
This is a thread for anything and everything to do with the Left in Ireland. What do you think of the IRA? What do you think of Sin Feinn? What do you think of the legalization of abortion and the current government?

I'll start the thread off right by asking two questions:

Did the IRA do anything wrong?

What's the best Irish Commie music?

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Other urls found in this thread:


The brits really were barbarians.

Tiocfaidh ár lá

catholic nazbol gang


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Reminder rightards are so disengenous and such scum their now attempting to co-opt the Irish struggle


Let me guess, this is someone trying to paint the troubles as a purely nationalist struggle rather than a socialist one

Unironically no.

Way too much to choose from, but I'll put down "The Starry Plough" and "Connolly Was Threre."

t. "I'm a Irish American"

I literally said that it's bad to support the Irish struggle on purely nationalists rather than socialist terms you fucking idiot

That's what the dipshit was basically saying in the vid though…
Why are you yelling at me for telling you what you asked me to tell you about the video?

Sorry m8 that's my fault
I'm drunk as fuck [spoiler[like a true irish[/spoiler] and misread what you were saying


They took our aesthetics, lives, rhetoric, jokes, culture and now struggles that they have put down themselves.
Death to nutsionalists.

I just got finished reading pic related, which every Socialist in Western Europe should read.
The split in 1970 should have never happened and was probably the worst event in the history of Irish Socialism.

Here's a few things the Provos got wrong:

The list of things the OIRA did wrong is a lot shorter.

Also OP that pic with the Starry
Plough is an IRSP mural, not IRA.

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so is this one of the times where we are supposed to support reactionaries in the name of anti imperialism?


Provisional Sinn Féin is a chameleon Party of revisionism.
As I said, one of the main reasons it even exists is because of a reject of Marxist-Leninism. Back in the 70s, they hated the Soviet Union, Cuba and Vietnam.
They only started adopting a proper Left-wing slant in the 80s when Gerry took over.
Even since then, they've turned into a revisionist SocDem Party just like most SocDem Parties in the rest of Western Europe.

For example, they used to be fervently anti-EU. Now, they desperately want the North of Ireland to stay in the EU.
They used to want to Nationalise farmland and the banks, now you'll never hear them talk that way.
I could never support Sinn Féin as they just keep changing their mind about almost all of their policies.
It is quite possible that in the future they will go into coalition with Fianna Fáil, and when that happens the Party is dead in the water.

t. People Before Profit member

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Good takes. Tbh I think the Mainland campaign itself was a mistake: it drove aa wedge between the British and Irish proletarians that still exists to this day. At this point in time (1970s, 1980s) working class solidarity was pretty high: mass boycotts over South Africa and Rhodesia, along with printers unions going on strike to protect the miners were common. The irish population's civil rights struggle was replaced wih a nationalistic one: which was used to turn the two groups of proletarians against eachother. Note I am talking about the mainland british proletariat here, not the northern irish british proletariaat.

The British working class didn't particularly care about what was happening in Ireland, and the PIRA bombing in Britain wasn't nearly as detrimental as the one in the North of Ireland.

British Labour, as the apparent representatives of the British working class, were indifferent to the Troubles in the early 1970s (like Tony Benn). AFAIR, James Callaghan just made things worse.

British Socialists have long-misunderstood the situation in Ireland, advocating cancerous theories such as BICO's Two-State "solution" (ie: Partition). "Solidarity" from the Brits would not have improved the situation, and indeed the best support Ireland received from Britain was from Irish emigrants (Connolly Association).

Connolly wrote about how useless the British Left was when it comes to Ireland over a hundred years ago.

Also, the Protestant/ Unionist/ Loyalist working class in the North of Ireland are not British.

