What does Zig Forums think of the Majority Report and Sam Seder? Good advocate for left wing views, or not?
What does Zig Forums think of the Majority Report and Sam Seder? Good advocate for left wing views, or not?
if naomi klein were a man, and dropped out of college
Sam Seder is most popular (crypto) socialist on YT. Michael Brooks is literally a M-L and has his own show. They are great leftist channels it's just that they are actually practical in real life and aren't LARPers so Zig Forums is going to hate them and just call them liberals.
What is M-L?
They are Hillbot liberals. I have no clue why anyone would watch these losers when you have Jimmy and Kyle.
Got a source for that?
They hate Hillary, but for obvious reasons preferred her over Trump because of what is happening now with the SCOTUS that will forever push the USA further right for decades and decades. Yes muh lesser of two evils.
I'm reaching but I've heard him defend the Soviet Union and he pretty regularly drops hints to callers even on Sam's show. I'll try to find something.
Sam is a smug liberal who hates Jimmy dore for being absolutely right about Trump and not voting for hillary clinton and has never gotten over it
Co-host is alright
They're alright. Seder is just a socialism-sympathetic liberal, and fairly comfortable with the American media establishment. Don't expect too much out of him. Michael Brooks is based. Very good at communicating our cause.
Sam said to vote against Trump because of what's at stake, SCOTUS pick, and Jimmy and that that other AP from TYT said Trump wouldn't make the pick. What was Jimmy right about and Sam wrong about?
What's at stake? Trump while being an obvious imperialist dog managed to be less dangerous than Hillary from that point of view. So what are we talk about here?
Literally just check his twitter lmao it's full of commie shit
The US doing away with historic civil rights reforms and continuing on an even more right wing direction for many of the rest of our lifetimes, because that's how the US is set up. What were you one of those who thought Hillary was gonna start WW3?
I actually have never gone to his twitter before, and lmao you're right he's blatantly open about being full commmie
Such as?
You mean that now you are explicitly mean to immigrants?
I still belive that
Union power, Roe vs Wade, DACA, etc. more to come since we from now on will have a strong (R) SCOTUS and probably even worse if Trump can pick Kennedy's seat
Tact matters, yes. Obama and Clinton's immigration policies I obviously don't agree with, but at least their tact didn't give incitement to the white supremacists. They're being normalized.
Genuinely curious why you think so
I used to be a Dore guy that hated Sam but that's sort of switched for me now. Jimmy has been good about the ICE stuff but he really underplays how awful Trump actually is.
Brooks is good and continues to have an influence on Sam.
Forgot to mention 3rd or 4th cohost is an outspoken anarchist with her own podcast. It's so disgusting seeing this board shill low Autism Level retard jimmy dore and hating on Majority Report.
Hurr Jimmy attacks the Dems more hurrr vote for Trump hurr Killary hurrrr
I will never understand this, I get RvW, Unions and Scalia-lites in SCOTUS forever but I will never ever understand how immigration is a right.
Maybe I'm reading too much into Jimmy but I think pointing out the system that allows Trump room to operate is more of a problem than Trump is a valid thing to point out.
Just voting for neoliberal dems won't fix anything.
As if we shared the same platform. Who cares about "left-wingers?" We are communists, for fuck's sake.
Here is a link:
Is that what counts as "commie shit" in burgerland? I don't see anything communistic here, besides a lukewarm rejection of the embargo against Cuba (which libs can get behind), some Democrat Cops of America talking points (which libs can get behind) and the usual muh impeachment shit (which libs can get behind). He's on the left-wing of social democracy, by burger standards.
If that counts as "ML" here I'm not ML I guess
Jimmy is a SocDem just like Seder, and Jimmy isn't more "right" about stuff empirically, but Jimmy has the absolute correct way of going about things. He calls shit out, he's not afraid to be anti-imperialist, even if he does not know all the facts he usually has the right gut feeling about how stuff actually is. Seder is still way too much integrated into the "sincere monolog" of the MSM, and wants to pander to left-liberal outlets, he's way too friendly with the whole hurr Putin durr fake news crowd, because he doesn't want to be put into the same corner as Jimmy, who is basically a Nazi for the MSM at this point (see that CNN article). Jimmy is not afraid to get his hands dirty and to call out shit when he sees it, Seder is way too careful and just hating on Cuckservatives and Lolberts is going for the lowest hanging fruit, call me when he calls Obama and Hillary warmongers and murderers and quotes Trot shit in his show.
