Why your dogshit ideology will never work

How's that "revolution" of yours going?

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The think tank over at righty pol is running out of ideas.

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If this is how it always goes, then how come it never went like that?

The revolution is going really bad TBH
The counterrevolution won in my country after years of succesful socialist developement ,despite the constat aggresion form the capitalist imperialist countries, we were able to build a country for the workers were life was constantly improving (there were sill lot's of problems though).
Now my country is basically occupied by NATO, we lost like 3 million people in this part of the country, and we have still huge unemployement, and worst social services than 30 years ago, life expectancy has become stagnat since the triumph of the revolution, and we are ina constant population loss, not to mention the explotation, and lack of meaning our work has now, were we work only to survive and give money to an exploiter.

Maybe you should shoot yourself in the fucking head

Why so buttmad?


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It did go like that. The USSR collapsed after so many purges and failed changes just like how i mentioned above.

I think you may be misreading that. This chart shows that people are overwhelmingly in support of communism.

And yet CEO's and Hedgefund managers earn up to a thousand times more than the engineers, researchers and technicians of the companies they own and manage. Couldn't be more meritocratic right?
There's a name for a system where the surplus value of those that work is given to those that don't: It's called capitalism.
Is that what you call double digit growth rates during the Great Depression, astronomical rises in literacy, and a calorie intake higher than the West in the 1970s, with lower child mortality and higher life expectancy than comparable western countries?

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It "collapsed" due to political actions. Economically the USSR was better off than the 10 years of Friedmanite shock therapy and general capitalist reforms that came after.

I know. I was agreeing with you.

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They couldn't live without it because of years of psychological intimidation by the state to not innovate and create. They hated idealism.

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How exactly was the USSR economically better? Do you have statistics to prove it?

I hope this is a joke

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Why are you so butthurt we exist? You don't even understand actual history or the most basic leftist ideas.

Nice headcanon OP.

No, more like life expectancy went from 70 to 64 years during capitalist reforms in Russia, and this is why they oppose capitalism.

But this is a waste of time. You and I both know you didn't come here to learn, since you think you already have all of the facts.

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OP is a faggot, but the raises good points in his first we sentences, that must be addressed. Yes modern education is underfunded and sucks by design. Under communism it will be changed to actually be educating.

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I'm not butthurt. I'm laughing my ass off that people actually support a system that has failed constantly

See the posts above.
A better question is: Where did you get the idea that the (pre-Gorbachev) USSR was worse off? Where are the statistics?

Awesome idea!! Rollin'.

You're talking about capitalism I assume.


Key fact, the market forces people to film shittu content because people are too psychologically intimidated to make something new and instead go for the same old stuff because new things "might not have a market" because capitalist spooks get in the way.


China is going to overtake the west. But I guess that's not "real socialism"? :^)

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World Autism Level is going down because africa's population is booming.

The reason they struggled to innovate was because the centralized planning left no room for consumer demand, the most important part of innovation. They only failed to innovate in the consumer sphere, which is obviously vital for quality of life.

Fuck off with your mystical human idealism bullshit.

a planned economy does work better
but workers in socialist states are still working 35-40 hours a week so nothing really changes much from capitalism, just more red banners and slogans plastered everywhere

China is just as capitalist as the U.S. They may say they're communists in spirit, but they aren't in practice.

Bls fam.

Exactly my point.

Those are all government jobs, retard.

Yeah, thing is, 40 hours a week is bullshit under capitalism, many people have to take over-time to pay for stuff that they cannot pay off properly on their salary
Also you can't instantly abolish work hours, having working robot systems is not possible in the near future because of the sheer scale required and the perfectionism needed for the machine to do everything exactly as a human. in a job, not to mention be durable and have programming that won't go hay-wire

Yet you felt the need to come here and freak out like a bitch. You assume everyone here likes the Soviet bloc and its planning, which brings me back to the point that you don't understand leftism.

It wasn't your point though. You said they didn't innovate because they brutalized people, I said they didn't innovate because the consumers had no direct or indirect to influence what products were made for them and whether resources would be directed to non-military technology.

Leftism is a retarded way of thinking

Not an argument.

they dont need new ideas, they just need fresh newfags who think its new

You proved my point that innovation wasn't focused on consumer products but on state projects that took up resources


You argue like a highschooler who just discovered Zig Forums and decided to go OWN those libtard commies

Not an argument

It is tho.
Prove you aren't a tide pod eating highschooler.

they should stop spending frivolously then
i don't spend much, i work 38 hours and still hate it but i don't lack for money

I'm a college sophomore

That's not what you argued in the original point.

post school id

[citation needed]
And yet the Soviets enjoyed free housing, free healthcare, cheap widespread public transport and affordable food.

Except workers in the Soviet Union kept much more of the value they added. Just compare income inequality and wealth disparity in the USSR with the US.

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Just as pathetic tbh

What's pathetic is that you think my money that i earn from my software engineering internship belongs to your broke ass.

All at the expense of terrible consumer quality.

Lol'd pretty hard. Yeah whitey, we coming for that internship moneyz.

Yes, but the quality of all those things was not as good as the west even though more people had access to it. Innovation was the reason the west had higher quality products, and they could innovate because the consumer had the ability affect, indirectly, the direction of R&D.

Yeah, you are pathetic, and ignorant.

paying for the repair of a broken car is frivolous?
Paying an obscene rent that rises every year because the landlord is a cunt is frivolous?
Oh you define all poor workers, got it, that changes EVERYTHING.

Well, in that case once you start automating the workplace I hope that the revolution will put you first against the wall.


>xD capitalism encourages innovation
also the sage in the email section doesn't seem to work simply click don't bump this time

Oh yeah, we're coming for your toothbrush…
NO you dopey fuck!

