Why is it that it's always right-wing paranoids going on and on about "FEMA camps" and "martial law" when, if you look at the Rex 84 documents, it's always left-wing dissidents that are targeted for being round up? Why are the reactionaries freaked out instead of us?
Why is it that it's always right-wing paranoids going on and on about "FEMA camps" and "martial law" when...
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They are envious of our status of being what the ruling class actually hates. Mini-porkies also love conspiracy theories because it explains why they aren't big, and if "real capitalism" is going to happen, then they would be on top.
the thing about reactionaries and fema camps is they're the ones who want to send people to camps, for them it's a prisoner's dilemma, where either they send the undesirables to the camps or get sent themselves.
I think in any real SHTF situation, the right-wing militia types wouldn't be in danger. If anything, they'd likely be recruited into fascist paramilitaries under the fiction of an attempted communist coup d'etat, especially if the military were to refuse to carry out the extraconstitutional orders to violently suppress an uprising against porky rule.
It is because the far-right live under such a delusion that we already hold the reigns of power, that they are susceptible to thinking of every course adjustment by the bourgeoisie as evidence of leftist subversion.
based on how they're panicking about social democrats winning congressional seats, I wouldn't be surprised if they launched a Pinochet style coup if some D.S.A. guy winning either the presidency or a slight majority in congress. Honestly that rightist coup might be the only revolutionary moment in even distant sight.
a lot of those types think the antichrist controls the US government and that barcodes are the mark of the beast or something like that.
my dude that was the 70's, it's all about Israeli control of Jerusalem for the apocalyptic now
That was a pretty great doujin and has the true Eva ending tbqh
Same for the left and gun control.
Kindly remind them that unlike FEMA, the WHO actually does have the power to qurantine areas and instigate martial law.
The guard bars that appear at the start, middle, and end of every bar code do look kinda like the bar code pattern for the number six, so that's some of the less unhinged apocalyptic speculation.
Only in America, comrade.
We don't even have to guess about it. Just look at the stay-behind units NATO directly and indirectly supported throughout Europe during the Cold War. They have no qualms about working with fascists.
Doubtful. Trump is going to get 2 SC picks at minimum, maybe 3. Conservative control of the interpretation of law is all but assured for the next few decades, regardless of the special interest puppets in congress or the white house.
The best is how Alex Jones turned a career of being against FEMA camps into a career of supporting FEMA camps. His grift is really on a whole different level.
there are few layers to this
not only are right wingers hypocritical and their ideas mostly projection, but they're also cowards
of course we know about right wing terror against leftists and what they plan, but leftists in general grew numb to it as something to be expected
as marx said, we ask no compassion, and we'll show none
It's the same principle to liberal SJWs and MUH patriarchy, they need some spooky bogeyman to point a finger at to absolve themselves of actually having to explain why they're so paranoid.
"haw haw haw that's what you git fer protestin', commie fags."
"our rights must NOT be infringed! we're the dangerous rebels ya'll!"
This is the core of modern US "politics", really. Somehow the worst bootlickers are convinced that they are the rebels, while anyone that actually wants equality is a "dirty commie". Is this the final form of post-modernism?
No, comrade. It's proof positive that the US must be dismantled.
Move any further to the right than mild conservatism and any belief system you'll find will depend fully on wild conspiracy theories. Jews have overtaken the media with the express intent of cucking the west, so that they can overtake it with Muslim refugees, who are plotting to eventually replace western democracy with Sharia law. It's absolutely bonkers, but it's the type of shit all these people, more or less explicitly, must believe. Otherwise their whole ideology falls apart. They think like this because they've never been asked to think of society in any other terms than as a cheap Hollywood plot. There's always a definite group of bad guys that are simply out to fuck you. Why? Who cares! It's in their genes or something. Simple racial interests. Their freaky religion is forcing them to do it. They're part of a pedophile cult. Maybe they just fucking hate freedom! Why wouldn't they? Everything goes if you're a right-winger.
Don't forget
It's like that cute picture with the small barking dog on the leash
Depends on the flavor of SHTF - are we talking "temporary, localized crisis" SHTF, "the government is gone" SHTF or a Turner Diaries-esque land war SHTF?
Again, depends on the flavor. Most of them have a considerable libertarian streak and no inclination or training for combat and as such would not be good prospects for anything more organized than a local defense force and the vast majority would knuckle under to even a limp-wristed effort by the government to restore order.
The militia types lump in pretty much anyone "left" of Ron Paul as commies/socialists/anarchists/etc. They're little more than paranoid libertarians who drip-feed themselves opinions within (or barely outside of) the accepted spectrum of political discussion in the US.
