Christcom Figures?

Can a Christian comrade help a brother out? I'm trying to think of some of the most well known and/or influential religious leftist figures, be they Socialist, Anarchist, Communist, etc. btw, if you can give me any kind of christian leftist memes/images, that'd be real cool of you.

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most influential I can think of is probably that one poster who really hates america and houses.



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Eugene V. Debs had something about how Jesus was a leftist.

I haven't actually read any of his books, but isn't Tolstoy a pretty famous Christian anarchist?
There were a lot of clergy involved with the Sandinistas too, iirc

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Camilo Torres Restrepo

He was a columbian Catholic Priest and Socialist. An early member of the ELN in columbia and a predescessor in Liberation Theology. Spent a large part of his life attempting to reconcile Catholic teachings and Marxism.

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Thanks comrade.

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Wasted effort.

Christian communism is an oxymoron in the very sense of the word. Communism/socialism is scientific, Christianity is not. To think one is able to reconcile the two is foolish.
Grow up.

for Burgerstan there is Mother Jones who was a pretty militant unionist


John Brown is my favorite even though he wasn't technically communist.

A "christian communist" still has to act in the same way as other communists do. Therefore, the 'christian' part can only refer to one's motivation to be a communist. If someone becomes a communist because they want to help people, they're not an Altruist communist, they're just a communist.

It seems that christian communists are nothing more than communists who are also Christian. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Tolstoy seems to be a big inspiration in Christian ancom circles.

Hong Xiuquan, leader of the Taiping Rebellion, fought against Qing and western imperialism.

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The Diggers are a good example.

Get the fuck out chistfags

It's odd that a religion that should be completely compatible with Marxism and Communism (Equality, equal rights, help the poor, convert with violence if necessary, ensure state-religion status) is so despised and hated by the latter historically and post-modernly. Perhaps their only disagreement is that they want to be God instead?

look up in biographies of catholic church saints

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Or perhaps it's the fact that any big christian church is a reactionary shitshow that has historically always backed those in power over the oppressed.

Also inb4 real christianity has never been tried/those aren't real christians