You fucking cringe bourgeoisie pussies. How come none of you can fight? You look like you haven’t done a days work in your life. FUCKING POSH CUNTS LOL
The antifa neoliberal faggot in that picture is armed whereas the guy knocking him out is unarmed though, you queer. The absolute state of liblarper cope posting.
Then why do I see a bunch of clips of antifa attacking people using clubs and fireworks, you lying little shit.
Daily reminder that you are weak and will suffer enormously for it before the end. Street fights cannot save America or the "west". You are cucked by history. Enjoy it. This savagery is actually extremely useful for keeping liberals from supporting you guys.
Facists are going to lose because they have no conceivable framework in which victory is possible. They cannot remove black people, immigrants or homosexuals from America and certainly they cannot do this from Portland. The violence they bring is inane and their provocations are stupid. Anyone can see that there is no chance for white nationalists to actually win, their only achievable goal is endemic chaos and destruction of public peace and safety.
They can't though. They can, at best, terrorize them.
by "at best" I mean from their perspective ofc
I'm so scared of this internet tough guy!
Doing this would be the only way of preventing total fascist victory, not the other way round my brainlet friend. The inevitabilities are in their favour unless something big changes.
It's not, because their racism is purely racist and based on a delusional concept of a white ethno-state, which is the current system. The problems we are having come from the fact that the white ethno-state cannot exist anymore. They want to throw all these guys ought and put the blacks in the ghetto because that's the way it was before. It's not going to go back, and it can't go back.
*the are purely racist
Pretty rich coming from you, Zig Forums.
I'm not denying that things are not going to get worse. I am simply pointing out an obvious truth that can been seen by everyone left and right. The white nationalists have no achievable victory. Their objective is explicitly to shatter American society and make it intolerable to live in for everyone.
Americans want to "jim crow" their minorities not eliminate them. The only violence they permit against them is systemic (over policing, impoverishment, etc) and occasionally random ad hoc shit like lynchings which are designed to demoralize and terrorize. They do the same thing to the working class of all races too. This is part of the dialectic. American society creates those who will destroy it. If they try to remove them the society collapses. If they don't society will collapse anyways. This is God's will. America is done.
I feel for the children (of the immigrants) though.
Please cut down on the HRT and anxiety meds before posting
It’s intolerable for everyone who isn’t a parasite or genetic trash right now. One side needs the other to live. One side doesn’t need the other for anything. And you think nothings going to happen? That’s crazy man.
If you read and engage with the point you'll see I just mistyped "they are purely racist"
I just said that street fights don't matter. The goal of antifa is to prevent fascism from organizing, not defeat it altogether. You don't understand. This is your last stand, not a "crusade" or anything like that. America is dying. Quite literally in fact. Its empire is decaying and will begin to lash out violently against the new multipolar world order, which will result in our obliteration. You will see. Trump is just a symptom of a much larger affliction that is beginning to infect America's national bourg.
but damn those punches tho
Mhm. Sure.
Yes the working class doesn't need the bourg. And their lumpen/petit bourg allies are unnecessary as well. They need us. That is why they are becoming so radicalized.
I'm not saying nothing is going to happen. I am saying their objectives are simply to spread inane violence and there is no way for them to achieve anything else. The nazis actually live easy and safe lives with substantial benefits. They are just racist and hate being around people that don't speak english and eat hamburgers, and they will not be able to change that fact. It's going to get worse but obviously they won't win. They should recognize that explicitly.
This hurts white people how exactly? You should be praying the individualistic civic American myth survives as long as possible, the moment American whites give up on it and go full IDpol then you can start crying.
lol white people are the ones dying you moron.
political incel
You sure don't despise a bit of redliberalism despite all the big guy talk about civilization collapse you fucking faggot self hating american
Does Zig Forums just like to splice out images where one of their goons takes a cheap shot at some liberal and spam it around everywhere? I've been seeing this shit crop up everywhere despite the fact that there has been less of them getting outside by the day, even with the police helping them.
Yes. It's part of their optics strategy.
