Can a Christian comrade help a brother out? I'm trying to think of some of the most well known and/or influential religious leftist figures, be they Socialist, Anarchist, Communist, etc. btw, if you can give me any kind of christian leftist memes/images, that'd be real cool of you.
Christcom Figures?
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most influential I can think of is probably that one poster who really hates america and houses.
Eugene V. Debs had something about how Jesus was a leftist.
I haven't actually read any of his books, but isn't Tolstoy a pretty famous Christian anarchist?
There were a lot of clergy involved with the Sandinistas too, iirc
Camilo Torres Restrepo
He was a columbian Catholic Priest and Socialist. An early member of the ELN in columbia and a predescessor in Liberation Theology. Spent a large part of his life attempting to reconcile Catholic teachings and Marxism.
Thanks comrade.
Wasted effort.
Christian communism is an oxymoron in the very sense of the word. Communism/socialism is scientific, Christianity is not. To think one is able to reconcile the two is foolish.
Grow up.
for Burgerstan there is Mother Jones who was a pretty militant unionist
John Brown is my favorite even though he wasn't technically communist.
A "christian communist" still has to act in the same way as other communists do. Therefore, the 'christian' part can only refer to one's motivation to be a communist. If someone becomes a communist because they want to help people, they're not an Altruist communist, they're just a communist.
It seems that christian communists are nothing more than communists who are also Christian. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Tolstoy seems to be a big inspiration in Christian ancom circles.
Hong Xiuquan, leader of the Taiping Rebellion, fought against Qing and western imperialism.
The Diggers are a good example.
Get the fuck out chistfags
It's odd that a religion that should be completely compatible with Marxism and Communism (Equality, equal rights, help the poor, convert with violence if necessary, ensure state-religion status) is so despised and hated by the latter historically and post-modernly. Perhaps their only disagreement is that they want to be God instead?
look up in biographies of catholic church saints
Or perhaps it's the fact that any big christian church is a reactionary shitshow that has historically always backed those in power over the oppressed.
Also inb4 real christianity has never been tried/those aren't real christians