Why don´t you guys like identity politics?

why don´t you guys like identity politics?

Slry, don´t make any sense.

OP must be at least 100 chars on this board.

OP must be at least 100 chars on this board.

OP must be at least 100 chars on this board.

OP must be at least 100 chars on this board.

OP must be at least 100 chars on this board.

OP must be at least 100 chars on this board.

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class supersedes identity

you're not going to make any real change if you divide the proles into their own groups based on inmaterial identity

Identity politics is gay

They do. They just refuse to admit it because they realize how uncool it is.

Making more ceo's female or making blacks and whites equally distributed throughout capitalist society does not result in a net benefit.

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it doesn't suit our goals. why on earth would be 'like' it (whatever that means) if it doesn't help us achieve our political aim.

H-holy shit, that makes a lot of sense.

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Outside of Platformists and/or Manarchists, most Anarchists believe in intersectionality (I personally believe you have to to be an Anarchist). Oppression doesn't exist solely as an economic dimension, there are multiple axes of oppression. Some, like , may admit that such oppression exists, but say that class is so important that the others don’t matter in comparison, or that they should take a backseat. We call these people class reductionists. There is no reason that, were capitalism eliminated, that sexism, homophobia, racism, etc. would just magically disappear. They aren’t all somehow contingent on capitalism to survive. I'll agree that in our modern world, capitalism is by far the greatest source of oppression, but that doesn’t mean all the others should just be ignored like some people here will argue for.

Also, bear in mind that a fair amount of posters here think Zig Forums is great compared to other leftist spaces because they get to write nigger and faggot without getting banned, so how do you think those kinds of people would weigh in on the idpol debate?

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Meant to write (I personally think you have to understand intersectionality to be an Anarchist)

I knew Anarkiddies weren't familiar with Marxist theory but this is something else, Marxism ALREADY HAS it's own version of "Intersectionality", it's called Social Reproduction theory and what's more, even before that was explored, there were infinite comrades of various "marginalized" groups speaking on issues of Race, Gender etc. and how they relate to Class. It's much better because it's not using a Liberal framework for oppression based on Critical Legal Theory. Intersectionality is inherently idealist and anti-materialist, are you implying that Anarchists have to reject Historical Materialism to be Anarchist?

Otherwise why someone would ever be so braindead?

Post like this make me glad anarchist will never have historical relevance again

You admit that capitalism is the greatest oppresser but are too stupid to see that capitalist love perpetrating rascism, sexism etc to divide us from our fellow proletariat. Once capitalism is fully abolished the minority of people who are still racist, sexist etc will be irrelevant since they will have no power to oppress like they can under the current mode of production.

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slayyyy queen

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whatever you say, supreme leader

People should care about identity politics………
I think most who say they don't care about it think that it is only "bourgeois idpol" or irrelevant to class struggle but some people who are oppressed by capital are often done because of their identity.
The problematic thing is that many leftist organizations lost their steam so now they can not question capital or even offer a solution so they use euphemisms like "progressive" instead of socialist to describe their policies and often run on identity issues instead of class………

are you saying capitalism is here to stay? or?
I actually don't get what you're implying or why you're strawmanning me as if I see myself as Lenin reincarnate.
Don't be a goober and make an actual argument or stop replying.

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We need more groups like the Black Panthers tbh

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Yes but legislations and government interference and also surveillance have made it impossible I think, many gun regulations are just there to prevent black panther and similar insurgencies from ever threatening capital………
There was a Mexican civilian group who drove out the cartel and police recently which was very nice though…….

you're saying that as if the revolution is just around the corner. modern capitalism took 150 years to develop, it probably wont disappear overnight, and in the mean time particular interests will continue to exist, like it or now.

read althusser, there is never just one contradiction in the structure.

Although mentions the poster's idealism, it's quite apparent here. "Sexism, homophobia, racism" have become "magically" disconnected from material reality.

When you're a minority, you have more in common with a native prole than with a "fellow minority" who is bourgie. Just like how a native prole has more in common with you than with his respective "fellow patriot" bourgie. The same goes for sexuality. Gender and sexual identity is the 'race' of the 21st century. Idpol inevitably falls to infighting and assures that the people stay divided.

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