Modern day anarchists are basically just liberals themselves btw so fuck off
this is the correct take
the vast majority of the American "Left" just wants head pats and to suck each other off for not being neoliberals, they don't actually give a flying fuck about anything 80 percent of the time thus their constant reversion to and defense of social democracy
jimmy has tons of total crackpot claims and bullshit, just read his rationalwiki page
it has all the citations you need, so you can take view the videos yourself
>>>Zig Forums
different user here, but can you name a single war or act of US aggression around the world that Hillary Clinton didn't either actively support or directly orchestrate and carry out? Since and including Vietnam, she's either supported or orchestrated US war making and imperialism at every turn, with no exceptions, her entire life. She was also well known as a hawk in the Obama admin.
I don't know if she would have started WW3, but she sure as hell had a giant girl boner for regime change in Syria, and would never just let that go. Of all the things she claimed or promised during her campaign in 2016, the only one i was actually sure she would do is escalate the war in Syria. This would put the US military on a collision course with Russia and Iran, making WW3 a reasonable possibility.
Also, jimmy>sam
it has all the citations you need, so you can take the videos yourself
And Trump is what? A dove? His cabinet is lined with neocon ghouls who clawed their way out of the crypts of K street. He's desperately trying to tank the JCPOA and escalate tensions with Iran with the ultimate goal of regime change laid right out on the table. Both the Saudis and Emirates have him eating out of their hands and while this is true for almost every president the difference is Trump is an actual moron who takes everything they say as gospel. He's undermined the Palestinians at every opportunity. He's reauthorized the CIA's ability to conduct kinetic drone strikes which completely untethers their operations from any kind of military or government oversight. He's loosened the rules of engagement in every theatre of operation the military currently finds itself in which has led to a massive increase in air strikes and SF raids around the world.
If Dore was consistent he'd be hollering about this shit from the mountain tops but he's so focused on shitting on the dems that he inadvertently carries water for Trump.
yeah that's why he just lost all his conservative fans for shitting on ICE and Sarah Huckabee Sanders
That's nice but the shit I'm talking about has been going on since Trump was inaugurated so it's pretty telling that we're almost 2 years into his presidency and his conservative fans are just now leaving because he said some shit they disagree with about Trump's domestic policies.
They've been pissed many times before.
if you actually followed jimmy you'd know that he has shit on trump for doing warmongering shit a million times but his point is that bush obama and clinton all do it to and that the democrats who sam seder says we should all critically support keep voting to give trump the money to wage perpetual war so why put all your focus on trump and not the system that enables him?
Look Seder has his own problems and is basically a red liberal but at the very least he can give you a tactical and consistent reason for why he wants you to hold your nose and vote for dems. Dore on the other hand doesn't. He can't maintain that Trump was somehow a better outcome because Hilary was a warmonger when Trump is a warmonger himself - a credulous one at that.
So you come to a socialist board and expect us to think someone talking us into voting for Hillary is a good thing? Lmao, what the fuck is wrong with you if that's your litmus test on this board unless you yourself are a red liberal which is probably the case
Idk if sam is paying you to shill here or if you are doing it of your own volition but go back to the Chapo subreddit or r/socialism or wherever the fuck you came from faggot
because to a Democratic partisan it's all about working within the two party system and insisting that your team is better than the other team, not about actually changing anything about the system that produces these two shit parties and maintains their monopoly on power.
This leaves the US forever moving to the right, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. And the Dem partisan will say you have to always vote for the Dem party as long as they will move to the right more slowly than the Republicans.
But at some point you have to get off this train and say enough is enough. I have no idea what point that is for Sam Seder. I don't think there is any point that would ever make him say enough. The Democrats could privatize almost everything in sight, crush unions and the poor, and start WW3, but as long as the Republicans were there saying they'd do all these things and also hate Mexicans and abortions, the Democrats would still have Sam's vote locked up.
