
How you enjoying getting your shit kicked in at portland? Just kidding I know you pussies would never dream of actually leaving mother's basement and DOING anything.

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What did he mean by this?

I don't even know where Portland is let alone I got my shit kicked there

I recall that the proud boys and crew got pushed back and chimped out so hard that even the police couldn't deal with their bullshit.

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you sure did show those antifas Zig Forums
meanwhile in the UK

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Anything that adds to the tension in burgerland is good. Hopefully civil war will start soon. Keep it up.

i bet a lot of resident anarchists do

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The "fash" got pushed back (although along with some Antifa as well) but it's still meaningless. Edits and crops are everywhere, both sides making terribly unfunny and pathetic attempts as portraying the other as epically btfo when it's all LARPing as usual. What the fuck was the event anyway?

Something something trump

they were protesting ICE deportations and physically occupying their facilities. which seems like the sort of thing any good leftist would support.

98% of antifa are edgy liberals, the rest are misguided ancoms (still being edgy).

And riddle me this, if the right is so very big and strong then why isn't it you who crushed ISIS. Oh that's right, because you're a league of paper tigers and Internet tough guys who would crumple on an actual battlefield, and not in some pointless street fight. anarchists, ☭TANKIE☭s, maoists and others who have taken up arms while you crow from your armchair about LE TRIGGERED LIBRULZ.

Tl;dr right wing = mental illness

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Portland can't stand PP though, what was the point of this event? The numbers of antifa seem only to increase with each rally. It seems pretty counterproductive on fashie's part

t. boomer who owns two houses and a contracting business but thinks he is working class because he likes country music

Guys, can we not mischaracterize Antifa please? In the first place, most of their activities are community outreach, distributing flyers, things like that. They aren't all a bunch of mindless punchlords, so let's not buy into right wing framing on this issue. Anyway, is fighting with Fascists a bad thing? If Antifa can break up Fascist gatherings, thus preventing them from having their little show of force and thus recruiting vulnerable folks, I'd call that a win.


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Also the Portland Antifa are particularly well read, I'd say. There's a pretty strong anarchist and socialist community here.

fukkin sav'd

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prepare to be disappointed (it's a cope-shoop)

I run out of piss too fast for all these graves

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