Daily News Thread 7/7

North Korea: US is making 'gangster-like' demands on denuclearisation

North Korea has accused the US of using "gangster-like" tactics to push it towards nuclear disarmament after a fresh round of high-level talks.

China and Russia hit back at Trump tariffs

China has hit back after US tariffs on Chinese goods came into effect and President Donald Trump threatened to impose more.

Italy will not buy F-35s anymore, mulls walking out of existing contracts – Defense Minister

The anti-establishment Italian government's defense minister has said that the country won't purchase any more Lockheed Martin F-35 fighter jets from the US and will review the existing order for 90 planes.

U.S. using DNA testing in effort to reunite families it separated

The U.S. government, under court order to quickly reunify parents and children who were separated after crossing illegally into the United States from Mexico, has expanded its use of DNA tests to establish paternity in immigration matters.

US seeks extension over migrant family reunifications

The US government has asked for more time to reunite migrant families separated at the US-Mexico border as it emerged that some children's parents have already been deported.

U.S. Army Quietly Discharging Immigrant Recruits

Immigrant PhD candidate rocked by sudden US Army discharge.

Japan floods: Dozens killed in deluges and landslides

Flooding and landslides have killed at least 50 people and left dozens missing in western areas of Japan.

Hurricane, Tropical Storm Warnings Issued as First Hurricane Heads for Caribbean

Hurricane Beryl was located about 1,140 miles (1830 km) east-southeast of the Lesser Antilles.

'Law like Third Reich': Protest against extra surveillance powers for German police

Thousands of demonstrators have hit the streets of Dusseldorf, Germany to protest against a proposed law that would expand police surveillance powers in the most populous state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

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Other urls found in this thread:


inb4 op-eds

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Pruitt Resigns as EPA Chief: So What?

EPA administrator Scott Pruitt resigned Thursday. Will his acting replacement, former coal lobbyist and climate denier Andrew Wheeler, be less of a disaster for the environment?

Call to all Amazon Workers in Europe. In July …. a European General strike!

A call launched by the Spanish Amazon workers to all the workers of Amazon in Europe for a day of strike in the second week July during the Prime Day, because organizing a transnational strike is the only way that Amazon won’t be able to use its logistics network to weaken the effects of the strike.

In Portland, Patriot Prayer & Proud Boys Want Immigrants Heads “Smashed Into the Concrete;” Gave Nazi Salutes While Screaming Racial Slurs

On June 26th, Joey Gibson, a Republican running for a Washington State Senate seat and leader of Patriot Prayer, a big tent far-Right group, took to Facebook to describe the goals for his latest protest rally that was scheduled to take place in Portland, Oregon.

Trade war and depression

Today is a threshold date for the global economy.

Oppose siren calls

Some on the ‘left’ insist on running with People’s Vote and its call for a second EU referendum. Once again Jack Conrad argues that Marxists ought to condemn referendums. We favour representative democracy and working class political independence.

A ‘Reckless’ Fracking Company, Poisoned Springs, and a Family Forced to Buy Water at Walmart

Driving west along the Pennsylvania Turnpike from Harrisburg to rural Washington County, sign after sign pitted energy companies against environmentalists.

I like how when the PB first arrived everyone was so adamant and swore up and down that they weren't Nazis, and 2 years later it's like "whoops we actually are guise lol le trolled."


"Patriot prayer" sounds like an alternate name for the bad guys from Hotline Miami

It is our duty to make that big. Zig Forums must contribute actively to the world revolution so a new thread about that, where we could make this great, shall be created.

Eyes, burning a way through me
Overwhelm, destroying so sweetly
Now, there is a fire within me
A fire that burns

This fire is out of control
I'm going to burn this city
Burn this city


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Nobody wants to fuck you anymore America. Stop trying to whore out your paper mache jets



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Pic related, thanks grain lobby.


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The debacle of the F35 is a great introduction to the military industrial complex for normies.

"When that failed, they turned to threats[…]"
>"If Ecuador refused to drop the resolution, Washington would unleash punishing trade measures and withdraw crucial military aid."
>"The showdown over the issue was recounted by more than a dozen participants from several countries, many of whom requested anonymity because they feared retaliation from the United States."