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Why live

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In Ireland there are multiple political parties claiming to be the "real" Sinn Fein [in the same way there are multiple paramilitaries claiming to be the "real" IRA], they are:
Republican Sinn Fein [RSF]
The Worker's Party [Official Sinn Fein]
Sinn Fein [most popular]

I'm a member of Republican Sinn Fein [RSF] because they are active in my area and haven't sold out in the way that Sinn Fein have.
Sinn Fein [the popular one] are pro-EU, social democratic sellouts who collaborate with the RUC/PSNI, whereas Republican Sinn Fein are revolutionary socialist dissidents who actually support armed struggle; they are the political wing of the CIRA.

Right-wing nationalists deserve punishment beatings tbh

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Do I irish people actually drink a lot or is it just a meme

Nah, we do.

Do you think Republican Sinn Fein has a chance of gaining any type of power or influence any time soon?

Tell me more about the various IRAs if you don't mind, I wasn't really aware of this

There's no chance, unless we see another rising or a return to armed struggle. I think communities where the IRA is not active have bought into Sinn Fein's message of complacency.

At the moment there are two IRAs that are still active, those being the:
Continuity IRA - Republican Sinn Fein is its political wing
Real/new IRA - 32 County Sovereignty Movement [32CSM] is its political wing

They are allied and often collaborate with one another. They both split from the Provisional IRA [PIRA] after the PIRA and its political wing [Sinn Fein] supported the Good Friday agreement and disarmed. The PIRA was responsible for some of the most daring IRA attacks, such as the attempted assassination of Margret Thatcher and the Bishopgates Bombing. The PIRA were enemies of the Official IRA. Both the PIRA and the Official IRA split from the old IRA which fought in the War of Independence.
The Irish Citizen Army [founded by James Connolly, Jim Larkin and Jack White [an Anarchist]] was a forerunner of the IRA. The Irish Citizen Army was a socialist military formed after the Dublin Lockout and was one of the vanguard groups that led the Easter Rising.
I really recommend you read A Green Flag by Robert Kee.

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Life is unfair, I can have thots when ever I want, except the last 3 year which I spent in house arrest, but I need an Irish buddy. I want to discuss socialism, ira, tatcher, yellow fever and booze

Ayyy gotchu fam

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Green solidarity one struggle

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cursed image

Aw shit, /u/notjohnnynot12 goes on Zig Forums

Fucking where, Connemara?

Ruairí Ó Brádaigh accused the Officials of acting like 'Communists all over the world' in attempting to 'gain control of the streets' towards the aim of establishing a 'totalitarian Marxist social republic' - Lost Revolution, page 510

Wow, the founder of Republican Sinn Féin said that?
What a great socialist, destroying the good work Sinn Féin did in the 1960s, waging war on actual Socialist Republicans and setting back re-unification by generations.
You've been around since 1986, you have 1 (one) councillor and you think you can get the Ulster Scots working class to support re-unification by shooting at them. Ok.

Cathal Goulding, before he died in 1998

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What do you guys (specially Irish ones) think about INLA? There is no doubt their are Communists



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All did nothing wrong tbh

0 source

Ruairí Ó Brádaigh WAS a socialist who was critiquing a right-wing and totalitarian deviation of socialism.
You're comments about him "destroying the good work Sinn Fein did in the 1960s" and waging a war on "actual socialists" is just nonsense and has no basis in reality.
Yes, RSF is a revolutionary organisation that supports armed struggle. You're just a weak indolent scumbag who only has a surface-level knowledge/understanding of Irish politics.
LOL Gerry Adams is a literal liberal that has collaborated with the RUC. Some "socialist" you are, mate.

Read Éire Nua, you clueless yuppie cunt.

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Ireland is part of Greater Wales

Is there really any other country that is the poster child for anti-imperialism and communism? 800 years m8, 800 fucking years under the boot of the Anglo.

fenians are really just stubborn bastards tbh

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Why did and does England want Ireland so fucking bad? Is it just a nationalist imperialist thing or what? I've never really understood this

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OK Kid.

It is a fact that the Provos completely changed the direction the IRA was heading towards. During the mid-1960s, they were far more concerned with homeless squats, destroying private property owned by both the domestic and foreign bourgeoisie, and fishing in privately-owned bodies of water.
The PIRA, instead, seemed far more interested in putting guns in the hands of teenagers and ordering them to attack all sorts of people. Not just RUC/Army/Loyalist Paramilitaries, but other Republican Socialists and civilians. It was completely unproductive, and hugely alienated the PUL working class.

