Anti-Deutsche (Anti-Germans)

I'm trying to categorize this obscure movement and I came to the following conclusion: Nazbolism with German characteristics?!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Well I'd say they are much better than burgers, you just need to see them in the football thread to understand what I'm talking about

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Zionism with redliberal characteristics


Death to Antideutsche
Long Live Antiimperialistische

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According to this article, they seem to be nazis inflitrating leftist groups:

They're zionist neocons, masquerading as anti-nationalists.

Antideutsche are the absolute cancer of the German left, while they are themselves are just a minority in numbers, Antideutsche thinking is widely spread.

The last pic says "Pictures of tanks instead of communism. Democracy is enough anyway". These are not false flags, I have also literally seen stickers like: "I built an imperialist settlement in your fascist mouth". Another highlight: An article from Antideutsche that said that complaints about austerity are "structurally antisemitic".

Last months, one of the main gathering spots of the Antideutsche, Conne Island, got in the media, because their leader was having a pretty racist speech, saying that Muslim migrants are naturally more predisposed to rape, etc. - Antideutsche is when you take Critical Theory too far and add some pinches of alphabet soup.

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Anti-deutsche are reactionairy zionists.

wait these guys call themselves leftists but support an apartheid state?
the fuck

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It seems like anti-Deutsche are western liberals who say the quiet part loud.

Well they are not "predisposed" by race, but definitely by their shitty religion. if you read a little about the biography of their pedo rapist warlord "prophet" there is no wonder in that his followers are over-represented in so many crime statistics.

this topic being ignored here is, in a way, the political correctness on the anti-imp side that pisses me the hell of and that's a thing where the anti-d's definitely have a point in supporting israel. there are also marxists among them who will rightfully point you to fucking reading marx, e.g. (too lazy to search the english titles of what is cited there)

i'm against sectarianism by the way, it should be ok to have strongly different oppinions on anything besides classwar, just saying FUCK YES appreciating civilization is a good thing

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Here is the english translation of what Marx had to say about the religion of peace:

"The Koran and the Mussulman legislation emanating from it reduce the geography and ethnography of the various people to the simple and convenient distinction of two nations and of two countries; those of the Faithful and of the Infidels. The Infidel is “harby,” i.e. the enemy. Islamism proscribes the nation of the Infidels, constituting a state of permanent hostility between the Mussulman and the unbeliever. "

Marx on Israel:

"Nothing equals the misery and the sufferings of the Jews at Jerusalem, inhabiting the most filthy quarter of the town, called hareth-el-yahoud, the quarter of dirt, between the Zion and the Moriah, where their synagogues are situated – the constant objects of Mussulman oppression and intolerance, insulted by the Greeks, persecuted by the Latins, and living only upon the scanty alms transmitted by their European brethren. The Jews, however, are not natives, but from different and distant countries, and are only attracted to Jerusalem by the desire of inhabiting the Valley of Jehosaphat, and to die in the very places where the redemptor is to be expected."


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lol. Marx banned for imperialism. This said this shouldn't be taken as apologism for zionism, marx wrote on the jewish question after all. Basically fuck them both

When I say fuck them both I mean fuck their stupid fucking religions.

antigermans are turned nazis, they believe the same ideology, however favor the bogeymen nazis created
they still, just like nazis, think in racial categories and hate germans as a race they accuse of having a hive mind ("ein volk, ein führer", or english "one people, one leader")
because of arab leaders back then having sympathy with hitler, since he "fought the british empire", they to this day also think of arabs as subhumans, again having no regard for making distinction between a ruling class and the people itself

also, according to them israel is the only true socialist state
"because kibbutz"

they are an earlier version of what we know here as your typical leftpolack

You think left/pol/ surpassed anti Deutsche? Jeez, I don't go there since it was opened, I didn't know it was that bad.

yes, i'm sure that's what marx meant with his antireligious statements

rojava is the new and hip israel

Pure cancer honestly, I remember one of the worst mods on revleft was an antideutsch so that sort of proves some Zig Forums anons wrong on their solution to the moderator question.

I'd say the majority of Zig Forums dislikes Israel to some degree or another, its just some of the unironic sionistas that used to post here fled there for obvious reasons

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nice stawman, but cannot resist

well, the palestinians majority-elected hamas, and the other political parties aren't much less theocratic, religious police is off the hook everywhere, secular palestinians are quite happy living in israel and are quite welcome and often totally integrated in society there

assad and ghadafi created secular societies, yes, but I wouldn't categorize them as mudslimes, rather closet atheists

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Don't forgdt about saddam

Imagine believing this. Zionists don't care about palestinians beliefs. They kill christians just like they do muslims. It's a settler thing.

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Yeah I wonder why Palestinians flock to Islamist factions after all the secular liberation movements have been physically liquidated. Israel created Hamas.

Please don't contaminate this board with you apartheid state apologism.

they were caught secretly sterilizing black jews, I'm sure they're completely fine with palestinians

The progressive liberal type with delusions about Israel (or they have resigned and pay the "realist" card that some thing in Israel isn't as bad as in Saudi Arabia or what have you, but would never tolerate that sort of argument for tolerating shitty developments in Germany) is by far the most tolerable part of Antideutsche. There is also a part that openly talks "theory" about the genetic predisposition of this or that ethnic group to be forever stupid and violent.

Germans are the Americans of Europe and the German Left is almost even more of a joke than the American Left

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The Anti-Japanese are the same.

According to that article, Thomas Maul, a writer for the Anti-German publication Bahamas, has shilled for the German AfD; and Sören Pünjer, another Bahamas writer, has shilled for the English Defence League and the Austrian FPÖ.

