I'm trying to prove a point to a mate of mine, send me any kind of links and stuff i can show him.
Any videos or such that could explain why they are an important entity in today's society?
I'm trying to prove a point to a mate of mine, send me any kind of links and stuff i can show him.
Any videos or such that could explain why they are an important entity in today's society?
Other urls found in this thread:
Paid Soros militants
Funny because I participate in ANTIFA rallies and I haven't received a single check.
Call your local Illuminati center.
it's not, they're adventurists and opportunists
They're not.
prove it faggot
There is no antifa. It's just a movement in most places not an actual group. There are antifa groups though some good some useless or counterproductive
you missing out
They're important because otherwise the working class would be able to manifest the popular will on the streets without having to worry about thugs enforcing a "corporate-approved views only" policy.
You do that for free? Dumb nigger.
They're totally to effective.
Posting funny memes about the (dead) soviet union and Stalin is much more effective at curbing fascism, oh also being racist on the internet and doing nothing, thats more effective as well.
*not effective
This. It's thanks to the brave Women and men of Antifa that I don't live under a fascist dictatorship.
That's a pretty cute straw man, comrade.
antifa is great because they are the real fascists
Fuck off. Based Antifa is the only thing stopping the USA from devolving into a brutal Trumpist regime.
They're just thugs playing around behind anti-capitalist rhetoric. I used to think, "man they're so unorganized. Is the left really so impotent that its most militant members can only destroy some windows at a Starbucks?"
They're not important, because they haven't killed laid siege to any government agencies or killed any billionaires. They might as well not exist. If you want to talk about the future, head over to my emigration thread
Antifa always perplexed me. I thought they were being ironic, because they don fascist paraphernalia, and their motive, by nature of being reactionary, by depending on the existence of so-called fascists to sustain themselves (that of the stereotypical "fuck the man" leftist), is a fundamentally fascist construct.
Liberals LARPing like it's the 1930's
you don't really believe that, do you?
Bye-bye baboon left.
Imagine being this divorced from reality. I was a Zig Forumsack for years, a Neo Nazi pagan and I've shrugged my spooks off one by one.
I still don't know how I had a view like this, eternally one sided and pretty much imprinting LOTR on to real life,
Unable to conceive why the KPD is growing when it's "public knowledge", i.e CIA lies that appeared in the cold war era and in Nazi textbooks, that the Soviet people were starving intentionally or systematically.
After Hitler, Our Turn.
eyy thassa spicie strategia della tensione
Imagine you're a German citizen within the Weimar Republic in the 1920's
You don't own a Radio, very few do, the entirety of your knowledge about the rest of your country and beyond comes from two sources, those around you, and that of print media.
The entirety of your experience thus far within the republic has been that of abject poverty, yet the main publishing outlets keep spamming that "everything is fine, don't worry about it's temporary".
Then enter the Communists who, thanks to the efforts of their socialist compatriots in 1918, are now no longer eligible for prosecution under the law for following their ass backwards ideology, and start propagandizing that something is wrong within the country (clearly) and heavily push the idea that it is the adoption of this capitalist society that drove them to this point.
The only alternatives to this thus far are parties that wish to reinstate the monarchy, liberals and social democrats, all of which are less attractive for obvious reasons.
Is it clear why they would be gaining support despite their failures in the east yet?
Show him this: independent.co.uk
You're free to see yourself to the gas chamber when the nazifag take over, pussy. As for us who still value our freedom, we continue to fight.
You can call some of AntiFas actions dumb / cringe but don't pull this shit that right wingers pull where they claim all they do is beat up boomers
Wait what proofs?