But this means they also have no reason to listen to or care about anything Sam wants. They never have to represent him or his interests. All they have to do is be slightly less greedy, cruel or racist than the Republicans.
The only way to this trajectory is a plausible threat to withhold your vote. Then they have to listen to you and change if they want your vote back. Otherwise you're irrelevant and the left is irrelevant. If everyone on the left thought like Sam, the Dems could safely and completely ignore the left and everything it wants. When people start thinking like Jimmy, the Dems start realizing they might actually have to actually represent the interests of people on the left even if they can't stand it. This is why people get so mad at Jimmy, him and people like him have power by threatening to withhold their votes from Democrats. And Dem partisans don't like it when they start feeling actual pressure from the left. They think the left is there to come out and vote for them every two or four years and then shut up until next time.
I don't think you should vote for dems actually and I'm not really a fan of Sam's or Jimmy's. I just think that Seder has a more consistent worldview than Dore and the BUT KILLARY WAS DA WARMONGER isn't a very good argument for Trump when Trump is also a warmonger.
Everyone that disagrees with you isn't a liberal or a paid shill.
Jimmy never said Trump ISNT or WOULDNT be a warmonger. The only thing he ever said or says that is close to this is that Trump at least payed fealty to ending the Iraq War and not starting any new wars. That's it. Also the fact that Trump is a warmonger doesn't negate Hillary's long, long, long history of imperialism that is fair game to criticize so fuck off
I don't know if Trump is a warmonger or not. He hasn't started any wars or carried out any regime change operations as yet (unlike every past president in my lifetime, Rep or Dem).
I don't think Trump actually has any beliefs about war, or anything else really. His only solid belief is in doing at any moment whatever will serve to increase his own personal power, wealth or prestige. That's all there is to the man i think. He'd be just fine going through 4 or 8 years without starting any wars, but he'd also start one in a heartbeat if he thought it would serve him personally to do so. Hillary, i think clearly is a warmonger with a long track record and ideological commitment to war mongering and imperialism. Trump's only belief is self aggrandizement.
Zig Forums is bog standard progdems now?
Imagine muh shock
Most of his claims are not unfounded. Did you read what I said? He's not a professional journalist or academic, he's a fucking comedian (which he says himself), it's not that he has to know all the facts and statistics all the time, it's about getting the right message out and not being afraid to tell people how it really is? Who gives a shit if Obama killed 10k people or 30k people with drones, the fact is he did and that makes him a war criminal and a murderer, period! That's the kind of attitude the left needs, not more pandering to the liberal discourse, giving the finger to the liberal discourse and actually talking to the working in a voice they understand.
Libshits like you declare it "crackpot claims" when he gets a number wrong but are totally okay with the MSM pandering crackpot shit all the time but that's okay because that's muh respectable journalism.
Jimmy is the type of guy who isn't a genius and probably doesn't know shit about Marxism but he is the right fucking side and that's what counts.
Well he's escalated and increased the tempo of almost every conflict he inherited and seems to be chomping at the bit when it comes to Iran so I wouldn't count him out just yet.
Oh and everybody who says that we should have voted for Hillary instead of Trump is not a leftist and knows nothing about leftist tactics. Voting for a neoliberal to keep a neoliberal out of power?
Jesus fucking Christ
Well, Obama left him what, 8 or 9 wars ongoing? (And Hillary was worse than him).
The two biggest wars he inherited were Iraq and Syria. Did he actually "escalate and increase" these? Both of them are less violent now than in 2016. It also seems like if he had his way the US would have been out of Syria altogether months ago.
The only thing i'm sure of with Hillary is that she would have done way more escalation with Syria.
Yes. He altered the rules of engagement which exponentially increased air strikes in both Iraq and Syria and everywhere else. He also sent Ranger and Marine detachments to Syria which hadn't been done before.
Well of course they do because ISIS has been nominally defeated and the last remnants of rebels are being mopped up by the SAA and their allies. To simply attribute this to Trump and the US is to neglect the herculean effort undertaken by Syria, Iran, Hezbollah, and Russia.
This is what he said he was going to do though: crush ISIS and then get out. The former requires an initial escalation followed by a de-escalation, which seems around where we are now. The military role in both places is on the decline, not escalating and increasing.
