And even these piddling reforms are predicated on an absurdity: the reform of the Democratic Party, one of the two political instruments through which the financial oligarchy rules America—a party that has moved drastically to the right over the past half-century.
Ocasio-Cortez is a danger to the left
But to be serious, I agree with the majority of what this article says, but it's dialectics m8. The United States is probably the most classcucked country in the world, to the point where even the "Left" is eternally classcucked right now. We're going to have to pass through a period of fake revolution with social democrats getting elected and their reforms getting more and more compromised and eventually overturned if we want the rising class consciousness to coalesce into actual revolutionary activity directly targeting the State.
On top of that the American economy is going to fucking blow up soon. The failure of social democrats to assert themselves against entrenched reactionary governments in the midst of economic crisis has historically led to revolution.
Then again America might just eat itself and we get civil war 2.0, either way, things are going to have to get a hell of a lot worse before they get any better.
Why are Americans such LARPers, they have Wall Street, Oil barons in Texas, California computer shit
News flash :USA will not be the the start of the communist revolution ,so if you care about the proles ,it’s better to support Soc-Dems than retarded LARPing nerdslike Ismail
I am an M-L but socdem have a bad rep mostly because they steal commie votes
than actually being capitalist shills(they are but let’s be honest most communist parties are not really even trying to win)
I agree with the other user btw
Social Democrats attempt to save capitalism from its excesses but in Western economies capitalism requires imperialism to succeed. Which is why people like Sanders are so weak against imperialism and in fact support it. We've tried the welfare capitalist model of the social Democrats for this past century and its utterly failed. It may be futile but it's the right thing to do to expose people like Sanders and Cortez as shills for capitalism.
To be fair to the LARPers it's what happens when you live in the core of the imperial beast and every single working class movement is violently eviscerated and trivialized over and over again to the point where the working class internalizes this and essentially hates itself, leading to the rise of neoliberalism and reactionary Republicans etc
It's easier for people who are "woke" but who either don't really come from the working class or who are working class but don't know what the fuck to do given the current state of affairs to escape into fantasies and ideation about revolutions of the past in far away lands than to actually attempt the hard work of building a real radical movement that has the ability to seize power and change things. The American Left, at the end of the day, is terrified of actually winning anything because if they did they wouldn't know what the fuck to do with it. It's similar to someone who has some fucked up fetish they exercise when they watch pornography but when they try it with a prostitute or their girlfriend or whatever in real life they feel sick and ashamed of themselves and try to never talk about it again (which is essentially why so many Americans who are radicals in their youth either become impotent democrats or go all the way to full blown boomer fascism like the Tea Party later in life)
Sure, but you must never forget that (for the time being at least) it is futile. Perhaps in the future you can point back to what you said about Sanders and Cortez and say "You see comrades, they were never on our side to began with." But a country as backwards as the US, which really didn't even have a proper Succdem phase even during the New Deal, has to pass through this period to learn a lesson. When the "provisional government" if you will falls apart that will be the real opportunity for the Left to seize power.
Or more likely a fascism we can never recover from due to the availability of nukes.
Neoliberalism is a form of fascism that has already brought the world to the brink of destruction several times and is doing it yet again.
Also to assume that a Neofascist government in the USA would use nukes is a bit wrongheaded imo. Most Neofash are concerned with preserving the muh nayshon and muh western culture, and even if they were to pursue a path of imperialism like Hitler's they more than likely wouldn't want to use nukes do to it because of MAD.
You also need to understand that if fascism takes over once the provisional government fails, that's on us for pussing out at precisely the moment we should strike. If you're an actual Leftist in America and not a D SA cuck, you should be doing actual militant shit and maintaining tightly organized networks of comrades to be prepared for the day shit goes down the way the far-right in the USA has done for decades with the militia movement etc. If all you want to do is sit around and redundantly pronounce social democrats to be bad your activity is just as impotent as the ones you rail against on imageboards everyday
La prima presidente mujer de los Estados Unitos.