So yes ultimately I believe AntiFa does more good then harm
Unironically read icepick in regards to dealing with fascism
Speaking from the standpoint of a barely educated burger, antifa is somewhat effective at shutting down certain fascists from speaking, but it is not going to be able to mount any serious resistance other than shutting down stupid fascists unless serious organization occurs. I'm not against antifa, but I wish they took themselves more seriously.
it was a jest gomrade
I guess I have to turn off my flag to make jokes, or people will think i'm just being retarded
Haha yeah you tell em based antifabro
this basically
they'll never be able to mount a serious offensive to do anything more than that because it's primarily an anarchist 'org'
doxxing nazis = good
punching nazis = okay
not being organized = very bad
street fighting and shutting down gatherings seems like a bit of a waste of time
everyone is radicalized online nowadays
If you want to start counting the amount of straw manning antifa does, which probably led to that poster making that statement in the first place, we'll be here all day
Which is exactly who they're not assaulting when screeching at Boomers and college kids in MAGA hats. Call me when they protest outside of an actual Idaho white nationalist compound or they start getting into fights with members of the aryan nation. Not that it would matter anyway, their entire goal is so that their form of idpol dominates over the idpol of their enemies. Zero fucks even they did start fighting real neo nazis, which they still haven't done.
"Proud boys" and "Patriot prayer" were throwing up Roman salutes and screaming about "Smashing immigrants heads into the pavement"
I wouldn't exactly call that "MAGA Teen" and Boomer behaviour
Antifa is good in so far as its combats fascism.
Most of you have trash takes on antifa though.
Here's a nice expose of the groups involved at the recent riots
Certainly not what I would call "Boomer" and "college MAGA"
I was referring to greentext in past context, should have specified sorry.
stay home or win faggot
This guy gets it
Just look down our noses and scoff at the dumb proles who dont know theory, surely this makes us better then those cringe antifa kiddies.
Why did you make this post? Are you brainless?
Real talk, them not causing a major situation or even killing Trump when he was gonna become President caused me to grow out of becoming an Anarkidde
God they're so useless when it comes to combating fascism anyway does anybody wanna make a really funny glowing eyes meme of stalin or maybe mao hahahahahah
someone else do it for me……………………………
In spirit of the effortpost, I propose something.
Not dissimilar to leftypol efforts in the recent past, like making entryist youtube channels, propaganda debunking/anti-pol infographs etc.
We should make pro antifa media and videos. We need to successfully revive the antifascist effort to appear tough as nails and an actual threat. The major problem in combating Zig Forums tards is the successful effort on their part of filming weak baby antifa getting smacked out, or women in masks making us look like chubby manlets.
Essentially: We should make a discussion group on discord etc and pool together our best pro antifa webms, videos and photos making the far right look like weak fuckheads, where they currently have the upper PR hand, which from anecdotal experience is a major attraction for alt lite types.
Jesus fuck, it's all the same shit.
At least they aren't masked like the modern coward pieces of shit.
I don't know how "antifa" acts in other nations and a flag like the OPs suggests there may be more here, but frankly in the USA anyway our "Antifa" aligned groups are rarely that great.
They seem to fall into a couple of groups..
1. Masked, black-clad (sometimes a bit of red) people who just start shit. They're the ones who ruin protests and whatnot by getting violent and whatnot, which allows the media to tar the whole thing as violent extremists and invites police brutality. They've been there from WTO to IMF to anti-war to other left-aligned causes and they're a fucking pox. Some may be paid plants/informants/provocateurs, others may just be people not thinking long term.
The latest generation of these types are a major reason why the fucking alt-right got sympathy with those "punch a nazi" antifa types making the left look like violent loons while the right gets to cry like little snowflakes and milk it. Stop you assholes, you're making it worse!
2. The other side are the identity politics wing that align/call themselves part of ANTIFA . They do what idpol types do everywhere and generally fuck things up. A frustrating mix of type 1 and type 2 is on college campuses in the past year or two where they practice "no platforming" but looking like irrational loons chanting over the comparatively quiet and reasonable appearing right-wing type. If people could hear what the right wing moron was saying it could be debunked properly and they don't get to whine about free speech, but ANTIFA to the fucking rescue making these idiots look good!
