What does Zig Forums have against fascism im not very knowledgeable on the subject but im confused how people can hate...

what does Zig Forums have against fascism im not very knowledgeable on the subject but im confused how people can hate one thing so much here

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oh and side note (not trying to rustle jimmies i swear) how do you feel about Sir Oswald Mosley going from communist to fascism? what do you think drove him to do this? are there any examples of fascists going communist?

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Because they didn't want to kill the bourgeois like all the edgelords on this board wanna.

It's a mystery.

specifically how does it differentiate from your views and how are their views flawed?

Fascists are glamorized mercenaries for the bourgeoisie. They're only useful insofar as they're willing to carry out atrocities against communists. Case in point, the only really successful fascists, without whom the concept of fascism wouldn't exist, are admired because they killed tens of millions of communists in the former Soviet Union.

we are socialists, fascism is capitalist

Geez I don't know, maybe because fascism specifically tried to annihilate the Soviet Union and socialism in general

My views differ from fascists in that I'm not a law and order fetishist with a hard-on for traditionalism. Also they're lapdogs for the ruling class.

meet Asserism like nazis but more anti capitalist en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strasserism


seems interesting
elaborate pls

gee idunno

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what about nazbol?

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I don't know. How could they?

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It's entirely memes anywhere but russia.
Even there it's a meme now I think about it


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This is typical for revolutionaries and thinkers that cannot imagine a world without capitalism.
As such, they proclaim the 'end of history (Mussolini predates Fukuyama here), and assert that there is is no possible order other than the triumph of capital.
People that end up at this junction either become frothing defenders of the status quo (Accelerationists, NRx, vanilla fascists, Hitlerites, people like Nick Land, etc.), melancholic counter-enlightenment reactionaries (Gomez-Davila, Evola and other such obscure figures), or they fall into depression and (ultimately) kill themselves. (See Mark Fisher, Debord, etc. Nick Land almost ended up like this)

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so essentially Mosley went back due to fear of the systems instability and he couldn't imagine a world without capitalism?

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Naziposter, are you a transhumanist?

What if I said yes?

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It's literally the ideology of brainlets.
The only time fascism ever rises is when it's heavily backed by the bourgeoisie. It amounts to less than nothing, has not concrete theory, attracts the worst kind of degenerates, is anti-scientific, anti-democratic, and anti-life in general because fascists unilaterally hate themselves and all living beings.

mosley got sent to prison at one point and so did hitler
Mussolini said something like corporatism and Julius evola i think (fun fact Julius evola used the the quote "become what the bourgeoisie call an extremist")
skin heads need to be crucified
otherwise it aims for the opposite or so ive been told
how so?
yup, but aren't communists cool with the whole stalin and mao thing and not having democracy assuming you're some form of communist do you guys like democracy?
i don't even know what this means
o ok
oh yeah dude hitler was vegan (not that i approve but he was) he also planned on converting Germany to a vegan way of living after the war but i never saved the pics i found of it so you just gotta trust me

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i over simplified this a ton lemme fix a few things
nationalism basically not self hate
pretty sure it's a fascist way of managing the economy

Stalinism and Maoism are inherently democratic while Nazism is not.

didn't Stalin rule for life? or were the presidents just there for life and didn't they have dictator level power? not really sure about Maoism though

And then the bourgeoisie appointed him the leader of the country after his movement was proven unpopular when his coup failed. :thinking:
Marx predicted the longitude of the capitalist economy for 100 years after him, comparing some faggot "saying corporatism" to Capital is brainlet tier.
Thuul society, World Ice Theory, Blavatskyianism, "Jewish Physics"
Communism is inherently a democracy of the proles.
Take any prominant fascist figure or modern fascist, they're ALL either skinheads or clinically depressed.
But they don't like their race, they fucking hate their race, they spend all of their time berating other cumskins about how to behave and how they're ruining the world.
Vegetarian, actualy.

Uh, it's essentially a reaction against socialist and communist groups as well as labour unions. Good ol' Muso was an opportunist who rigged together an intensely nationalist ideology that romanticized the past like crazy and went ape shit on any organization that actually aimed at empowering working class people. PDF related

I can imagine a system other than capitalism. I just can't imagine any of the unbroken legion of reactionaries that I'm surrounded by everyday willingly transitioning to it, hence my depression and accelerationism.

fun fact referendums are votes from citizens you know like people to decide things like whether Hitler should be in power and
apparently everyone loved him so he won the referendum also when Germany united with Austria the referendum for that was only having .9% (not nine point nine) voting no to unifying with Germany

and what are you implying with this?

i wouldn't doubt it for a second fuck every time
ive been to Zig Forums (like maybe a few times not really a regular) ive seen threads on hating being "redpilled" and wishing they could go back

you trust the others on this site correct? hell you probably come here every day, i don't blame you and im not trying to paint it in a bad way, but my point is is how are my sources just nullified like that where as everything else you learned is valid?

