble, fine children, and good looks.

'Now, if a man thus favored dies as he had lived, he will be just the one you are looking for: the only sort of person that deserves to be called happy. But mark this: until he is dead, keep the word "happy" in reserve. Till then, he is not happy, but only lucky.

'Nobody can of course have all these advantages, any more than a country can produce everything it needs: whatever it has, it is bound to lack something. The best country is one which has most. It is the same with people: no man is ever self sufficient - there is sure to be something missing. But whoever has the greatest number of good things I have mentioned, and keeps them to the end, and dies a peaceful death, that man, Croesus, deserves in my opinion to be called happy.

'Look to the end, no matter what it is you are considering. Often enough, God gives a man a glimpse of happiness, and then utterly ruins him.'

Attached: Oedipus_And_The_Sphinx_A_Greek_Legend.jpg (576x837, 92.2K)

It's kind of interesting how many old books seem to idealize poverty. I don't really understand why, it's not particularly appealing.


I don't think it's really being idealized here.

shoo retart

Insightful post

insightful thread

It's never idealized. However the stories present the idea that to live humbly but be of good and intelligent mind is to own far more riches than the most moneyed porky.

Living on a farm and doing simple labour is also something that is rather pleasant for simpler people, (like myself) You occupy your hands with work and your mind with thoughts… it's strange really.

Am I the only one who finds the sphinx a bit… erotic?

Because of christianity.



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Guys this makes absolutely no fucking sense and if Jordan Peterson had written this we would be rightfully laughing at it.
Even if the prior was true, it still doesnt even explain what exactly makes mam happy in these days. It just dismisses wealth (which is an interesting point if it had any backup) and seems toadvocate health.
Absolutely fucking retarded, anyone want to explain what Im missing?
last quote is cool. The villianous god approach doesnt get enough love

oh mama.

Quick somebody make a communist sphinx waifu!

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wth anons

anthropomorphize western civ as a cute girl and maybe we'll discuss it instead

sphinxes were a part of Greek mythology, the Greeks are considered one of the main founders of western civilization. Also if you've ever taken a Western Civ course, you'll know that they start off with Egypt and get to America and Europe at the end.

Nietzsche has a nice answer to that question:
Beyond Good and Evil, Aphorism 51

Next to that I'd say it's simply Voltaire's "let us cultivate our garden." The pleasure of a simple life with a steady amount of your own manual labor to tend to. It's the surest way to happiness.

A first guess would be a frontal lobe.

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nice sphinx!

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Didn't the Greeks have many proto-leftists who were basically anarchists before there was a name for anarchism?

The Pythagoreans were sort of proto-communist I think

Wtf brain

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You're welcome for the new fetish.