Zizek and the polish party

does anybody have the link to one of the talks on youtube where Zizek talks about the Polish Kaczynsiks comment: teraz kurwa my, now it's our fucking time to fuck the whore….

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If I remember correctly it wasn't a vid but an article
ask in /r/zizek

Question: why is the nosemaster so pro-EU?

PiS is part of christcom gang

Attached: christcom.jpg (1280x720, 115.47K)

He just follows Varoufakis' line.

He is spooked by gene modification and nanotech and thinks the only way to stop it is through superpowers: of which he wants the EU to be a socialist one.

One word: Hegel

Zizek is just a neocon in leftist clothing even if he's anti-Zionist. He believes the solution for the crisis of capitalism is muh progress and muh European values; he's a colonialism apologist on the basis that western colonialism/chauvinism sublates indigenous cultures into the universal. He loves the EU for the same reasons liberal Zionists love Israel: he sees it as what he *wishes* it were, as opposed to what it actually is.

lol no


Sub-Altern pls leave, you're not communist

He's constantly repeating himself but here's one instance of it.
bonus Zizek

Are you really denying the EU is an imperialist power which needs to be dismantled?

Have you stopped beating your wife?

False comparison.

do your parents know you're gay?

and its on highest level since communism times

Oh wow for one day porky can't move his money how revolutionary
SocDem policy
SocDem Policy

Christian Democratic "Socialists" were literally the ones who sold Poland down the river to porky in 1989

Read what he wrote on why the UK should have stayed in the eu

Polish politicians aren't actually these Nationalist Anti-EU Warriors that Zig Forums shills make them out to be
In reality the polish political landscape has a bipolar view on EU with them supporting some policy fully and hating over policy

entire society has been tricked
by porkys including communists true

but the former government was sponsored and paid for by the german imperialists. Poland was and still is in many aspects german colony.

so if there is no better leftist option I'm fine to stay with what we got right now

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what? how is Poland a german colony nowdays? they refuse to pick up middle east refugees and laugh at Germany face about it.

german tv ,german newspapers, german stores, politicans,
since new gov we take back national tv but
its a drop in the ocean.

I really like how the new polish government made Israel so furious with that holocaust law ahahahha

i like how people like you are so gullible with retarded popullism to smokescreen the fact that you are whoring out your nations to imperialists

what do you think germany "gives" all that money to poland, still? how delusional are you?

what is people like me? who am i? fuck off you shitcunt.
take off that flag, you don't deserve it you useless fag with too much free time

He's not wrong.
I am pretty sure zizek does not love the current EU. He wants to radically reform it, just like varoufakis, but thinks we have a better chance if we can take it as a whole rather than balkanizing it.

why don't you just go full idpol faggot and say what you mean. "shitlord". come on, dye your hair blond, little tough guy.

yes, who and what are you? it's a complete mysterie. seeing how this is the only issue you take with my post and something you bother to reply to i definetly nailed it there. get lost, faggot.

yeah, that's totally gonna happen
just like radically transforming the leftist greece movement by being SYRIZA shilling cucks
the success speaks for itself
radical social democracy NOW guiz, this is not a drill, totally gonna happen next time x-D

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But also

Do you think i'm informed about everything that's going on in Europe all the time?
It was a legitimate doubt, because i wasn't expecting to see a bold claim that Poland is still a german colony. In my mind, Poland is the most americanized nation on the EU.
And they also beat up people from my country becaue we look like arabs.

"It's not a joke *raises finger*, check it on wikipedia"
Lmao this fucking guy

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liberals always play their hand