It's been working on Reddit, but who knows how well that's actually working out for them. Considering that a lot of reddit is paid shills, and those paid shills would want the right to not get completely steam rolled.
That's strange, last I checked it was antifa doing that.
See above.
I like the implication in the image. On one side of them, a multinational bank, on the other, Americans standing shoulder to shoulder and living together. Which one do they decide to smash?
Do you not believe in genetics or something? All this “oh they just don’t like people who don’t speak English” stuff is irrelevant. One population is genetically adapted to production in this environment, they are also under attack by the people who arnt. You must see the something has to give in that situation? You keep saying “oh they will just lose”, what exactly is this scenario that you’re imagining? Literally all the gibs is created by these people, there’s no way past that.
America is sin, corruption, and filth. Hating America is basic fucking decency. How can you defend a country that spreads war, disease, and exploitation throughout the entire world?
White people are not actually native to North America my man.
Reddit is largely suburban white children (and manchildren) from the US (thus why it has such a large reactionary population, it reflects the anxiety of that kind of living filth.) Not surprised that they like this shit.
The real Native Americans were blond, blue eyed Aryans gods who got replaced by lizard jews???
create your own reality indeed ZOG Occupied Government bitch
no your a bourgeoisie neoliberal -insert lefty buzzwords I heard once-!
And as they deplete and\or refuse to cooperate with disproportionately providing for the others, the others will just be THRIVING I’m sure. This equation doesn’t work out I’m sorry, America will end and the next phase is not going to be the first time in history that an undifferentiated mass of parasites managed to spontaneously defy evolution and create a socialist utopia.
no u
What kind of fantasy land are you people living in?
You sure got us, Zig Forums. I'll have to talk to my handler to discuss re-arranging our police backup unit at the next rally.
Fascists are prone to prey on the weak. It's part of the social darwinism they exhibit
Ignore shitpost flag
America was created by white Europeans to suit them. That’s why native Americans are on reservations getting cirrhosis dummy.
Well the only people that showed up was antifa, so that's who they fought. You wanna stop bitching about how they're "attacking the weak," maybe you should try bringing people that don't look like they crawled out of a physical therapy ward.
Capitalism is not in your genetics no matter how much you say it is.
Reddit hates Trump just because everyone in the elite hates Trump. They all hate Russians and will probably all hate the Chinese soon enough. They hate Arabs quite a bit already, and can easily be convinced to start hating any nation, race or creed if the newspapers tell them do. They just blow over. The idea that redditors will put up any kind of resistance to any reactionary idea whatsoever is laughable.
Oh not at all like here then.
That's why I don't say shit and defend antifa in threads like this.
They are fucking not.
I'm able to distinguish the actions of a government from the people, that said I despise American people as much as their government.
Fake, ignorant, unable to talk, crass, corporate drone and vapid. I hate both. Seeing pot smoking redliberals queers vs fat basement dweller proddy zionist is literally the dream of a life time. Let them kill each other over petty concerns.
White suburbanites and professionals provide very little to society believe it or not. The bourg (of all races) provide even less. You really don't understand how America works do you? Also the goal isn't a magically socialist America, it's a castrated America that can no longer maintain global capitalism. Trump has funnily enough been a huge help in establishing this goal.
Tell me, which American client state do you come from? Show me on the doll where America hurt you.
Whites and zipperheads are the only races that provide a net economic benefit to society. Niggers and spics are a net drain.
Who is talking about capitalism? Genetics goes beyond economics, doesn’t matter what economic system you put in, if the population is a bunch of wogs it turns into a shithole, what do you think would happened if you swapped Somalia and Japan’s population. Come on.
A lot of liberal moralists claim to be leftist and dress up in all black so that they can bash le fash. That's the American left for ya. If it wasn't for the state coddling right wing ideology I expect fascists getting hit a lot more
Such is the state of American politics
>if they get their asses kicked, they're not real leftists!
Are they also not true Scotsmen?
Nah I just agree that a majority of American leftists are pussies.
You're just a brainlet with shit reading comprehension
Of course it all goes back to sex for Zig Forumsyps
Plan on making more incel threads loser?
Where's baboon poster where you need him.