Some may be just rev'ed up passionate people, but seriously guys, its time to think. If you want to fight fascism you can do so but right now you're creating the exact kind of street brawls that the Nazis would venerate and use to push them to power; you klnow, the stuff mentioned in the Horst Wessel Song!
the seek to collapse the system that protects the kikes niggers and jews. they are our useful idiots, they are vastly more advantageous to total aryan victory than any alt right
is that from… ask a ninja?
that uk or ira, tbh i forget
You're such a fucking idiot those are Neo Nazis being chased by Antifa
Really, antifa are uniformed cops with helmets?
they are great because the provide someone to punch for the right
keep at it nigs
Do you hear what the Nazi is saying at the start of the video? You should be able to pick up a few words although you are a burger.
You are fucking retarded.
This thread reaffirms the eternal truth that MLs are fucking worthless, get off your armchairs and do something you white fucks
this but unironically
Whats with all these cringe worthy anarcho liberals here lately? First that namefag roastie and now this?
You’re a sexist and not a leftist
I don't give a fuck about "leftism", I'm just a communist
You will accomplish nothing and you will die under capitalism. People like you are worthless.
They're not. They're wannabe revolutionaries who think going around and throwing small girls at beefy men is a good idea and wear shitty masks. Violent revolution almost never ends well.
Wouldn't that mean you're going to die under capitalism as well?
You're doing it fucking wrong, nigger.
The main problem with antifa is that they aren't trying to do violent revolution, but preserve whatever status quo there is.
Huh. Never woulda guessed.
Any struggle or movement that merely concerns itself with overt instances of fascism rather than the underlying causes , i.e., capitalism and bourgeois democracy, isn't really "anti-fascist" in any meaningful sense.
I recommend this piece by Dauvé: libcom.org
nice try officer
Antifa are fucking fantastic. They're a great marketing tool for Milo Yiannopoulos. Just go to a university full of LARPing retards. Watch them go smashy. Instant publicity. And who pays for it? Proles. Great fucking job.
Wow, reddit spacing between sentences. Also p sure Milo is fucking dead in the water and got his book rejected…
I honestly don't get all the negativity Atifa groups get on this board.
Sure, they're LARPers and most of them are dumb idpolers, but it's not like they can't be of some use from time to time.
They've successfully prevented fascists from speaking or organizing in public places and their existence alone serves as a reminder to the right that they can't just spout their horseshit unopposed and every time they show up somewhere there's at least a chance of a violent pushback. These are all good things in my book.
That said, they're still dumb LARPers so they're bound to fuck up from time to time and embarrass us, but all in all I think the pros outweigh the cons.
Essential reading for anti-fascists
Most of them technically are in terms of their relationship to capital, they just come from a more well off segment of the proletariat
you can only pick one
this is the future of all of you commieniggers
The problem is the lack of an evenly distributed effort and force. Some can kick the shit out of Nazis like youtube.com
And some, get btfo by some misguided prole like
Simply told pretty much all footage that's ever shown of antifa is them losing, and it's not because they actually are, when Fascists lose the platform for discussion, and means of free travel.
Zig Forums condemnation of antifa comes from a lack of perceived success specifically engineered by fascists and news outlets run by the Owning class.
Solution is simple: We need footage, we need editors, we need to shift that SJW owned/anti antifa narrative in to making fun of KEKistani larping autists
Funny that MILOs carter is over cuz his skeletons got pulled out of the closet by ANTIFA Ehh?
Where can I find the full antifa1.mp4 video online?
Lmao literally no people who are far left egalitarian communists are cool looking or tough in any way shape or form. None of them lift, they're are sickly looking vegan skeletons. Whereas hard right people who support hierarchy are usually /fit/ and healthy. makes you think huh?
Antifa are just silly anarkiddies, there's nothing wrong with neonazis and other fascists walking freely and shameless on the streets. Freedom of expression must be respected. Anyone who disagrees is a SJW snowflake!