When revolutionary conditions intensify in the first world, Porky is probably going to be able to blackmail and discredit huge swaths of the movement using their porn browsing history and fucked up hentai fetishes. How bad do you think it will be, and what can be done to alleviate it?
Internet Porn: Porky's Secret Weapon
Bourgeois moralism is a mental disorder and real socialists have no time for it.
My sweet summer child…
Holy shit please google the term sarcasm
it doesn't matter what I jacked off too when they're on the gallows
Do the masses have no time for it? And let's be real, loads of solid socialists have no respect for your bizarre and degrading fetishes.
Revolution doesn't happen magically.
yeah but if we're at the point of revolution people are a lot less caring about whatever weird shit people nut to and more about material conditions
Not much they can do but they can't go too far with it either. Start a witch hunt and nobody cares what a person might be besides being a witch.
They won't b able to show anything if we control the electricity ;)
You can't get to the "point of revolution" without building a party first.
Listen to this man. He knows what he's talking about.
that's you who needs to google "sargasm" :DDDDD his sargasm was sargasmier than yours :DDD you just didn't get it :DDDDDD
I sargasmd my bants :DDD
Apparently since no one seems to care about Trump's involvement with hookers, sexual abuse, and being peed on.
No one has to respect it fuckface but if you spend one slim second giving a shit about what other people fap to in the name of bourgeois moralism then you're not a real socialist.
double checkmate
Dr sargasMD, PHD n ebin studyeess :DDD
If the bourgeois state apparatus wants to try this route there are more effective routes for them to take. Trumped up sexual misconduct allegations made by police informants inside the organization, planting illegal pornographic materials on the mark's computer, etc. Things which would be far more damaging than the revelation that someone occasionally beats it to cartoons.
ITT: sarcasm levels critical
we must critically support nofap against pornographic imperialism
are you trying to say something, sweetie?
Tbh, imo the answer to this is a culture of honesty. Not to wear your fetishes on your sleeve, but don't be totally ashamed either - it's just sex stuff, and sex is stupid. If you get caught, just ignore it - the problem is that someone is snooping on everyone's communications for "dirt," not that you get off on weird stuff. What you get off to will never be relevant unless you are actually committing a crime. Otherwise, it's just some spying creeps who are rubbing your sex life in everyone's face - a plainly cynical move. Treat it as such, you are not a puritan, and if they want to pretend to be then they should not parade such private things around.
lad, you're being sarcasm'd on.
In fact, if your sex life is being paraded around to try to fuck with you, then you're doing something right. I hope I can get that far. The day that they start resulting to such brutal shit instead of just ignoring me, I'll know I've struck a nerve.
Of course this is going to happen. They're already doing it to the fringe right. Calling it here, Discord will give the browsing history of the Cville participants to Unicorn Riot. Guaranteed the conservatard-liberal alliance doesn't stop there.
That's a good point I guess, but if they just keep planting things that'll get old. Smears with an element of truth stick harder.
True but it'd be a major setback if you or your comrades were really striking a nerve and then have to deal with such a petty shitstorm.
OP perhaps peruses terms such as bestiality and other illegal varieties
nah, OP just looks up gay porn
Unironicly you just have to say you are bi and no one will care
In fucking greece of all places an actor that is also a mayor and always plays "manly" roles said that he could fuck a man a no one gived a shit
In general people tha agree with you dont care if you are ungly or uneducated or a fucking serial killer ,they will support you
Also i think the op likes 3d lolis
They've been doing it for almost thirty years now.
OP has an affinity for Cheese Pizza
*wink wink, nudge nudge*
We're talking about a time when a legtimate hobby is getting people fired from their job because they said something you don't like.
There will probably be some shitty CIA backed feminist movement that aims to disenfranchise (usually famous) people for their browsing history, and it will be posted all over the tabloids for people to gawk at.
ah shit dude ive been out sarcasm'd what ever will i do with myself
Socialism with anti moralist characteristics.
8/10 men below the age of 33 admit to viewing porn regularly. 2/3 of males begin viewing porn at the age of 12 (or younger) and at least half of all women in those age groups view porn. Pretty much universally, the most viewed porn categories are "young" "very young" "teen" "young teen" "milf" etc. In the coming years, you'll see controversies arise around politicians/elected officials (both radicals non radicals) and their porn history. Very soon though, people are going to become completely desensitized to it. Even now, the only people who are actually going to be offended by it beyond virtue signalling are old people (increasingly few, as at least 1/3 of 60 year olds are viewing porn, and even more 50/40 year old), radical feminists (rightly so) and christian fundementalist women (whose husbands are in all likelyhood watching it anyway).
Porn is absolutely degenerate, and the sex industry and its defenders undeniably needs to be purged from existence. That being said, unless you've been into some super, weirdly degenerate shit, people aren't going to care. I don't even think Loli will cut it, as pedophillia is gradually being normalized in western liberal society. Comrades should none the less make a real effort to get rid of commercial porn from their lives.
Do you think exposing my sick fetishes will stop me now? Do you realize how many times I've finished to the sight of crossdressing fembois getting fucked? Do you know how many times I've seen two gay japanese men crossplaying as touhou characters fuck each other? Nothing can stop me now.
Come and get me you ass mad ingrown pubic hair. Defending porn is not the same as defending the exploitative labor practices of major porn studios. The largest sectors of porn are amateur and streaming webcam now anyway, not traditional studio produced porn. Good look keeping consenting adults from jerking off in front of each other Quixote
How do communists call anyone Porky's when they literally live in the top 1% of global Wealth?
You're the porky to the black African without an iPad.
Frigid take my dude.
Time turn off your computer and read, comrade.
Peterson is that you?
What if you just murder them? Dead men can't blackmail anyone.
My fetishes give me power and make me stronger.
Post more sexy Tomoko!
Can't blackmail me if they can't get past the sad panda.
Stop watching cuckold porn and it won't be embarrassing.