The thread is about Anti-Germans. Many Anti-Germans aren't even part of the socdem/progressive liberal soft left.

The article is from Junge Welt, a GDR newspaper which still continues the orthodox GDR line, more or less, so they are smeared as "antiimps" by the Antideutsche - despite Junge Welt publicly excluding people like Ken Jebsen, who is clearly left-wing but has been associated with antisemitism.

It's not a right-wing "infiltration" or whatever. Being anti-refugee, agreeing with Zig Forums on "hurr mudslimes" and other things is not a deviation from the Antideutsche line: It's the very conclusion of it.

Antideutsche are pretty much NazBols, just not in relation to their homeland of Germany.

Ben-Gurion himself was technically a "leftist", it was labor zionists who governed israel in the beginning
further proof that you should never trust suc-dems

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"If I knew that it was possible to save all the children of Germany by transporting them to England, and only half by transferring them to the Land of Israel, I would choose the latter, for before us lies not only the numbers of these children but the historical reckoning of the people of Israel."
-Ben Gurion

Dude was the vilest scum possible.

German Zig Forumsack here:
As far as I know they are basically a bunch of fags that take anti-identitarianism to the extreme.
They'll literally spit and shout against descendants mourning the fiery death of their ancestors in Dresden and the likes.
Prime material for helicopter hangings tbh.
That aside, I do know that most of you here aren't what Zig Forums says "commies" are, which doesn't change the fact though, that the way you lads like to "analyze" peoples and 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧multicultural amalgamations🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 can be used and empowered exactly in this multicultural state of national fun that these Anti-Germans so espouse.
Actually, having such a movement 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧sprout🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 from within my peoples is quite a feat.
These groups literally say things about their "own" peoples that, when said about other peoples would be perceived as the most inhumane and cancerous vitriol by the very same faggots.
They are just some of the more edgy parts to antifa, I hope all these fags hit their stupid heads on the pavement, they deserve death for supporting the system that is literally bringing down my entire fucking nation.
I am whining you say?
Well think again, I have 3 fucking """"refugee"""" centers in my vicinity, and we even had these faggots come here to demonstrate what a great contribution these african half-humans are to our community.
I even helped out in the beginning in 2015, but within a few months I realized that it's a fucking joke.
These people live in la-la land, that was only reinforced when groups of these literal subhumans started to target little girls from the ages of 7-12 on their way home from school.
What did these faggots do against that?
Honestly, I really didn't give a fuck about race prior, but thanks to blatant denial of reality and constant racial marxism I have grown to hate them and their perpetrators.
In fact, I looked up who had planned to put the """refugee""" camp literally next to the fucking school, guess what?
A fucking 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧cohencidence🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 again, that faggot was involved in gathering funds for the "human"-traffickers (the NGOs) that brought them here in the first place.
Honestly, I despise the crimes of the NS state, but as I read of happenings like Dresden, the Rheinwiesenlager and the applied 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧(involvement🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 and how it all pales in comparacent to other genocides that have happened and the lives that were taken being approximately equal in value, I am starting to care less and less about it, in fact, I am disgusted that I was ever anti-identitarian in the first place, having lapped up the drivel about equality and harmony.
It's a joke.

See you lads around, I think some of you are all-right.
Sometimes I do wonder, why Zig Forums and Zig Forums don't cooperate, as we both do seem to see the blight that is global elitism and the associated interest groups
The 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 is a meme by the way, though I did have to come to admit that Zig Forums is right to a certain degree about the cultural, social and historical involvement of Jews in many damaging operation; the problem is that there are many normal Jews too, that really did not deserve all that wrath that they historically had received.

Wew, did you have too many pedo-trolls or something?
Either way, be happy that I won't be coming back, though I did lurk for quite some time.

There isn't a homogenous "anti-German" perspective, but rather it's a broad tendency that itself emerged from the German anti-national movement. Generally speaking, it's philosophically informed by Benedict Anderson's "Imagined Communities" and the Frankfurt School. This is an alright article that talks a bit about it:

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holy shit bomber harris really needs to do it again

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You know why. The less desirable parts of leftism which we dislike and Zig Forums is obsessed with suffers from the same virtue signalling as Zig Forumsacks. Zig Forumsacks can claim they're anti-capitalist as much as they like but in the end just support reactionary capitalism. Same goes for these leftists who just support progressive capitalism.
The bombing was justifed as Dresden's consumer goods industry was repurposed for the war. Cigarette factory started making bullets, camera factory started making scopes etc.
To celebrate the death of workers who slaved away for the war effort is retarded though.

Yeah sometimes we had raiders basically clear a third of the catalog by posting gross stuff.

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Why don't you collaborate with anti-germans? You both hate arabs and love imperialism.

We weren't asking you

Germany was a mistake.

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Idpol is inherently right-wing.

another German here. I can understand anons hate. It is really hard to look at Antideutsche when you are approaching them irl.

Well, then get a Holographic scope, if iron sights are too painful.

Is he right Zig Forums is this a racist commie board?

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Yes, we fucking hate Polinesians, we don't discriminate other than that though

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Are you concerned about immigrants raping children?

I know, but I still feel it's somewhat accurate to describe these people as "the left wing of capital".

No, I'm concerned about the Polinesians plotting to melt the icepoles to create an island world were they thrive as it is they natural area, whilst the rest of humanity perishes

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So a Marxist economic system can't exist without niggers and Jews?

Polynesians are the scabies of the Earth.

How bad is your pathology about "niggers and jews" that it's the only thing you see in my post?
You need some glasses to fix your terrible judgement.
There is also no such thing as a "marxist economic system".

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