"Nonsense" indeed.

Republican Sinn Féin has very weak praxis, and it's two most distinctive features run contrary to the teachings of Connolly.

Dissident Paramilitary Activity:


I agree about Gerry, however Goulding was highlighting how important ending the violence was. I'm not a pacifist, however proactive paramilitary action does not suit the current material conditions at all.

Also, are you trying to imply that RSF are "active" in Dublin South Central?
I lived there for almost a year, and there was zero indication they had any presence there. The most visible left-wing politicians were Bríd Smith, Tina McVeigh and Joan Collins.
I work in a factory and I'm homeless.

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As a Burger I'm not sure if Ireland really has an FBI equivalent but this sounds like COINTELPRO

Related note: was Michael Collins wrong to sign the treaty and taking what he could get or should he have kept fighting a war for a completely united Ireland?

How can one commie party be so good yet have so little political power or influence

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I don't know why, Ireland is a shithole and the Irish are cunts.
t. Irish

Leninism IS a right-wing deviation of socialism [at least according to Lenin].

You're just spewing right-wing unionist talking points.
However, the provos DID became more militant, but only because of the degradation of their rights [internment, bloody Sunday etc.]

This was needless violence and I obviously condemn this sort of carry-on.
I should have clarified that my issue with your statement wasn't that the PIRA attacked other socialists [because they did], but that you tacitly insinuated that the PIRA weren't "actual" socialists/that the OIRA was the only true bastion of socialism in Ireland.

As for Connolly's views on abstentionism and dissident paramilitary activity, I think he was wrong. I believe that another insurrection [akin to the Easter Rising] or a sustained guerrilla campaign against the current British & Irish governments will inevitably lead to the creation of a socialist republic, whereas remaining complacent will lead to the creation of a capitalist one.

Sorry to hear that.
In all honesty, I don't agree with 100% of policies being pushed by RSF, but I'm from North Armagh and RSF are the only party that I actually see doing anything of substance [educating the community, holding marches etc.]

I think so.
I think this is something he would have done, if it wasn't for his death.

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Lenin never said that and, he did not do so in Left Wing Communism: An infantile disorder

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To add to that , he constantly refers in it to the Bolshevik party as the most left wing party in Russia, in contrast with the Mensheviks wich he considered right.wing deviationists

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Maybe is becaus i'm not American but i can't fucking stand Chomsky, also that video is terrible, literally spitting propaganda behind an utopianist facade

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Care to actually criticize a specific point and not just an imageboard downboat?

What is an "imageboard downboat"?

Tiocfaidh ár lá!

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Fucking amerimutts

Do you mind expanding on that?

bumping with one of the best Lefty Irish songs:


Fucking lit. Have a Scottish one in return.

Why isnt this thread in Irish?
This way you get flooded by americlaps and britbongs.

How do scots and irish feel about each other these days?

Irish is almost a dead language m8

Well fucking do something about it then. Dont let english win out, its a retarded language.

Redpill me on how to learn irish

Tbh I bet you are a burger, the fucking "OIM OIRSH" LARPers love that.

Depends, Scotland is starting to divide along sepratist-unionist lines (this is not good for the socialist left btw). It is the trendy thing to support traditionally Irish community things in Scotland: like suddenly scotnats support Celtic and Hibs. It is kinda LARPy tbh, a lot of "well if the unionists like Rangers we should go the other way to own the libs!" kind of thing. Still, my family is from the rural NE: a lot of folk up there are still pretty anti-papist, not necessarily anti-irish but you know the two are linked in people's heads. You have to remember that the orange order is the largest NGO in Scotland. You see T2? Yeah that.

I'm Irish and love Scotland, it's my second home.

I dont know irish. Im not irish.