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I'd argue that they were usually depressed beforehand. Why do you think so many reactionaries and rude (typically racist) individuals online are NEETs?
not entirely, we also read books (or at least pretend to) on theory and history

You guys know that not even Fascists today believe in 30's style Fascism.


This was written by a Satanic Fascist who tried to create a Fascist party in New Zealand and he says Stalin did nothing wrong.

for starters they weren't in power to rig it second what advantage did the so called bourgeois gain from rigging it in their favor Germany went against the bourgeoisie in many cases not to mention how Oswald Mosley talked about the government of the world being the financial government the power of money and money alone lemme find the link real quick

Oswald mosley speech's btw

theres actually a few good parts let me link them with the times on them
watch this link until ending

so basically at least for Mosley he understood capitalism as a danger i mean he was an EX communist but im pretty sure the bourgeoisie would not be a big fan of Mosley

More to it.

Also SSNP (the closet to a Fascist party) in Syria is like 90% Communist (Lebanese on Zig Forums bitch about it) and on that Kiwifarms thread Atomwaffen members talked about reading Communist shit.

ever heard of ba'ath party?
pic related is the description i found on Wikipedia (fuck off it was quicker than putting in real effort)
also about the Stalin fascist i got something else for you

you see Hitler and Mussolini liked Stalin because he took place of Leon ⛏️rotsky and essentially got rid of the jew from the soviet union and although Hitler went on saying that Stalin only wanted to make history he needed to stop communism and Hitler had massive respect for the man

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also on a side note whoever posted that book further proves my point about stalin ruining leon ⛏️rotsky's effort to spread communism
———–as a world revolution——
and focused on Russia alone and even Hitler had sympathy for that but realized Stalin's successor will not be the same and could do some of that world revolution stuff like that and therefore needed to destroy it

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No this was just a slight nod to the Geo-politics at the time and the vast brainlet powers of the Axis powers. Mussolini called Stalin a communist and if that's not one of the most idiotic,brainlet things ever said all based on a total misinformation of Soviet policy then I don't know what is. It's basically all based on the idea that since Stalin was building Socialism in one country and held a good sway of power that he must be a fascist of course.
It was never very big to begin and is far overblown by retarded fascists (pic related). Even then the so called anti-Semitic purges were on other Communist political parties and reactionary/Trotskiest elements in the party and Red Army. No one was killed simply for being ethnically Jewish and to imply Stalin was some neo-nazi tier jew hater is slander.
Stalin was a 100% dedicated communist who from the early days organized strikes and even stormed a fucking prison under gunfire and robbed banks for his belief and served time in Siberia, the idea Stalin was some anti-Semitic megalomaniac,power hungry evil being who only used the Soviets to get power and to kill 100 million innocent children is even more slander that Revisionists,weak willed red liberals and Capitalist powers were quite happy to pile onto him.
They both still wanted Communism world wide, they just had a different idea on how it should happen and how the USSR should be run. Stalin was not some Nazbol nationalist who wanted National Communism or any of that bullshit. People equate Socialism in one country to Nationalism which is formed from lack of knowledge on the topic.
Stalin spread the revolution to many places,Mongolia,Germany,Poland,Baltic states,supported the Spanish and Chinese Communitsts.
Hitler was going to invade the USSR anyway. How is Hitler going to get his 1000 year Reich and Living space for hundreds of millions of future Germans if he's only got half of Poland,Austria and whatever rump puppet state and annexed land he got from the Czechs.

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r e d f a s c i s t

I forgot about that word filter

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Nahhhh. Good until that part. I know lots of people who are very uncomfortable with homosexuality who have definitely never dabbled in it even once in their lives.
The first three paragraphs were decent and I can buy them, but the last four paragraphs really went off the rails. Further, did Stalin not order Scorched Earth as a specific policy? If so, how could any "hunger plan" be implemented in the first place, there being little or nothing to take?

Sorry, this was meant for

Because you take what food they have left if there's less food to take off them that just makes it easier. People who didn't fall back with the retreating armies still had enough food to survive. If the Soviets were defeated all you would have to do is cut all the Russians living in future German land off from what food they had and you have an easy genocide on your hands.

International bankers bankrolled and profited off Nazi Germany and the wars it started. So did the German heavy industry (like Krupp, who profitted even after the war)

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