U.S. Court: Detroit students have no right to access to literacy

"Literacy is important, the judge noted. But students enjoy no right to access to being taught literacy. All the state has to do is make sure schools run."

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And yet these people complain about a lack of access to literacy! Look at all the words this student learned!

So it's official now?

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The USSR went from only a quarter of its population being literate to less the quarter being illiterate in a decade. By the 1960's the USSR had near full literacy, now the USA refuses to even view it has a duty to educate its citizens enough for them to be literate.

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So are schools in burger land just glorified daycares?

daycare would probably be nicer, but American daycares are really bad too– if they even exist

Here in Burgerland a school need only exist in order to be considered "running", the school fulfilling its ostensible purpose is a luxury.

Michigan's Emergency Manager law is completely and utter bullshit. Coming soon to a state near you - Porky loves this shit and Michigan is a great test bed, being a shithole no one in America wants to be in.

Burger here, schools are basically a prison/daycare combo, no glorification. Firstly, funding to schools is tied to test scores & graduation rates, you can understand the problem with this already; students do poorly and as a result schools make less money. Due to this, schools do a process called 'grade inflation', which is artificially decreasing the difficulty level of the tests in order that more idiot students will pass. Secondly, schools write off dropouts and expelled students as "graduates" to increase funding.

Then we have outsourcing the teaching & testing methods themselves, schools will sometimes pay 3rd party private corporations to administer their own techers & tests and give them their own private tests which can be used as a substitute for standardized testing. Students go into a room, write shit on paper, hand it to a grader, and then walk off. Firstly, these graders have no academic background, it's an entry-level job with no experience required, not only are they idiots at grading, but their bosses literally tell them they need to keep an average up to make the payroll and keep the suspicion off them, the bosses literally say "we need more 3's (on a scale of 1 to 5) on the tests. So start marking more of the english (the written essay portion of the exam) exams as 3's." in order to balance it out. Can't do too good or you're bound for an internal investigation, can't do too poorly because then no schools would buy into your scam.

Shit's fucked. I'm glad I was homeschooled.

Oh yeah, you have to pay for daycare here, too.

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It's almost like not teaching kids how to read causes them…not to read…

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I'm sure this has everything to do with the ebils of capitalism and nothing to do with the citizens of Detroit.

How are blacks to blame for the chronic underfunding of their schools?



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30% of the city politicians don't know how to add 2+2 or read IIRC

The ruling wasn't that kid's don't have a right to literacy, the plaintiff was arguing that it was the cities fault of low literacy levels across the board, and the judge ruled that there was insufficient evidence that it was the city's fault (instead of just poverty in general). The case had a very specific target and no reasonable judge could have ruled otherwise. It's like if I sued Fox for making my conservative dad retarded, even if it's true it can't really be emperically proven in a court of law.

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my sides


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Excuse me, waiter! Something's wrong with my ice, it's all runny.


lel. good luck teaching those monkies how to tie their shoes, let alone how to read



The Fiscal Year 2017-2018 (FY 2018) Detroit Public Schools (DPS) Adopted Budget is based on a comprehensive review of actual and projected financial data and analysis. The following is a brief narrative of the anticipated revenues, expenses and financing uses.


The FY 2018 Adopted Budget includes the following revenues:

1. Property Taxes - $58.6 million

2. Renaissance Zone – $4.3 million


The FY 2018 Adopted Budget includes the following expenses:

1. Debt Service - $49.4 million

a. SAN Debt Service – $36.9 million

b. Deferred MPSERS Interest – 10.5 million

c. Emergency Debt Service – $2.0 million

2. Audit - $250,000

3. Legal expenses - $150,000


DPS anticipates transferring $13.1 million in remaining cash to the Detroit Public Schools Community District (DPSCD).

DPS anticipates having a $16,538 surplus for FY 2018.


For those wondering how a public school go into debt in the first place, let alone get so much of it that it eats up 79% of their budget

Detroit Public Schools (DPS) is the old/former district. Detroit Public Schools Community District (DPSCD) is the present school district entity.

The TL;DR explanation is that DPS was so far in debt, the state legislature was lobbied hard to do something about it. DPS was in effect dissolved and DPSCD created to be a new district starting off with no debt. DPS still exists to collect money to retire its outstanding debts.

One small issue, though, is that DPCSD was given a bare minimum in startup funding. Many buildings need extensive repairs and maintenance - to the tune of $500 million, I believe - even though there's a mere fraction of that amount available - an amount that already been earmarked for projects.