What in the fuck can the US offer the world no fucking peace, just no fucking autonomy at all

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petition to rename the news thread to a scream webm thread

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Fixed it

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I'm sorry if you're all going to call me a fucking sjw identity politics fuck, but at this point is there a god damn question the current administration hates women

It feels like all the worst fucking targeted sadistic global control and within the nation itself an undercurrent of "now we're here, divorced five times, I don't care I don't care, fucking I don't care, where is the money. Oh, it's fucking global motherhood? Get me the department of defense"

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Fuck you faggot. A serving of meat a day is fine.

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I'm gonna call you a partisan liberal because this has fuck all to do with Drumpff. Go masturbate to Jon Oliver elsewhere.

Do you not understand Trump doesn't control the entire government, and in fact, Republican elected officials currently are extremely high off their ass on their own fart fumes

Because you're right this doesn't have anything to do with Trump, but our government is not nearly as neutral on identity issues as you think they are.

I'm not a liberal. And you're very naive.

Porky doesn't care about whether his actions help women or hurt them, just whether or not they fatten his pockets. And whatever they decide, they're going to do that regardless of whatever puppet is currently occupying the white house. Bourgies will preach for more women CEOs while simultaneously bombing women in the middle east. Capitalism doesn't give a fuck.

which is why I'm calling you a partisan liberal for blaming

Yes, I agree, however the undercurrent of American politics is not nearly as neutral towards race and sex as you think they are currently. The idea the Louie Gohmerts of this fucking government just care about profit is, naive I'm sorry.

They're Evangelical Christians with strong Zionist leanings who have a natural bias towards being good old boys. That's who they are. That is the US government.

No, that's not just why. You're incredibly naive. That's all.

Me, Smart: The US Government just cares about politics, not the Bible even though they have a history with Southern Baptism, Mormonism, and Evangelical Christianity. The ideological slant in which they inform policy has nothing to do with any of this

Wow I guess we all should have voted for Hillary to avoid the hellscape that did not exist before November 2016.

What Democratic talking point am I repeating lol

The idea that the government not only influences decisions based on profit, but of their strong biblical convictions as well. Where did I say that Democrats were good? Point it out? I was implying every year gets worse and the government, for better or worse, gets more emaciated and open to corruption. Does this mean I think the US government was at any point "good"? Fuck no. It just is worrisome it's becoming more corrupt to bend to of all things the milk lobby on foreign policy that involves motherhood.

If you heavens to fucking betsy think the US government, as it currently stands, doesn't have a strong bent towards Evangelical Christian Boomers with wads of cash in control of industries related to agriculture lobbying politicians with the same Evangelical beliefs

Yes you are naive, and misreading my point entirely.

The problem is we don't know where the identity politics inside the US government and its lobbying begins, and if we just pretend they're all neutral, it brings hazards to the working class of not just the US, but seemingly the entire planet.

That is my point. If you at all disagree with it, I'm sorry that you're that naive.

Mate you have a little too much faith in the US government not acting on identity politics in concert with money, not the user

That's his whole fucking point though, the cynical way capitalism uses identity politics to fuck over the working class is old as fuck, and it definitely doesn't require some christian boomers to be at the helm. The idea that this'll all go away if we just get some enlightened atheists in the driver's seat is retarded beyond all belief.


I wasn't saying it would be better with Atheists, I was suggesting their age and their ideological undercurrent, both within and without industry, though it's hardly a distinction anymore; is specific.

Yes, the current administration. Do you not understand nuance. Democrats are just as fucking bad.

And I'm saying the problem isn't people with X attitude towards women or Y attitude towards women, it's an economic system that puts profit above all else,and will continue to make people suffer in pursuit of that profit regardless of the specific ideologies of the people in charge. If you actually read the fucking article linked in you'll see that it mentions that baby food lobbyists attended the Geneva meetings, which should be a gigantic fucking red flag that this was much, much more than a simple squabble regarding fundamentalist ideals. If Porky thinks he can make more money by forcing women to buy baby formula over breastfeeding naturally, that's what he's gonna do regardless of if he's a Christian or some superwoke liberal.

It is an economic system, however I really doubt it's without its sexism in foreign policy. Think about it, it's demoralizing, they're Evangelical Boomers, both inside and outside the government lobbying and getting cash

I mean you seriously can't think that the US doesn't operate this way, right?

And people question our anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist stance.

