Is it so hard to admit the CR and GLF crippled China's material conditions, and that reforms under Deng in the 1960s and 1980s were what helped China recover.
Is it so hard to admit the CR and GLF crippled China's material conditions, and that reforms under Deng in the 1960s and 1980s were what helped China recover.
Not really. Socialism with Chinese characteristics is just a very long and ambitious NEP. They're playing international porky like a damn fiddle.
Not really. but in the sense that ideology is not good for calculating optimality in economic networks.
Also fuck you
Deng did nothing wrong
Well, in that respect, I respectfully disagree
Deng built up China to truly challenge burgerland globally, there is nothing wrong with that
In a purely comparative economic manner, I am in agreement; however, the economic proliferation of newer states is no statement of the productive and developmental capacity of socialist planning, for unless we thoroughly excise those most critical junctures of economic and social development and the abnegation of the agent-network infrastructure of bourgeois society, we've merely created a multipolar global market - with one state spuriously holding its acting legitimacy with a crimson-spackled edifice of state socialism
It does have legitimacy though
My point was that China is now afforded its weight in the market, but all the same, I'm not all too sure the point of Marxism is the resolution of the antinomies of capitalism within capitalism, it's obviously their realization and subsequent abolition - or we could relegate Marxism to merely meaning the proper orientation of market and productive forces to serve some Malthusian equilibrium of society ("meritocracy", social antagonisms, etc. intact)
There's not much point for arguing for a realistic abolition of capitalism now that pretty much global power is centered around it, along with the rise in racism
Until a socialist nation can usurp a capitalist ones in terms of production and allocation, it will likely continue the trend of defeat and retreat
a realistic abolition? productive parities? You'll have the former without the dereliction of the latter. Though I'm gonna cut this short to sleep, I can assure you that the particularities mentioned are little more than rhetoricians pockmarks and polemic side shows, but of little greater value
I think they have value, given all the incidents of Soviet aces flying to west Germany, Cuban doctors fleeing, etc.
socialism is when you develop the means of production and the developter they are the socialister it is
People say that here all the time.
Yes, all two incidents.
Well also not including the need for strict border control, and the eventual collapse which pretty much placed pizza hut > socialism
Can you take Alan Greenspan's cock out of your mouth long enough to make a coherent point or are you just going to keep wasting everyone's time
I'm just saying anarchism flopped, the ussr is dead and now facism is on the rise again, zizek is right, y'all need to think of something new soon
You guys should be afraid, unless I'm mistaken the most heavily armed groups in the West are the fascists and the military, so you'd do best to catch-up
au contraire, socialism is when you don't develop anything, poverty IS socialism and deng was wrong.
Moar titties plis
Mao was a guerilla leader, not an economist and the best way to raise massive productive forces and not be too fucked over by the west is to embrace capitalism.
It's always been an uphill battle for us gommies.
Capitalism is strong. Tell us something new.
epic rebuttal but socialism is a mode of production. it doesn't have anything to do with either wealth or poverty.
Why would it be? Capitalism is still a substantial improvement over an undeveloped feudal society.
not him but socialism does have a lot to do with wealth in that the economic system has to be devised in such a way that there wouldn't be an extremely unequal distribution of wealth
Keynesianism btfo'd