That said, I found it odd (old) DPS is reporting a surplus. I'm not sure if it's permissible by law, but I can't help wondering why that surplus isn't being applied towards retiring the remaining debt.

The biggest reasons:
Decades of financial mismanagement.
Rapid decrease in enrollment once charter schools opened. At one point, DPS had 100 000 plus students. Now there's barely half that or less.

School buildings that stayed open longer than they should have. With the mass declines in enrollment, the district needed to rightsize its underutilized schools sooner than it finally did.

To be on topic with topic with the OP: years earlier, parents in another district that had similar woes tried the same type of lawsuit at the state level only to see it dismissed for similar reasons with the Michigan Supreme Court refusing to hear an appeal. I feel this suit was an attempt to make the same arguments in the Federal Courts with hopes of getting a favorable judgement.

After the ruling, an attorney not involved in the case mentioned that the school board is probably the most appropriate entity for dealing with district issues regarding education or the lack thereof. (Of course that only works when the board cares more about the kids getting an education and less about their egos). Also, it sounded like he made a point that courts prefer not to get involved with micromanaging schools if they really don't have to.

One last thought. Even though the new district has a superintendent that wants to improve things and has been successful making positive changes in previous superintendent positions, which will be difficult to succeed without a major attitude change in the parents & students alike.

the USSR had no niggers or spics though.

It had slavs that were considered subhumans and not white tho

Look, you fool. Assuming "niggers and spics" were the thing dragging the US down, the failure of providing specialized education for such a clear-cut and obviously troublesome demographic would be an even greater embarrassment. An embarrassment that's much grander and darker than having a generally dysfunctional education system in a region suffering from a decade-spanning economic and slow societal collapse.

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The absolute state of Muriga lmao

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Unfortunately our retarded Nazi friend doesn't care about this because he just wants them all dead, in labour camps, or as human sexdolls for rape, abuse & torture.

The students are so ghetto they don't want to learn. The teachers are trying but the students are the problem.

Inb4 da white man! da capitalists!

That's not the problem.

i never understood what rights are, where do they come from, why do we have them, and why dont we have them, and what are the precise rules or what is the calculus of rights
how are rights not just a spook?

It's almost as though you've retained the sensibilities of a high schooler, hmmm.
I find it interesting that any particular indictment levied against us would seem to suggest that we're considering through the same aperture as the ethnocentrists, but notice we very rarely, if at all, make any overture to race as you are so wont to do at every occassion.

Burger Porkies are pretty smart
People can’t read Communist literature if there illiterate

good question i've thought about this recently too. i think in the old days the idea was literally that rights derived from god because there's not other way to justify them. a literal spook and it's probably why religion fits so well into american system because it needs spookery to prop up the whole system of rights.

You did not address the main point. Why so triggered?

Rights are legal protections. There are two kinds of rights. Positive rights and negative rights. A negative right is for example a right to not be murdered. A positive right is for example the right to medical treatment after someone tries to murder you. For what is rights origin I'm not going to get into that here. There are different views by various philosophers.

To clarify it's not just a legal protection but usually it's talking about law rather than ethics.

but when someone says "i have a right to […]" why should I believe him?

You shouldn't, since rights are societally determined. If they have no way to prove this to be the case, then you probably can discard their opinion.

Why would anyone consider being taught literacy a right?

Because it is a low bar for education thus if one considers education a basic function of a modern state, you could consider it a right for citizens to at least be made literate.

I hope all those k's are for kapitalism, white only schools were never bad. Cutting funding - thats bad.

I think "keep them off the street" was there for like 50 years.

back to Zig Forums retard

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do you know what niggers are? Replace the russian population at those dates with all niggers and let me know how the literacy rate numbers look.

Nothing would be different

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That's just a lazy response.

I swear are there really that many burgers that never interact with a black person ever? As if most cannot read or none post on image boards. I'm pretty sure a lot of poor white burgers are also functionally illiterate.

Yeah just go to the south and you'll see droves of illiterate whites

When they kicked my tribe out of public schools for being non-white during jim crow, we built our own school. It churned out generations of highly educated natives and blacks. Now it is an accredited college.
Eat a dick.

Goddamn it.
I meant to post for

Guess I'll go sit in my dunce chair ;^)

As a user that lives in the south, you're pretty much correct. Hell, I had blacks at my high school that were smarter than most of the hicks there.

Can't the school district just declare bankruptcy?

Yep, it's a Zig Forums thread, all right.