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Operate in what way? I honestly can't even tell what it is you're arguing anymore, every other phrase out of you is some vague bullshit about Christian Boomers. Are there sexist people in charge of US foreign policy? Yeah, probably. Would it change much if there weren't? Not really.

Our foriegn policy is to be as cruel as possible at this point. Biased towards women and men. What can you get out of the idea the dairy industry influences our foreign policy in regards to mothers

That this isn't sexism, of some form, or kind? It is a kind of corporate power over women's bodies, by Evangelical Christian Agricultural CEOs sending lobbyists to a largely Evangelical Government.

What I'm trying to say here is, it isn't just business. It is business, but it's also very much ideological. The religious right is in control of the state, that hardly means that Democrats are good.

I don't understand why you can't just understand the idea, really affluent extremely religious boomer politicians want woman to suffer. That is their MO

Dosh is a much simpler and more rational explanation.

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Business is an ideology in and of itself, that's my whole fucking point. This wasn't some Two Minute Hate against women you're desperately trying to paint it as, but instead a group of corporations trying to hang on to their ever-shrinking profits by any means necessary. It's the economy, stupid.


The US is acting like a Captain Planet supervillain, again.

keep it to yourself, you utter moralist shithead


thx newsanon

See the thing you're not getting, is I agree with you. I however, think this is a casual kind of behavior these people were raised and socialized in, and really, it's profitable to the milk industry. I both agree with that. I'm just suggesting, with the amount of evangelicals in the government, since I lived with them; the casual sexism is a feature.

I'm not suggesting they're mustache twirling villains (though they are, you get my point), I'm just suggesting they see women differently, particularly women of other Latin American countries differently. I'm not saying past administrations are exempt. It feels like whenever I bring up the idea everyone gets on my ass, but I've been raised by these types and I know how they work. Both in business, in parenting, what they expect from the government.

I don't deny anything you're saying at all, just that sexism of a kind is indeed more blatant. Because they do not know or understand they are being sexist, or perhaps they do. Whatever the case, I doubt these kinds of politicians are robots who just get happy with money, they enjoy human suffering as well.

If you take issue with their opinions, feel free to apply as an executioner and torture them before killing them.

If it wasn't sexism, they would use some other prejudice as justification to dick people for money.

Okay, so what is even your point, then? "But some people actually are sexist!" I know that. Nobody argued otherwise. I'm saying it doesn't fucking matter.

Are you seriously implying a bunch of middle aged to elderly rich boomers in the state and the agricultural industry aren't sexist and/or enjoy human suffering

Because I'm telling you I've been raised by these people and they absolutely hate Hispanic people. They think they're rats, and their women are vectors of stds and breed like rabbits. I really doubt the majority of our elected officials feel that differently. They mostly come from the same background, and our current immigration crisis really reflects their casual belief.

What you have to understand, is they don't even think they're being racist or sexist. That's the danger of it, the possibility that more extreme fundamentalist ways of household life are normalized within the state combined with moneyed interests with the same background.

That we're becoming more similar to a religious state. I concede, with most atheists, it would be the same; however most atheists today are just as brainwashed into their own little spheres so the point is moot.

I'm saying big agricultural money and state power is becoming more casually religious, and that's not good.

And as for "B-But your a Democrat!"

Democrats benefit from all of this so why should they care either. Social issues and identity politics motivate the base, but they won't do shit in power to chart a different course. They share the same lobbyists, I scratch your back, you scratch mine

To performatively oppose the Republicans and keep up the political theater that keeps the proles voting one way then the other. They especially benefit from nitpicking shit like you are doing to distract people from capitalism.

Sounds like you are overestimating the relevance of your personal experience tbqhfam.
Nobody ever thinks they're the bad guys. "Racist" and "sexist" were not always seen as bad things. The reason people don't see themselves as racist or sexist today is because those things are almost universally agreed upon to be bad. This is a linguistic change you're pointing out, not a significant difference of mindset. Democrats, Republicans, and lolberts are all racist. Fucking Obama is gentrifying Chicago with his presidential library.

I'm telling you, it's not. You don't understand how these people and their families operate.

Bruh, its the babies who are going to suffer. Babies come in both genders. Also think its highly sexist if you to imply only women care about the welfare of their ofcspring.


after german company VW another scandal

Womp womp.
So you're telling me imports aren't the angels beating back the American Devil-mobiles? Was Trump right? Have we been discriminated against this whole time?