Bye bye
Matierial and economic conditions come from genetics you silly sod. One is more primordial than the other.
Are the Irish and Italians white?
Maybe if you are in the top 20% income bracket in the US and can reap the benefits by owning large amounts of stock. Or you are a suburban teenager who doesn't understand politics. Or a NEET that lives in the suburbs who ended up on 8ch during GG.
You time is up soon, lying little faggot.
Keep dreaming incel.
Genetics isn’t race. Genetics is real, race is an arbitrary grouping.
Glad we could come to an agreement.
Wut? All I want to do is spread pics of commiecat learning her place.
This is how brainwashed the left is. They seriously think that the majority of whites and slants work "running python scripts and trading stocks."
Material conditions are derived from nature and labor
Read Marx
it's bourgeois pussies
Race is more a phenotypic difference than anything. Of course human populations are going to look different based on where they are from
I dunno Zig Forums, I kinda lost you there.
What’s doing that labour? Oh yeah an organism whose nature is determined by genetics.
I’m sorry you are not intelligent enough for this. Try and get away from just reading and repeating phrases and move towards actually comprehending and deconstructing what you have read.
Why do you nerds go out and get into fights when y'all can just chill and home and watch it all burn down from a place of comfort?
Good. Please keep on doing this. The sooner you morons get power and start wars that America cannot win the better.
You are autistic.
If that’s an “of course” why isn’t it also, “of course they are going to behave differently depending on where they are from”. If you were to find an animal in nature that underwent divergent evolution in two completely different environments, and yet they still behaved exactly the same, it would be the scientific discovery of the century. It has literally never been found. But humans are special and different magic creatures that don’t undergo natural selection though somehow I’m sure.
When did I imply that niggers and wypipo were the same race? They are classified as completely different races because of skin pigmentation and social contructs developed from Jim Crow
Bro just chill at home like you're doing now. Getting into fights for what exactly?
Could someone please, for once, JUST. FUCKING. ONCE. Provide a single solitary shred of proof for this inane argument? Please? I've been on Zig Forums for years now and people always spam this talking point whenever antifa comes up. Not once, ever, have I seen anyone justify this viewpoint in any way at all. How have you all come to this conclusion? It's driving me insane, it's like half of Zig Forums are fucking boomers who think everything to the left of Trump is part of a single monolithic organisation.
Good to know my melanin deficient friend :^)
Ooga booga where da potatoes at?
Why do you autists always compare humans with animals?
The social environment is the only thing that matters for human development. If the situation is shit, people will be shit, if the situation is OK, people will be ok, able to follow me retard?
You morons go for shit like the WHITE RACE and yet when you look at white countries that are in shit condition, what is it you say?
Look at the balkans, they were under the Ottomans for 500years more or less depending on the country while western Europe was plundering the world, and all those "white" countries ended up shit and basically 100years behind their western counterparts.
Why is it that only ammerimutts have such a autistic understanding of "race"
Yes. They were in fact never considered not white. Hated and discriminated against? Sure. But they were always granted citizenship and migration papers on the basis of their race, which was white, which was denied to non white immigrants like the Chinese or the american negro.
Yea, in the mutualist's defense, he never implied whites and blacks are the same race. Can rightists ever argue in good faith?
lol no
Now you're just making shit up to defend your pets.
Instead of fighting these folks should suck each others dicks and see who cums first to decide the winner. That would be epic.
So storm systems and climate don't matter
These are literally drivers for adaptation you idiot.
So what? Not all humans did that, some genetic groupings did, what happens when you take them out and put differently evolved humans in, oh yeah it completely changes the outcome. Evolution and genetic expressions don’t stop once someone invents a machine, the machine comes from human genetic proclivities not the other way round. This safe haven of “duh but industrial society doe” that you are trying to flee to is actually the worst territory for you, because it completely demonstrates everything I’m saying in the most garish way.
Kind of weird how supportive police are of the "new counter culture."
Anything to defend your pets. I-it must have been climate! Racism! Eeeeeeevil white people! Anything to avoid admitting that niggers are niggers!
Got any proofs?