The new rules of engagement apply to every conflict we're in so while he might be drawing out of Syria and Iraq (we'll still have troops stationed throughout Iraq they just won't be engaged in combat) while still following a hawkish strategy elsewhere. Like he's doing in Yemen, Afghanistan, and Africa.
Has jimmy been leftpilled yet? It would be nice to see him talk about genuinely leftist theory and events every once in a while, rather than just american electoral politics, which everyone knows is shit.
I remember watching him interview Richard Wolf, and he fucking fell asleep on air. Smug piece of shit.
ROE are not strategy, they are tactics. They are not more or less hawkish, only more or less callous. You keep grasping at straws, but this is where it stands: Killary was a know quantity, a know war criminal and warmonger. Trump was a dice roll. So far, he's shown a proclivity for cruelty, being impulsive, and easy to manipulate, but he hasn't added a new war.
Strategy and tactic have a reciprocal relationship. Tactics inform strategy as much as strategy informs tactics.
Not really but seeing as how he's been in office for a year and some change we can make an assessment on his supposed dovish nature. It doesn't look all that great. He's shown no interest in curtailing the US war machine, given the military and intelligence agencies a long leash, lined his cabinet with neocons, and seems pretty set on stoking the flames of conflict with Iran. The jury is out for me.
Why are you so dead set on muddying the waters when it comes to Trump's foreign policy? What do you hope to gain from ignoring his actions while in office by throwing up your hands like Trump's hawkish nature is some unknown? He's a warmonger like every other US president.
Sam Seder is the Ben Shapiro of the left. My recommendations are full of videos by them with names like Dave Rubin gets Destroyed by Joe Rogan or Jordan Peterson Believes Santa Clause is a Marxist.
People don’t seem to understand what the Supreme Court does or it why it’s important.
I like Sam Seder a lot. He’s a sharp guy and understands politics a lot better than most other YouTube commentators on the left.
He’s had Richard Wolff on multiple times - idk what you heard but, he seems to be fine inviting Wolff on the show.
Ah, so it's just liberal screeching and nothing to do with socialism. What a shock.
if the only real meaningful manifestation of your ideology is found within a dumb comedian who doesn't know any topic before he speaks on it, then you're not engaging in any sort of real politics. you're living in an echo chamber
Actually it's opposite, opposition to immgration enforcement is being normalized. White supremacy has always been "normal" in America. That's why people like Kyle (nu-atheists) even exist in the first place.
Literally Hillary voting soys and a jew
You need to fuck off this board
look through the people he's following and play count-the-commies
TBH I strongly dislike Sam Seder's voice and am not interested in listening to what he has to say as a result.
Because I'm sick to death of liberals like you blackmailing me into voting for neoliberal cunts who differ from Trump only in their preferred flavour of idpol.
Sam "Look Guys Really I'm a Socialist But if You Didn't Vote For Hillary You're a Retard Who Should Kill Themselves" Seder
I love how you just projected all this shit onto me because I'm critical of Trump. I don't even vote and neither should you.
Literally everyone on this board is critical of Trump you disingenuous fuckstick, the point is that you keep shilling for someone who literally does shame people for not voting for neolibs because "Trump is worse" which has repeatedly been demonstrated in this thread to not even be true in-itself.
Go to fucking >>>Zig Forums
I'm not shilling anybody dude. I didn't start the thread and I already stated I'm not a fan of Seder.
I wasn't talking to you about if Trump was worse than Hilary. This was about whether Trump is a warmonger given his actions in office. The only time I mentioned Hilary was when I said that it's an inconsistent argument to bring up her hawkishness when Trump has shown no signs of curtailing the war machine and has even emboldened it in some arenas. That's not an endorsement of Clinton.
Good argument
I would be a bit more sympathetic to these Youtube "leftists" if not for the fact that they seem just like edgy liberals who are butthurt about Bernie losing and pretending he is anything other than a slightly less corrupt liberal.
But at the end of the day, he's still another cog in the american imperialist machine and no amount of suc-dem handwringing from Jimmy Dore or Democrat Cops of America is gonna change that
Jimmy's been advocating or people to not vote for Democrats anymore recently. He actually downplayed Oscaio-Cortez's victory and said that the Democrat Cops of America and Justice Dems weren't going to change shit about the Dems.
