Will virtual currency be allowed in vidya games under communism?

Will virtual currency be allowed in vidya games under communism?
If yes, how will that work exactly? What if people start exchanging virtual currency for goods and services?

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Devs cannot sell their currencies for labour vouchers.
Apart from that it really is just a self-contained system, it doesnt affect real life. We wouldn't ban monopoly money either, would we?
You could theoretically trade in game gold to other players for foreign currencies to spend on real life items (if other capitalist nations still exist), but the fun part about a socialist state is that we could make that illegal and thus punishable by law. If the whole world is communist trading game currencies for other game currencies, or for cryptoautism, is just a self-contained system with no real effects so who cares.

video games are capitalist garbage. they're only purpose is to provide silly escapism to the people.
In a communist society video games must be removed from society. Video games are addictive, they transform people's brains into shit, they become lazy, cynical, depressed…
Video games must be replaced with board and traditional games, because they bring people together and raises their socialization levels.

Are you also going to ban books? Because reading books is not "social"? It isnt even interactive, its just absorbing. Or ban tv? Or movies?

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i understand…but you must realize that you have an issue. you are addicted to video games. you must understand that while you play, the video game industry keeps making billions, because of people like you. you must be stronger user! this cancer must be removed. video games offer no purpose to the human condition, they are devoid of creativity, they are designed to make you a monster, to make you into a zombie with no emotions, who asks no questions

Socialism collapses and we get capitalism cause we have trade.
Literally fucking nothing happens because virtual currencies can't function as a means to expropriate collectivized MoP.

LARPing faggot

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I dont play video games you stupid faggot

>__ are capitalist garbage. they're only purpose is to provide silly escapism to the people.
>In a communist society __ must be removed from society. __ are addictive, they transform people's brains into shit, they become lazy, cynical, depressed…
>__ must be replaced with _ and __, because they bring people together and raises their socialization levels
lets play madlibs Zig Forums

things you could replace video games with here:


You're spooked. Decadence is the highest stage of civilization. Read Bataille

>Buying vidya

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people escape into video games and become all of those things because of capitalism to begin with

What would a communist RPG look like? Contemporary games make currency play much too large a role in their game worlds. But what mechanic would a communist developer replace it with?

I'm personally thinking it could be a fleshed out system of reputation and reciprocity. You have to do good deeds if you want to receive services from people, bring stories about your achievements and back them up with proof. If they find out you've been lying, you'll get in trouble. Something along those lines.

You can't ban currency. You can try, but it will be even more futile than the war on drugs. The most you can hope for is to create a large unregulated black market where trade is somewhat inconvenient and risky. The goal of leftism should be to eliminate the reasons why people want to have a currency in the first place, which basically means eliminating scarcity.

Will digital murder still be allowed in a society which bans murder?

Or by eliminating the social institutions that allow currency to function, such as private property.

No, a materialist wouldn't view them as being alive to begin with.

Then the money wouldnt be real either if it only buys items in the game in which it existz. Am i a millionaire because i came first in a Monopoly game before?

Right, I highly doubt GOSPLAN would care about how much money you have in GTA V online even if they still existed. Economic planners would view such "money" as nothing but play money thus not relevant to the political economy of the real world.

Honestly I wouldn't put it past the idiot masses to try banning depictions of violence. They evidently can't tell the difference between fiction and reality in plenty of other areas, and there have been various attempts to get the banned for a long time.

Only in so far as eliminating private property eliminates scarcity. The black markets which exist today don't benefit from state enforcement of private property. A drug dealer can't call on the state to arrest the guy who stole his drugs. Concepts such as private property emerge organically because drugs are scarce and some people are stronger than others. Ownership is decided not by the state but rather by the ability to defend your property.

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Sure, but that means the black market is going to mostly be limited to consumer goods. You cannot set up any significant productive operations without the protection of the state.

Hey fucko, ever heard of open source?

So you're saying organized criminals have never set up any significant productive operations? I'm a little skeptical.

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There's no problem if currency stay in-game only, there's already feodal video games for example.

Same thing if they start exchanging real money for goods and services.

This is like asking if monarchism will be allowed in video games, it's fantasy, why would it be banned? Things like microtransactions are obviously capitalist cancer though.