Ocasio 2024.
Que mierda me gusta communismo ahora.
pendejo si no te gusta guindate
People would be far more likely to support an actual fascist who appropriates the language of socialism like Hitler or Mussolini after the failure of the "left" provisonial government than a "true socialist". It's dialectics. The struggle between right wing nationalism(Trump) and left wing nationalism(Sanders) will produce a truly fascist reaction especially after the coming depression which will be greatest opportunity for leftists. This is why it's absolutely essential to make sure the left wing nationalism embodied by Sanders and Cortez does not gain legitamacy. Leftists need to fight BOTH Trump and Sanders.
Ey cabron quantos pesos por ti madre?
Aprende a hablar una lengua propia y no esa escoria anglosajona y después hablamos mamabicho
Nationalism is a right wing concept. But comparing Trump and Sanders it's obvious that Sanders is to the left of Trump
I don’t know Sanders but i don’t really ameretard would ever support the dismantling of the American empire(not like trumps "let’s get out of Syria but actually ending NATO for example) also i don’t think if America ever stops the imperialist policies shit will get any better(a new and worst power will take her place)
The same goes with the left in the entire western world
We can’t just share the land and nationalize shit(maybe the last thing we can do) and call it communism
Neofash don’t exist, poltards will not take over, but an anticommunist government could rise if the whole world turns red
Pseudo leftists get out and kill yourselves.
I am a trot dude
plz respect Leon
Alexandria responds by noting her website is maintained by VOLUNTEERS and asserts she'll look into why anti-imperialism disappeared from her website.
t. Mossad and Likud Party, we know you can't anti-Zionists developing actual power
That's precisely my point though. You keep saying people will "support" a right winger over socialism after the succdems blow it, yet what you've just said contradicts nothing I wrote. Yes, we should fight both Trump and Sanders, but you have to look at it this way:
What's left after that but a space for true socialists to grab the American mind? It happened in the early 1900s in America, it happened around the same time in Russia, and it has periodically happened in other places around the world. I think you perceive me and the other user as saying social democracy is an end in itself and that we're encouraging you not to criticize social democrats.
That's absolutely not the point. What we're saying is that while we shouldn't ignore the problems the rising tide of American social democracy will cause for the Left in the short term, it is an inevitable part of any process that will make the USA socialist in the long-run, and rather than wasting more and more words redundantly telling our fellow Leftists what they already know or trying to convert bourgeoise D SA hipsters who have no interest in socialism in the first place by repeatedly telling them what they don't want to hear, we should be putting our efforts into building a force that will be potent enough to actually seize power once we get a chance.
You're right, they should just stop being polite and call them "reactionaries."
The only good thing ⛏️rotsky ever did was cuck that fat bastard Diego Rivera and take an icepick to the dome and the sooner you accept it the better
You obviously aren't over 35 with a wife and kids. Middle America will go back to statists long before they let full accelerationism to the degree you hopes happen. No one wants to put their family through that shit. No one cares enough, if they did you wouldn't be witnessing modern American political developments.
already a thread about her and the american politics general
I mean we'll just wait another 20 years here in America to endorse anything but accelerationism.. long after neocons, war ready Trumpites and Zionists lay waste to ALL your countries, amirite or amirite?
We can't have any small victories. We suck too much for that. It must be phyrric.
What's the plan then. Discredit the platform? Confuse candidates being embrace with the revolution being embraced? Let America accelerate and economically destroy any country that attempts socialism with their 608 billion dollar a year military industry? Spend all day alienating other socialists who don't believe accelerationism is a good option? LARP? Give oligarchs even more unchecked governance and control of the police state and military? Smear any candidate that embraces socialism? Pretend like the Trump voters are going to stop watching Hannity and embrace socialism after spending all day equating socialists who get power with corruption? Wew lad you must be Mossad, because I see no path to success here for us on your course in this day and age. I only see blood and destruction for the world except Israel.
Why do people spam this like some sort of prediction?
What happens if it's wrong?