Still not particularly radical I guess but at least he's moving in the right direction. He also made a vid defending Venezuela and its government recently for what it's worth
Who are you quoting? It can't be me because I never implied either of those things.
he also was one of the earliest boosters of Ocasio-Cortez (check her interview with him from last year) and he's still involved with the democratic bootlickers from TYT. Really the vast majority of his videos are just either sucking up to Bernie, hating liberals and mocking Fox News or basic-ass conservatives like Jeb Bush.
he's nothing more than a disgruntled liberal.
Right winger here.
Glad to see some of you pinkos have principal compared to Sam fucking Sedar. I've been watching him for years. He is the living enbodyment of smug social elite lib.
Much like most of the American left, Sam doesn't give a flying fuck about US intervention. He will only give it lip service from time to time, much like most Berniecrats.
If more people were like Jimmy, third world countries wouldn't need to fear being invaded by the empire of evil United Snakes, so it's always a plus.
You need to die.
He's right
oh please wise user, who has seen the light since birth, why don't you host a radio show?
yeah, if more people were pretending to be anti-war while supporting imperialists like bernie sanders, the third world would have nothing to fear anymore
jimmy dore is a "new deal democrat", which is basically the same us imperialism but with spoils that trickle down to the white middle class better
I mean, the worst Sanders has done recently was not being against this ICE thingy. And at the very least, Bernie wouldn't try and invade some south american country to install another coup.
I gladly accept my mistake. Wtf is this shit
Jesus christ.
Goddamn schizophrenic world
It's like he's deliberately sabotaging his popularity with unforced errors. Maybe they threatened his family and he's being forced to torpedo his future candidacy.
Stop being disingenuous, noone said he was the only one.
Serves you right.
See, that's bullshit. The only anti-war vote he ever did since being in congress was against the Iraq resolution (and plenty of other Democrats did it too, just performative opposition since the resolution had enough votes to pass anyway). He supported every other form of intervention and imperialism, including the Iraq bombings and regime change resolution passed during the Bill Clinton era
Not to mention that he voted yes on the confirmation of all Obama secretaries of state and defense (including Hillary Clinton), has defended the use of drones, refused to support the BDS movement and of course endorsed both Obama and Clinton in their elections.
Sam Seder is more uncharismatic and unengaging that should be theoretically possible. The fact that he's as popular as he is shows what a thirst there is for this kind of perspective.
To be clear, that was in response to Trump calling Kim Jong a "very smart guy", "very honorable", and a generally all-around nice guy. Yeah, shame on Bernie for pointing out Trump should probably take it easy on the compliments.
The dumbest and most cringe liberal on Youtube. Wasn't his whole claim to fame AirAmerica?
He's really Lib, but it's funny seeing him BTFO rightists every time he debates them.
Yes because BTFOing rightists is soooo difficult and such a high benchmark
Q Referenced this to remind us that things are under control. We keep seeing what appears to be the deep state in control. Horowitz is on our side and the report made public was unnecessarily redacted and rewritten. The Most important thing is to strengthen congress by voting out as many democrats as possible. There are a lot of corrupt Republicans and they will be dealt with! TRUST THE PLAN! MAGA!! WWG1WGA!!!
So, who else does it well? I wouldn't mind listening to another one.
I meant modern people BTFOing modern conservatives.
the names in this thread,hbomb,shaun,contra,etc
she hot, but sam seder is still a low ai-que progressive with leddit tier arguments
those only reach low hanging fruit, they never go against academics
pick one
Sam Seder can be entertaining when he's dunking on JBP, Dave Rubin and other right-wing grifters, but other than that I don't find him very interesting.
I used to dislike Michael Brooks but I've grown to really like him. He's similar to Seder but is also well-read on the history of the left in different countries, international politics, etc. He recently called out a bunch of anti-Venezuelan propaganda for example. Also he's a self-described Marxist, and even though he's not perfect, it's always nice to have people calling themselves Marxists who are not either complete LARPers or more interested in the history of the USSR than modern, real world politics.