6 July 2018
6 July 2018
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… the working class cannot defend itself by electing new, ‘left’ capitalist governments.
The only way forward is through a genuinely revolutionary policy, mobilizing the working class in Greece and internationally in struggle. It requires a direct assault on the capitalist class, the confiscation of their wealth, the seizure of the major banks and productive forces, in order to place them under the democratic control of working people, and the creation of workers states across Europe and the world. Such struggles require the building of Marxist parties to offer political leadership to the working class, in ruthless struggle against parties like Syriza.
Alex Lantier
they were amongst those shilling the hardest for them, many of them are members, as they are of the "european left", and it was the "stalinist KKE" that was accused of sectarianism for actually consistently and unanimously opposing these EU tools
but ok, whatever you need to tell yourself buddy
SocDem was a mistake.
CGI is getting really sophisticated.
Right on
Uhhh. If you can accomplish all that, establishing a "workers state" is rather counter productive, and has thus far has failed to work right.
The tl;dr of it.
some of your mates are really trying hard to impress us MLs by kissing our ass
their efforts are fruitless
we will never forget what an anarchist truly is like and you will be purged in the inferno of the revolution
also, anarchists sucking off zizek the whole time were really pushing hard for SYRIZA back then
just a friendly reminder
Don't you have a revolution to betray, Stalcuck?
don't you have anything other to do than shit rhetorics while playing entrists in cuckdem parties eventually just adopting their policies while on the outside crying foul?
of course you don't, it's literally all you ever do.
but i am oh so very impressed with your wsws smear against the KKE, which i will say again, in reality was the only consisently anti SYRIZA and pro communist party at that time, while you fags were sucking them off.
that video is related, one of you liberal cucks send this in a thread in a reply to me attacking you for your support of them.
the truth is simply that you are proven wrong and this spaghetti fest of yours is a poor attempt of damage control.
btw i like how you apparently think accusations of killing ⛏️rotskytes are somehow portraying the KKE negatively
if they can be accused of anything is that they didn't get them all
As far as 'socialism' in the current EU goes, Social Democracy is really your best hope.
Doing any of that would provoke a quick EU military intervention.
Believe or not, but the European porky is not about to just sit in Brussels twiddling his thumbs if you were to go fucking with his hegemony over the continent.
The only time any such overt action is going to be practical in Europe is when the EU becomes a formal nation-sate with a single military; Attempting to resist porky in Europe before then is suicide.
But then I do not expect anarchists to care about such things.
Fuck actually attempting to end capitalism, right?
It's really rude of you to keep shitposting online while your mummy is out in the drive waiting to take you to your young counter-revolutionaries meeting.
well fuck, good that capitalism is keeping the workers in greece in such condition then compared to open hostility and straight up massacring them by gunning them down because that's totally what would happen with the EU army. remember kids, don't resist, the capitalists are all mighty, just wait for them to crumble and come down to their knee!
that's true revolutionary theory if i ever seen one, haha, good work comrade!
big mouth for someone sucking off zizek and other liberal SYRIZA apologets so hard, guess that comes with all that facefucking training, little cuck
As we have seen in the 20th century, nations seldom get more then one shot at a socialist revolution.
The simple fact of the matter is that for all nations in the EU and in proximity to the EU, any such revolution would be swiftly crushed by a trivially small intervention force from the likes of France or Germany.
The material conditions and geo-political positions of those nations (and many other nations around the world such as Canada, Japan, Mexico etc) make any attempt at a Socialist revolution doomed to fail.
I would hope it would be rather obvious as to why throwing away the lives of your ideological allies over some childish desire for pointless, hopeless violence is not about to push the world any closer to the end of capitalism.
Instead the people of those nations should be focused on trying to establish the most equitable and worker friendly governments as possible, that will not draw the ire of porky.
From there, wait until things change so that an open revolution would not be suicidal.
Current attempts at overt strikes against porky should be focused upon nations where the geo-political situation allows for an anti-capitalist revolution to have a chance at succeeding in the establishment of a new government.
From there, such nations can provide a revolutionary base that can help others in their struggles against porky; Much like the USSR attempted.
The nations anti-capitalists should be focussing upon are the likes of India, Australia, Malaysia and Brazil.
ML never even gets off the ground. It always falls back on authoritarian capitalism.
What one group of people calling themselves anarchists do is no more my concern than what a bunch of people calling themselves Marxists or antifa or whatever. That's part of being an anarchist.
But part of a successful revolution is that majority banding together and overwhelming the statists. We aren't just against the capitalist scheme here. It's all legalisms that need to go
Well if I don't train myself to act like a Stalinist I can't infiltrate their orgs and subvert them now can I
SocDem is impossible at this point. It's dead, let it die in peace.
I've veered away from Chomsky's vote-as-left-as-you-can strategy since 2015
Not only am I not a SocDem I don't see a political solution to this at all. That includes M-L-ist statism. It ought to be dead, but they're giving it one more go based on what Bernie actually failed in doing.
After they fail in 2020, more and more of them will be at least willing to listen to reason from the far left.
As much as possible, subvert the law and abstain from the use of money.
An openly violent revolution will only end us.
Can you name a single actual policy they actually support non-Rhetorically that isn't SocDem?
We've hit peak anarchist strategic thinking, everyone.
I can actually attest to this. KKE has strong ties to the Hungarian Worker's Party, which has adopted a dubious strategy of trying to build a coalition of extreme right wingers and (mainly) nostalgic communists. Their reasoning is that the main enemy, the main face of capitalism, is liberalism, and at least extreme right wingers here have revolutionary consciousness.
The perfect recipe for remaining creepy and insignificant.
wew, really got me
"SU state capitalism u guiz X-D"
you convinced me, i'm an anarchist now!
good thing true anarchism is just around the corner now and for totes is just dominating the inbound revolution in greece this time for sure
btw jeremy corbyn is so cool, i really want to suck his dick! nomnomnom!
I think you have assburgers :DD
Liberals can't take it.
Lenin was a bourgie
Plenty of anarchists in Greece as well.
you mean like that last bunch of substance free paragraphs?
"plenty of anarchists in greece as well"
"if it just wasn't for the KKE that is totally irrelevant and just a few sectarian guys the anarchists would've done the revolution right then against the whole bourgeois state! damn those stalinoids kicking our anarchist ass!"
how new are you? every fucking time there's a cuckdem asking to get his dick wet anarkiddies here are the first in line to drop on their knees and telling everyone how good it tastes
an anarchist crying about others not reading their essays when it's you who refuses to read basic theory, not to speak of reality hitting you in the face every time you talk shit
now go namefag somewhere else you cancerous reddit twat
Can you explain in your own words how the soviet system was capitalism?
I would but you would either ignore my point or not read it all, so as far as I'm concerned you are not worth my time. :^)
oh, and lenin was a porker-
he already gives you a name to filter, just use it,
at this point he's just repeating already ridiculed platitudes
State centralized capitalism. Not unlike what China is doing now. The authoritarian government is the employer. Not liberal capitalism or the fairytale free market variety, but a form of capitalism
Lenin even said it was capitalism. Only later did Stalin declare it socialism. but that was a sham.
Ignore this shithead
I read theorists too. But you don't like theorists who disagree with your war leader's broke-ass ideology.
My point there was that it is next to impossible to reason with edgy teen-aged Stalinists
Those Atomwaffen Nazis are fans of him too lol
You do realize that the USSR moved beyond the NEP, correct?