These, though you may see more fantasy rpgs/arpgs/mmo's like path of exile though with a barter system instead of gp or whatever.

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Your real life status shouldn't be allowed to translate into the virtual world. One should not be at any advantage over another just because they've spent more on the game. Even if you're trading real life wealth for virtual cosmetic items. Allowing this just promotes materialism which seems to be a common theme in popular games today. People should only obtain these items if they work for them by playing the game. This translates well into reality and gives a great message to young people and hopefully improves their work ethic.

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There is no difference between barter and money trade. Money trade inevitably emerges from barter.


No he's saying that if money doesn't exist and labour vouchers have replaced them there is nothing to exchange for drugs or any other kind of black market good since labour vouchers, by definition cannot be accumulated or transferred. At worst, assuming in the modern era your labour vouchers would be digitized, similar to a debit card, you'd get something similar to stolen EBT scams or fraud. There is simply no way you can set up a highly elaborate underground productive enterprise without contact to the outside world (i.e selling to capitalist states at borders or other such things) without money as a commodity because it cannot be used in kind of all other commodities. If the USSR had abolished Ruble Wages (it's arguable they would have been able to do this efficiently given the technology at the time) then the Black Markets in the USSR and it's allies wouldn't have been anywhere near as widespread or incentivized.

… yes? Clearly you have never played a heated chess match before.

dude have you played a video game

eh, I don't see any reason why games would have to follow our economic laws
but I guess maybe by just not having a market?
very strange

dude I talked mad shit when I played chess

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Current RPG's are retarded and not fun. It is 99% grinding either numerical "skills" (ie just sinking time into the game in order to be able to progress) or grinding for wealth to get an upgrade. There is hardly any skill or challange, its all just a huge skinnerbox.

Compare that to popular games such as minecraft, which are much much better. Nothing is locked behind arbitrary playtime restrictions, or behind "wealth" restrictions. You could go to the end and kill the boss with only stone tools, bow&arrow and a bucket, if you are skilled enough. Compare that to games such as runescape or even "building" games such as factorio, and the story is a whole lot different. In runescape or wow, you have to grind for money and levels. In Factorio, you have to follow the very specific set out path of technological upgrades, where you have to build whatever variation of specific automatic factory in order to have enough resources to research and unlock the next tier, only to do it all over again. Compare this to a truly free game like minecraft, where you dont need to unlock shit. You could find some diamonds in a chest in a dungeon, and go straight to diamond gear, the end tier. No mandatory spending grinding levels, no mandatory resources or things done.

Why games like RPG's are made is beyond me. Current RPG's are not role playing games, they are grind games. Very little skill involved, very little role playing, very little fun compared to the grind. Its not like a shooter or open world game where almost every action is fun and challenging. Open world games have started removing non-fun shit from their games, like escort missions or fetchquests, but RPG/MMO's haven't gotten the memo yet, appearantly. They just keep cramming their game full of overly stretched out, grindy bullshit, with very little challange, because its cheaper to produce and keeps players playing for longer.

There is nothing wrong with currency per-say, but it quickly devolves a game into a repeative process where people try to make money as efficiently as possible to get their new gear upgrade, as opposed to, you know, having fun.

Sounds very interesting. A good way to use this and combat trading-for-the-sake-of-trading is to do the following:
If you get an item drop, you can give it away to another player. An item that is received can only be re-gifted after a week. You could easily keep logs of if a player gives away items to people and build a reputation rating based on that. People would not want to give items to players with a low reputation, because they are unlikely to return the favour if they get an item they do not need. Players would be incentivised to share their unneeded items to those who need it so that they may receive items back from them or others. Maybe receiving disproportionately many gifts could negatively impact your reputation, which may negatively scale with your "level" or playtime, so that newer players receiving gifts do not get a shite reputation from the getgo.

you mean those things that are made to make your resume look nice so you can land a nice corporocuck job?

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yes :^)

Mate, how fucked in the head are you that you only do things that directly help you land a better job?


in this day and age it's not surprising at all. i'm being sarcastic though

Pol Pot is alive!

Agree, but people escape into lots of things: Literature, movies, music, drinking, societal activities etc.

Try Mother 3. There is no currency at the start until porky comes along and introduced it

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