Im dutch you cunt

I'll be honest I should probably know more than I do about this shit. Kinda fucked either way though as the Irish>British in all the shit than happened but I feel like a bit of a LARPer if I care too much about it. My Irish heritage is tiny and I've never been there even though I have a really Irish name. In short I haven't got a clue about any of it.

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I'm from the uk. I don't feel connected to Ireland in the slightest and I was tryin to explain that in the post.

You sound very burgerish though.

I'll be honest I'm a bit pissed and can't really explain my relations with Ireland at this point. They seem pretty sound though and anyone that hates Thatcher is good in my book.

=The Hun got BOGGED.COM==

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Sort of, although a fair chunk of Labour members have always been disproportionately the descendants of Irish catholics, and were some of the first to start pushing the 'Troops out of Ireland' campaign.

I want to see Ireland reunified under the crown, tbh


Why did you choose PBP over the Worker's Party?

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I like Workers' Party, but they're essentially a walking corpse and have been since the early 90s. They only have two councillors, and only Ted Tynan got elected under the Party's banner. Éilis Ryan will probably do pretty well in the next General Election though.

When I joined PBP, I was living in Bríd Smith's ward and constituency so it seemed like the best fit available. I'm not a Trot but
PBP are the largest 32 County Socialist Party so they deserve to be supported.
They also have decent room for growth, John Lyons has a good chance to win a seat in Dublin Bay North and Gillien Brien is a dark horse in Dublin Central. There's also Solidarity's Cian Prenderville who has a good shout in Limerick City. They should gain a good few seats in the next Local Elections, particularly in the large towns in rural areas.

I also feel that it's important to have a far-left party in the North that wasn't involved in the Troubles. Workers solidarity between the two communities will be one of the quickest ways towards the Socialist Republic. PBP is the only Party which fulfills the criteria to perform this function.

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bumping cuz this is one of the only decent threads on the board right now

absolutely based

genuine question; are these not the same org? From what I knew, the provos are the provisional IRA

please explain to this an 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧irish🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 burger

Ireland for the Irish though, right lads? We sure showed those Torries who's boss by electing a gay Pajeet PM and flooding ourselves with ethnocentric Arab Muslims.

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they are

Best Irish Socialist song coming through


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what a coon
I unironically think that cromwell dindu nuffin now


I got this here, I guess it fits.

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Thoughts on Michael D. Higgins?

Ireland to pass settlement boycott bill

What does he mean here by 'individualist institutions"? Seems like an oxymoron to me so he must mean something different than what I know.

Hypocrites and fools.
The right harpers on about returning to our heritage, yet they continue to write Connolly and Larkin out of our history; denying our working class heritage.

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What a cuck

Glorious tbh

Sorry if this is a retarded question lads, but if we had a revolution tomorrow, would we still be open to trade with our main trading partners? I assume we'd be in a situation similar to Cuba, an island off the mainland that relies heavily on imports, but surely it'd be wrong to assume we'd be treated exactly the same, considering we're in the EU. Would we be immediately kicked out of the EU, embargoed, blockaded and fucked, until we surrendered, or would trade with the rest of the world continue mostly as it had before?

Not really if you act diplomaticly no one will try to destroy your revolution (maybe uk)
Eu will only throw you out if you go full socdic gang
And while i know there are many companies in irland i dont think capitalists will care that much

Same story as Vietnam, a nation so desperate for independence that they'll allow any bottom feeding idology to take hold so long as it results in conflict.

I saw him at the unveiling of a monument to communist Jimmy Gralton in Leitrim. He gave his speech in front of red flags and hammer and sickles. You can tell he's passionate about his politics:

It's a shame he had to make his nest in The Labour Party, were it not for that I'd champion him (never forget that Labour cut 900 million from social protection). That being said, I'm happy there's going to be a new Presidential election. We should have the choice to renew our presidential representation.

However, I'm irks me that Sinn Fein are putting forward a candidate just to drum up party support for the coming elections. I'm guessing they'll be putting Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin forward because he has just retired, and is easily relied upon to give a good speech.

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