THIS, but ironically
True, if the D.S.A. packs the court, that might be when the rightist coup happens
It was largely leftwing conspiracy theories until Clinton did Waco and banned ARs. Suddenly people on the right were made into criminals, and they rightfully assumed they'd be purged under fascism with the communists.
It's all fun and games until the government comes for their guns and their churches. This is also why gun owners didn't care about gun control when it was only about machine guns and pistols, but rifles was a bridge too far.
That's because rightwing faggots only do it after they get a protest permit which guarantees them police. It is notable leftists will protest events (like the Dakota Access Pipeline or the entrance to Disneyland) that cities won't issue permits for. Also if any leftists had balls they'd open carry and basically force the supreme court to determine if armed protests should require a license, which rightist orthodoxy dictates that it shouldn't.
The cops will forcibly disperse left wing protests that open carry.
No, they'd arrest them. That's my point, since the ensuing lawsuit over the right to openly carry a firearm during an unlicensed protest would go all the way to the supreme court since guns are involved.
Uncle Tim did nothing wrong. It's a shame he was a right-winger. I encourage everyone to read .pdf related (it's only 1 page, you'll be through it within 2 minutes).
"Think about the people as if they were storm troopers in Star Wars. They may be individually innocent, but they are guilty because they work for the Evil Empire." —Timothy McVeigh, reflecting on the deaths of the """""victims""""" (Federal agents) in the bombing.
And this might be even more ironic
America is doomed, as it should be. These petit bourg conspiracy theorists are destined to die painfully as the empire crumbles and bombs begin to fall. We should bother trying to convert them. Only death will do that.
It takes a fascist to know how to stop a fascist.
On the bright side gun nuts have created entire libraries of DIY weapons guides that will be useful one day.
Except patriarchal gender norms are still a thing, and have negative effects on a large number of people. While people may overstate the impact it has on our lives, it may be used to distract from criticisms of capitalism, it is still a very real thing. Right-wing persecution by some monolithic "left" is pure fantasy.
Image being like this.
He's not wrong though. Gender norms imposed through a patriarchical history are still a thing, but I think the open question is which ones are harmful, and which ones are neutral, and for those if there's any real desire to dispense with them.
FEMA camps are real and it is currently called ICE.
So how did deus ex solve this?
when leftists start carrying guns you'll see the 2nd amendment disappear real quick.
you have never talked to anyone about anything outside of your circlejerk
It's because they're asking kindly to be shut down before they hurt themselves. They see things coming that they don't know how to stop. They misattribute the origin. Note how they always point the threat at themselves. People almost always think they're talking about their own perspective. They tend to be at least approximately right. In this case, the approximately is that they tend to be noticing organizational and technological capacities that haven't been given functional opposition by the political organizations that would be capable of taking them on, which is usually the left, because the right's political engagement is a permanently dysfunctional rearguard action against hell's onslaught from the left. So the right-wing paranoids see things that the leftist mainstream could absolutely shatter if the leftist mainstream were trying to shatter them, and they see the leftist mainstream trying to shatter other things instead. They take this to mean leftists want those organizational and technological capacities left intact. Since no good person could ever support these things, they then take this one step further, and support the right.
Since everyone loves abusing right-wing paranoids into spaztown forever, the left doesn't see a bridge being built, it just sees a victim it can hurt for real. Everyone knows conservatives are probably just projecting their own sadism. Why, they're probably trying to advocate for these systems! So the left ditches real opposition to the organizational and technological capacities that bother right-wing paranoids, and sometimes even torments them by implementing partials of the things that terrify their most delicious opponents. It's free publicity promoting the popularity of people who don't have to do anything more than not be as uncharismatic as paranoid wingnuts! Too tempting.
That sends the issue flowing the other way. And since no good person could ever support these things, the most fearful members of the right rarely catch their leadership supporting the things they were trying to oppose. So these issues tend to flow en masse contrary to whatever the most widely-victimized members of the public think should be done.
Note how right-wingers elevate the most worthless leaders they can stomach and often pay heed to their own worst cultural voices. They do have limits, but barely. Honest cons don't believe in government as a solution to cultural and economic issues and are trying to put forward something that at best makes it go in circles; dishonest cons are cheating to lose so other people take their falls for them or implement policies in ways that let them fly under the radar. If someone else implements the camps most of the way, an evil leader only has to sketch the last few words in on paper to make something happen. Sometimes we should be thankful for slightly evil leadership for reminding us that these possibilities exist if we ever decide some people are too uncharismatic to listen to on any issue. If the only people complaining about pre-crime programs are crazies who can't tell truth from fiction, New Orleans sprouts a mockery of law. That happened under Obama.