Here is a simplified version of communism for you

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wages in the USSR were no higher than America
even if they were, Soviet workers probably still hated their jobs just as much as anyone in a capitalist state

except that wages appear lower since they where also spent within public services

Listen you ideology addled simpleton. Someone is going to take the money you earn and give it to people that do fuck all other than sit on their asses. They're called bosses and shareholders.
Do you think Zuckeberg, Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos build their companies single-handedly?
No. They hire (and have hired) thousands of engineers, researchers, technicians and scores of "low-skilled" employees to maintain and build their enterprises.
These people do most of the work. In fact: Without them there would be no Amazon, Tesla or Facebook.

And yet it's a handful of people that go home with all the the surplus value. The billions in dollars in profits, intellectual property and ownership of their respective firms.
Those "skilled" employees at most receive scraps for the value they've added.

[citation needed]

[citation needed]

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I'm literally you, OP. I've worked at software development companies and I'm pretty pro-communism because I know what it is and haven't absorbed state department propaganda. You should do the same. Start by looking up "private versus personal property" then look up food production, caloric consumption, and life expectancy trends in post-Soviet Russia in the 1990s.

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So much so that the BAM (Baikal–Amur Mainline) was built by volunteer labour.

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lmao sure it was, just like stakhanov actually mined all that coal

were those services even worth it? life expectancy never reached parity with america

accurate. wheres the lie
commie faggots btfo

Yep, they did the majority of the work m8.


Yep, comrade Stalin was right about removing some technical intelligentsia. Proles in computer """""""science""""""" are the most reactionary because they are among the few that still have good jobs. Most of them will side with the eternal burg because "fuck you got mine lel"

You can't really compare with America because 1917 Russia was worse off than 1917 America. You'd have to compare with a similar country like Brazil.

Gulag system ended in the 1950s for one. Well over 30 years before the collapse of the SU.

There's not even anything inherently wrong with the executives unless they make their wealth primarily through stock, i.e. ownership. The real issue with bosses is accountability.

The only real advantage of soviet products was sturdiness and reliability, which is very good and something western products actively avoid as features, but in every other regard they lacked ergonomics and were inefficient power hogs.

Actually one of the dumbest thing he did.

It's a huge problem too. Managers and STEM job workers are proles too, but they've been culturally conditioned to view themselves as distinct from working class status and therefore having distinct economic interests, when they don't.

That is called capitalism.
While mediocre quality was common for some products, many other soviet products, such as the Chaika Vacuum cleaner, the Yuryuzan refrigerator, the Astra 110 magniphone and dozens of other examples were more effective than many current appliances of the same type. Many have lasted up til today in perfect working condition, even though they are often still being used. In the past (1930s- mid 80s), Western goods were also built to last, but for the reasons explained prior, production has shifted to low-wage countries, where quality control is lowered to achieve lower prices. This all to keep us consuming. It's pretty funny to see the West now deluged with crappy goods, when they accused the Soviet Union of doing the same.

When we say STEM we mean CS, when we say CS we mean STEM, ok?
I know a lot of people who studied biology, chemistry, mechanical engineering and who are now doing mcjobs, so let's cut that STEM crap
>Actually one of the dumbest thing he did.
what will you do with people like OP? Educate them? That's impossible to educate a programmer, you can only train them to codemonkey in python or C or whatever

Well fuck you very much, comrade. And exactly how will you build a planning system without programmers?

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how do you get video games in a communist society?

im done. greentexts are for faggots

The same way they they plan on building a fully robotically autonomous production system without any other kind of STEM major.

There are only two STEM fields that have even mildly good prospects for people who only have a bachelors. Those are engineering and CS. Everything else pretty much requires a masters or higher. Just a warning to anyone who falls for the non-engineering/CS meme like I did.

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Bands, singers and composers take care of the OSTs.
Writers take care of the stories.
Programmers take care of the…
Artists take care of the….
Really user, just fuck off back to pol.

More reasons to murder all non egalitarian classcucks.

man what a rotten deal

thats too basic of an explanation

These things can apply at different scales. Chinamen would say that they are internally communist, but can externally outcompete other internally capitalist countries in the global markets.

I don't want to be the bernie who goes "everything state funded is basically socialism" but how do you figure features produced by public broadcasting even work

Hell, the idea of producing your own videogame in the current reality is hella cumbersome. You did hear the cuphead guys pretty much gambled away all their lifesavings and every mortgagable asset to get the game, didn't you? You can't churn out your grand visions of a video game unless you have infinitely deep pockets. How do you get video games in a capitalist society is a more apt question, to be honest.

I suppose corn goes into the microwave and turns into popcorn is also too basic of an explanation. Jesus…

It's not. Open source is a thing.
The problem is that open source projects don't have multi-million dollar marketing budgets, so they remain obscure even if alternatives exist.

Frankly I think that might do society good. people are so stuck to their devices and social media that its autistic. Back in the 2000s despite digital cameras people took fairly limited photos. Now everyone photographs a hundred selfies a day to post on snapchat, along with their food. Like literally.

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I don't come into your 7-person, $3500 rent per head, 1 bedroom sty of an apartment and tell you certain caching techniques are dogshit - maybe you shouldn't deign to speak on matters you've next to no idea about

Obviously goes without saying, and I could also just commit my free time to it, but the result is going to be a half-assed thing 7 years down the road.

Just commiting your entire time to a video game is a financial burden in of itself than not everyone can afford.

so you have no idea how it would work

Bitch, as long as everybody is on fire I could give a fuck what happens to me. You know I've been homeless before right? Like I can't just lay on the ground plating with my dicky as people try to rebuild society?

Fuck I don't even have my wife anymore. You think I care if communism is just a pipe dream? Bet I i can inhale deeper and ride the white horse faster than you bitch

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