This is why culture sometimes "predicts" the future. People sometimes try to preload paranoids so they can turn blunders into policy. Precrime is still a bad idea after Minority Report has gone out to make targeted minorities look like schizophrenics when they complain of real issues. This shit undermines the moral legitimacy of law and makes the people who run things look like they can't tell truth from fiction either. There's no telling how widespread precrime programs are, because they're such a bad idea nobody bothers pretending they can be implemented under scrutiny. The sane government doesn't do it and the alert public doesn't permit it.
And for an example of cheating to lose so someone else does the work:
Look at social security in the USA. The real reason nobody is willing to reform it now is that if it just gets to "crisis" and then "something" "has to be done", the person running the show right then might survive with their political history looking good. Otherwise whoever the current leader is goes down as a scapegoat for necessities the public wasn't willing to admit yet. Maybe they get rehabilitated, maybe they get blame heaped on them for anything else that goes wrong. Is Donald Trump going to cut social security? No. He'd go down in history the wrong way for it, he'd make it even more likely he gets chased out of office theatrically to prove the sins of the proletariat, and he might be too old to live to see history change its mind and vindicate the decision, if ever it did. The people who believe in fiscal conservatism are putting forth candidates who they can trust will be unable or unwilling to act on their ideology until they can frustrate the left into doing it for them. If they're in charge at the right moment, and only then, they'll take credit for doing what their ideology said they should've done decades earlier. Until then they might get to dodge a bullet by kicking the can.
Politicians aren't about governing. They're about playing chicken to make other people do necessary things. Politicians are all about necessity. Whatever is necessary. Something, something, something must be done. If politicians really want to do something, they fake up necessities first, and when they're not doing that politicians go around listening to the necessities other people are faking up in order to not seem like they're wasting everyone's time and money. Politicians are all about the appearance of necessity, not actual necessity. Politicians tend to think they can only work tasks of actual necessity under two conditions: perfect light (everyone screaming) and perfect darkness (nobody looking). Otherwise it's chaos, a world of people noticing, objecting, triumphing, deciding to make further demands, trying to actually improve conditions in their lives. Politicians are afraid of chaos the way wingnuts are afraid of FEMA.
Oh, hey, bonus. Minority Report probably wasn't an evil scheme, but there may have existed people stupid enough to use it as a blueprint. That's why I said "it made the leadership look like they couldn't tell truth from fiction either", because people implementing precrime programs probably didn't have anything to do with people implementing precrime narratives.
Or… did they? How big are social networks? How untraceable? How good have computers gotten at predicting the basics of human interaction? How useful have automatically generated marketing profiles gotten? Do you think anyone has thought to use them with automatically applied marketing strategies to produce feedback loops? Reel that back in; do you think anyone has thought to use these profiles to predict which of their Seven Degrees they can make likely connections with? Do you think any creatives have used mathematical analyses to improve their popularity? How about their audience targeting?
There are a lot of problems in the world today. A lot of people are doing ludicrously evil things that they're exaggeratedly self-righteous about. Some of them are in communities where "everyone is doing it". And what does it sound like when anyone complains? What has been loaded into our culture as the basic expectation of people who question these things people use huge amounts of money to do very profitably?
The chief philosophy of government as presently believed in is the discrediting of truth and the regression of all human potential.
Oh yeah, one more. China's going for the everybody screaming outcome. You see, someday, every official in China will have a perfect spouse. Every man with authority in China will have a perfect wife, and every woman with authority in China will have a perfect husband. They'll be together forever and ever. Not a word will they speak against each other, nor against the system, for all who speak in an untrustworthy way will be penalized. What could be more untrustworthy than to speak against the judgment of the system itself?
The state will take their mouths away, but they'll find a way to scream eventually.
And yeah, I know you people are probably wingnuts looking to harvest rhetoric. Free site, and this section doesn't even put up post ids to pretend individuals can be tracked in one thread. It helps your shit volume get masked under a broader repertory.
So, listen, the society of reversal turns because because neither side is willing to stop lying long enough to do things that are in everyone's interests. If you can't win by speaking truth, you haven't proven your point well enough to deserve to win. So quit pretending millions of people are too stupid to catch on, and stop letting yourselves get lapped. You're getting fed like everyone else on the chans. Therefore, try instead to take part honestly. There's a lot of very fixable things for people in politics willing to stop projecting their ill will and irresponsibility onto others.
I know I hate you, but that doesn't mean you deserve it. That ill will you're feeling is all mine. I can take it back if the act around here can be cleaned up.
So go be honest for a while. Arrange your world right-side up. Some nations are better than others because some nations are founded on fewer lies than others. Modern societies reward a service ethos and that means doing your jobs straight, no matter which tribe you're in. Quit pretending that people who disagree with you fit whatever categories you're most bigoted against, and start thinking more outside of the boxes you were grown in.
I've gotten nothing from all of this. It's just inane rambleing.